Sunday, June 30, 2002
Saturday, June 29, 2002
Friday, June 28, 2002
Thursday, June 27, 2002
Clear Channel debuts QUICK 106 in Portland
(Portland, OR)...In a radical departure from mainstream radio formats, Clear Channel has created a totally new approach to traditional broadcasting. Friday, June 21st at 12:00 Noon, STAR 105.9 FM (KSTE-FM) changes its name and format to "QUICK 106" ...only the Best Parts of your Favorite Songs ". "QUICK 106" was designed to address the short attention span of today's busy music fan," said Program Director Bill Minckler. "'QUICK 106' will feature an active library of more than 11,000 songs. 'QUICK 106' is truly the most variety of music ever heard on Portland Radio. Each day you'll hear the Best Country, Top 40, Rock and Adult Hits and lots more of them," Minckler continued. "'QUICK 106" was born from a brainstorming meeting with Alan Lawson, Music Director, our research company consultant and myself," stated Program Director, Bill Minckler. "We noticed that our consultant's attention span was about seven seconds and the idea of this new format just grew from that!" An additional outcome of the research study showed that Portland Radio Listeners wanted to know each song title and artist. "QUICK 106" has gone to the extent of numbering every song so the listener will simply need to log-on to to look up the song number for each title and artist. "QUICK 106" will play an astonishing 426 songs each and every hour."'QUICK 106" will surely be a favorite to busy Portlanders that need lots of music in a flash," said Minckler "QUICK 106" is owned and operated by Clear Channel Communications. "QUICK 106" can be heard at 105.9 FM over the world wide web at, June 26, 2002
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Monday, June 24, 2002
Sunday, June 23, 2002
J Robert Oppenheimer & Albert Einstein:
TOP SECRET DRAFT June 1947 Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestrial Bodies Relationships with extraterrestrial men presents no basically new problem from the standpoint of international law: but the possibility of confronting intelligent beings that do not belong to the human race would bring us problems whose solution it is difficult to conceive. In principle, there is no difficulty in accepting the possibility of coming to an understanding with them, and of establishing all kinds of relationships. The difficulty lies in trying to establish the principles on which these relationships should be based. In the first place, it would be necessary to establish communication with them through some language or other, and afterwards, as a first condition for all intelligence, that they should have a psychology similar to that of men. At any rate, international law should make place for a new law on a different basis, and it might be called "Law Among Planetary Peoples", following the guidelines found in the Pentateuch. Obviously, the idea of revolutionizing international law to the point where it would be capable of coping with situations would compel us to make a change in its structure, a change so basic that it would no longer be international law, that is to say, as it is conceived today, but something altogether different, so that it could no longer bear the same name. If these intelligent beings were in possession of a more or less culture, and a more or less perfect political organization, they would have an absolute right to be recognised as independent and sovereign peoples, we would have to come to an agreement with them to establish the legal regulations upon which future relationships should be based, and it would be necessary to accept many of their principles. Finally, if they should reject all peaceful cooperation and become an imminent threat to the earth, we would have the right to legitimate defense, but only insofar as would be necessary to annul this danger. ***** Another possibility may exist, that a species of homo sapiens might have established themselves as an independent nation on another celestrial body in our solar system and -1- evolved culturally independently from ours. Obviously, this possibility depends on many circumstances, whose conditions cannot yet be foreseen. However, we can make a study of the basis on which such a thing might have occurred. In the first place, living conditions on these bodies lets say the moon, or the planet Mars, would have to be such as to permit a stable, and to a certain extent, independent life, from an economic standpoint. Much has been speculated about the possibilities for life existing outside of our atmosphere and beyond, always hypothetically, and there are those who go so far as to give formulas for the creation of an artificial atmosphere on the moon, which undoubtedly have a certain scientific foundation, and which may one day come to light. Let's assume that magnesium silicates on the moon may exist and contain up to 13 percent water. Using energy and machines brought to the moon, perhaps from a space station, the rocks could be broken up, pulverized, and then backed to drive of the water of crystallization. This could be collected and then decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen, using an electric current or the short wave radiation of the sun. The oxygen could be used for breathing purposes; the hydrogen might be used as a fuel. In any case, if no existence is possible on celestrial bodies except for enterprises for the exploration of their natural riches, with a continuous interchange of the men who work on them, unable to establish themselves there indefinitely and be able to live isolated life, independence will never take place. ***** Now we come to the problem of determining what to do if the inhabitants of celestrial bodies, or extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE) desire to settle here. 1. If they are politically organised and possess a certain culture similar to our own, they may be recognised as a independent people. They could consider what degree of development would be required on earth for colonizing. 2. If they consider our culture to be devoid of political unity, they would have the right to colonize. Of course, this colonization cannot be conducted on classic lines. A superior form of colonizing will have to be conceived, that could be a kind of tutelage, possibly through the tacit approval of the United Nations. But would the United Nations legally have the right of allowing such tutelage over us in such a fashion? -2- (a) Although the United Nations is an international organisation, there is no doubt that it would have no right of tutelage, since its domain does not extend beyond relationships between its members. It would have the right to intervene only if the relationships of a member nation with a celestrial body affected another member nation with an extraterrestrial people is beyond the domain of the United Nations. But if these relationships entailed a conflict with another member nation, the United Nations would have the right to intervene. (b) If the United Nations were a supra-national organisation, it would have competency to deal with all problems related to extraterrestrial peoples. Of course, even though it is merely an international organization, it could have this competence if its member states would be willing to recognise it. ***** It is difficult to predict what the attitude of international law will be with regard to the occupation by celestrial peoples of certain locations on our planet, but the only thing that can be foreseen is that there will be a profound change in traditional concepts. We cannot exclude the possibility that a race of extraterrestrial people more advanced technologically and economically may take upon itself the right to occupy another celestrial body. How, then, would this occupation come about? 1. The idea of exploitation by one celestrial state would be rejected, they may think it would be advisable to grant it to all others capable of reaching another celestrial body. But this would be to maintain a situation of privilege for these states. 2. The division of a celestrial body into zones and the distribution of them among other celestrial states. This would present the problem of distribution. Moreover, other celestrial states would be deprived of the possibility of owning an area, or if they were granted one it would involve complicated operations. 3. Indivisible co-sovereignty, giving each celestrial state the right to make whatever use is most convenient to its interests, independently of the others. This would create a situation of anarchy, #@ the strongest one would win out in the end. 4. A moral entity? The most feasible solution it -3- seems would be this one, submit an agreement providing for the peaceful absorption of a celestrial race(S) in such a manner that our culture would remain intact with guarantees that their presence not be revealed. Actually, we do not believe it necessary to go that far. It would merely be a matter of internationalizing celestrial peoples, and creating an international treaty instrument preventing exploitation of all nations belonging to the United Nations. ***** [SNIP!] Respectfully, /s/ Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer Director of Advanced Studies Princeton, New Jersey /s/ Professor Albert Einstein Princeton, New Jersey hereSaturday, June 22, 2002
nice peenie weenie. isn't the music life the sh*t? tgfdod pedals!
Friday, June 21, 2002
Thursday, June 20, 2002
Wednesday, June 19, 2002
Tuesday, June 18, 2002
Monday, June 17, 2002
anonymous call forwarding capability. Once connected to the network, and validated by your secret account number, you simply dial the number you wish to call, and HushTel" connects you, just as if you made the call directly, with two crucial differences -- one, the receiving party (even if they are set up to not accept "blocked numbers") will see only a HushTel network number; and two, any records reflecting your outgoing calls will show only the HushTel toll-free number you originally dialed. Anyone calling that number to check on the call will only hear the discreet message: "Please enter your number now," which you will know as the prompt for your account number but which will be meaningless to anyone else.
Read about it here...LOOOOOONG URL
Like I said:
"United Artists Pictures bears an illustrious reputation as one of Hollywood's oldest and most successful film companies. Known as "the company built by the stars," the studio was established in 1919 by the distinguished ensemble of Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, and D.W. Griffith - all legendary players of the silver screen. The budding company immediately captured the world's attention, as it began to make its indelible mark on Hollywood history. Setting a new direction for the entertainment industry, United Artists embarked on a course that ultimately would revolutionize the motion picture business. From its genesis, United Artists sought to "further the artistic welfare of the motion picture industry" by promising creative freedom to actors and filmmakers alike. The company's unique brand of independent production pioneered the concept of one man-one film, granting filmmakers unprecedented autonomy and a share of the profits. Rather than own production facilities and soundstages, United Artists functioned almost exclusively as a distribution entity. This philosophy gave the company an edge over competitors far richer, eventually forcing the major studios to follow suit by branching into independent production in the 1940s. Having led the way for independents, United Artists has enjoyed an unparalleled reputation throughout decades of history as a forum for artists to nourish the projects other studios refused to risk." won't deny our consciences
Prominent Americans have issued this statement on the war on terror Friday June 14, 2002 The Guardian Let it not be said that people in the United States did nothing when their government declared a war without limit and instituted stark new measures of repression. The signers of this statement call on the people of the US to resist the policies and overall political direction that have emerged since September 11 and which pose grave dangers to the people of the world. We believe that peoples and nations have the right to determine their own destiny, free from military coercion by great powers. We believe that all persons detained or prosecuted by the US government should have the same rights of due process. We believe that questioning, criticism, and dissent must be valued and protected. We understand that such rights and values are always contested and must be fought for. We believe that people of conscience must take responsibility for what their own governments do - we must first of all oppose the injustice that is done in our own name. Thus we call on all Americans to resist the war and repression that has been loosed on the world by the Bush administration. It is unjust, immoral and illegitimate. We choose to make common cause with the people of the world. We too watched with shock the horrific events of September 11. We too mourned the thousands of innocent dead and shook our heads at the terrible scenes of carnage - even as we recalled similar scenes in Baghdad, Panama City and, a generation ago, Vietnam. We too joined the anguished questioning of millions of Americans who asked why such a thing could happen. But the mourning had barely begun, when the highest leaders of the land unleashed a spirit of revenge. They put out a simplistic script of "good v evil" that was taken up by a pliant and intimidated media. They told us that asking why these terrible events had happened verged on treason. There was to be no debate. There were by definition no valid political or moral questions. The only possible answer was to be war abroad and repression at home. In our name, the Bush administration, with near unanimity from Congress, not only attacked Afghanistan but arrogated to itself and its allies the right to rain down military force anywhere and anytime. The brutal repercussions have been felt from the Philippines to Palestine. The government now openly prepares to wage all-out war on Iraq - a country which has no connection to the horror of September 11. What kind of world will this become if the US government has a blank cheque to drop commandos, assassins, and bombs wherever it wants? In our name the government has created two classes of people within the US: those to whom the basic rights of the US legal system are at least promised, and those who now seem to have no rights at all. The government rounded up more than 1,000 immigrants and detained them in secret and indefinitely. Hundreds have been deported and hundreds of others still languish today in prison. For the first time in decades, immigration procedures single out certain nationalities for unequal treatment. In our name, the government has brought down a pall of repression over society. The president's spokesperson warns people to "watch what they say". Dissident artists, intellectuals, and professors find their views distorted, attacked, and suppressed. The so-called Patriot Act - along with a host of similar measures on the state level - gives police sweeping new powers of search and seizure, supervised, if at all, by secret proceedings before secret courts. In our name, the executive has steadily usurped the roles and functions of the other branches of government. Military tribunals with lax rules of evidence and no right to appeal to the regular courts are put in place by executive order. Groups are declared "terrorist" at the stroke of a presidential pen. We must take the highest officers of the land seriously when they talk of a war that will last a generation and when they speak of a new domestic order. We are confronting a new openly imperial policy towards the world and a domestic policy that manufactures and manipulates fear to curtail rights. There is a deadly trajectory to the events of the past months that must be seen for what it is and resisted. Too many times in history people have waited until it was too late to resist. President Bush has declared: "You're either with us or against us." Here is our answer: We refuse to allow you to speak for all the American people. We will not give up our right to question. We will not hand over our consciences in return for a hollow promise of safety. We say not in our name. We refuse to be party to these wars and we repudiate any inference that they are being waged in our name or for our welfare. We extend a hand to those around the world suffering from these policies; we will show our solidarity in word and deed. We who sign this statement call on all Americans to join together to rise to this challenge. We applaud and support the questioning and protest now going on, even as we recognise the need for much, much more to actually stop this juggernaut. We draw inspiration from the Israeli reservists who, at great personal risk, declare "there is a limit" and refuse to serve in the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. We draw on the many examples of resistance and conscience from the past of the US: from those who fought slavery with rebellions and the underground railroad, to those who defied the Vietnam war by refusing orders, resisting the draft, and standing in solidarity with resisters. Let us not allow the watching world to despair of our silence and our failure to act. Instead, let the world hear our pledge: we will resist the machinery of war and repression and rally others to do everything possible to stop it. From: Michael Albert Laurie Anderson Edward Asner, actor Russell Banks, writer Rosalyn Baxandall, historian Jessica Blank, actor/playwright Medea Benjamin, Global Exchange William Blum, author Theresa Bonpane, executive director, Office of the mericas Blase Bonpane, director, Office of the Americas Fr Bob Bossie, SCJ Leslie Cagan Henry Chalfant,author/filmmaker Bell Chevigny, writer Paul Chevigny, professor of law, NYU Noam Chomsky Stephanie Coontz, historian, Evergreen State College Kia Corthron, playwright Kevin Danaher, Global Exchange Ossie Davis Mos Def Carol Downer, board of directors, Chico (CA) Feminist Women's Health Centre Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, professor, California State University, Hayward Eve Ensler Leo Estrada, UCLA professor, Urban Planning John Gillis, writer, professor of history, Rutgers Jeremy Matthew Glick, editor of Another World Is Possible Suheir Hammad, writer David Harvey, distinguished professor of anthropology, UNY Graduate Centre Rakaa Iriscience, hip hop artist Erik Jensen, actor/playwright Casey Kasem Robin DG Kelly Martin Luther King III, president, Southern Christian Leadership Conference Barbara Kingsolver C Clark Kissinger, Refuse & Resist! Jodie Kliman, psychologist Yuri Kochiyama, activist Annisette & Thomas Koppel, singers/composers Tony Kushner James Lafferty, executive director, National Lawyers Guild/LA Ray Laforest, Haiti Support Network Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor, Tikkun magazine Barbara Lubin, Middle East Childrens Alliance Staughton Lynd Anuradha Mittal, co-director, Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First Malaquias Montoya, visual artist Robert Nichols, writer Rev E Randall Osburn, executive vice president, Southern Christian Leadership Conference Grace Paley Jeremy Pikser, screenwriter Jerry Quickley, poet Juan Gumez Quiones, historian, UCLA Michael Ratner, president, Centre for Constitutional Rights David Riker, filmmaker Boots Riley, hip hop artist, The Coup Edward Said John J Simon, writer, editor Starhawk Michael Steven Smith, National Lawyers Guild/NY Bob Stein, publisher Gloria Steinem Alice Walker Naomi Wallace, playwright Rev George Webber, president emeritus, NY Theological Seminary Leonard Weinglass, attorney John Edgar Wideman Saul Williams, spoken word artist Howard Zinn, historianSunday, June 16, 2002
Friday, June 14, 2002
Have you said your piece yet?
David / Richard, Great piece about the new measures, however, no one is asking the proper questions about this, as outlined in this piece from Counterpane by security expert Bruce Schneier. *** How to Think About Security If security has a silly season, we're in it. After September 11, every two-bit peddler of security technology crawled out of the woodwork with new claims about how his product can make us all safe again. Every misguided and defeated government security initiative was dragged out of the closet, dusted off, and presented as the savior of our way of life. More and more, the general public is being asked to make security decisions, weigh security tradeoffs, and accept more intrusive security. Unfortunately, the general public has no idea how to do this. But we in computer security do. We've been doing it for years; we do it all the time. And I think we can teach everyone else to do it, too. What follows is my foolproof, five-step, security analysis. Use it to judge any security measure. Step one: What problem does the security measure solve? You'd think this would be an easy one, but so many security initiatives are presented without any clear statement of the problem. National ID cards are a purported solution without any clear problem. Increased net surveillance has been presented as a vital security requirement, but without any explanation as to why. (I see the problem not as one of not having enough information, but of not being able to analyze and interpret the information already available.) Step two: How well does the security measure solve the problem? Too often analyses jump from the problem statement to a theoretical solution, without any analysis as to how well current technology actually solves the problem. The companies that are pushing automatic face recognition software for airports and other public places spend all their time talking about the promises of a perfect system, while skipping the fact that existing systems work so poorly as to be useless. Enforcing a no-fly zone around a nuclear reactor only makes sense if you assume a hijacker will honor the zone, or if it is large enough to allow reaction to a hijacker who doesn't. Step three: What other security problems does the measure cause? Security is a complex and inter-related system; change one thing and the effects ripple. If the government bans strong cryptography, or mandates back-doors, the resultant weaker systems will be easier for the bad guys to attack. National ID cards require a centralized infrastructure that is vulnerable to abuse. In fact, the rise of identity theft can be linked to the increased use of electronic identity. Make identities harder to steal through increased security measures, and that will only make the fewer stolen identities more valuable and easier to use. Step four: What are the costs of the security measure? Costs are not just financial, they're social as well. We can improve security by banning commercial aircraft. We can make it harder for criminals to outrun police by mandating 40 mph speed maximums in automobiles. But these things cost society too much. A national ID card would be enormously expensive. The new rules allowing police to detain illegal aliens indefinitely without due process cost us dearly in liberty, as does much of the PATRIOT Act. We don't allow torture (officially, at least). Why not? Sometimes a security measure, even though it may be effective, is not worth the costs. Step five: Given the answers to steps two through four, is the security measure worth the costs? This is the easy step, but far too often no one bothers. It's not enough for a security measure to be effective. We don't have infinite resources. We don't have infinite patience. As a society, we need to do the things that make the most sense, that are the most effective use of our security dollar. Some security measures pass these tests. Increasing security around dams, reservoirs, and other infrastructure points is a good idea. Not storing railcars full of hazardous chemicals in the middle of cities should have been mandated years ago. New building evacuation plans are smart, too. These are all good uses of our limited resources to improve security. This five-step process works for any security measure, past, present, or future: 1) What problem does it solve? 2) How well does it solve the problem? 3) What new problems does it add? 4) What are the economic and social costs? 5) Given the above, is it worth the costs? When you start using it, you'd be surprised how ineffectual most security is these days. For example, only two of the airline security measures put in place since September 11 have any real value: reinforcing the cockpit door, and convincing passengers to fight back. Everything else falls somewhere between marginally improving security and a placebo. *** I think that it is obvious even to the casual observer that the current measures proposed by the Government are an overreaction to 9/11. The new powers do not pass any of the tests enumerated above, and clearly this fact has to be brought to the center of the debate, if the right decision is going to be made i.e. the measures are to be comprehensively struck down. There are many other reasons why these proposals are unworkable; the main one being that anyone that wishes to be anonymous and leave no traces of his or her activity online can do this with no extra software or hardware. Certainly, any target will be aware of this, and will swiftly move to hide their communications. The only communications left visible will be those made by ordinary people, and thus, there will be nothing for the authorities to search for. These measures will not prevent terrorism, and will cost the telecoms industry billions in new and intrusive infrastructure. The social costs will be immeasurable; we will be living in a country that will bear an uncomfortable resemblance to the former East Germany, where the omnipresent STASI could poke into the affairs of every person at will. In every way these proposals are ill advised, and it is important that someone asks the right questions, since it seems that no one on either side of the house is aware of precisely how the internet and cellular telephony works; if they did understand the details, not one of them would propose measures like this, because it is abundantly clear to anyone that what the Government is asking for is simply not a solution to the very real problems faced in the fight against terrorism. best ./akin sent to The Guardian 6/12/02 9:21AM
Thursday, June 13, 2002
Here are some interesting stats on browser usage...We are totally Mozilla over here, and everything is tested against it. Opera 6 displays everything beautifully except the dashed border (you /do/ see that dashed border dont you?). IE5/6 display perfectly, including dashed border. We therefore pretty much cover everyone. The only thing that I wish we could achieve is to validate 100% compliant against the standards...but hey, /what-a-kanna-yudu?/
Browser Trends
This discusses trends in the major browsers, listed in order of popularity:
- Internet Explorer 5.x: ~53% of page accesses, down from 80% a year ago. Usage peaked at 82% in Aug 2001, then tumbled with the advent of IE6.
- Internet Explorer 6.x: ~37% of page accesses.
- Netscape 4.x: ~3.6% of page accesses, down from 7% a year ago. This percentage should continue to shrink slowly, then shrink more rapidly as NN6 becomes stable.
- Internet Explorer 4.x: ~3.0% of page accesses, down from 8% a year ago. [B3] This percentage is shrinking as people upgrade their browsers.
- AOL: ~5-6% of page accesses. These accesses are also included in the percentages for Internet Explorer, since AOL's browser uses Internet Explorer. This percentage should remain about the same in the near term.
- Mozilla and Netscape 6.x: ~1.2% of page accesses. This has grown significantly since the release of Netscape 6.1.
- Opera: ~1.0% of page accesses. [B2] This has recently been growing slowly but steadily.
- Netscape 3.x: ~0.05% of page accesses. This percentage is shrinking as people upgrade their browsers. [B1]
- Internet Explorer 3.x: ~0.05% of page accesses. This percentage is shrinking as people upgrade their browsers. [B1]
- Internet Explorer 2.x: ~0.05% of page accesses. This percentage is shrinking as people upgrade their browsers. [B1]
- MSN-TV (WebTV): no page accesses are reported for MSN-TV users, but this is likely due to poor browser-detection code: sloppy code can identify old MSN-TV browsers as IE2, and newer versions as IE4. There is good evidence that this happened: when newer versions of MSN-TV came out, the reported number of IE2 users dropped precipitously; the drop suggests that about 0.8% of page accesses might be MSN-TV users. Note: since MSN-TV is available only in certain regions, the percentage will be much higher for sites attracting visitors from these regions; data suggest that, for the US and Canada, it is ~2%.
- Older Browsers: very few use older versions of Internet Explorer, Opera, or Netscape; web designers can generally disregard them.
Steven M. Greer MD Director, The Disclosure Project Imagine this: It is the summer of 2001, and someone presents you with a script for a movie or book that tells how a diabolical terrorist plot unfolds wherein both 110 story World Trade Center towers and part of the Pentagon are destroyed by commercial jets hijacked and flown into those structures. Of course you would laugh, and if you were a movie mogul or book editor, reject it out of hand as ridiculous and implausible, even for a fictional novel or movie. After all, how could a commercial jet, being tracked on radar after two jets had already hit the World Trade towers, make it through our air defenses, into the most sensitive airspace in the world, and in broad daylight on a crystal clear day, slam into the Pentagon! And this in a country that spends over $ 1 billion a day to defend itself! Absurd, illogical - nobody would swallow it! Unfortunately, there are some of us who have seen these scripts - and of far worse things to come - and we are not laughing. One of the few silver linings to these recent tragedies it that maybe - just maybe - people will take seriously, however far-fetched it may seem at first, the prospect that a shadowy, para-governmental and transnational entity exists that has kept UFOs secret - and is planning a deception and tragedy that will dwarf the events of 9/11. The testimony of hundreds of government, military and corporate insiders has established this: That UFOs are real, that some are built by our secret 'black' shadowy government projects and some are from extraterrestrial civilizations, and that a group has kept this secret so that the technology behind the UFO can be withheld - until the right time. This technology can - and eventually will - replace the need for oil, gas, coal, ionizing nuclear power and other centralized and highly destructive energy systems. This 5 trillion dollar industry - energy and transportation - is currently highly centralized, metered and lucrative. It is the stuff that runs the entire industrialized world. It is the mother of all special interests. It is not about money as you and I think of it, but about geo-political power - the very centralized power on which the current order in the world runs. The world is kept in a state or roiling wars, endless poverty for most of Earth's denizens and global environmental ruin, just to prop up this evil world order. As immense as that game is, there is a bigger one: Control through fear. As Werner Von Braun related to Dr. Carol Rosin, his spokesperson for the last 4 years of his life, a maniacal machine - the military, industrial, intelligence, laboratory complex - would go from Cold War, to Rogue Nations, to Global Terrorism (the stage we find ourselves at today) to the ultimate trump card: A hoaxed threat from space. To justify eventually spending trillions of dollars on space weapons, the world would be deceived about a threat from outer space, thus uniting the world in fear, in militarism and in war. Since 1992 I have seen this script unveiled to me by at least a dozen well-placed insiders. Of course, initially I laughed, thinking this just too absurd and far-fetched. Dr. Rosin gave her testimony to the Disclosure Project before 9/11. And yet others told me explicitly that things that looked like UFOs but that are built and under the control of deeply secretive 'black' projects, were being used to simulate - hoax - ET-appearing events, including some abductions and cattle mutilations, to sow the early seeds of cultural fear regarding life in outer space. And that at some point after global terrorism, events would unfold that would utilize the now-revealed Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs, or reversed-engineered UFOs made by humans by studying actual ET craft - see the book 'Disclosure' by the same author) to hoax an attack on Earth. Like the movie Independence Day, an attempt to unite the world through militarism would unfold using ET as the new cosmic scapegoat (think Jews during the Third Reich). None of this is new to me or other insiders: The report from Iron Mountain, NY, written in the 1960s, described the need to demonize life in outer space so we could have a new enemy. An enemy off-planet that could unite humans (in fear and war) and that would prove to be the ultimate prop for the trillion dollar military-industrial complex that conservative Republican President and five star general Eisenhower warned us about in 1961 (no one was listening then, either...). So here is the post-9/11 script - one that will be played out unless enough people are informed and the plan can be foiled because they will be unable to fool a sufficient number of citizens and leaders: After a period of terrorism - a period during which the detonation of nuclear devices will be threatened and possibly actuated, thus justifying expanding the weaponization of space - an effort will ramp up to present the public with information about a threat from outer space. Not just asteroids hitting the Earth, but other threats. An extraterrestrial threat. Over the past 40 years, UFOlogy, as it is called, combined with a mighty media machine, has increasingly demonized ETs via fearsome movies like Independence Day, and pseudo-science that presents alien kidnappings and abuse as a fact (in some circles) of modern life. That some humans have had contact with ETs I have no doubt; that the real ET contact has been subsumed in an ocean of hoaxed accounts I am certain. That is, real ET events are seldom reported out to the public. The Machine ensures that the hoaxed, frightening and intrinsically xenophobic accounts are the ones seen and read by millions. This mental conditioning to fear ET has been subtly reinforced for decades, in preparation for future deceptions. Deceptions that will make 9/11 look trivial. I write this now because I have recently been contacted by several highly placed media and intelligence sources that have made it clear to me that hoaxed events and story-lines are imminent that will attempt to further ramp up the fear machine regarding UFOs and ET s. After all, to have an enemy, you must make the people hate and fear a person, a group of people, or in this case an entire category of beings. To be clear: the maniacal covert programs controlling UFO secrecy, ARVs and related technologies - including those technologies that can simulate ET events, ET abductions and the like - plan to hijack Disclosure, spin it into the fire of fear, and roll out events that will eventually present ETs as a new enemy. Do not be deceived. This hogwash, already the stuff of countless books, videos, movies, documentaries and the like, will attempt to glom onto the facts, evidence and first-hand insider testimony of The Disclosure Project, and on its coattails, deliver to the world the cosmic deception that falsely portrays ETs as a threat from space. Do not be deceived. By commingling fact with fiction, and by hoaxing UFO events that can look terrifying, the Plan is to eventually create a new, sustainable, off-planet enemy. And who will be the wiser? You will. Because now you know that after 60 years, trillions of dollars and the best scientific minds in the world pressed into action, a secretive, shadowy group - a government within the government and at once fully outside the government as we know it - has mastered the technologies, the art of deception and the capability to launch an attack on Earth, and make it look like ET s did it. In 1997, I brought a man to Washington to brief members of Congress and others about this plan. Our entire team at the time met this man. He had been present at planning sessions when ARVs - things built by Lockheed, Northrup et al, and housed in secretive locations around the world - would be used to simulate an attack on certain assets, making leaders and citizens alike believe that there was a threat from space, when there is none. (Before he could testify, his handlers spirited him away to a secret location in Virginia until the briefing was over...) Sound familiar? Werner von Braun warned of such a hoax, as a pretext for putting war in space. And many others have warned of the same. Space based weapons are already in place - part of a secret parallel space program that has been operating since the 1960s. ARVs are built and ready to go (see the book 'Disclosure' and the chapter with the testimony of Mark McCandlish et al). Space holographic deception technologies are in place, tested and ready to fire. And the Big Media is a pawn, now taking dictation from the right hand of the king. I know this all sounds like science fiction. Absurd. Impossible. Just like 9/11 would have sounded before 9/11. But the unthinkable happened and may happen again, unless we are vigilant. Combine all of this with the current atmosphere of fear and manipulation and there is a real risk of suspending our collective judgment and our constitution. But know this: If there was a threat from outer space, we would have known about it as soon as humans started exploding nuclear weapons and going into space with manned travel. That we are still breathing the free air of Earth, given the galacticly stupid and reckless actions of an out of control, illegal, secret group, is abundant testimony to the restraint and peaceful intentions of these visitors. The threat is wholly human. And it is we who must address this threat, rein it in and transform the current situation of war, destruction and secret manipulation to one of true Disclosure and an era of sustained peace. War in space, to replace war on Earth, is not evolution, but cosmic madness. A world thus united in fear is worse than one divided by ignorance. It is now time for the great leap into the future, a leap that moves us out of fear and ignorance and into an unbroken era of universal peace. Know that this is our destiny. And it will be ours just as soon as we choose it.Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Tuesday, June 11, 2002
Monday, June 10, 2002,13005,901020225-203630,00.html
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has written to the government, questioning the legality of the plans under international law.
The governments of Sweden, Belgium and France have also sent a joint letter expressing their "profound concern" about the legislation."Integration problems are more often than not caused by the intolerance of the immigrant parents themselves who reject the thought of their children becoming fully integrated into mainstream Danish daily life," he said.
Mimicking the late US president John F Kennedy, he said that immigrants should "ask not what Denmark can do for you but what you can do for Denmark".,2763,681550,00.html