Saturday, March 30, 2002
Friday, March 29, 2002
****btw: if anyone knows logic audio relatively well and can help
i'd really³ appreciate it. i am running it as a slave sequencer to
various drum machines and synths, midi and din. it sits in the middle
of my chain and i am having some problems with looping when it is a slave
as well as getting midi data back out and routed to the correct channel.
coming in is fine. if you know logic please let me know. thanks.
i haden't noticed but yes we have seen some of this material before. our up up stairs housemate, the fantastic gregory, owns a copy from when steven greer had come to vancouver to give a lecture. the work that the disclosure project is doing by organizing and presenting so many multiply cooberated accounts from people directly involved is amazing indeed.. pushing beyond and thru the inital placating shock back reaction that our society had in the early 90's with trivializing stuffed animal aliens and bumper stuckers like "do you believe?" or whatever. that was a frustrating time. when presented with this material the things you think and know to be true take on much different tone. your thoughts on the over lying political structure, money interests and social constraints that are always there with you every day, take on an a truly astounding profundity.
there are some different accounts than in the 2hrproject disclosure video tape and it goes into more detail on specific incidents from multiple angles that this npc meeting does . however, the woman who worked under werner von braun ended both presentations. and rightfully so as what she brings up truly makes our current world come into the focus you already know is there. i would like to know which two administrations were kept in the dark on this. carter is mentioned and i can't recolect if the other whitehouse is metioned in the tape or not but i could take some guesses. old money dies hard and hopefully it will not be a viking funeral.
this material is very highly recommended.
Blogsnob Stats
Total Impressions: 1952 (# of ads displayed on your site) Total Clicks In: 28 Total Clicks Out: 131 Total Ad Impressions: 1390 (# of times your ad was placed on other sites) This Week's Impressions: 94 (# of ads displayed on your site) This Week's Clicks In: 0 This Week's Clicks Out: 2 This Week's Impressions: 49 (# of times your ad was placed on other sites)Thursday, March 28, 2002
some of those *google* factacologicals are fasinating
indeed. it gives me a 'hoo hoo' willy when things get discussed
in terabytes; "20+ TB". when am i going to be able to buy
the p32 3TB socket 99000 processor implant(?)/chip? to our children,
we will be the ones who were there at the beginning. let's just do
our best to see that skynet® dosen't get built.
which video clips??
and on the fascism watch:
from the Hakim Bey site:
II. Some Poetic-Terrorist Ideas Still Sadly Languishing in the Realm of "Conceptual Art"
1. Walk into Citibank or Chembank computer customer service area during busy period, take a shit on the floor, & leave. 2. Chicago May Day '86: organize "religious" procession for Haymarket "Martyrs"--huge banners with sentimental portraits, wreathed in flowers & streaming with tinsel & ribbon, borne by penitenti in black KKKatholic-style hooded gowns--outrageous campy TV acolytes with incense & holy water sprinkle the crowd--anarchists w/ash-smeared faces beat themselves with little flails & whips--a "Pope" in black robes blesses tiny symbolic coffins reverently carried to Cemetery by weeping punks. Such a spectacle ought to offend nearly everyone. 3. Paste up in public places a xerox flyer, photo of a beautiful twelve-year-old boy, naked and masturbating, clearly titled: THE FACE OF GOD. 4. Mail elaborate & exquisite magickal "blessings" anonymously to people or groups you admire, e.g. for their politics or spirituality or physical beauty or success in crime, etc. Follow the same general procedure as outlined in Section 5 below, but utilize an aesthetic of good fortune, bliss or love, as appropriate. 5. Invoke a terrible curse on a malign institution, such as the New York Post or the MUZAK company. A technique adapted from Malaysian sorcerers: send the Company a package containing a bottle, corked and sealed with black wax. Inside: dead insects, scorpions, lizards or the like; a bag containing graveyard dirt ("gris-gris" in American HooDoo terminology) along with other noxious substances; an egg, pierced with iron nails and pins; and a scroll on which an emblem is drawn (see p. 57). (This yantra or veve invokes the Black Djinn, the Self's dark shadow. Full details obtainable from the A.O.A.) An accompanying note explains that the hex is sent against the institution & not against individuals--but unless the institution itself ceases to be malign, the curse (like a mirror) will begin to infect the premises with noxious fortune, a miasma of negativity. Prepare a "news release" explaining the curse & taking credit for it in the name of the American Poetry Society. Mail copies of this text to all employees of the institution & to selected media. The night before these letters arrive, wheatpaste the institutional premises with xerox copies of the Black Djinn's emblem, where they will be seen by all employees arriving for work next morning. )
1. Walk into Citibank or Chembank computer customer service area during busy period, take a shit on the floor, & leave. 2. Chicago May Day '86: organize "religious" procession for Haymarket "Martyrs"--huge banners with sentimental portraits, wreathed in flowers & streaming with tinsel & ribbon, borne by penitenti in black KKKatholic-style hooded gowns--outrageous campy TV acolytes with incense & holy water sprinkle the crowd--anarchists w/ash-smeared faces beat themselves with little flails & whips--a "Pope" in black robes blesses tiny symbolic coffins reverently carried to Cemetery by weeping punks. Such a spectacle ought to offend nearly everyone. 3. Paste up in public places a xerox flyer, photo of a beautiful twelve-year-old boy, naked and masturbating, clearly titled: THE FACE OF GOD. 4. Mail elaborate & exquisite magickal "blessings" anonymously to people or groups you admire, e.g. for their politics or spirituality or physical beauty or success in crime, etc. Follow the same general procedure as outlined in Section 5 below, but utilize an aesthetic of good fortune, bliss or love, as appropriate. 5. Invoke a terrible curse on a malign institution, such as the New York Post or the MUZAK company. A technique adapted from Malaysian sorcerers: send the Company a package containing a bottle, corked and sealed with black wax. Inside: dead insects, scorpions, lizards or the like; a bag containing graveyard dirt ("gris-gris" in American HooDoo terminology) along with other noxious substances; an egg, pierced with iron nails and pins; and a scroll on which an emblem is drawn (see p. 57). (This yantra or veve invokes the Black Djinn, the Self's dark shadow. Full details obtainable from the A.O.A.) An accompanying note explains that the hex is sent against the institution & not against individuals--but unless the institution itself ceases to be malign, the curse (like a mirror) will begin to infect the premises with noxious fortune, a miasma of negativity. Prepare a "news release" explaining the curse & taking credit for it in the name of the American Poetry Society. Mail copies of this text to all employees of the institution & to selected media. The night before these letters arrive, wheatpaste the institutional premises with xerox copies of the Black Djinn's emblem, where they will be seen by all employees arriving for work next morning. )
I would love to know what everyone thinks of those two video presentations; interestingly (though not surprisingly), I heard nothing about it on the wires.
Some amazing new (to me) information, including the FTL "reproduction vehicles", and the hair raising stories of film being whisked off and never seen again. Awesome!
I taste like nothing, except a tomato. I'm sometimes sweet and sometimes tart; sometimes juicy, sometimes crisp. The roles of a tomato are many and varied. I am an exception to all the rules. What Flavour Are You? |
Conspiracy " There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."- Senator Daniel K. Inouye
Listen to The Archives of Disclosure Press Briefing from May 9th, 2001
Seamless PGP/GPG integration into Mozilla for Linux and windoze:
tea as well
I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You? |
Wednesday, March 27, 2002
I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You? |
we are looking to dump a toshiba2535cds- pII300mhz
with 96mb and 4gb- laptop. it's as clean as can be. if anyone
is interested email me before the end of the day. (yeah, it's
a little bone age but hey, never know)
Xenakis was one of the first composers/artists/engineers to develop a program to convert graphical notation to soundwaves with his UPIC system.
A billion hours ago, human life appeared on earth.
A billion minutes ago, Christianity emerged.
A billion seconds ago, the Beatles changed music forever.
A billion Coca-Colas ago, it was yesterday morning.
Orion Online
The earliest example of this type of sound that I have found comes from Iannis Xenakis; S.709 sounds just like an image file opened in a sound editor, but it was done in 1992, which is the ancient past in computer terms.
Tuesday, March 26, 2002
Monday, March 25, 2002
I have had Yamaha Soft Synth on my machine since 1996, and never saw this control panel till an hour ago. There is no way to access it from the SoftSynth itself. Amazing. How did I manage to find it? It popped up when I was replacing ZoneAlarm with another Firewall. ZoneAlarm 3 is a piece of shit by the way. Yamaha Softsynth is extremely cool; it emulates Midi by using your CPU. It sounds excellent.
Polyamory A new word for you all, courtesy of A&HAll ducks aren't sweet and innocent and you prove that. You have a nasty streak.
Find your inner rubber ducky.
Just to let you know, I'm trying my best not to gush about this 4-disc set, but it's really really hard not to. Absoltely incomparable, this is an extensive collection of short-wave radio recordings of Number Stations. "Number Stations", you ask? Well, the short version is that they seem to be secret communication protocols for clandestine intelligence agencies. Germany, Spain, NATO... they're all in on this shit. I can't possibly summarize what the thick accompanying booklet describes about these sporadic phenomena. This is an absolute must-have recording for anyone who appreciates the surrealist intersection of function and art. It's replete with weird musical signatures, morse code, and of course, senseless repetition. The track samples speak for themselves.
from: "friend"
to:(public addresses);;;;;; provletters@pacpress.;;;;;;;
In an attempt to give Canadian consumers more right of use, the Canadian
government has become responsible for policy setting which has resulted in
violations of one's right to choice.
"The Government of Canada�s role was to change the law in 1997 to make it
legal for Canadians to copy recorded music for private use.� When they did
that they set up a procedure that would allow the creators of the music
copied to receive remuneration."
I am insulted by policy that now concludes criminal intent whenever I buy
blank recording media that is capable of storing copyrighted materials. If
I am guilty of copyright infringement simply by act of purchase, then this
levy appears to be a replacement for what should, by law, end in court
proceedings. If I am not guilty, why am I being forced to compensate the
recording industry?
Perhaps I�m looking at this incorrectly and the levy should be viewed more
mechanism be put in place so I can go to court and dispute these charges
each time I make such a purchase? The current lack of 'legal footing'
simply allows for EVERYONE to be judged guilty!
I am supremely perturbed that I am charged a levy, when all that I wish to
do is back up data from my computer or give a disc of pictures to a friend.
Absolutely ludicrous!
So due to such circumstances, "CPCC has asked the Copyright Board to set a
separate and substantially lower [levy] rate for CD-Rs and CD-RWs that
reflects the percentage of total sales of CD-R/RWs that are made to
individuals and the fact that individuals use CD-R/RWs for data storage as
well as to copy music."
So the innocent but pay anyway?
How can this possibly have come to be legal in this country?!
As a professional in the sound industry for 18 years, I understand the costs
of piracy but I am also a very hearty Canadian who is ripely pissed at being
caught in even more corporate pressure policy setting.
How many independent artists and labels will benefit from the collected
money? This is a mechanism that can only effectively serve charted artists
but does effect everyone. The fine directly effects independent artists,
those who often have less cash to begin with. It cripples burgeoning
artists of all disciplines and recording artists who choose to remain
outside of the major label machines. This is robbing from the poor and
giving to the rich, and now, the CPCC proposes increases!
"The Canadian Private Copying Collective (CPCC) filed with the Copyright
Board today its Statement of Position regarding its levies on private
copying proposed for 2003 and 2004. The new tariff seeks to extend the
private copying levy to recordable DVDs, MP3 players and memory devices used
with MP3 players. The attached fact sheet highlights key points and
addresses issues that have arisen since the publication of the proposed
tariff on March 9, 2002."
The fine also effects consumers of independent music, those who quite
regularly have little interest in supporting major labels and their artists.
The fine is a direct insult to this group of people who are forced to
support entities that they do not wish to support.
This fine directly effects my ability to choose.
Please be sensible and make the policy changes necessary to eliminate the
Levy. The recording industry should be mature and responsible enough to
either add a levy to it's products directly or to create it�s own, more
stringent copy protection schemes.
Thank you for reading.
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
For more information on this subject: (Canadian Private Copying Collective - Levy collectors) (sign a petition)
Sunday, March 24, 2002
I don't think the population is so retarded, I think the system needs a bit of an overhaul.
The math of the last election here was extremely frustrating...
58% of the vote translated to 95% of the power under the riding model...
in favour of proportional representation
anthony, why it's the arp2600. a bit expensive but
but hey, r2d2 was made on it so....
and a, isn't that bikini atoll? but hey we're there anyway!!
radiation or not, here we come!! (we can tan from the inside)
and whoa! you have a 2600????? that's awesome.
Saturday, March 23, 2002
we are off to a protest against our BC liberal government at
1pm here in vancouver. pics to follow later. they have cut and cut
and cut again. bus strikes and teacher protests have been the norm
here for a while now. there is a possible plan pending to have secondary
school end at 11th grade and the student will have to PAY for 12th
grade independently(as the tax rates rise). pretty amazing huh?
Public Health
There were many public health and environmental problems. Many of the wealthy had water brought to their homes through lead pipes. Previously the aqueducts had even purified the water but at the end lead pipes were thought to be preferable. The wealthy death rate was very high. The continuous interaction of people at the Colosseum, the blood and death probable spread disease. Those who lived on the streets in continuous contact allowed for an uninterrupted strain of disease much like the homeless in the poorer run shelters of today. Alcohol use increased as well adding to the incompetency of the general public.
Yes indeed. Just imagine if everyone is allowed to crack up, spliff up, get dusted $tonerterm. The general competency of the public would for sure be further reduced. Even it it was reduced by 2 percent, over time, this would have a large impact on the speed of human developments, and of course, those countries with absolute prohibition would be given a chance to catch up with the west, and then, they would eventually control us.
In the absence of alien and hostile cultures, getting wasted would be OK, but since we are surrounded by people who are hell bent on making us conform to their standards of morality and religion, its probably not a good thing to let down our guard and party.
Friday, March 22, 2002
Has nothing to do with belief. We simply remark that this number comes up again and again, and list the places where it came up. This is something that needs to be read about to be understood, not believed in. Start here to read about W.S.B. and things 23. And remember, numberology is not some new fad; people have been fascnated by numbers and when they occur since men started counting. You would do well to mark it nunkle. There is a British type that will always whine "itsawlallawdarhaabishinnat". Thats OK By Me® but for heavens sake of you dont understand something ASK instead of immediately jumping to poo poo it. There is nothing more in need of death than a skeptic! (not that any such vile creature inhabits this hygenic place) but really, lets not give the appearance of being a skeptic, for that would be a most shameful thing indeed....
mmmm. frustration.
strain costs energy
someone once said to me, you have to learn how to play in the sandbox.
well, cats shit in sandboxes, so i choose not to play in them...
or at least i wash my hands afterwards...
; )
mikkel with all due respect, it has nothing to do with
what music someone likes. nothing. it's about ignorance. plain
and simple. and when ignorance gets in the way people get mad.
and on a global scale when ignorance gets in the way, people die.
when you promote yourself as something with no substance to bring
to the table we all suffer. i have had enough of being cool about it or
laughing etc. i want to have fun like everyone else. and i find that i hardly
ever do when it comes to playing the ignorance game.
someone, a key someone asked me who dbx was. do i have to say anymore
than that? i could give a flying fuck whether or not they like him. they are fucking
idenity stealers and game playing manipulators. again....ignorance
ignorance will always go unforgiven when someone casts themselves as something
to be exalted. when you give your life to something; any creative pursuit and
year after year you watch as those around you kiss ass and play games and refuse
to try or to do or to think or to know what ...forget it.
i mean no disrespect mikkel, truly, i am just livid with anger.
Thursday, March 21, 2002
chaos scares me. i want controlled shots. love bursts if
you will. controlled love bursts, yeah. trantra style dawg; you know.
yeah foo...catch the vapors. the love burst vapors.
i am freaking out. knock em' out the box rick..........
so set it off - follow the leader straight out the jungle -ego trippin'
-top billin' f*cking cetera
:) (it's ok to be a geek right?). because if it isn't i don't really f-ing care. i am sick
of kissing ass/not wanting to kiss ass/watching others kiss ass. screw it. i have
totally given up 'trying' to be nice to those "house®" laptop minimal glitch fucks.
they can suck it. trainspotter assholes. go learn something and get your 'not even
real deal' minimal records out of my f*cking face. i've totally had it.
who's dbx? ahhhhhh! f you!!
sound familiar?
something® or s.o.m.e.t.h.i.n.g. perhaps
electromagnetic or otherwise....
yes anthony i have the same 333. actually more like
3:33 am or pm. but anyway, claus you go wit yo bad quick time
self. if that is you, you are my new hero. that completely rules.
on atari; i did the same too with slipping the cartrage in(ooh yeah!) just enough
to partly make contact. the same with light switches. just finding the
point where contact is made and fluctuates. or flatulates as the case
may be. the light switches 'flick trick' or whatever is not reccommended
as it could burn down your house, obviously. but not always so to a ten
year old.
Back in the wayback, my brother and I used to jiggle the cartridges in his Atari, to "warp" the games. Warping games made them do exactly what that link below does, only completely randomly. A combination of jiggling the games till they were only just touching the contacts and toggleing the on/off switch produced the best results.
The music would be all jumbled up, the sprites garbled and moving erraticaly. One of the pieces of music created by warping games was actually released on Irdial-Discs.
The warping sounds were piercing pings, sandpaper rhythms and 8-bit klunks & Klanks. Randomness is to be embraced; it would be great to have some reandomness plugins for SoundForge...abandoning precision lets hear it!
twenty-three, schmenty-three.
we all know 13 is where its at.
i have been surfing through the plethora of blogs, i feel like i'm walking through people's living rooms, treading mud and stealing the cutlery... i have come to the conclusion that We Are The Best. its lovely to see everyone's faces, thank you!
and exquisite corpses... uncanny... this is an activity that we are doing in the OpenStudio currently (traditionally, with collage and pens)...
and i am creeped that you posted this site, Claus! i was going to suggest we make one... i think you have beaten me to it...
le blog de notre maitre a tous (ou presque)
le blog de notre maitre a tous
Search Result 1
From: Andreas Heldal-Lund - (
Subject: DMCA notification to Google
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
View: Complete Thread (10 articles) | Original Format
Date: 2002-03-20 18:23:21 PST
I just got a reply from Google (they claim it was difficult
to find my contact info. Right...) where they inform me that
Operation Clambake is removed from Google because of a DMCA
notification from the cult. The complaint mentions a
ridiculous list of addresses which successfully removes the
whole site from their engine. To get OC back we have to
counter the complaint. Since the complaint is making claims
of ownership of pages clearly not owned by the cult, this
could hurt the cult only.
But this means OC will have to follow this up with a US
lawyer, which might be difficult and expensive.
Here's what I received from Google today:
We removed certain specific URLs in response to a
notification submitted by the Religious Technology Center
and Bridge Publications under section 512(c)(3) of the the
Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA). Had we not removed
these URLs, we would be subject to a claim for copyright
infringement, regardless of its merits. The URLs included
in that notification are attached to this email.
Pursuant to sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of the DMCA, you have
the ability to submit a counter notification, in which event
we can reinstate the material. As stated in section 512(g)
(3), the contents of this notification must include the
(A) A physical or electronic signature of the subscriber.
(B) Identification of the material that has been removed or
to which access has been disabled and the location at which
the material appeared before it was removed or access to it
was disabled.
(C) A statement under penalty of perjury that the subscriber
has a good faith belief that the material was removed or
disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the
material to be removed or disabled.
(D) The subscriber's name, address, and telephone number,
and a statement that the subscriber consents to the
jurisdiction of Federal District Court for the judicial
district in which the address is located, or if the
subscriber's address is outside of the United States, for
any judicial district in which the service provider may be
found, and that the subscriber will accept service of process
from the person who provided notification under subsection
(c)(1)(C) or an agent of such person.
Here are the urls mentioned in the complaint that I believe
are related to your site: clan-images.html archive/photoalbum/ clan-images.html clan-images.html
Best wishes,
Andreas Heldal-Lund # #
If anyone can show me, and prove to me, that I am wrong in
thought or deed, I will gladly change. I seek the truth, which
never yet hurt anybody. It is only persistence in self-delusion
and ignorance which does harm.
------------------------------------------[Marcus Aurelius]----
"Twenty-three city police officers were killed in the terrorist attack."
yeah, no doubt. everything went down. at first i thought it was
me but then i couldn't ping out and i had my ip to my modem up.
then presto everything came back on. someone's always minding
the fort. always.
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
once i get more i will put them up too off my cable line. sh*t my
connection just flubbed as i had four coming down. !
shit (^B^()&^t7b08758%)*!!
AW they come. come to papa my little babies.
yo, on the playlists. why don't we all play the bestguessing game
and see who can get them right. perhaps a "you got 'em right"
free prize???? or whatever it could be fun though.
cab vol, tg and suicide + more!!! yeah!! i was lucky enough
to see suicide recently. still as dark and screamy as
ever. love 'em.
last nights cookie making how to:
1. make sugar cookies(any recipe)
mash banana or two into butter mixture before adding to dry ingredients. make
sure to use lots of vanilla too.
when mixed add 'smarties' or m&m's or whatever the hell you like.
2. bake
3. eat
hell yeah monster music 2002!! yes yes. how can this be done? actually
i am playing tonight and this is the approx set list:
dan curtain-when worlds align
man with red face-laurent g.
larry heard-freaky
dbx-alien ep & vampirella ep(maybe blip too). hell, all dbx!!!
black lung-
czr-music expedition
jack smooth on sound entity
more larry heard as gherkin jerks 1990 ep
international smoke signal lp-no smoke
b.u.d on opus(old brooklyn)
chris carter-mondo beat
beautyon-ill and angry
rude 66-bunker13
unit mo#3 on bunker
khan's black sabbath riot recording from 1980
mover-spiritual combat
suburban knight-groove
numerous tg records
cab vol on plastex
beroshima-lost frequencies double
ur s.i.d 007
reade truth-head art
kms-force field
kms and more kms
more tg
adonis-no way back
pj project-nice 'n fast
black noise on metroplex
how to speak spanish record
perhaps some biosphere
etc..who knows??
i'll let you guys know how it goes. please a, give us another monster music!!
The tracklisting of Monster Music 2 is:
Cabaret Voltaire: ???
Aqua Regia & Neuropolitique collaboration.
Suicide: Suffering in Vein
BBC Radiophonic track from 1960 /
BBC Radiophonic track from 1960 | Deila Darbyshire Era Radiophonics
BBC Radiophonic track from 1960 \
Cabaret Voltaire: Western Mantra (excerpt)
Cabaret Voltaire: ???
Non: ???
Playgroup: ??? 12" B side (adrian sherwood production)
Fats Comet: "Stormy Weather" (adrian sherwood production)
Ligeti: Articulation
Throbbing Gristle: Discipline (edited)
There simply isnt enough time in an hour to put everything in that one would like. Monster Music 2002 anyone?!
Tuesday, March 19, 2002
ah, fuck tripod.
this is me:
who is who? and who are you?
Monday, March 18, 2002
13 March 2002 - the day that the people of Europe brought their Parliament to a standstill
To date 550 million votes from around the world have been cast demanding free access to natural remedies for the people of Europe. On Wednesday morning, the avalanche of protests had grown to such an extent that it crippled the e-mail system of the European Parliament. Parliament demanded that the President of the EU considered measures to enable delegates to communicate again. On this historic day, the people of Europe expressed their wish to develop a new health care system, a health care system founded on natural and effective remedies free of side-effects. It was practically a farce that this was the day the European Parliament made a decision on a 'Directive on dietary supplements' which will ban effective vitamin therapies and other natural remedies throughout Europe. About two-thirds of the delegates bowed to the interests of the pharmaceutical industry and passed this law. One third of the delegates stood up for the health interests of the people and voted against. A transitionary period of three years was agreed for products already on the market. The 13th March 2002 will go down in history as the date on which the European Parliament revealed itself as 'Strasbourg puppets' and supported a massive market in useless pharmaceutical preparations against the growing competition from research into natural remedies. The bizarre effects of the Europe-wide law can be seen from the example of the natural amino acid lysine. The human body cannot produce lysine, therefore we depend on obtaining an optimal supply from our food and dietary supplements. And now it has also become clear that this essential substance may also be the key to fighting the endemic disease cancer (more information at This medical breakthrough and the consequent threat to the pharmaceutical market was of course the reason for the pharmaceutical cartel running amok. The laughable vote against free access to life-preserving natural remedies is not a surprise if you know that the pharmaceutical industry writes its own laws across Europe. For example, a member of the supervisory board of the second-largest pharmaceutical group in the world (Merck, Sharp & Dohme), Frits Bolkenstein, sits in the 'Cabinet' of the European Parliament, the European Commission. There they make laws in the interests of the pharmaceutical groups, barring access to side-effect free medicines for 380 million Europeans and opening the way to the 'pharmaceutical trade in disease'.
Did you know that in Singapore, importation, sale, littering and possession of chewing gum is illegal?
Sunday, March 17, 2002
How the mighty fall, part 2,394:
Welcome to the new!
We�re here to level the playing field for Artists and Musicians and to help get your music out to millions of people. Music is a home base for Musical Artists to share their music with the world. For the first time artists, publishers, labels and Music Rights Associations can take advantage of technology instead of technology taking advantage of them.
You might have the techno, but the love?
There is always PLENTY of love in London.
And remember:
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.
can you look at my site and listen to my music and
tell me what you think am currently looking for a
record deal!!
to mess:
re: your post about living in london
i'm a student currently living in london for the year, and i have to say, honestly, that moving here is a tremendouly bad idea unless you are well loaded and/or have a nice stable job established. it took me 2 months to find a part time minimum wage job and i pay $1000 a month for a studio flat. it's absurd. and not worth it. and the music 'scene' is pretty much non-existent.
again, where's the techno? and the love?
back to chicago i go...happily.
Saturday, March 16, 2002
i have a good friend who says "i measure my success on my ability to make choices..."
i also have a very good grandma who says (on Brittney) "that is shit. what is she doing? do young people really spend money on that?" the disgust in her voice... its priceless.
she also says that to keep your drains clean, put two tablespoons of baking soda down the drain, then slowly pour 1 cup of white vinegar in after. will not clean big clogs, but is good maintenance, so do it once a month.
moby is stupid.
(just a reminder)
mikkel loves barrie-tee hee :)
*and yes, the irony driven laptop crew. or jetset as they
sometimes call themselves. hey, if you don't know your history
or where you came from then how could you know where you
are going? phuture spank spank will always be the dividing line
for me. how people react to that track for some resaon is a good
indication of what they are thinking. i was in my friends store(an awesome
used shop here in vancouver; our local store) and i played him spank spank
and some kid comes over with his panhandle record stack in hand and says:
"oh, booty house, that stuff is played". no fool, YOU are played. and you are
being played. you can take your wanna be minimal tech-house 'glitch®'
crap and shove it down your pants and up your ass. i'd like to watch if that's
ok you f-ing sheeple idiot. and if that dosen't tickle your fancy i may just have
to back slap you like the tramp you are. of course i just looked at him and
smiled though without saying anything.
if it's ok i want to continue my rant at this idiot when i think of more insults
to throw at him.
oh and btw: they have copies of cameroon massiv and insync pluto. but noone
listens to them because they are too busy buying total poo.
Friday, March 15, 2002
i just had a gig here with mathew/safety scissors. i'm not too up on his
music at all but we got along well with him. he is super nice and not all
such an 'i'm a star' type. recommended person to talk to. anyway where's
the irdial this year?? and where is the real deal. mills is there and lars
sandberg but shit i wanna see terrace or random xs., arno peeters, atkins;
or reade truth!!!! you know what i mean.
S�NAR 2002 PRE-LINE UP (14.03.02):
M83 (FR)
MUSORK (USA) presents
AGF (GER) (live)
CHESSIE (live)
DNTEL (live)
MORR MUSIC (GER) presents
ISAN (live)
MANUAL (live)
LALI PUNA (live)
NINJA TUNE (UK) presents
BONOBO (live)
BMH (live)
WYZ (live)
LEAF (UK) presents
MURCOF (MEX) (live)
WMF (GER) presents
NIKAKOI (live)
KOTAI (live)
HELSINKI (FI) presents
AAVIKO (live)
STAALPLAAT (NL) presents
MASSIMO (IT) (live)
GOEM (HL) (live)
386 DX (RUS) (live)
KEEP DIGGIN' (UK) presents
TIGERBEAT6 (USA) presents
KID606 (live)
CEX (live)
WOBBLY (live)
hi there
a bit of fun for you
you may need flash 5 movie player--but you get to see the leaders of the
free world as they realy are
phill Minns
Thursday, March 14, 2002
ATTN IE users
on the hobby-hacker c drive thing. just turn off or set to
prompt running java (and activex if you want) on ie. then use
your trusted sites to enable java scripting on blogger so you
can still post. but you guys probaby already knew this.
i've been listen to blackdog bytes again all morning. i forgot just how
fantastic a record this is. it's been a while...
Record companies regularly deduct 15 percent off the top of sales as an allowance for "breakage" � a survival from the days of shellac records that now simply serves to reduce artist royalties by that amount. Despite being illegal, payola is rife, keeping interesting artists off the air in favor of the manufactured hitmaker of the week. And now, record companies � who have allied themselves with the just-as-bad motion picture industry � want to make it a felony for you to own a computer that is capable of copying music from a CD to your portable player without paying them money, even though courts have held that such copying is entirely legal.,2933,47296,00.html
Something worthwhile:
Mined Magazine
Po Box 25319
20 pounds sterling. order a copy send them the money.
If you are not fully satisfied, we will refund the purchase.
And save you futher life by cutting your throat.
Paper is good again!
go to this page with IE, and see the contents of your c:\ listed...
"But - no fear! We have and the data on neither will store nor for something will use or will pass. It is only one note you such a thing also from persons to occur could you heels want. With us there is Tools the this prevents!"
ok now we HAVE to know your real name sir alex!!
team google#78 reporting:

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
Wednesday, March 13, 2002
Which Colossal Death Robot Are You? this one is funnier if you read it with your best arnie s. voice...
thanks for getting back. the real problem was my lazy blind
grab at my adapter pile and numed brain that day. i'll
let you know how much it costs although the waldorf tech
guy in la said about 100$. but we'll see.
bad goth art, that's funny. it looks painted though.
i fried my:
and am getting ready to send it off to be serviced. the problem was
plugging in a 30v adapter into the 12v dc slot. oops. anyway, i wanted
to see if anyone here(perhaps dav??) knew much about this piece and replacing
the voltage regulator/int. power supply, perhaps more, on the do it yourself tip.
anyone know anything??
from that steve mann documentary:
william gibson and steve mann discussing the panopticon and surveillance. "If everyone was surveilling the surveillance the surveillance would become neutralized."
According to Merriam Webster:
Inflected Form(s): plural graf�fi�ti
Etymology: Italian, incised inscription, from graffiare to scratch, probably from grafio stylus, from Latin graphium
Date: 1851
: an inscription or drawing made on some public surface (as a rock or wall); also : a message or slogan written as or as if as a graffito
Does this mean scratching a record is audial graffiti? Or is just playing a record enough?
Tuesday, March 12, 2002
mmm, they do serve many porpoises...i mean purposes.
porpoises are cute too but not as edible as the bunny. nor
do they make as good slippers as does the cute furry bunny.
are bunnies as intelligent as the porpoise? or are they stupid?
gee, i know they are supposed to be horny little devils though;
however i do not know this from experience mind you. i have never
slept with a bunny, nor do i plan to. has anyone here ever slept
with a bunny before? am i annoying you yet? well, am i? i could go on
about the bunny and it's mating habits however i will stop here.
there is nothing more calming and gentle than
bunny rabbits hopping thru a sunny meadow.
Monday, March 11, 2002
Another interface to OpenNap:
Runs in IE using XML. Pretty impressive....
Till it crashed IE.
Oh yeah!
That essaay is STILL causing trouble. Good.
via email:
WORDS OF WIZ FROM THE WOZ. culled from H3o chatpage...
Subject:Re: =?X-UNKNOWN?Q?Re=3A_ART-DEATH_
I'm pleased to hear that art is still alive, but as for history, well
that's another story...
As we spare a thought for Andy Warhol's archivists whocontinue to sort
through the 4,118 paintings, 5,103 drawings, 19,086 prints and 66,512
photographs (to say nothing of the films) that bear his name (if not
always his fingerprints), consider this -
Yesterday's Observer reported that in 1986, the BBC sponsored a massive
digital/multimedia version of the Domesday Book (first compiled in 1086)
containing 250,000 place names, 25,000 maps, 50,000 pictures, 60 minutes
of moving image and "an unknown number of words", all stored on 12"
laser discs which are now found to be unreadable.
same thing applies to the digital records of NASA's early space probes
while we can observe the first printed book in the British Library, and
the original Domesday Book in the Public Record Office in Kew, as for
email, no one has a clue as to the first message sent, nor of course its
The Darwinian consequences; only the analogue masters will be retrievable in the future; this means that everything else will be erased from history. Perhaps in the future, people will spend thier time trying to exactly reproduce the sound of S-Club 7 from oral descriptions given by double octagenarians. Probably not. This means that our decendants will live free of everything that was recorded post Rock & Roll. And the muso-genetic influences of these terrible days of bullshit music will be cut out of the gene pool.
The future will be clean my friends, hygenic, the evil of post rock boy band music hermetically sealed in digtial specimen tubes, rendered impotent, forever. No chance of a small pox like re-emergence. It will all die.
This is not conditional on you believing it or not by the way.
There have been many articles confirming this, from Scientific American on down.
Yes, this is A Good Thing®.
Just when I thought that I was out of it, they pull me back!
People with Macs wouldnt go to that page to get the Supertrick.
People who dont do filesharing wouldnt go to that page to get the Supertrick.
So I posted the thing so that people could block those sites.
If you have problems connecting after you edit your hosts file, restore it from your backup.
Yes, backup!
yo, more servers to block:
i am collecting them now.
that's cool anthony. maybe you can come and teach at my
school. you will notice i have my phd. i am a doctor; a doctor of love.
stark naked love; the struggle continues.
F�dt 1760.
D�d 1792 (begravet 16. mars 1792) p� Kvelde i Hedrum, VF.
Mikkel og Karen bodde p� g�rden Kvelde i Hedrum. Mikkel giftet seg p� nytt med Anne Halvorsdatter og fikk ytterligere to barn. Mikkel var sersjant i 1786.
248a. BERTE MARIA MIKKELSDATTER f�dt 1783 (d�pt 12. oktober 1783) p� Kvelde i Hedrum, VF, d�d 1783 (begravet 26. november 1783) p� Kvelde i Hedrum, VF.
248b. ERIK MIKKELSEN f�dt 1784 (d�pt 29. september 1784) p� Kvelde i Hedrum, VF, d�d 1784 (begravet 17. oktober 1784) p� Kvelde i Hedrum, VF.
248c. LARS MIKKELSEN f�dt 1784 (d�pt 29. september 1784) p� Kvelde i Hedrum, VF, d�d 1784 (begravet 17. oktober 1784) p� Kvelde i Hedrum, VF.
248d. ERIK MIKKELSEN f�dt 1786 (d�pt 27. august 1786) p� Kvelde i Hedrum, VF.
248e. LARS MIKKELSEN f�dt 1789 (d�pt 10. mai 1789) p� Kvelde i Hedrum, VF.
Sunday, March 10, 2002
There is a way to install KaZaa without the spyware. Someone has created a custom installer to do this. Download it, and follow the instructions on this site:
cypherpunks no longer workie!
- i am ill and angry....
no really but that sucks.
Someone clever said:
"Trying to charge the filesharing community is like trying to get a Muslim to eat bacon. Other than that, I can't comment on ToadNode as I haven't tried it, nor do I plan to."
Toadnote, you can lick my sack. Then MAYBE I'll pay $5. But probably not even then.
Commence licking...
I'd rather pay $5 for a shanky assed hooker than use Toadnode.
Theoretically this should work as a post on this blog, but no dice.
Saturday, March 09, 2002
This is how they do it:
They call your moblie, and do not speak. When you say hello, they hang up.
They then send you an SMS saying the following:
Who are you.
how did you get my number. or
did i fone u.i
might have dialled the wrong
this call came from +44+781+275+3316
Then, when you SMS them back, you are charged 1 pound and 20pence!
This has happened TWICE to a fone that we know, with the IDENTICAL text message sent on each occasion, after the hangup call.
i saw AllaRakha and Zakir on AllaRakha's 75 birthday in Boston.
it was completely amazing.
Friday, March 08, 2002
hello again fellow blogdialians! not to brag too much but
i can't help it. i just got back from skiing whistler/blackcomb
on a three days mid-week jont. words cannot express the fantastic
skiing up there. great chutes and tre alpine. it was
absolutely beautiful and very challenging on the double blacks. highly
recommended if you ever get the chance. but then hey if any of you are
out here then just call and we'll go up together. it's the shit!
power our ads; we trade them with other sites, no €vil involved, and very cool.
The internet works beause it is not a selfish place. We, for example, allow people to post here for free. We share this space, and people can post links to whatever and wherever they want.
The internet fails to work when people are selfish, (indeed it could never have existed if people did not share) and by extension, sites that are selfish fail to work. People ask us for links from our site to thiers. They often do this, offering nothing in return. What astounds me is that people think that they can be selfish and that no one will even notice!
They have not even the manners to offer a reciprocal link or anything at all, and, when you gently refuse them, they push and push and push and finally come up with a "who the hell do you think you are" type of quip, because we will not massage thier ego and pander to them and give aid and succor to thier pathetic piece of shit nothing webshite.
We give away our catalogue for free. We give uncensored access to BLOGDIAL.
We do our bit.®
Please, pretty please, with sugar on top, fuck off with your take take take / me me me strategies, and leave the web to people who know what its for; sharing, community, the strenghening of bonds, the breaking of molds and high ideals.
Thursday, March 07, 2002
I used to work at a used record shop and people would come in all the time with lists of records that were stolen from them. We would take the name and phone # and list. And then if someone else came in to sell CDs that were suspiciously similar to the ones stolen we would call the person to straighten things out. sometimes people got large chunks of their collections back. check with your local record shops.
but this could be an opportunity for a new direction in listenership for you. now that you are unclogged with piles and piles of CDs to listen to, the new selections that you pick up will fair better in your player. Newer music could play a larger part in your life. or perhaps its time to check out motets and hocket composition and how it relates to the gamelan musics of Bali, Java and Sudan. anything and everything is ahead of you. i yearn for so much freedom. but whenever i try to sell large chunks of my collection i find sentitmental reasons to hold onto this or that snippet of sound.
An older but still completely relevant Albini rant. Hilarious.
Show us the money. Do it like this:
A bar in Berlin, Klo (tr: "toilet") features
bog-seats to sit on, booby-trapped toilets
and the chance to drink out of bed-pans.
From that most vile and upsetting mailing list.
Napigator is back on line!
And NapMX works perfectly. 936,595 gigabytes accessible. :o
Google however is still not displaying results properly.
The combination of the two was just too much last night; horrible images of the RIAA cease and desisting it rushed through my mind, JUST as I started to use WinMX!
Wednesday, March 06, 2002
This application, NapMX downloads the serverlist from Napigator and automagically updates your WinMX. But where the fuck is Napigator, and have you ever EVER seen MISSING ENTRIES at GOOGLE??????
There are TWO missing entries on that link, one of them, Filenavigator, is still online.
Its probably nothing, but if Napigator goes down for real, it will be A Bad Thing®.
What the fuck >> Napigator is offline!
Can someone in north america ping it?
Netcraft says:
Site name or availability problem for
We could not get any results for your selected site. There can be a several reasons for this:
The host name you have selected is not valid, perhaps it was mistyped.
We could not contact it, and we do not have any cached information for it. This can be because there is no server running on that site yet, or because it is a new site and the DNS has not yet propagated to Netcraft. It can be also be because of a temporary routing problem from Netcraft to the site.
We cannot tell you anything about this server, and have ignored it.
It is possible that you have mistyped the name. You can explore web server names here.
i've ben leeching all kinds of great late 70s/early 80s post-stuff. DNA, Mark Stewart and the Maffia, James Chance and the Contortions, This Heat, Mars, &c.
Plus those super expensive import-only Boredoms releases. Have we discussed them on Irdial yet? probably the most important "band" around right now. they make records of Wagnerian proportions with the subtleties and imagination of Bartok's Mikrokosmos. unfuckwithable.
X-Envelope-From: Reply-To: From: To: Subject: IMPORTANT: You have been secretly kissed! . 063f8d5 Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 10:17:17 +0200 X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1 Importance: Normal X-Envelope-To: This is not a joke! You have been secretly kissed. Someone really has the 'hots' for you, and has secretly kissed you. That special someone also added a message: I found this free game to secretly express my feelings. I went ahead and Secretly Kissed you. Guess who I am! If you would like to find out who has secretly kissed you click ( Please do not reply to this e-mail. It will not work. Someone who really likes you is waiting at )This is a very clever piece of emal address collecting spam, that tries to trick you into signing up to find out who has "kissed" you. The giveaway is the subject:
IMPORTANT: You have been secretly kissed! . 063f8d5that has a tracking number at the end. Also, the sender is not a script at the website, but Qualcomm Eudora. If this is NOT fake and someone from here secretly kissed me, you are in BIG TROUBLE.
X-Envelope-From: Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 04:36:12 -0500 X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.388) Reply-To:Be aware that this message any any like it are actualy spam confirmation messages. If you reply to it saying "I dont know you" or whatever, this will seal your address in the spammerrs database PERMANENTLY.From: To: Subject: Hey Fred X-Envelope-To: Fred, It was nice to talk to you today I will send the proposal tonight. Thanks, Heidi
Tuesday, March 05, 2002
still noone knows much about the -e switch under nmap??
i am still not sure how to specify the device exactly if anyone
"There are excellent business reasons for Disney to pursue the
Letterman program. But when "Nightline" is gone from the ABC
schedule, and should the occasion arrive that our work might
again seem relevant to the anonymous executive, it will not then
be possible to reconstitute what is so easily destroyed."
-koppel is salty.
alun, regards and best wishes forward. hang some garlic in the window. all of our
and a, you should block icmp and stop all that traffic, huh?
also if anyone wants a great visualroute or email tracking tool email me and i'll
send it. 1.5mgs.
Go to this page (blogger is eating html links!!!!)
And then, in your WinMX server dialog, under "Opennap Protocol High Capacity Servers", hover your mouse, and a control stip will emerge. Click "Add" and then a new dialoge will pop up. Put in the name of one server, sonicnap, necessary evil, djnap, eclipse, paradise, 12 monkeys etc. Then put in the IP and the port number of the first entry you find next to that name in Napigator, and press ok.
You will then find that you have an entry under "Opennap Protocol High Capacity Servers". Hover your mouse over the line with the name of the server you just inserted in the square brackets, and another strip will appear. Click "Add", and then add the other entries that you find in napigator, under that network name.
So for example, there are 5 soniknap servers, add each one and its port number. Once you have added them all, start a new server name by hovering over the "Opennap Protocol High Capacity Servers" line. keep doing this until you have added all the names of the networks, and all the servers in each network.
You will then be simultaneously connected to ALL THE OPENNAP SERVERS.
Then you will become epiphanized.
Gnutella has gone totally insane.
Ive had over 4000 pings on port 6346 trying to see if my client is up. Those FOOLS at Morpheus should have done the following:
shut down the old client, asking people to download a small notification app.
Create a small notification app that runs every time that windows runs, that checks at a random time three times a week if the new version of Morpheus is ready. If the server "pings yes" it should open an ie window to the morpheus download page. How hard could that be?
The next thing that they should have done is not gone for Gnutella, but for GiFT. GiFT is an opensource implimentation of the FastTrack network.
Gnutella in its present form does not scale. Everyone knows this. GiFT performs well, scales like the original FastTrack network, and is not being used simply because no one has sprayed a traffic hose on it.
This lunacy, opting for Gnutella, has meant that people on slow connections are pinged off of the net by client requests, and even when you close your client, many tens of thousands of clients continue to hammer your IP, effectively DOSing you.
What an unmitigated disaster for Streamworks!
Check out the links to the GiFT sites, and see the tasty & clean clients.
A Madonna Over Yorkshire related link:
check here for info regarding the gig at the end of March.
The Intro Rocks, then see this:
Do you want access to half a petabyte of MP3 files?
Who would'nt??
Download WinMX. Install it. Then manually insert the servers that you find at Napigator:
and you will have what I can only describe as a near religious experience.
and in case you need to check, here is what a petabyte means:
Install the new google toolbar.
Edit your registry to say under:
and you will find that there is a hidden tool that appears as an option under the google tool preferences!
Its a distributed computing app that will help organic chemists create computer models of folding proteins.
Yes, its cool!
Monday, March 04, 2002
open RealPlayer, go to --> File ---> Open File.. ---> Select any real media
file.. ex: c:\music\file.ram
Play the file.
Now go to ---> View ---> Clip Source
realplayer will open the url
from now realplay.exe will listen on port 1275 TCP
as you can see, real player have a (Mini WebServer) that listen on port 1275
I only tested the ../../ bug
Result: my boot.ini
Vulnerable version: 6.0.7
other version? maybe..
C:\>fport |grep real
Pid Process Port Proto Path
1964 realplay -> 1275 TCP C:\Program
Sunday, March 03, 2002
We are in a time of desert famine in popular music
that depends on whether or not you enjoy eating what's being offered ....... the grey sludge that we so despise is enjoyed by many, and that by default makes it popular music .....
no, it makes it sludge. sludge is bad. there are no two ways about it. I think we are talking about different things here.
in its short history, pop has always pandered to the lowest common denomenator,
not true; there was always a small percentage of something exiting going on, what i am talking about is the dwindling of that small percentage. I am not talking about appealing to the lowest common denominator. I am talking about the dissapearance of that small island that used to exist where it was possible to do something interesting, AND live. Anyone that was there knows what I am talking about. Anyone who was not there, cannot know what I am talking about, because that environment ceased to exist before many people got a chance to see and feel what it was like.
i would guess that there are plenty of people making the "good stuff" out there, but i don't think it'll be made visible within and by the music industry machine because the majority don't want it
we didn't need that machine, and do not need that machine to hear these works. That fact has already been proven. What I want to know is WHERE ARE THESE PEOPLE AND THE WORKS THAT THEY ARE MAKING? Guessing about the existence of these people is not the same as going out hearing the sound and being taken away by it. If it is there, I want it. If someone knows where it is, then I want them to show it to me.
...... it is a pointless endeavour to try and point out the error of the mass-market's ways to it, because the mass-market enjoys its food ....... i don't like that fact any more than anyone else with an idea of what the alternative could be, the only difference is that i'm not inclined to poison myself with angst about that fact ............
Like I said, I am not talking about the "mass market", but about an environment and very large group of people and organizations that grew organically and which supported a large number of incredibly talented and noteworthy artists that does not exist anymore, the last remnant of which is the worst piece of crap that just happened to exist at the same time. Those that know the history, know what I am talking about.
what i meant was that if everyone wrote like bach, bach would cease to have the resonance that he does, because his standard would be the norm, and that as a consequence people who judge whether or not something is "good" according to how different it is might consider it to be boring, not that it would be boring per se
I am saying that a human alive is preferable to a human dead. I am saying that if there were two Bachs, each would not diminsh the other. There are quantifiable, indivisible bodies of works that even if there were many of them, the effect of each would not be diminished. Sun Ra for example, made many recordings, and this fact does not lessen the value of each. In other words, the value of each Sun Ra work would not be greater if there were fewer total Sun Ra works, or for that matter, if there were two Sun Ras. To say this, is to not appreciate the greatness of the finest artists and thier works. These people and what they did trancends the Freedman/Regan/Thatcher/$capitalist economic values that are universally missaplied to art. We didnt have to live with this either. Once again, anyone that was there will confirm that I am not halucinating or making this up.
how can you conceive of something as being on the left if you do not first have an idea of where the right might be positioned ? how can something be high if the concept of low hasn't been established ?
It is not necessary to make a comparison for something to have a value, though the process is useful to give someone a feeling of why one work is to be prefered over another. In music, the idea of place is used again and again to describe when a work is great. "We are there", when groups acknowledge that they are playing well together. "It is there" when a mix or recording is perfect. That you are there, is enough. What is in the streets now is not there. Its nowhere.
....... and yet, THEY LIVE.
we don't need u2, but we need the essence of what they represent in order to justify praising what they are not .....
if we even need this, which i clearly think that we dont, we only need it once. when there is nothing to "be on the right" as you say, or as I say, when there is nothing that is "There®" then we have a problem, and this is the problem that I am talking about. The channels of communication are better than ever. Nothing escapes the attention of everyone. There is nothing on the right.
There is nothing There.
stinging nettles and ivy thrive in this country because they have adapted the most effectively to their surroundings : if you're not careful you can walk / drive around and not see anything else living in a hedgerow except these stifling breeds,
Sounds exactly like what has happened; we are in a sea of stinging nettles, stinging our ears every day. No escape, nowhere to run. No stone or tree stump to stand on.
but every now & then, and then more & more regularly as you become accustomed to looking, you see tiny flashes of colour where the most intense flowers do their thing ..... am i saddened that they are not as numerous as their bullying cousins ? no, i am glad because i have seen them, and enjoy the little bursts when they do occur ..........
we call this, "suffering". People in bondage live for the small mercies; the chain gang working the roads breaking rocks can be controlled by the single drink of water they get twice a day. This is not living, this is existing
their presence is made all the more striking because of the conditions in which they grow ......... have you forgotten those great writers just because u2 still breathe ? no, you remember them with greater clarity because of whom they're being compared to I need to eat every day. I cannot eat once, and be sustained on one meal forever. If listening to the works of the past were sufficient for mankind, we would still be listening to people clacking rocks together in caves. Men need new thought, new expression, new sounds. This is absolutely fundamental to the condition of man, and when man creates only sludge, then he IS sludge, and that is what this generation is, PURE SLUDGE, content to raid the record collecitons of thier grandfathers to trott out disgusting prostituted versions of worthy art. You want an example. I know you do. Alicia Keys: Takes "This is a mans world" marrys it to "We are the champions" and creates a sickening syrupy eruption of sludge, that the brain dead hail as being "important fresh and new work".
....... maybe they're still writing, maybe they've come to the conclusion that attempting to broacast their message through such a diluting medium is detrimental to their sense of well-being, maybe they don't feel the desire to tell thousands what they're thinking, maybe like us they're happier being part of a smaller group that is interested in what they have to say, comfortable in the fact that many many many similar cells exist that give their members the same sense of satisfaction without having to look further afield .......
That is alot of speculation, but lets say that its true for a moment. If that is so these people are displaying behavior that is the opposite of true human nature. Humans create in order to share thier thoughts and works, for whatever purpose. If the behaviour of these people was truely happening as you say, then they would be inhuman, and fit only for flogging. This is true now more than ever, since its possible to network with many people for near-zero money, and since people like this are so badly needed. Even before the wide usage of the net, people were pressing records in small numbers and distributing them via mail. There is no excuse for what can only be called hoarding.
If people are huddled together in caves like the pre homosapien men in "2001 a Space Odyssey", then we are in more trouble than any of us that care realized. Human nature is outward in its direction, not inward. Once again, our favourite sounds would be clacking stones or heaving into buckets if people didn't move between circles, share, perform, record, transmit and write down what they thought said played and did.
Thats why I discount the "working in secret" theory. There is no secret group of great artists quietly re writing the rules for the pleasure of a few friends. That just is'nt how people, especially creative people, operate.
..... a long time coming ....
it will be if that's really what you're looking out for ........ i think that "culture" will become, is becoming, or is returning to being a much more dissipated affair, in the way it was before the invention of publishing
So, its going backwards, falling to pieces, receeding. This is A Bad Thing®.
........ people who went out to the local drinking hole made their own entertainment because trecking over the hills to the nearest neighbour was too arduous, and dangerous when pissed ....... it really didn't matter whether that entertainment was crap or not, because the point of the whole enterprise was to share some time with other people and get some perspective on what you considered to be problems .......
to what end? after you hav the perspective on what the problems are, then what? with no printing presses, no communication, everyone is an ape crouched in a cave waiting to die.
No thanks!
everything is engineered to exclude .......
what are we doing here ? ............ i think that these areas where people can discuss topics of shared interest are where we should be looking for our stimulus, not a market that is geared towards reaping the rewards of the economy of scale
we never have, and thats not what I am talking about.
...... i think that the era of mass entertainment that appeals to the whole of society will prove to be a minor socialogical blip ......................... yes, I have heard this before. What this ACTUALLY MEANS is that all the generations of the future are condemned to living like the generations that lived before Rock & Roll. I didnt live then, but I have heard about the way youth was spent in those times, and I can tell you that it was not pretty. Just listen to the description of the first time that people heard Elvis, how it transformed them, and changed their world, for the good, forever. The Rock & Roll generations (the last 40 years, around 3 generations) had something that made humans better and if it does not happen again, then the quality of human life will suffer, and the landscape will be greyer. Look at the footage of music entertainment before Rock & Roll, and shudder with fear, because that is what you and your children are condemned to. Crooners. Nuff said.
Cant you see it all around you? look at these people and thier shitty groups. Here is a good list of them In particular, listen to the "Black Rebel Motorcycle Club".
This is a real world example of the theoretical medical condition known as "clonal fading". In cloning, when you make a human clone from a cloned human, each sucessive clone is weaker than the preceeding version. What we have here with BRMC, is exactly this; a weak multi generation copy of something extraordinary. Listen to it. If you know your music, you will laugh and then cry at its total uselessness. And don't think that because this is at the BBC it must, by logic, be rubbish. The BBC was responsible for driving many good things into the ears of millions, whilst keeping the main mutitudes more than happy.
i think we should meet at the dog & duck, sounds like it might do you some good ;
"I drink to remember who I am" someone said long ago in the NME. I never forgot it.
Beer doesnt change over time. There is a God, no doubt about it.
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