Thursday, February 28, 2002

...all that is solid melts into air...

Unfortunately the mirror of the irdial mp3's I have been hosting at (a.k.a. will be disapearing at some point in the near future. Unfortunately the lease line it has been sitting on is going to be repalced by ADSL. I will try and bring it back up again on the new ADSL line but there may be bandwidth restrictions and early indications are that it is none too reliable. Also my own position there, always somewhat, er, irregular, may be under threat too as I have just discovered I am under investigation by the fraud departments of certain government agencies.

...and in other news...

Feedback in the New Scientist reports that the BPI is trumpeting " Sales upturn lifts UK market to new high,.. Total revenue grew by an impressive 5.3 per cent over the year. . . As has been the pattern for the last couple of years, the growth was attributable to buoyant CD album sales." As feedback notes hardly the loss of sales, due to illegal copying, that the BPI and others have been using to justify new CD copy-protection schemes.

Since we are on the subject of cold treatments here's two of mine.
Chop up 1 or two lemons pit into a jug sufficient to hold to pints of water, add 1 tablespoon each of the following herbs:
Yarrow, Hyssop, Peppermint and Elderflower.
Add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, a large piece of fresh ginger, chopped, and honey to taste. Add two pints of boiling water, cover, and leave to steep for at least twenty minutes. Strain the mixture and drink a wine glass full a regular intervals, gently warmed.

The 'sun-leaves' - i.e. the large shade leaves growing at the base of a certain plant well known for its medicinal qualities may be gathered and 'slolarized' by putting them in a clear glass container and covering with brandy (or similar) and then leaving them on a windowsill or other place where they will catch the sunlight. At the end of six weeks strain and decant into a dark bottle srored in a dark place. A teaspoon or two of this mixture, taken straight or added to a glass of the above mixture or your own favourite remedy will prove to be highly eficacious in cases of the 'flu.

Handy hints: in Mozilla 0.98 press shift+ctrl and click on a link. (You are runnnig Mozilla, aren't you.)

[posting this on my shiny new Pentium 1Ghz laptop but we've only just retired a 386 (with all of 4Mb of memory) in my house]

pIII 866 the p4's are getting so cheap in pricing it's tough not to want to upgrade right now. memory has been going up or at least stablizing in price though. i find it's still expensive for 256 sticks but not like when we were buying those 64meg 72 pin simms. i just started learning perl via an on line course, yahoo!!! does anyone here use it often? and lemon and honey dav! lot's of it. sleep and movies dosen't hurt either. btw: after this mornings breakfast i am convinced that is the most evil invention of all time. i want to bathe in it.
I got you beat Dav; I work day in and day out on a P][ 400 Its true, its true. Ive been swearing to fix this for AGES, an am actually looking for a motherboard, box, processor combination: hence the posts about custom boxen, ovaclokas & suchlike.
Useful Photography
So much for the First Amendment: U.S. court acts to limit tax-avoidance promoter David Cay Johnston The New York Times Thursday, February 28, 2002 "A federal judge in Florida has ordered one of the biggest sellers of tax-evasion plans in the United States to stop making statements that income taxes are voluntary and that the Internal Revenue Service has no authority to collect taxes. On Tuesday, however, the Web site used by the promoter, Joseph Sweet, still featured statements declaring that income taxes are voluntary and are turned over to eight bankers in Puerto Rico and that the Internal Revenue Service is a criminal organization. Word of the decision against Sweet, who says he has close ties to a congressman who wants to end income-tax withholding, came as several anti-tax groups calling themselves the tax honesty movement were set to begin two days of meetings Wednesday in Washington to build support for their views. The groups have petitioned the federal tax agency and the Justice Department to show them the law that authorizes the government to collect taxes and prosecute those who do not pay, and they have urged people to stop filing tax returns until their 299 questions are answered." [...] Very poor journalism: here are the links that are missing from the article:
"$.0023 per download...record companies and press play get 91% of revenues." It should be clear, even to rock drummers that putting your IP in the hands of a monopoly is commercial suicide. What I find amusing is that the managers of these drug soaked sluts in leather can get them to parade themselvs like westside whores to denounce Napster, but when its revealed that they are being screwed by the monopoly, they are all totally silent. 1000 downloads and they get $2.30: now thats what I call Prostitution®! "As one rock manager computes it, if a consumer buys the standard Gold Plan on Pressplay, paying $19.95 for 75 songs downloaded to a hard drive and 750 streamed so that they can be heard only once, an artist, after these deductions, gets $.0023 per song downloaded. To earn a penny, more than four songs must be downloaded. "I did the math with several other managers and lawyers, and the labels and Pressplay get just under 91 percent after they've paid all the artists for all the downloads," said Jim Guerinot, who manages No Doubt, Offspring, Beck and Chris Cornell. Other managers come up with other figures that they say are even worse for the artists." use cypherpunks/cypherpunks to register.
i love the goon show. it was fantastic comedy.

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

Father Thames by Spike Milligan Let us look at the River Thames One of England's watery gems, Oily, brown, greasy, muddy, Looking foul and smells of cruddy. The Conservancy say they're cleaning it. So why is it the colour of shit?
oh yeah, street style! photoshop anyone?
What the fuck? U.S. drops pledge on nukes By Nicholas Kralev THE WASHINGTON TIMES The Bush administration is no longer standing by a 24-year-old U.S. pledge not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states, a senior administration official said yesterday. [...]
Morpheus is down because the underlying protocol has been yanked from under thier feet. Whilst checking out Kazaa's website: You see Cameron Diaz in 3D making a pitch: take a look at it, very slick, very neat.
Your welcome back gift: The Cathedral and the Bazar: The obvious one: German Govt sweeps out closed source software for the good of the nation and here is more on that implications of Open Source software in the news thats alot to read if you are reading carefully. Where the hell have you been??!!
This is pretty well made, well made and pretty.
put down the crack pipe perhaps this is the answer
When I was young, empty aluminum soda cans were everywhere in the streets. They literally lined I95. Then something happened. Machines were installed all over the place that paid you cash for old cans. You took your cans to the machine, it crushed them and paid you coins. In short order, there were no empty soda cans to be found anywhere. Today, you would be hard pressed to seen a can lying in the street. When recycling pays you, your garbage dissapears, because suddenly it has monetary value. This is something that has always inspired me; make garbage valuable and it will dissapear; just imagine using this pressure to clean up every other type of garbage. The cities of the world would soon be cleaner than...well, use your imagination. In London, the mayor is charging 5 pounds for people to drive thier cars into central London. This is stupid. Back in the 1980s, the Greater London Council reduced the price of an underground ticket to someting like 20p. The cars literally dissapeard from the streets. London does not need charges to enter with your car; it need cheap or zero cost, abundant public transport. Also, the motherfuckers are going to use digital cameras to scan the licence plates of cars driving through the city. You will be billed automagically (aparently). If you do not pay, you get fined 80 pounds. Of course, that computer will have a record of all the people who have driven through the city. No statement has been made about how this data will be used and who will have access to it. They say that around 180 million will be generated each year. This is not enough money to fix the problems of Londons public transport. Its probably not enough to maintain it at its current state of broken-ness. Either way, Ken Livingstone is DOING SOMETHING instead of sitting on his hands...admirable, if flawed in response.
"Reaching the highest level of Plug and Play capability occurs when the BIOS, operating system, and system hardware are all Plug-and-Play-compliant. When a new device is added to the system, Plug and Play will detect it, install it, and configure the system resources and driver software for the component. The user doesn�t need to do anything but plug the device in and use it after it has been dynamically detected and configured. This is Plug and Play at its best, and when it works, it definitely makes everybody�s life much easier." maybe this is the answer

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

diahhrea is no good. it makes the bum chafed. :)
"After all, the group that controls security also controls surveillance."
that is absolutely right. commerce is good. for now it is the system with the greatest possible freedom and the most potential for future growth when we move beyond the need for commerce, however it's achilles heal; responsibility. the individual. when 'free thinking' banner carrying western sheep yuppies are crying (and rightfully so) about the money influence oppressing third world economies causing civil unrest, extreme discontentment and finally murder what they fail to see is their malaysian made jogging suit they wore to the protest is more responsible for the exact situation that they are protesting against; more so than any bomb. it is the lemming support given to the purveyance of oppression that makes me sick while one believes that they are doing what they can to stop and heal the conflicts by going to peace protests; which in itself has even more stigma attached to it. it's cool to protest, don't you know? you can carry a sign till the cows come home but until we choose to understand holistically why these problems exist and see the multitude of causative factors for ourselves, free of the self imposed constraints of the comforts of blind so sold "cool" conformity then we will have what we have got now: death. i have wanted to post this for a long time and now seems the perfect one. this sign hangs out by our recycling bins and outlines the kind of thinking we need more of: "when you factor in the overwhelmingly small amount of consumer waste that actually gets recycled with the fossil fuel required for this process, all for the purpose of making more consumer products to keep us perpetually contained & distracted in the illusory sensation filled world of the matrix, then you may eventually come to the conclusion that recycling is a bit of a feel good but do nothing scam. reducing and reusing are where it's at!"
Think of it from the point of view of someone else. Would you rather that you were this person or someone with an income from a sponsorship deal? Im not quite sure what kind of world everyone expects to live in; it would be interesting to read what kind of commerce free utopia you would like to see exist. Explicitly and in detail. Certainly, there are aspects of buying and selling and advertising that are not, for example, to my liking, but these aspects can only exist if the population are sheep; it is the "fault" of the illiterate, blind, deaf and dumb unwashed masses who can take the blame for the "cattle business" that is the management of the masses of human beings in the west. When a monkey is hungry and he is siting in front of an apple tree, he takes an apple. There is no confusion. Humans are the same. If a country is empty, they take it. If the population are undefended, they over run them. Americans, and the way that they approached the creation and the current running of thier country are very "natural" people. They do what they want, take what they want, and have done so from the start. At least, they are consistent. At least, there are avenues of redress (even if sometimes they are theoritcal only) available to evey citizen. Frankly, I would rather trust them than trust people who have no respect for themselvs or thier own freedom, not even theoretically. I'm talking about the pass laws and enforced labor laws in certain European countries. The undemocratic and unrepresentative European government which arbitrarily controls European destiny, without a whisper of complaint, or single legal route of challenge. I am talking about the laws in Canada that make certain types of speech illegal. The silence of people who sit quietly and take that sort of abuse is more loud and more sickening than the most crass commercialism, and if crass commercialism is the price of being free, then I'll hear that noise, and embrace it. Like I said, anyone has a better idea, give it; don't keep it a secret.
is it any different in australia or norway or canada or germany or spain or the uk? america is just too stupid even try and hide the cold truth we all live under. it's the big show. fact. indirectly we are all responsible. how many blogdialians wear nikes etc?? i was at a peace 'protest' here in vancouver. many were waving banners and half heartedly cheering..."no war" "stop the enslavement" "stop the corporate war". yes...yes!!! so i am among friends all of us standing there feeling determined to look and to see and to change. then as my eyes wander the crowd; i notice dasani water bottles and north face jackets and nike hiking boots. the once not so pathetic 60's revival tunes being sung began to fade into the true nature of our western mentality. blind concession to protest®. i am baffled, really.

Monday, February 25, 2002

yes winmedia=poo winxp=poo blogdial=the best! btw: i got in deep on osx last night at a friends and ....whoa! that is an interesting interface. i like that you can navigate thru many folder structures so easily in one window. i didn't get into the back end stuff too much as he just payed the mega$$ on the powerbook but still i really liked all the navigation elements on the desktop etc. hell that machine is made to run software, and run it well! it's just know, mac. negativland-time zones=yes! gwb=shaved
thanks anthony, that link worked. i like your clip, playful little groove with that punctuating high-hat...yah! here's something i do when it hurts: lemon + honey put the kettle on squeeze 1/2 fresh lemon into large mug add 2 teaspoons of honey pour hot water over, stirring slow movements, deep breaths ask your friend to rub your toes or maybe the cat will come and sit with you while you sip... :)

Sunday, February 24, 2002

First of all, one shouldnt be running XP. Period. Secondly, one should be running a firewall. We STILL have to run Win98. we run it with a firewall. Whenever windows media player tries to connect to the internet, it is blocked by the firewall. It tries to do this even if you are viewing or listening to a local file There are very few circumstances where you need to run WMP7, and so, this is not really a problem if you know what you are doing. There are SO many windows DivX and DVD players that you should never EVER have to use WMP7 to view anything.
nothing new but...winmedia7.1= "February 24, 2002 Technology's Threats to Privacy Microsoft's newest Media Player, included free with Windows XP software, has a privacy-invading feature that came to light last week. Media Player quietly keeps a log of the DVD's it plays. So users who thought they were watching movies privately were actually leaving behind records of what they have viewed. The software also sends information back to Microsoft in a way that allows the company to match individuals with their music and movie choices." "After the problem with Media Player was revealed, Microsoft amended its policy statement to tell users that it was logging DVD titles. But Micr$oft did not tell users how to stop Media Player from logging the information."
Free of Charge GILC Web-Based Remailer html Hushmail Zixmail Anonymouse COTSE ANON.XG.NU's Web-Based Remailer Chicago Fee-Based ZKS Freedom SkuzNET's The Internet Mail Network Mailanon http://www.mailanon. com/ IDcide
"Last Updated: December 4, 2001" Yes indeed, I have seen it; it used to come up as the second result when you searched Google for Irdial...
From the Daily Telegraph: (use / guest) The Government absolutely lacks the political will to deal with the violation of one of the most fundamental liberties of the people it governs: their right to feel safe in their own homes. Given this scandalous situation, it is time for the Government to confer a new right on the people: the right to bear arms. Gun control in this country is in any case a joke. There is far more gun crime now than there was before the idiotic law passed by the Major government to ban handguns after the Dunblane massacre. The police obsessively regulate shotguns and rifles held by sportsmen who have no intention of killing anyone with them, while failing utterly to control illegal weapons. In America, the two states with the highest level of gun ownership - New Hampshire and Vermont - have the lowest levels of crime. One of the most murderous places in the United States, Washington DC, has the most rigorous gun control in the Union. For a householder to shoot a burglar in most states in the US is regarded not so much as permissible as part of his civic responsibilities. There is, as a result, very little burglary in America. In this country, when a man shoots a burglar who is part of a gang with more than 100 previous convictions between them, it is he who goes to jail - for life, until Tony Martin's sentence was reduced on appeal. Many of these appalling crimes are committed by junkies, which might lead some to argue that they would be insufficiently rational to respond to greater deterrence. They may well not respond when they are on drugs, but that is their problem. Apart from the error that rights are conferred, this article is pretty amazing.
anthony, would like to hear your snippet but i am getting an unsupported document type on clicking. can you post again?? merci!

Saturday, February 23, 2002

"And here we have that despicable album "The Wall" by Pink Floyd" Bob Mortimer, whilst constructing a sugar cube replica of the giant wall used by Pink Floyd at their Berlin concert in '79. From the hit programme "Top 10 $music_genre"
Checking in on the "products" that are available from the usual suspects, I am sorry to have to report that the offerings of such suspects are pitiful and wanting. There is little listening, much compromise, and an overwhelming feeling of "I want to sell cars on TV" going on. This a Good Thing® and A Bad Thing® Its a good thing, because it means that the usual suspects are, as we correctly thought, completely out of steam, and we have not been wasting our time trying to track down something that does not exist. Its a BAD thing becuase it means that the usual suspects are, as we correctly thought, completely out of steam, and we have nothing to track down and enjoy. "Boss Hogg, you are WRONG because you are looking at THE USUAL SUSPECTS and you should be looking for 'the bad guys' in the places where you least expect to find them." This is correct. Be my guest. Show me the money. Make my day. Prove it. If a bear shits in the woods and there is no one there to smell it, it might as well not smell. If someone somewhere has created the next leap, then I am desperate to hear it. Book him Danno. Murder One.
Ah yes, there IS a Conet Project sample in there. When the site is redesigned, I think I am going to put in a "Conet Project Sightings" list, and give away prizes to people who report sightings of TCP on other peoples records. What a cheek!

Friday, February 22, 2002

Get him a Slinky® Everyone needs one.

Required Reading

Guy Debord's The Society of the Spectacle translated and online... Debord's book -- easily the most important radical book of the twentieth century -- has been translated into over a dozen languages. This new translation incorporates the best renderings from previous English versions, but is clearer and more accurate than any of them. The Bureau of Public Secrets website features numerous texts by and about Guy Debord and other members of the Situationist International, the notorious avant-garde group that helped trigger the May 1968 revolt in France.
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 12:19:31 -0800 
Subject: Oral Sex Donation 


You have received a donation of 10 acts of fellatio from
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx ( 

The donor added this comment:

Woooweeee! Tasty like butter!
Somebody here love(s)(d) me!

Thursday, February 21, 2002

UFO Fly-By Predicted For The Olympics The massive security at the Winter Games could be put to the test Thursday when a delegation arrives in an unusual fashion. Intergalactic visitors are expected in the early evening, according to a woman who claims to have had "multiple visitations" by the aliens.
Anthony Manning Concision: Which of you will be the first to review it?
Like Estes Camrock, only...better!
anthony, are you viewing the web page at: ?? as for 20:02 2002 2002 i'll let you know as it hasn't happened yet via the curved earth. funny that.

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Oral Sex Donations Accepted
What were you doing at 2002 2002 2002? I was on the phone to Mimi Majick...
20-feb-02 14:25 world
Sorry, I meant the last link at the bottom right under the OC and Irdial logo, which says "ping". Did you sign the petition Anthony? Its something everybody that writes programmes should do; imagine if someone patented the method of adding one number to another; every time you did that, you would have to pay royalties, every time you used it in a programme, etc etc. And of course, every program that you used would also have had to pay a royalty, and so software would be more expensive, and Open Source / Free Software could not exist. Which is why this is being proposed in the first place.
Dont forget to ping at the right, next to the logo after you post!
No more Mr Scrupulous Guy How one of the two brains behind the Iran-Contra scandal this week became one of America's most powerful men John Sutherland Guardian Monday February 18, 2002 Last Wednesday something strange happened. The American population was instructed to panic. Place themselves, that is, on a state of highest vigilance. Some cataclysmic act of terrorism would happen - within hours. But nothing terrible happened. Something creepy did. On Thursday there was an inconspicuous news item. John M Poindexter had been appointed to head a new agency "to counter attacks on the US", such as Wednesday's no-show. It is equivalent, in British terms, to Jeffrey Archer being made chancellor of the exchequer. The agency which Poindexter will run is called the Information Awareness Office. You want to know what that is? Think, Big Brother is Watching You. IAO will supply federal officials with "instant" analysis on what is being written on email and said on phones all over the US. Domestic espionage. You want to test it out? Text-message any American friend, "Bmb OK. Allah gr8". The IAO is one of two new offshoots of the Pentagon-based Darpa - the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (it's venerable ancestor, Arpa, invented the internet). The other new agency is called the Information Exploitation Office. Its mission is to supply similarly instant analysis about overseas enemy targets. IEO will employ the computerised sensor networks that have proved so successful in Afghanistan. And, from now on, America - with IEO guiding its smart weaponry - will launch sneak attacks. No more Mr Nice Guy. IOA and IEO will get a big chunk of the $48bn of the taxpayers' money George Bush is pumping into his war on the evildoers. Never again will it be said that US intelligence agencies went to sleep on the job - or that they were too careful about the American citizen's civil rights to do that job. No more Mr Scrupulous Guy. Poindexter is frighteningly smart and very unscrupulous. He graduated top of his class at the Naval Academy in 1958 and went on to a PhD in physics at the California Institute of Technology. He returned to uniform as America's best-educated sailor. He wasn't a desk warrior. Poindexter commanded missile destroyers. He won medals to hang alongside his academic diplomas. He is the model for Tom Clancy's hero, Jack Ryan. [...],4273,4358017,00.html
net.flag this is mine 20 feb 02 1:33 0101010101 ps. dav, i want to see your flag for 20:02, 20/02, 2002

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

I second that thought, Anthony. pure fun: especially on the Bach Inventions.
ich ben�tige ein taffy, meine hyper aktive st�rung zu vereinbaren! they were asking for it with that ad. micros should avoid using ****cks in their ads unless they like being tuffed on the bum like a naughty dungeon slave. oh yeah that sounds like a photoshop challenge.
LEGOs are still fun. And this game proves it.
There are many of these on the Team page. Have they all been 'screened' for acceptability and trust? Those are the ones that got in under the wire. Many of my friends have to use yahoo etc as a personal address which is very 'real' due to privacy and disciplinary problems at work. Then give that as a reason and you will be gladly invited in/on. I've stated before that my internet knowledge is poor, so where should one go for an acceptable 'real' e-mail address if yahoo et al are not good enough? At least Richard Xxxxxxx is using his name in the address rather than a nickname or number. If you can use blogger, your internet knowledge is very good. Believe me. Your ISP normally provides you with at least one free email address, and many megs of storage for your messages. If they dont, they are cheating you. And is Richard Richard Xxxxxxx his real name? Was his "surname" Asshole? It was X'd out, so you can only guess!! I've not been on this list long, but have found it very stimulating. However, I'm not particularly impressed by the treatment of Mr R X. He may very well have good reason for not using his work address, and trust and 'need' work both ways. Sorry if this offends anyone. In order to keep it stimulating/fresh/cool, we are blocking out anyone with a throw away or LaMeR email address. Period. They cause trouble, contribute nothing, dont read their throwaway address email, and add friction to the meme stream. If anyone has a good reason to have a throwaway account, they should give it. It happens quite often, and we manually sign them up. The instructions are clear when access is denied. People who cannot read and learn are of no use to us, and so must be denied. And of course, there is no good reason for ANYONE to have an aol account. We need people who can write, who can learn, who will post and who can laugh. And as for anyone being offended, they can fuck off, because you, Alun Kirby, post here, you post hard, you post often, and that means you are more important than them. They have to either shit or get off the pot or get flushed. BTW I did a bit of "technical support" for an AOLER last week; my word, AOL7 is an abomination like no other Its a complete frankenstinian monstrosity, and not only that, because AOL does not use standard internet protocols for its email (no pop 3/smtp), you cannot use AOL as your ISP and use another email client to read/send your mail. Also, AOL cannot (according to three service reps, one senior) forward all your mail to another email address. There are third party services that do this for you, but you have to pay for this. AOLers are literally locked into a proprietary and degrading system that cripples their experience of the internet, and locks them in to an incompatible, feature poor system. They DELIBERATLY make it difficult to leave AOL, by not offering mail forwarding and acces via other email clients. The Horror...The Horror.
Richard Xxxxxx wrote: >My email address is the one I use for >my personal mail. Why is it a "bad" or "disposable" address. People frequently use Hotmail, Yahoo and other free "email anywhere" addresses to subscribe to mailing lists for fear that they will be put on spam lists. This is a legitimate fear, but anyone who knows anything about us will not have a problem with giving us thier real email address. Read this: To gain a better perception of how these email addresses are viewed. >It could be I suppose, but it's not. If you connect to the internet from home or your office, you will have a real email address. You need to use that one. >I would like to subscribe to your newsletter though. Thanks for your interest Richard! >Please let me know if this explanation is satisfactory It is in no way satisfactory. It's not even funny. Use your real email address, get a real email address, give us a good reason or demonstrate to us that "yes indeed, you need me". ath0 irdial

Sunday, February 17, 2002

is that elvis costello?? and then there's BOB!! Radikal!!!!
This post is being made in Lynx...Xfree86 n00ked for Gnome by a script that creates font aliases for math symbols. Upgrading Xfree98 to 4.2.0. This is called poking around in the system!

Saturday, February 16, 2002

> Dear Friend, > > Please join us in stopping a reckless energy plan from passing the > Senate. Instead of solving the challenges posed by America's demand > for energy, this shortsighted plan proposes that we develop some of > the last pristine wilderness left in America, the Arctic National > Wildlife Refuge. We can't let this happen. We're beginning our > actions on February 11th, and we won't stop until a real energy bill > is passed. Please join us in taking action now by sending your Senator > a free fax at: > > > > This dangerous energy plan has already been passed by the House of > Representatives, and was written with the help of oil industry > lobbyists. The Senate is our last line of defense. If we don't act > now, our world will be forever changed. > > There are alternatives. Senate Majority Leader Daschle has introduced > an energy bill that would jump start investment in clean electricity, > increase fuel efficiency of cars and trucks, and does not open places > like the Arctic to harmful drilling. This bill includes a "renewable > portfolio standard," which would require utilities by 2020 to increase > by 10 percent the electricity generated by wind, solar, and other > forms of renewable power. In fact, many scientists believe that it is > technologically and economically feasible to reach a 20 percent > increase by 2020. And by raising the fuel economy standards for new > cars, SUVs, and trucks to 40 mpg, we would save 4 million barrels of > oil a day by 2020 - more oil than we import from the Persian Gulf each > day and could expect to get from drilling in the Arctic National > Wildlife Refuge, combined! > > We need your help - now -- in convincing the Senate to protect the > Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and support a real energy plan. > Please forward this email to your friends, and go to: > > > > Sincerely, > > Mike Diamond > > and > > New Power Artists: > The New Power Artists: REM, Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys, > the Roots and Live join the effort that has already included the > Beastie Boys, Barenaked Ladies, Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, Dave > Matthews Band, Blues Traveler, Moby, Trey Anastasio (from Phish), > Jackson Browne, Alanis Morissette, James Taylor and others > > and > > American Oceans Campaign, American Rivers, > Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund, Environmental > Defense, Greenpeace, League of Conservation Voters, National Audubon > Society, National Environmental Trust, National Parks Conservation > Association, National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense > Council, The Ocean Conservancy, Physicians for Social Responsibility, > Sierra Club, The State PIRGs, Union of Concerned Scientists, The > Wilderness Society, World Wildlife Fund > > To be removed from future Beastie Boys-related messages, unsubscribe: > >
Hello unto you. I (David Cotner) am generally loathe to hoist the black flag of the "good fight", but something came across my desk recently that I feel is interesting and important enough to be addressed. I don't want to look the fool for petitioning a situation that has already been resolved. As it happens, it has not. My inquiry to the belowmentioned individual on the Swedish IASPIS board (in order to encourage some semblance of fair and accurate reporting) has been unanswered and ignored. The crux of the situation stems from the action detailed at the following site: So, now I present this very strange case to you. From: "Ingrid Engar�s" ." ------------------------------------------------- "We, the undersigned artists, curators and cultural workers, seriously question the decision taken by the board of directors at IASPIS, concerning the abrupt termination of the Stockholm visit of the internationally acclaimed artist John Duncan. Duncan was invited to Stockholm by IASPIS to work and stay as an artist in residence for a period of six months. His performances and concerts, at Fylkingen and F�rgfabriken so far, have deeply affected and inspired several Swedish artists to develop their experimentation in the fields of sound and performance art. Several respected artists living in Stockholm were looking forward to a spring with even more opportunities to experience the powerfully dynamic works of John Duncan. Artists and cultural workers in Stockholm were glad and thankful for the generosity and support shown by IASPIS for inviting Duncan, among others, to inspire and develope the vital Swedish scene of experimental contemporary arts. The reason given for the termination is that IASPIS suddenly became aware of "Blind Date", an artwork performed by Duncan more than 20 years ago. "Blind Date" were performed during a time when the artist were researching the extremes of human behaivior, social taboos and the very limits of his expressions, especially in the areas of death and sexuality. Duncan has in no way hidden his history of extreme experimentation, to IASPIS or anyone else. Over the years he has openly discussed his works in lectures, as well as in interviews in a variety of respected European, Japanese and US publications. Duncan was invited to Stockholm to work with his contemporary art, especially in the field of soundart. This is exactly what he was doing, in full cooperation with the IASPIS staff, when his residency was unjustly terminated. His collaboratory soundwork "Palace of Mind" (Allquestions) was released recently on CD and has claimed a place of its own as a highlight of contemporary experimental music innovation. We think it's unacceptable to judge anyone for activities performed 20 years ago, which have no relation whatsoever to the activities that Duncan is currently pursuing in Stockholm. We find it an embarrassment to the Stockholm art community that IASPIS has chosen to arbitrarily disregard their contract long after it's been agreed upon by both parties, in fact several months after Duncan has been working here. Their insulting disregard of Duncan's rights makes the entire Stockholm art community seem as weak and fearful of their jobs as the IASPIS board of directors have shown themselves to be in the eyes of our international colleagues around the world. Their actions also raise serious doubts about the treatment that all present and future invited artists can expect from the IASPIS program. We ask the IASPIS board of directors to reconsider their decision in a mature and serious manner, and not to behave like bureaucrats in panic for their positions. Grant him the full stipend that IASPIS is legally obligated to pay, which he needs in order to survive in Stockholm while finishing the work he came here to do." ------------------------------------------------------------------- Your name, profession, country & email
A banner for the age:
Every Playboy Playmate of the year from 1960 to 2000:

Friday, February 15, 2002

"we going to disneyworld! and we'll be driving there in our....... ....NEW Ford® Ranger. (then we are going to get wasted on bolivian blow and get into every eurotrash club and denny's in north america, eh red"boris", eh. USA#1 U.S.A oh, um... we mean....o' canada). "Analog sound recordings are continuous representations of the changes in sound pressure (air pressure) to the diaphragm of the microphone that recorded them. How the sound gets from the microphone to an analog recording medium like a vinyl record or a cassette tape is not important here just that it is a continuous, unbroken stream. If an analog recording was to be represented by a graph you would have to put the pencil down and draw a smooth curving line without lifting your pencil. The actual recording has theoretically infinite detail since you can pick any two points on the line, no matter how close together and find a new point between them. Digital recording. The key word in understanding digital versus analog is the word digit((duh)). Whereas an analog recording is stored on a medium that allows a continuous curve of changing sound pressure values a digital recording does not. Digital recordings are a series of snap shots of the sound pressure at a precise instant stored as a number, as digits in a computer. In a digital recording you can find two points right next to each other for which there is no value between them. A digital recording would be best graphed as a series of stair steps since it is not known what the values are between the points where the sound pressure was actually measured." your ears will tell you the same thing! analogous!
"...the technology is astounding - all rubber bands and mechanical moving parts - when you slide the play switch it's connected to a rod that pokes a small switch at the same time as swinging a capstan into place and connecting two cogs!" Yes indeed; imagine a watch from the late 1700's, still ticking away perfectly. It still tells the time, if you can read mumbers. This is the great power of simple, mechanical systems. Longevity, durability, beauty, quality. Applied to sound, it is a great solution to the problem of sound reproduction. Magnetic tape; proven, long lasting good sounding...future proof. All of this is missing from master recordings today.

Thursday, February 14, 2002

oh yeah baby
Someone Clever Said: The division between lending and copying is pretty clear. With physical objects it is, yes. Many years before electronic computers were invented George Bernard Shaw observed : If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas. Thus demonstrating a basic difference between sharing physical and non-physical things. They are different. It is pointless making comparisons. Before recorded media was invented, if you wanted to share a song, you would sing it so that others could learn it. Similarly with stories. Then we developed ways to make these entertainments into physical objects. This cost effort/money, but allowed these entertainments to be brought and sold, and their distribution could be controlled and limited. We have now invented technology which means that they can be shared in a non-physical way again, digitally via networks, and copied at virtually zero cost. We have a choice now. We can deliberately create mechanism and laws to limit the copying and distribution of digital files, or we can choose not to. The debate should be "What is the most civilized thing to do? What would be best for mankind?" Unfortunately these days global lawmaking is heavily influenced by America, and America has been corrupted by corporate power arising from a basic selfishness in the modern America value system. This means that civilized debate about this very important issue is not occuring. It wasn't always this way. There used to be things called vision, ideals, morals, justice and great men who fought for them. America was founded by great men. Today it is run by corrupt, small-minded intellectual dwarfs. Time for a change.
"President Bush is set to announce a plan today calling for voluntary measures to slow but not halt the growth in emissions of heat-trapping gases linked to global warming, White House officials said last night. The climate proposal is Mr. Bush's response to the Kyoto Protocol, the 1997 treaty accepted but not yet ratified by all other large industrialized countries, which would require cuts in such emissions by 2010 to well below their 1990 levels. Mr. Bush rejected the treaty last March, calling its targets arbitrary, its schedule too costly to meet and its terms, which are not easily applied in large developing countries, unfair." & -the evidence

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

the possibilty the reality the reason
"Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened. Don't open the door to the study and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument. Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground." - Jalaluddin Rumi
In the camera-filled U.K., the London borough of Newham claimed its pilot scheme produced a 21 percent drop in crimes "against the person" and unprecedented decreases in criminal property damage, vehicle-related crime, and burglary. In August 2001 the U.K. approved a further �79 million (about $114 million) for 250 new CCTV systems. Simon Davies, a fellow at the London School of Economics and the founder and director of Privacy International, estimates that the country has at least 1.5 million CCTV cameras now in place. Jason Ditton, professor of law at the University of Sheffield in England and director of the Scottish Center for Criminology in Glasgow, is one of the few academic sources of CCTV information. His research, funded by the government's Scottish Office, shows that the cameras are not cost-effective and that they reduce neither crime nor the fear of crime. His 1999 study of CCTV in Glasgow's city center revealed that although crime fell in the areas covered by the cameras, the drop was insignificant once general crime trends were taken into account. Even worse results were in Sydney, Australia, where a $1-million system accounted for an average of one arrest every 160 daysa quarter of the Glasgow rate, which Ditton thought was poor. Moreover, it is not clear how much of a role the displacement effectthe shifting of crime from one area to another plays. A Sydney city council's report indicates that the cameras probably displaced some crime to areas outside the lens's view. And therein lies a fundamental design conflict. For the cameras to be an effective deterrent, everyone has to know they're there; however, to be effective in spotting criminals they need to be covert.
A bookstore to die for.
Lemon is better than lime, and I can prove it: Also: Above is better than Below {52 to 48} On is better than off {91 to 8} A is better than B {89 to 11}
"i don't know why i am so stupid!"

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

i can boogie too!! something like: big titty b*tch they think they is the sh*t bring you ass here and ride on this d*ck hey it's much better that watching the news!
gung hay fat tuesday!!

Gung Hay Fat Choy! Peace and prosperity to us all!
What Video Game Character Are You? I am Kong.I am Kong.

Strong and passionate, I tend to be misunderstood, sometimes even feared. I don't want to fight, I don't want to cause trouble, all I ask is a little love, and a little peace. If I don't get what I want, I get angry, and throw barrels and flaming oil at whatever's stopping me. What Video Game Character Are You?
What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Space-invader.I am a Space-invader.

I will happily recruit the help of friends to aid me in getting what I want. I have no tolerance for people getting in my way, and I am completely relentless until any threats or opposition are removed. I try to be down-to-earth, but something always seems to get in the way. What Video Game Character Are You?
new a.m. song: "I Think" I Think pieces of very dry poop are really a huge problem I Think pretzels are too much on my mind I Think mary baskets have got a lot to do with why the world sucks But what can you do? Like a marbly white rain, beating down on me Like a CUMmings line, which won't let go of my brain Like hey you's ass, it is in my head Blame it on george bush Blame it on george bush Blame it on george bush I Think dildo island pictures are gonna drive us all crazy And a pair of karl marx logo socks make me feel like a child I Think baseball porn videos will eventually be the downfall of civilization But what can you do? I said what can you do? Like a marbly white rain, beating down on me Like a CUMmings line, which won't let go of my brain Like hey you's ass, it is in my head Blame it on george bush Blame it on george bush Blame it on george bush Like a marbly white rain, beating down on me Like hey you's smile, cruel and cold Like CUMmings's ass, it is in my head Blame it on george bush Blame it on george bush Blame it on george bush
Where in America, Mikkel?
What Video Game Character Are You? I am Mario. I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble. What Video Game Character Are You?
"Why" Young Guitar Players, Clueless Imitators, Bass Players Why God, Why? Clueless Imitators, Useless Drummers, Travis Why God, Why? What have I done to deserve this black horror? Surrounded on all sides with the Hell of Travis Like a Andrew Dice Clay character, I'm wordy and alone Why God, Why? Lifeless Singers, Young Guitar Players, Utter Loosers Why God, Why? Travis, Utter Loosers, Bass Players Why God, Why? What have I done to deserve this black disaster that is my life? Surrounded on all sides with the Hell of Travis Like a Andrew Dice Clay character, I'm wordy and alone Why God, Why? What have I done to deserve this black misery? Surrounded on all sides with the Hell of Travis Like a Andrew Dice Clay character, I'm wordy and alone Why God, Why? Why God, Why? Why God, Why? Why God, Why? Why God, Why?
What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Breakout Bat.I am a Breakout Bat.

I am an abstract sort of creature, who dislikes any sort of restraint. If you try to pigeonhole me, I'll break the box, and come back for more. I don't have any particular ambitions, I just drift, but I am adept at keeping life going along. What Video Game Character Are You?
no way, that is fucked. people are so lost it's amazing. Acre Of Pacific Ocean Item No. 25049 Company Wins 25-Year Legal Battle To Claim Pacific You can own a one-acre deed to a large claim of Pacific Ocean floor and become part of international maritime history. Originally claimed to preserve our fragile undersea environment and protect it from seabed strip mining, this land is yours to do with as you please. Located in the Pacific Ocean midway between California and the Hawaiian Islands, you purchase full ownership to the land and any minerals under it and right of free passage in the water above it. A stimulating conversation piece and exciting family project, you can even plan an ocean cruise to "visit" your underwater property. Perfect gift for anyone with an interest in our oceans and for the person who has everything. You get a fully descriptive deed suitable for framing and information on the struggle to claim the ocean floor for the benefit of all humankind.
Best box set ever. I recommend it to anyone with a foot. posted by corpse at 5:05 PM PST on December 19
Best As-Yet-Unreleased Album Inspired By Number-Stations Recordings
Wilco, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Wilco has already gotten tons of press for Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, a mesmerizing album that the band's label rejected as too weird to release. But just as intriguing as its experimental airs and shadowy Internet-only availability are its little-discussed allusions to The Conet Project, a four-disc collection of recordings from so-called "number stations." The source of Wilco's eerie sample of a little German girl intoning "yankee... hotel... foxtrot," The Conet Project is full of seemingly nonsensical recitations of numbers and words heard on mysterious short-wave radio frequencies. Nobody seems to know why they exist or who's responsible for them, but that hasn't stopped Thomas Pynchon fans�or Wilco's Jeff Tweedy�from taking a little time to wonder.
Google is sooooooo bad!
<--12.21.2001--> So, I was reading through The Onion's Best Albums of 2001 today, and I came upon a mention of the unreleased Wilco album, "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot", which they noted borrowed from the CONET Project, which was started by uber-indie label irdial. So, what is the CONET Project, you ask? It's an encyclopedic collection of recordings of shortwave number stations. Number stations? Yes, these are uber-secret shortwave transmitting stations that broadcast people speaking numbers in a pattern that are assumed to be highly-highly encrypted message (they have NEVER been broken). Anyway, these are all VERY creepy, as you could imagine people reading off lists of numbers coming crackling through the ether would probably be! Well, irdial has a very open publishing policy, and i managed to get all of their recordings, all four discs, in mp3 from a mirror. I also yanked their 80-page booklet that went along with it, that is VERY informative, and if you want to know more about number stations, I suggest read it.

Monday, February 11, 2002 The BEIGE World Championship Cassette Jockey Championships is the biggest, most influential, and only audio cassette based music competition in the world. It is the finale event of the Version>02 Festival and is open to any CJ [cassette jockey] who registers. Prizes include items donated by the sponsors below, a championship trophy, and the knowledge of, if you win, being the best cassette jockey on the planet. The event is also based heavily on the Technics/DMC DJ Championship with individual timed sets, elimination rounds, and a judges panel. April 20th, 2002, Chicago, USA RULES AND REGULATIONS Competition is open to Cassette-Tape Jockeys (CJ's) only The CJ must perform solo - no teams are permitted The only equipment supplied in the Championships are: 1 - 8-channel (4 stereo channels) upfader mixer 1 - Vestax PMC-07 Mixer (2 stereo channels with crossfader) 1 - pair of dual cassette tape decks 1 - pair of Walkman cassette tape players 1. Competitors may supply any other cassette tape decks/players/recorders/etc. 2. Modified cassette tape devices are allowed 3. The use of headphones is permitted but must be provided by the competitor 4. Competitors may ONLY USE PUBLISHED AUDIO CASSETTE TAPES for source material (no dubbing cd's/vinyl/8-tracks/mp3's to tape, no home recordings, etc.) 5. Spliced tapes/tape loops are allowed (pursuant to rule #4) 6. Competitors may use no more than six (6) cassette devices ***In order to better clarify the rules, we have assembled a Cassette Battle F.A.Q. consisting of answers to emailed questions.*** All competitors will be judged on the following criteria: A. Technical Skills & Tricks (techniques, speed, tape modifications, etc.) B. Transitions (consistency, smoothness) C. Form (overall musical structure) D. Entertainment Value (stage presence, ability to "work the crowd", etc.) E. Originality (creativity, selection, etc.)
The Export Control Bill, which is presently before Parliament (the Hansard report starts here), has serious implications for academic freedom. One of its goals is to extend export controls on armaments from physical goods to intangibles such as software. However, the powers are so widely drawn that they give ministers the power to review and suppress any scientific papers prior to publication. They also give ministers the power to license foreign students - not just at British universities, but students taught by British nationals anywhere in the world. Section 2, on `transfer controls', says that `The Secretary of State may by order make provision for ... the imposition of transfer controls in relation to technology of any description. For this purpose `transfer controls', in relation to any technology, means the prohibition or regulation of its transfer:- *by a person or from a place within the United Kingdom to a person or place outside the United Kingdom; *by a person or from a place outside the United Kingdom to a person or place outside the United Kingdom (but only where the transfer is by, or within the control of, a United Kingdom person); *by a person or from a place within the United Kingdom to a person or place within the United Kingdom (but only where there is reason to believe that the technology may be used outside the United Kingdom); or *by a person or from a place outside the United Kingdom to a person or place within the United Kingdom (but only where the transfer is by, or within the control of, a United Kingdom person and there is reason to believe that the technology may be used outside the United Kingdom). The penalty is up to ten years' jail, and ministers are also allowed by section 6 to `amend, repeal or revoke, or apply (with or without modification) provisions of any Act or subordinate legislation.' Even by the standards of the `Henry VIII' powers seen in some recent Acts, this is extreme. The first draft of the proposals surfaced in 1998 in a white paper, following the arms-to-Iraq scandal. Until then, Britain's arms export control laws covered only physical equipment; by comparison, US law enabled the authorities to ban electronic exports too. This meant in practice that researchers in Britain (and most other countries) could distribute software containing cryptographic routines freely, while our US counterparts could not. The US government lobbied for other countries to fall in line, and the Export Bill is the result. (Following opposition to the initial white paper from the Trade and Industry Select Committee, it was promoted by a roundabout route - by first promoting it as a European agreement, then excusing the bill as a European obligation.) Curiously, this is happening just as the USA is abandoning many controls on intangible exports, after some high profile prosecutions of activists ran into trouble. So it looks like the positions will now be reversed: Americans will be able to export software more or less freely while Britons will labour under a licensing regime. But that's not all. The UK proposals are very much more severe than anything experienced in America, and they affect much more than just cryptography. The list of technologies whose export `electronically' would become subject to licensing is set out by international treaty (though the DTI could add extra items if it wished). The relevant treaty, known as the Wassenaar Arrangement, covers most of the subjects of interest to scientific and technological researchers, whether directly or through the tools we use. For example, two of my research students use a focussed ion beam workstation to modify semiconductor chips. This machine is export controlled. What that means today is that the University has to get approval to buy one, and again several years later when we dispose of it. In future, we may need individual licences for my students to use it (one of them is Russian, the other Korean). They may also need to get a licence whenever they share a program they have written for the machine with another foreign national, or anyone overseas. As one of them is employed on an EU contract with French, Danish and Belgian collaborators, there could be even more forms to fill. The proposed law would have effects right across science, technology and medicine. For example, teaching medicine to a foreign national would appear to require a licence; many of the core curriculum subjects, such as bacteriology, virology, toxicology, biochemistry and pharmacology are central to a chemical and biological weapons programme (indeed South Africa's programme was set up and run by PW Botha's personal physician). Other problematic subjects include not just nuclear physics and chemistry but also aerodynamics, flight control systems, navigation systems, and even computational fluid dynamics. The new law would cover most of our research in computer science (fast networks, high performance computing, neural networks, real-time expert systems, hardware and software verification, reverse engineering, computer security, cryptography) and could even force a rewrite of lecture course and project material. The Department of Engineering would be hit by the listing of numerically controlled machine tools and fibre winding equipment, robots, optical amplifiers, software radios and aero engine control systems, as well as many lasers, gyros, accelerometers and similar components. The restrictions that previously only applied to physical hardware objects will be extended to the software used to design, test, control or operate them, or to integrate them into larger systems. There could be a severe impact on collaborative research across national boundaries, including the EU funded research which now accounts for a large proportion of our science base. Such collaboration necessarily involves many intangible exchanges of technology. In the late 1990s, for example, I worked with scientists in Norway and Israel to develop a candidate encryption algorithm which was a finalist in the Advanced Encryption Standard competition, run by the US government. This involved sending over 400 emails back and forth, many containing fragments of source code. The DTI has confirmed to me that in future such exchanges will require a licence. As three-quarters of Cambridge's research students in science and technology are foreign nationals, licensing will have a significant impact on the research base. The added delays and uncertainty involved in export licence applications will add to the pressures on departments; and it remains to be seen whether the licences would be sufficiently broadly phrased to support current ways of working, in which researchers move at will from one topic to another, and form ad hoc collaborations to tackle particular problems.
"Our people are awake, and hate America"
BBC: French Fries to be Patented: "Will we have to pay for the right to have a takeaway? A charity is hoping to patent the chip and claim it as an exclusive product. Next time you pop down to the chippie, you may find that the price of a bag of chips has gone up."
V/A: ELECTRIC FLAT LAND cd+ SR181 barcode 5411867111818 TRACK LISTING # / musician / title of the track 01 object: progressive object #1 02 g�ographique: myrtille 03 j-drik: charme partag� 04 mash'ta: the unperfect tao circle 05 k�hn: p�beriosum 06 jardin d'usure: how to dismember 07 p'chu: ct 138 second choice 08 seal ph�ric: rebound 09 ultraphonist: schoolbook 10 urawa: hypog�e 11 todor todoroff: solo/feu 12 martiens go home: faks�skali 13 kern: rsd_duty recycling 1 14 rm: examination rmx 15 the joint between: visiting card 16 fr�d�ric marbaix: ondes / film
Dear Ms. Westey: Thank you for your inquiry regarding our Pam Cooking Spray. In answer to your question, the product was named after the inventor's daughter. We hope this answers your question. Again, thank you for your interest in our products and for your patience in awaiting this response. Sincerely, Jennifer Bowen Representative Consumer Communications
i know i know.

Sunday, February 10, 2002
just wanted to let you guys know that playing last night was a blast. finally a fun night! quite a good time getting out and about. nights like that remind me why i actually do love to play records for dancing crowds. great when you can do what you really love and find that other people love it too. a truly open crowd. and yes, that is a sacrilidge. as if the 303 needs any mods. it was good enough for marshall jefferson to random xs. period.
I am Angry
We call it "Sacrilidge"
interesting person.

Saturday, February 09, 2002

those who are listening to the radio and are swayed are lost already. can they be de-brain washed? ??? canada has similar gov controlled radio and media, the cbc. 'mind you' though there is good programming but still things that are underground®....truly so are always ignored for the palatable more 'acceptable' forms of _________. yes f*ck controlled media. but unfortunately i have given up already. remembr the stealing and redistibrution of the wave spectrum in the mid-90's in the us. f*ckers gave away $$$$ and rights free to a very small hand- full of major corps. noone even noticed while they were buying moby cds at the virgin megastore or sitting at starasshole$' having their coffee. it went un-noticed. auction my ass
Yes indeed; payola is disgusting, especially when you live under a place where the government has absolute control over the radio.
wow a, that is disgusting.
This is what happend to the guy who refused to play Humanoid on the radio. Thats how it got to number one.
can i tell you something funny? so you guys are going off about stakker humanoid last week and i go into my local record shop and i'm going thru the stuff and then.....i see that classic orange jumpin' & pumpin' label. lo and behold....stakker humanoid. ah, life. and hey some good news for once: "Poultry Industry Quietly Cuts Back on Antibiotic Use" -see appropiate source also btw: i have a gig tonight opening up for sutekh and some other crappy minimal sf people. just to let you know i will bang them into oblivion and show them my disgust for their music® via the real jams. you better believe i will be playing menage a trois too. i will let you know how it turns out tomorrow. wish i had warm/storm here as the anger is already swelling.
Has anyone from Back When® remember the "fist full of fivers" story tht was floating around about the Stakker/Humanoid chart sucess?

Friday, February 08, 2002

ok, we had some computer issues here yesterday so i couldn't post it but there was a photo on the NYT site last night/yesterday showing native american indians on a back drop of the olympic flag. the story was about how native peoples were joining the ceremony et al and so on. ok, that's a great thing yes, ok good. BUT on the rollover of the image the bubble read as follows: "tribes get their '15 minutes'." that makes me sick, truly. the us and western peoples have committed true genocide successfully on the native peoples of this land. using the term '15 minutes' is beyond condescending and i am amazed that the times would be so callous.
Years ago, on WFMU (if i remember correctly. CERTAINLY it wasnt WPLJ!) there was a SUN RA festival, where they played every existing Sun Ra record. I taped most of it. It was extraordinary. It also had an interview with Sun Ra himself. Radio in the USA is freeer than it is in europe, but at the same time, it is less free, in the sense that what is played is not freely choosen. The the majority of stations use playlists created by computers, or people who think like computers and not lovers of music. Stations choose content by demographic; New York has some "Race" stations for example. The UK, whilst having a tightly controlled spectrum, has much more "liberal" programming, and of course since there is a great need for radio piracy, the pirate scene is excellent. gotta run!
The BBC is testing Oog Vorbis streaming: This will save them lots of $ since real audio has to be payed for by the stream.
From now on, any email containing the string is going to be bounced. This is another example of why:

Thursday, February 07, 2002

WFMU has to be one of the _best_ radio stations in the entire world, and i deeply cheirsh the fact that they are based in New Jersey. Luckily, for all of you not in the area, they broadcast online through real audio and a high bandwidth mp3 stream. The content is ALL over the place, from weird noise and avant rock to the zen of alan watts to the deepest of funk to sound collage madness to found cassette tapes of amateur musicians to the stories of joe frank to probably the best children's radio show ever to be broadcast (Greasy Kids Stuff on saturday mornings 10-noon) and on and on and on. get in on it. (at the moment it is thursday and that is Anal Magic with Kenny G. i am listening to a woman in the foreground who has been crying for about 7 or 8 minutes and the background is some quiet woman's vocals and some one laughing far far away)
Hotel rules and restrictions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Property policies: Minimum check in age is 18. Maximum guests per room is 1. Maximum adults per room is 1. Maximum children per room is 1. This hotel considers guests of any age to be an adult.
At the moment i have 1453 tracks at 110 Hours 55 Minutes 09 Seconds. I just keep it on shuffle all day long at work (with occasional interruptions to listen to this or that radio show). So i suppose i listen to just about all of it (though there are tracks i skip here and there depending on the mood). Akin: how do you know about growing up in the Tristate area? ( i am NJ born and bred and can absolutely remember the monster truck advertisements with the echo-ing voice/revving engines both on radio AND television).
Funny Cars....Drag Racing...Monster Trucks... I dont't know about any other part of the states, but in the tri-state area you could not have grown up without hearing adrenalin drenched radio commercials for nitro fueled events in New Jersey. Now THERE is an idea for a CD; a compilation of historical drag racing radio commercials. See those cars going quikerthanever quickerthanever....Big Stick did an awesome record called "Drag Racing". Find it! 2270 tracks in playlist, average track length: 5:02 Estimated playlist length: 190 hours 42 minutes 30 seconds

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

Check out for streaming real audio and mp3 radio shows of 60s and 70s funk 45s. It smoothes out the workday.
tsh csh korn are all "broken" then of course there is the vi vs emacs religious war. then there is the KDE vs GNOME war "is a bit undescriptive, no info on where i am and what login im using." the PS1 command sets the prompt in bash. do: $PS1='your command?' and your prompt wil turn into: your command? there are LOTS of things you can do with your bash prompt....and now of course, when you shell into another machine, it too will most likely be running bash, so your environment will always be the same. This is a Good Thing®

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

why they didnt use bash as the default shell...perhaps they don't want mac users to be able to be instant users of other shells...what possible reason?>$ cat >> notetoMiEk I need more bash time clearly. ^c or any EFfnet server...most gui irc clients will give you a list of servers... IRC is still cool, believe it or not!

Monday, February 04, 2002

Its not news, its not surprising..its like reporting that water is wet. Limp Bizkit are corporate music, packaged rebellion, engineered to give pre pube teenagers a vector to vent testosterone. This sort of youth exploitation will never end, because there is no end to the supply of young ignorant suckers who will consume music like this, and then audition to be in a group as pathetic as Limp Bizkit. The singer is an ex marine, who himself calls his band "The stupidest group in the world". (MTV Fanatic Programme). Nuff Said.
Grado SR-80. i used to have many pairs of those. unfortunately the wonderful sound that they provided was cut short by one of the sides, the right or left i can't remember, cutting out after a certain time of usage. i keep buying other pairs thinking it was me or the way i would use them but it kept happening with every pair(same ear). mind you this was after like 6 months of walkman/ music school usage, being crammed into book bags et al. just be careful with them as the wiring from ear to ear is not built for being out and about town for any extended book bag type usage. the non audiophile sony's i have now can take much more abuse. enjoy them. and just to let you know if you loose one of the foam ear pieces, you can always call them up to get more(usually free too).
the electronic directory -new mills site looking like a lifestyle hub of some sort. interesting.

Friday, February 01, 2002
alun: the easier thing to do is to "enter safe mode" go there now and see how this picture works! when you find an image online that you want, right click the image (i hope you are PC), go to properties, and the URL will be listed at Address copy, paste, put tags (img src) and quotes around it. yah! however, if you want to post your own images (super!!!!) you have to have your own webpage (or a good friend) to put them on and then ref that URL on blog
CAPULALPAN, Mexico (Reuters) -- In this one-telephone village in the hills of Mexico's Oaxaca state, corn grows out of cracks in the sidewalks, along roadsides and anywhere else it can find soil. That may sound like a farmer's utopia, but for people in Capulalpan and a host of other mountain settlements where corn is a staple of every family's diet, it is more like an aberration of nature. Local and foreign scientists have concluded the mysterious, ubiquitous corn variety is genetically modified, and illegal. The presence of the modified corn amid local corn varieties is not yet alarming, but scientists warn it could usurp the hardier Oaxaca corn quickly unless it is stopped soon. Transgenic strains were found in 15 of 22 communities in these hills and in 3 to 10 percent of plants in the fields sampled. "What's frightening is how fast it has spread," said Yolanda Lara, spokeswoman for Oaxaca's non-governmental Rural Development Agency. "The government must put a stop to this."