Wednesday, July 31, 2002

maybe it's just the evidence of absinthe!? you know..... the use of which makes one go totally and completely BLIND! something dosen't work on what? do tell/url pleeze.
The dearth of definitive proof of an Iraqi threat against America began to go international. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld appeared before NATO not long ago and demanded that they support America's looming Iraq war. Most of the NATO nations appeared ready to do so - they trusted that America's top defense official would not come before them and lie. But when they tried to ask questions of him about the basis for this war, Rumsfeld absolutely refused to answer any of them. Instead, he offered this regarding our utter lack of meaningful data to support a conflict: "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence." I fell off my chair when I read this, and you all know why!
Ritter: read it and forward it

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Madonna Over Yorkshire, plays live at Smallfish, ....... -for us overseas.....can we get a recording?? let's take a trip, not trip of body but of spirit where transmissions from deep space come from within, electromagnetic waves oscillating subatomic particles carrying messages from the vast beyond, submitted to the will of the dominatrix of techno love..... skyrocketed thru the creaters of you are in deep space.
"Why, when, and how does a large art organization sue an individual net artist under the DMCA? Fortunately Curt Cloninger of has made a website to chronicle the dirty details. "Sometimes net art and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ARE two great tastes that taste great together."
"back to the real world --- the small fish gig is at 8pm on 8th of august theres an 808 in their maybe i should play at 8 past 8 " Madonna Over Yorkshire, plays live at Smallfish, Old Street, London, August 8th at 8:08PM. All watchers of "Six Feet Under" will have wondered at the synchronicity between the theme for that show and the work of Mr. Minns. Indeed.
resident evil scientist black mother fucker son of a bitch-X
triplet: fuck moby dick (sorry for the language)
bravo! that's a fantastic list. network overtime buddha's feast or famine peanut butter cups and saucers optimistic pizza dav, make sure you eat something before you get your shots. i went for a typhoid, thinking i could grab a bite after, had to wait an extra hour, got shot, then passed out in the hallway as i was all cagey and rushing to leave... not one of my most glamorous moments. nice nurse gave me a ride home though, so all was not lost...

Monday, July 29, 2002

Friday, July 26, 2002

the latest apple ad


Pravda.Ru sources in the Gulf have confirmed that the military build-up by the US Forces has begun, with �tent cities� being built in Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait, while in Washington military sources have confirmed that operations have started. The new French Foreign Minister, Dominique Villepin, told French diplomats that she expected the military action from the USA against Iraq to come �soon� after a meeting with US National Security Advisor, Condoleeza Rice. Military strategists in Washington have leaked to the press reports that the first strike would be with special forces, possibly Delta Force and CIA operationals, together with British SAS and SBS, setting up blockades along Iraq�s road arteries, while aircraft carried out punitive missions and advanced bases were set up in Mosul, in the north and Basra in the south. This, according to Major Charles Heyman, spokesperson for Jane�s Information Group, could take place �much sooner than expected�, in August or September. These bases would be used in a second phase next Spring with a large invading force of some 250,000 troops liaising with Kurdish and Shi�ite guerrillas. A legitimate basis for such an attack has not yet been declared. John ASHTEAD PRAVDA.Ru LONDON UNITED KINGDOM Pravda
"Islam is evil, Christ is King"
i posted about that LEGO game awhile ago. i completed it during workwastetime... but i didn't even come CLOSE to a high score. i don't understand how these people do it...
"The fast-food industry has wrecked my life," Caesar Barbar, one of plaintiffs, told the New York Post. Mr Barbar - a 57-year-old maintenance supervisor who weighs almost 125 kilograms (275 pounds) - said he regularly ate fast food until 1996, when a doctor warned his diet could potentially kill him.
An Excellent Lego Game
Looks like "IraqAttack" is ON = huge disapointment. isn't destructive rhetoric enough? ok it's 5:07 am i have to go to bed.
What I Say?!
Looks like "IraqAttack" is ON, Pravda and a paper in the UK are both reporting "tent cities" being built in the countries surrounding Iraq. If they think that they are going to get away with this, they are having a Crack Attack.
"Yale officials filed a complaint yesterday with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Princeton officials apologized for what they called a "serious lapse of judgment" by the director, Stephen E. LeMenager. Princeton placed him on administrative leave pending an investigation of the incident, which was first reported yesterday by the online edition of The Yale Daily News, the undergraduate newspaper." -next up, beaver sues moose for territory infringement and negligent shrub eating.
alas it the only real answer these days: PC. if you have the cash or some hook ups then your in but otherwize it's really only a do it yourself market. 3grand that is ridiculus considering the options available. if a p4 2.0 and up with 500-1g ddr ain't gunna do it for you then you should be doing work at an professional editing facility or have a home based business. and that machine you can build for 600- 750CAD, yes CAD that is like 375GBP. then you can buy two. even buy winblows if you like or install linux and put the other one up on freebsd. all that and a 21' moniter and you would be approaching the amount of a single mid-topline g4. boom server & workstation; unix/linux for you web machine, an app running box and hell even a cheapo linksys is like a hundred dollars. but if you are at work and they have the cash(like an ea or a design company) then your all set and chillin. plus depending on what you do you could LEARN a lot more with a complicated set up like that. i am of the more hardware philosophy. have a problem or even if you don't i say throw hardware at it. networking will be done in the pc format forever basically. you can run to 7-eleven to replace shit, build real thin machines; single purpose. have "that guy in the alley" build you a super cheap 1u unit. however, you want to run or design an app get a mac. and yeah they are getting people for breach of terms of service. they must have had a legal team search out isp terms of service contracts for many months. or is that iana and/or the backbones bound by the feds that sets that at the core? good question?????
"What do you mean 'we are not thinking' I'm thinking when I choose my mascara!" Claudia Winkleman, BBC Liquid News, July 26 2002

Thursday, July 25, 2002

inhrerently inferior hairball known as winblows hahahahahahahhaahhaha! you are funny today. I wonder what the next super-fine computer will be? Someone, somewhere, must be developing the next, better machine. The computers they were using in Minority Report were awesome! Very pretty...
If that is true, then the macs growth has reached its maximum. I dont see why they are trying to recruit new users; the hardware is to much $$, no matter how good OSX is, if you NEED a machine and have a restricted budget, you HAVE to go PC. There will not be a better OS than OSX for another ten years at least, and even if there were, thats not enough for joe sixpac or jane "it ate half my paper" to spend HUNDREDS of dollars extra for a pretty plastic box and an OS that they will never fully appreciate or use. Linux developers are not coherent in thier goals so it moved forward like a nebulous cloud-blob so dont expect anything anywhere near as great as OSX for at least 20 years from them (all things remaining the same). Why should we care? because we all want the best apps running on the best possible OS, and that means OSX. Developers dont have the resources to port everything so they go for the most widely deployed platform, which means that they spend all thier time developing for that inhrerently inferior hairball known as winblows. That is bad®. This is eventually going to be a VHS Betamax result, ie the inferior, sub optimal solution winning out because it spread faster, had more movies to know the story.
holy, complete complete truth!
sun solaris dude! samba crushes appletalk, ha! nah, really you are totally totally right but it ain't gunna happen see, yeah mugsie yeah. does mac do scsi? and i guess you can raid out an array of mac hd's right? i don't even know and that's pathetic. i don't know jack about mac's. not a thing except they look pretty and i can run the terminal. that is key otherwize i never would have payed(!) attention to them. that was a brilliant move indeed. and btw: steve jobs is so loaded. mega rich. do you think they possibly loose touch after awhile? i don't know? jobs - gates is there really any difference? really? this is why i always, well....not jump to the defense of m$ but at least put in perspective. there, in my opinion and outside of the functionality of the os' themselves, is no real difference in the evil and $ type catagories. they both squash out any possible opp for others to squeeze in on their market. that is the nature of business. i mean hey it's not philosophy you know. so this will end all the m$ bitching right? 2002 nt7 = shim sham? weaponize space?
"$1,599.00 800MHz PowerPC G4" is just too much. i can build a p4 2.4 for half that with almost a gig of ddr. that is my only real complaint with mac. I was discussing this today with one of my mac boyz; Mac would rule everything if you could put together your own generic mac boxen from mac manufactured parts on the cheap. I would so do this, you cannot beileve. NO ONE would buy PC parts anymore, what for? And of course, parasi... I mean third party hardware manufacturers would step in and make cool stuff...Jobs is SO WRONG about this its beyond funny.
those adds were poor. it dosen't matter who did what or why is just matters that you like it and it fits the job. kinda highschooly. plus 9 is key!! but "$1,599.00 800MHz PowerPC G4" is just too much. i can build a p4 2.4 for half that with almost a gig of ddr. that is my only real complaint with mac. are(were i guess) those the same fish that were becoming transvestites due to the high levels of passed out birth control pill hormone goo waste in the water? dead transvestite fish with 6 fingers on each fin. i am seeing a pattern emerge here. open(LIFEFORM, ">$dna" ) ;
Did you know that 6000 fish were killed recently in Prince Edward Island because of pesticides? Potato farmers use these pesticides so they can produce potatoes worthy of the 4" french fry. 4" is the perfect size to stand straight up in a little paper carton.
Plus 8: it never crashes Plus 9: Terminal as for the PDF workflow, PDFs make everything simple, except when you are working with fonts that do now allow embedding. You have to outline these before you distill the file, or try and save it as PDF. Aparently, OSX doesnt struggle to redraw the screen, so its not taxing your processor to hard. Did you know that configurations following you around was in UNIX ages and ages ago? Switching MacOS to UNIX was the smartest thing they ever did, and it took alot of guts and genius to make it happen.
Construction of Fear
Isn't there something in Disclosure Project about this? Asteroids as a reason to militarize space.

They don't scare me! And if I get hit, I will only break into small sticks...
On Macs: We had the intro to OSX yesterday, I will have a new Mac under my desk by September 1. Plus 1: I will have local admin rights. However they could give that to me now, and I could actually install Quicktime player and watch the Mac ads posted. Plus 2: I can boot onto any machine, and my desktop settings will follow. Well, you can do this with a shared network for PC's, but that would be work for the IS guy (read supported laziness). Plus 3: When I start up an app, it will swoop into the screen, Genie action. Okay, this is cool, but do I want to tax my operating system with simple tasks? Plus 4: It is pretty. Cannot deny it is easy on my eyes. Much like Miss Ellen, cutie. Plus 5: It will streamline our production and the pre-press house will like us more. But we will be staying with a pdf work flow. Huh? All this wingeing about fonts and compatibility, and we are staying with the same work flow? Don't get me started... Plus 6: Shared folders. I can view others' folders, and make my own little webpage for my co-workers to look at. Okay, a definate plus! Built-in f**king around time at work. And I will never have to speak to a co-worker again. I can just stuff a screenshot into their folder and it will pop up on their screen. Oh yeah! Plus 7: Quark will run smoother. There are some weird annoying bugs with my windoze app, but if I had admin rights, I could try and work them out. Oh! But Quark doesn't run in OSX... I am sure there are more pluses, and perhaps it is a better working environment. We will see when I'm actually driving the thing. And for the record, if someone gave me a Mac for Christmas, I'd be pretty happy. But I'd rather have a trip to the spa...
The Ellen Feiss spot is a typical Mac ad; pathetic. They talk about OSX, but never show how cool it is, never reveal just what makes the mac so attractive. SO WHAT if a bunch of dumbasses have converted to mac? They convert for all sorts of reasons, most of them not a reason at all; "I got one for Christmas" is not a very compelling reason for someone to quit windoze. It should be easy to tell everyone just how great the mac now is...why are they finding it so HARD??!? The fact is that Macintosh have never been in a better position to rule everything....but maybe they shouldnt, cuz if this is the best campaign that they can come up with, they dont deserve to rule anything! BTW the Quicktime there looks spectacularly good. One more thing; alomst all those dudes are famous!
some beautiful work here
A spokesperson for the BMA has just said on the London Today programme (ITV) that the single jabs "are not as effective as MMR". Say what??? And then the presenter went on to say "more on the MMR rebellion by parents tonight at 6" Come again??? Rebellion?
Incredible isnt it? just one mistake in typing corrupts the whole page. Hmmmm just imagine making a typing error when you are typing: Aeg_sears -TTTTTAA-TTATTTTTTG-CGCCTCG-TGACAAACATATCGCACGTGCGCGA Six fingers on your feet instead of five toes!
Submitted for your approval.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

thanks a, i find the "other" catagory quite interesting, wouldn't you say? i didn't know about the two NA guys. are things being shaken up for a little, ahem, "restructuring"? hey bernie ebbs, can i borrow 408$milli? i'm just a little short on cash. btw: dude, fusker is completely awesome. people do get all up in arms i'll bet though, huh? you are just to up on it for them to handle it would seem mikkel. indeed! can't wait to see what you'll be writing in 5 years and can i get a copy of it when you do?! ;p look at this sweetie, will you? name:buttercup. geez!
One for JB Note some of the reasons that they got on this llist.
OI! Oi!!! Honest guv! No takin' the piss out of Barkin' Fellas like Billy and me! Oi! Some daftarsed fashion chain is already tryin' its Mae West wiv the "This machine kills fascists" slogans appropriated for their own 'ighly priced t-shirts. Nuffink is sacred any more. And yer bet yor red-eyed munchie-seekin' skinless dry-North and Southed desperate ass it's expensive. Guvnah. The Dialectalizer
Fusker is pure genius.
Google search for UltimateCovergirls
can you parse that language for us mikkel? i no speako it. and yeah, economics is shim shamery for sure. the fall of the stock market in the late twenties and early thirty's still isn't understood completely. keynesian ecomonics is on it's way out nowadays and it's like a headless horseman with the body of a american football jock superstar. all is confused and the horse has a broken leg. i think we should shoot the horse and put one of those granola eating power walkers in charge(this is an analogy of course....or is it?). i just don't know anymore.
this amorphous creation and destruction of wealth is bogus. it has no real value. it is not bread, it is not milk! I was having a conversation along these lines with a banker friend. The only way you can have investment in a company and not have the sluctuaion (yes, sluctuation) of wild share trading is to set up an exchange specifically designed to dampen down these effects. It would have to be an "ethical exchange", where people are investing for profit AND the good of the community. There would have to be restrictions on when and under what curcumstances you were allowed to sell your shares, and also, the accounts of the companies on this exchange would have to operate an open accounts policy, where every day the accounts are open to scrutiny. This would stop the "shenanigans" of the type that we have seen recently. I quoted that word, because I dont think these companies are run by bad people, and Im not up in arms about the accounting practices either. These companies are FORCED to do the things they do just to stay in profit / exist; forced by over regulating, over taxing governments that leave them no option but to become creative. I hated Economics at school. Everything was theoretical, and our tutor knew he was bullshitting us, because when we asked him why the economy could not be precisely controlled, he had no answer for us. "If ifs and ands were pots and pans, Economics would be cookery" Akin Fernandez Economics is a scam, like weather forcasting, only worse, because economies are small scale, and modelable, unlike the weather, which is unweildly and large. Over one hundred years of theories, the fastes computers fed with the most refined mathematical models, and they cant get inflation under control....actually, do we WANT them to be able to control the economy like a finely tuned engine? Seeing that "they" are the devils spawn. i think the price is good luck. Speaking of the devils spawn..... :]
neezap awfa brhaan innaaat
so i have been mulling this over for a while now and wanted to bring it up. i know how the market works and why it exists but why does it have such an effect on our economies. i barely know a hand full of people who invest in it and that goes for people i know who own businesses! why do we let a bunch of jocks who, in high school we all would have hated, run our economies. aren't morgage/interest rates enough to drive our economic system. why put it emotionally in the hands of a bunch of texas gamblers!! that is basically what they are and my bet is that over time(in our life time[mark my words]) we will see a lot less of a puncuation on the stock market. companies really use the selling of stocks in thier business to manufacture value or perceived value as it were. this amorphous creation and destruction of wealth is bogus. it has no real value. it is not bread, it is not milk! it is created wealth from the manufacuring of perceived value. not what we should hold as the indicator of value in a company. bogus bogus bogus. and btw: kettle chips are the greatest thing ever! yogurt and green onion! holy crap they are good! and a cobra beer too? what a way to spend the afternoon! and i think the price is good luck.
Do you have Armagideon Dub? I just checked, and no, its not in my collection. Did anyone ever read the Grand Royal piece on Lee Perry and the Black Arc studio? It was full of incredible pictures.
America: Home of the FREE*. (* -- Federation for the Regulation of Everyone and Everything).
Lee Perry "must haves": Enter the Dragon Shit easy dub Experiments at the grass r00t Grumblin dub Right Yo Dub Splash out dub Make way for the Upsetter!
Engineers codes Love em!
And this is the recipt you will get. EVERY TIME Yesterday, for a bag of Kettle Chips, a Cobra beer, a bottle of Spa water, a bottle of Snapple.
A dead link
I just heard that Larry Silverstien, the man who owns the WTC lease, is going to collect Seven Billion Dollars from his insurers.
yo ck this out. i found it in the times(ny that is) and find it completely interesting to say the least. makes that m$ subscription shite even more sinister! market share of nyse and largest companies per sector:
search string = "irdial" 30-bit binary equivalent = 010011001000100010010000101100 search string found at binary index = 2597889316 binary pi : 0111100001001100100010001001000010110000100111000111010101101111 binary string: 010011001000100010010000101100 character pi : jacjicd;yaskxirdiald,nuwtouvcn,lyuon_g character string: irdial

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

feeling better mikkel?
i highly doubt that the us gov would allow this to happen I was waiting for the announcement that they were going to leap in and take uunet over. Can you say "Super Carnivore"?
I wouldn't really call a program that generates pi compression in the same sense as zip & rar. It's more like a formula. Remember those dudez that were trying to sell a "new compression algorithm" that worked on the principle that every string of random numbers could be found in an incomensurable / irrational number? All you have to do is specify the start point and end point of the string, and provide the formula that creates the whole set of numbers and you have super small "compression".
we woke up this morning to a radio show ensuring regional vancouverites that telus was going to keep consistent connectivity on the uunet backbones due to "smart routing"(the bgp's with ospf?? this confused me a bit) in case of an total uunet/worldcom collapse. i highly doubt that the us gov would allow this to happen(an oc-48-192c network to fold) no matter what their books say but even so a lot of ccie's+ are going to get contract work as i am totally sure some things may need to be re-routed at some point soon. uunet is the 2nd largest oc-48 backbone supplier in the us and probably the largest up to oc-192 in the world so the love is going to need to be spread me thinks. also: we just did some more testing here between a couple of vancouver locations and because this building is literally right across the street my upstream quoted ceiling of 640kbps is actually moving at 80+kBps x 8 being a massive 800kbps!! needless to say i am reluctant to move from this location!
are you in pi? i had heard that they had to close the mbridge for a while after it opened due to the weight of all the pedestrian causing the bridge to sway kinda violently. i guess it got straightened out later though. was anyone there on opening day? the video shows this too. beautiful looking structure though.
"When discussing the notion of compressing random data, you will frequently find yourself tied up in terminology problems. It seems likely that we aren't all working from a clear-cut definition of the word "random." For example, you probably won't get an argument from a casual listener if you say that the digits of pi are random. However, if the digits of pi are random, we have a problem, because you can clearly write a fairly short program that can generate zillions of digits of pi, meaning that those so-called random digits are heavily compressible. Does this mean the digits of pi aren't random, or does it mean that random data can be compressed?" Interesting. RAR compresses 10 million digits of Pi better than gzip: original file 12,977,091 gzipped 45%, packed length 5,908,141. RARed 41% packed length 5,328,433. This was an unformatted listing of Pi btw.
A Richard Rogers building, that you can see in 3D: His latest project, which is next door to his offices on the Thames: London is looking pretty spectacular at the moment The Millenium bridge is a gas, with the Tate Modern at one end and St Pauls at the other. Spectacular:
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture." -Frank Zappa Toyo Ito's Tower of Winds was part of the electronic music label Caipirinha's Architettura series exploring the synergy between architecture and electronic music. Savvas Ysatis & Taylor Deupree created the corresponding music. One of the other pieces in the series is David Toop's music to go along with Itsuko Hasegawa's Museum of Fruit. It is an amazing building. "Located in Yamanashi, Japan, within sight of Mount Fuji, the Museum of Fruit is a cluster of three domes - a tropical green house, an atrium event space, an educational workshop for teaching. Odd-shaped and assymetrical, the structures suggest a variety of natural forms: marine molluscs attached to a seaweed-covered flat rock at low tide; armadillos, beetles or seed pods, squashed fruits fallen from a tree and eaten by insects from within, sleeping snails, even the bulging eyes of some giant, supine creature."
So if we are using mozilla for..."life", should we upgrade to 1.1 or stick with 1.0, and if the answer is "yes stick with 1.0" how will the developers get sufficient feedback to properly develop the 1.1 branch? (i always use the talkback builds) With the linux kernel AFAIK, you can upgrade your kernel and not break anything; each time mozilla goes to another version number, things like enigmail instantly break, and we have to wait for the enigmail developers to catch up. Also, when will the 1.0 branch die? What would be the point in continuing to use (and maintain) what will quickly become an inferior browser when there is the 1.1 branch? Are there so many mozilla developers that they can spare time to maintain, even at the level of incremental bugfixes TWO branches of Mozilla? How many times are they going to branch mozilla?
A cool building
From: "Xeni Jardin" To: "Declan McCullagh" Subject: Der Spiegel on TIPS: citizen-spy ratio would be higher than in fmr GDR Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 09:11:15 -0700 Interesting analysis of TIPS in German-language Der Spiegel today, which includes detailed comparison of the projected number of TIPS participants to the number of citizen informants that cooperated with the state security system in former East Germany. Story projects that the percentage of citizen-spies under TIPS would be over four times greater than the percentage of citizen-Stasi-informants in former GDR. *Very* roughly translated excerpt, between babelfish and my extremely poor grasp of German: <> German: Google-translated to English: ---------------------------------------------- Xeni Jardin freelance journalist + conference manager | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice. To subscribe to Politech: This message is archived at Declan McCullagh's photographs are at -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mozilla 1.1b is out. As you can see from the roadmap version 1 has branched off and is being maintained separately. This cant possibly mean that there are two Mozillas, but then again, why are they wasting time bugfixing 1, instead of putting all their effort into working on one browser?

The italian Job:

This is the blasphemous Italian site before the cops took it down. And this is the site after they took it down. It will be mirrored here
oh my god you guys!! please take care, both of you!! think peace and calm. or clam and eepca whichever is easier right now! all our best!

Monday, July 22, 2002

song of the day: follow me :aly-us and yours'?
Either we are all free, or we are all enslaved. -ah, that's true. let them build a mile long ship. dosen't mean i have to live on it. i guess you are right about that. quite a waste of resources though. did you know that it would run on 100+ independent propeller type engines too? anyway good point; it's not my place to stop or prevent anybody fropm anything but i can still think it's stupid, right?

Normal Science?

Robert K. Merton's famous norms of science-communism, universalism, disinterestedness, and organized skepticism (CUDOS)are the locus classicus for most understandings of the inimical and unnatural relation of science and secrecy. Drawing upon his pioneering study of Puritanism and the rise of the new science of the 17th century, Merton extracted what he identified as the guiding norms of the scientific community. In an influential 1942 article, Science and Technology in a Democratic Order, Merton articulated his famous norms as a direct defense of the necessary relation of progress in science with democratic politics. 7 As David Hollinger has observed, Merton made it clear that science could only flourish under a democratic regime, not the fascist regime of Nazi Germany. 8 Merton clearly stated that secrecy was the antithesis of his norm of communism, the belief that scientific knowledge was the common property of all people. My point here is not to claim that Merton invented the idea that science and secrecy are anathema. After all, his claim was that he had identified this practice through his study of the history of science. Central figures in the so-called Scientific Revolution distinguished themselves from other knowledge producers because of their emphasis on the public, and published, character of their knowledge claims. He was merely making clear to social scientists what natural scientists took as a self-evident truth, one that was visible from the emergence of the Royal Society in 17th century England.

For Merton the problem with secrecy in science was two-fold. First, secret science could not provide the researcher with the appropriate credit for their discoveries. Given that the only recognition in Merton's universe came to those who established their priority in making discoveries or breakthroughs, secrecy was clearly not in a researcher's self-interest. While working on a particular problem, researchers might choose not to communicate with others about their work, but when the work was completed they would race to publish their findings. Priority was the means to a reputation, to greater credibility, and to the rewards of science-prizes, grants, and status. 9 Second, secret knowledge was not open to the scrutiny of others who might point out errors and problems related to both the production and interpretation of the knowledge claims. If, as Merton and others believed, science -worked- through the rigorous self-policing of knowledge claims, then secrecy or restricting the dissemination of information might lead to the production of false knowledge. Finally, note that Merton's norms also created an autonomous social space for science, since only other scientists could credibly discuss the veracity of specific technical knowledge claims. Those untrained in the ways of science were incapable of adjudicating intellectual matters.

If Merton and his students, especially Bernard Barber, 10 were among the prime intellectual sources for the post World War II understanding of the relationship between science and secrecy, then we must look to the war itself and the subsequent militarization of American science for the institutional context in which such discussions began. Here we must make a historical point. We may think of the war, especially the Manhattan Project, as the modern occasion for our discussions of science and secrecy, but that would be a profound mistake. Discussions about secrecy were endemic with the establishment of the first industrial research laboratories in early twentieth century America and the great expansion of such laboratories in the post World War I context, what one observer called a fever of commercial science. 11 Similarly, the fear that corporate monopolies might control the production of scientific and technological knowledge, as presented in the Temporary National Economic Condition (TNEC) Hearings of 1939, was an early analogue of postwar fears of the military control of science. 12 To an extent we are largely unaware of, wartime discussions of secrecy drew upon these earlier debates as well as the recognition that for many industry had not affected science in a negative manner. On the contrary, many began to conceive of industrial research laboratories as universities in exile, a view that had little relation to corporate reality. With this caveat, let us turn to the war.

freedomship is well, $tupid. But ummmm the smartest people dream about it... You cant have it both ways: you cant stop people from moving, building boats, flying baloons, bothering no one, minding their own business, AND demand that you yourself be free. Either we are all free, or we are all enslaved.
Science and scientists would be better served by choosing other words to explain advances in developmental biotechnology to the public. Whatever word they chose, it will be appropriated and used. If Toffler had used the word "replicoid" that word would have taken hold instead of "clone". This is moot however. What scientists cannot grasp is that they are SERVANTS, and that they have RESPONSIBILITIES. This Lee M. Silver sounds like the man who invented the transistor who said that man would never land on the moon, twelve years before it happened, or the "scientists" that said if a man travelled faster than 30mph in a train he would suffocate due to the lack of air. He is also condecending: "Words that we expect to be generally used ... should be short, euphonious, phonetically spelled, easily pronounced and different from any other word in ordinary use so that it [sic] will not suggest any other meaning than the one desired." the worst type of ambassador for science. In a perfect world, there would be no reason for science and its evil practicioners to have ambassadors NB this is not to say that all scientists are evil, blah blah blah.
freedomship is well, $tupid. 50,000 people and it's going to be nothing more than a giant death trap. and you are reading and posting investors jibberish. it is bad and we don't need to discuss it. i'd rather yell about stupid scientists. here this should help too: 10 knots max and tsunami. you do the math. "hey i have an idea, let's ESCAPE from the sociaty we just fucked up so bad it's completely in shambles. and living on the moon isn't totally yet possible so i guess we can build a ship and get away from this human slime". i feel a war coming on. perhpas a death trap like that isn't so bad considering the scumbags who would live on it.
rant wuz here!
Amazingly, I was looking at this site due to the TIPS business, and lo and behold, Brad Templeton wants to build his own ship!
That [was] only 26 characters including punctuation and spaces. Come on!!!! Let me help: COMMON MISPERCEPTIONS Because Freedom Ship is novel and complex, public misperceptions about it can arise. We feel it would be helpful to potential investors to know what the most common ones are. 1. Misperception: The primary focus of the project is to build a big ship. Facts: The primary focus of the project is to create a community that offers unique life-style opportunities. Freedom Ship would be the world's first mobile community. It would provide an international, cosmopolitan, full-spectrum, residential, commercial, and resort city that circles the globe once every two years. It would offer a wide array of novel opportunities for business ownership, travel, and daily living. The ship is as large as it is, simply because that is the minimum size required to make the community economically self-sustaining and a desirable and attractive place to live. 2. Misperception: The project is an attempt to create a new country. Facts: As is the case for every sea vessel, Freedom Ship will be subject to international maritime law and the laws of the country whose flag it flies. It will operate under the same rules and regulations as a cruise ship. The Freedom Ship community will adhere strictly to established international legal principles. There is no intent to establish a new world-view or legal system in any manner or degree. 3. Misperception: The ship is a tax dodge. Facts: The Freedom Ship community has not been conceived as a tax haven. While the community itself will levy no taxes, citizens of countries such as the USA would not realize any income tax savings by residing in or running businesses in the community, at least at the federal level, since American citizens are taxed on their worldwide income. USA citizens living abroad are given tax deductions, but not if they reside on a ship. Citizens of certain other countries may realize tax savings by residing in or running businesses in the Freedom Ship community, as they would by residing in or running businesses in any country outside their own. Nonetheless, that is not one of the reasons the project was conceived. 4. Misperception: Freedom Ship should be built in a shipyard. Facts: The only commonality Freedom Ship has with a conventional ship is that it is a sea-going vessel. Designing and building Freedom Ship is not a typical marine engineering project. A conventional hull the dimensions of Freedom Ship would simply break apart. Even if this were not the case, a conventional hull would cost many times as much and would be significantly less safe and stable. Because of its size, Freedom Ship cannot be built in any existing shipyard. Nor would a shipyard have anything to offer. Freedom Ship is basically a flat-bottomed barge with a conventional high-rise built on top.
ok, i can do it in three words: freedomship is stupid. is that good enough? what are we talking about? cloning is bad. very very bad. it should never be done. ever. there isn't anything more to say. you can clone a stem cell or clone a line of text but cloning of an entire organism is pathetic and makes you very uncool.
Loop the Loop?
Google highlighted search turned into art
minimalism is out. simplicity is in
Fast Food
These guys are the ones who, after six months, cannot put a high traffic database site online (the 1901 census). Look at the SIZE of it.
Explain why Freedomship is a backwards move. Not less than 700 words, no carriage returns except at a paragraph.
when it comes to our social, architectual, cultural and enviornmental future, there are two ways we can go: backward$ and forwards. we must take into account other advances and thought in energy production. not bigger and better. because bigger usually means more destructive. better, slimmer, more efficent and less destructive. zero point energy, fuel cells, geo-thermal. fossil fuels and carbon cycling are death and NOT in our future, they are temporary. the food does not cook itself! so the change is our decision directly. are we waiting for the herd to start moving or our we able to forge our own paths. you may also find this interesting as well.

Saturday, July 20, 2002

never on it to begin with...but definitely now, more than ever before, fischerspooner are off of the artistic roll-call. forever. -- Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 13:37:46 +0100 To: "313 mailing list" <> From: "Tom Robbins/Magic Feet" Subject: Fw: Fischerspooner on TOTP - TONIGHT Message-ID: <004d01c22f21$17b10aa0$7a306bd5@x2n8x7> > Don't miss Casey Spooner's big moment as FISCHERSPOONER make their debut UK > TV appearance on TOP OF THE POPS - BBC1 7:00pm. > > Expect dancing girls, glitter and jockstraps (!!!) > > Cheers, > > Simon > > PS. Next FISCHERSPOONER single, a cover of Wire's "The 15th", is released on > FS Studios in October.
This is exactly how STDs (HIV/Herpes/Syph./Ghon./Chlam.) are spread.

Friday, July 19, 2002

Utter Magic: Oog Vorbis 1
A warm welcome to you Mata Hari. Giving all stakeholders a voice in relation to moral dillemas and ethical questions is really a nice thought that should be practiced some more, but that is not the same as to say that people who have studied ethics cannot have a more professional and qualified point of view. I would also add, that ethics experts who are muslims would be no less expert, but totally different in thier conclusions on almost every ethical question. By analogi, what Denise Caruso says in her article is why have chefs in restaurants if most of us can cook?, or why have weather forecasts if anyone can have a opinion about the weather? Chefs are experts in preparation of ingredients to a formula. The difference between eating Haut Cuisine and gobbling a burger flipped at Dairy Queen are two entirely different things; one is a spritual experience, the other, "chowing down". We need these "food experts" over simple folk, people with years or experience to prepare food, because they know, from years of hands on experience and rigorus training, how meat burns (caramelization), how to pound a chicken breast, the correct way to prepare a sorbet... and everything else about the way that food ingredients interact with each other, and how they must be prepared and chosen. The Chef analogy is flawed, because if a person were to have sufficient moral/ethical expertise in the biotech field, the way that the greatest Chefs know about cuisine preparation, she would have to have experience of the consequences and practices of biotech on multiple human generations. No one on earth has (or will have untill the genie is already out of the bottle) that type of experience. A single Chef can have a great deal of knowledge about cuisine, in biotech, it would be far more difficult for a single person to have enough knowledge to encompass enough of the field to be a comprable expert. Perhaps a future, bio-engineered person, pre programmed with all the worlds biotech knowledge will be able to sit and act like a "Pope of Biotech"....
Infant Whooping Cough Deaths Rise in U.S. - CDC ATLANTA (Reuters) - The number of infants dying from whooping cough, once a major killer of children in the United States, is rising despite record high vaccination levels in the nation, federal health officials said on Thursday. Yahoo News

The Moral Minority

We all lose when we leave right and wrong to a clique of ethics experts. [...]It is widely assumed by both detractors and supporters of genetically modified anything that bioethicists are biased in the same way expert witnesses are. Most biotech companies keep an ethicist on retainer, if not on staff. But leave aside for a moment the inherent conflicts. Why cede a moral monopoly to any group of people? The whole concept of bioethics � as a distinct and separate practice � is bankrupt. [...] [...]The alternative is to continue to concentrate an enormous amount of power into the hands of "experts." No matter how well-intentioned, it's absurd to assume that a few select minds can posit the full array of scenarios better than a broad coalition. What's the worst that can happen? Market collapses triggered by a spooked public catalyzed by some unforeseen consequence, global activism that halts positive technological progress, compensation claims on a massive scale when acts of God are redefined as acts of corporate malfeasance, and the like. The worst, of course, is an irreversible biological event of catastrophic proportions. None of these scenarios are out of the question. [...]
A small piece of The most Repulsive Feeding Frenzy ever.
Air conditioning is exactly 100 Years old
DSL is superior to cable. We did not enjoy the altering flow of bandwidth that cable offered. Oh, but the thought of a telephone + modem... horrors! I am reading Jitterbug Perfume again. I think its a perfect summer book, good pace, so colourful, rowdy... perfect beach material, if the sun ever shines here again! I don't think you are missing anything with the dancing, Barrie. Being able to make the music is the step above, I believe. However, you may be so lucky to have someone teach you a few moves, and then, well, you'll get it then... ;)

Thursday, July 18, 2002

mr a. manning: have you found something yet? just wishing you luck[not that you need it]. best wishes on the future!
blogger = lagging today ethno bomb. that is so f*ucked i can't believe it. yeah dav, i say do it. just stay confident and it will go great i am sure.
Thanks for that link Mary. Listen to the story of Jesse Gelsinger. Terrible.... "off label uses" "ethno bombs" Whats up for tomorrow Bob? WHAT TOMORROW?!
hey dav, go play your cd! expect reaction. what did i read yesterday "everything must change for things to stay the same" listened to a scary program on gene therapy yesterday. a replay of being human i now understand why the creation of viruses is so important - that is how they get altered genes into the body.
back from tokyo. oh wow... what a culture out there. i discovered dancing only a few years ago. i went to the first Detroit electronic music festival with somefriends and totally lost it to the sounds booming out of speakers making everybody move move move. and i mean everybody. punkrock-looking kids. moms and dads. candyravers. five year olds. homeless men. black, white, asian, indian, etc. from then on i've searched for what really makes me move. and just about EVERYthing does. electronic dance music was just the beginning. 60s/70s funk really does it. maybe the reason that the electric bass guitar and the highhat/snare drum were invented. Eddie Bo, Charles Wright, JBs. wow. and yes, closing yr eyes most definately helps. you can imagine yourself as a piece of biomorphic material that the soundwaves meld into whatever four dimenional shape is required. but moving to sound shouldn't be delegated solely to "music". and definately not just to "dance music". sound is a challenge to your body. how you should move with or against or in tandem. the sound of rattling subway cars or ambulance sirens makes me immediately grab for my air guitar and air effects pedals. i will surely dance to the throb of commerical air conditioning units. and this is to say nothing of Aphex and Kid606 and other leftfield trackmakers. dance-able all. just find the groove and lay into it. dance as a connection to those around you or as a tunnel into yourself.
Lots of exclamation marks. Goooood! Now for some FACTS: And you dont have to sue if you are damaged by a vaccination product, the US Government keeps a special slush fund to compensate people who are damaged by vaccinations.
"he told a House committee that "the VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone."

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

well i am serious for sure. so you would tunnel to my proxy and then go out from one of my publics. hmmm. ok, this WILL happen for sure! it will probably require waiting for colo relocation to go public with it but perhaps an offering of service to our blogd friends to run tests on bandwidth usage and to work out the bugs etc. this is going to require thought and some monies to implement but you have spurred a wonderful idea in my head. danke!!
john if you are serious, you can make a business out of this. what people need here is a total tunneling SSL service provider that allows access to the net through an encrypted pipe, so that all TCPIP transactions, happen apparently at your machine. My local isp will record only that i am connected permanently to your server. everything that i and your other users will simply appear as encrypted traffic. Canada is the only country that has no restrictions on encryption btw.
ok this is not irony. it's the other irony [irony2]. the irony that the term irony is always used for but is not the dictionary definition of intended meaning being the opposite of actual. hence irony2 here is: we are talking about all this misuse and surveillance et al. now i get a call and i have to and jump thru yet another hoop in getting settled here in canada. to start my TES position i have to get a municipal security clearance. no problem but it is irony2 nonetheless. so i guess it's off to the police station!
From August net service providers in The UK will be legally obliged to carry out automatic surveillance of their customers' web habits. -what????????? like some carnivore demographic type tool? that is so messed up i can hardly believe it. what planet did i wake up on? the time has come for anon proxy service deployment here. f that man, i can hardly believe it. i am def getting a anon proxy set up ASAP!!!!!!!!!! dav, i say do it if YOU want to. but i would for sure tell them first that you are going to play a cd.
Ummm I don't really trust the CDC to be balanced hence: Thimerosal is an ethyl-mercury based preservative used in some vaccines and a number of other biological products since the 1930's. Its purpose was to help prevent potentially life threatening contamination with harmful microbes. When vaccines containing thimerosal have been administered in the recommended doses to patients with no other exposure to mercury compounds, no harmful effects other than hypersensitivity have been reported. Massive overdoses of thimerosal containing products have resulted in toxicity. The scientific community has developed an increasing awareness of the potential for neurotoxicity of even low levels of organomercurials. If you or your child was innoculated with a vaccine containing thimerosal and experienced any adverse reactions you may have a valid legal claim. Concern is raised due to the increased number of thimerosal containing vaccines that have been added to the infant immunization schedule. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is working with pharmaceutical companies and vaccine manufacturers to reduce or eliminate thimerosal from vaccines. Today, all routinely recommended pediatric vaccines manufactured for the U.S. market contain no thimerosal or only trace amounts, however. vaccines are being made for adult innoculation using thimerosal as well as pediatric vaccines for non-routine treatments. Organic mercury compounds affect the central nervous system, the kidneys and / or the immune system. It readily crosses the placenta and blood-brain barrier. Severe developmental and neurologic impairment may occur to children exposed in utero. Organic mercury compounds are readily absorbed by ingestion, and inhalation and through the skin. Methyl mercury is distributed to all tissues but concentrates in blood and brain. [...]
Wrong question; why won't someone step up to the plate and drink it?

Switch on for state snooping

From August net service providers in The UK will be legally obliged to carry out automatic surveillance of their customers' web habits. Controversial laws passed in 2000 oblige large communications companies to install technology that allows one in 10,000 of their customers to be watched.[...] BBC

foundation for information policy research Join it..
I had the most terrible popup today; it was set to have no chrome elements, and take up 100% of the screen.
If D = Davros AND H = Hassle If R = Remunerated THEN if (D=R != 0) and (SUM R-H != 0) { do it } else fugettaboutit.
***PRESS RELEASE*** THE FOLLOWING OFFER is made to U.S.-licensed medical doctors who routinely administer childhood vaccinations and to pharmaceutical company CEOs worldwide: Jock Doubleday, president of the California nonprofit corporation Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc., hereby offers $20,000.00 (U.S.) to the first medical doctor or pharmaceutical company CEO who publicly drinks a mixture of standard vaccine additive ingredients in the same amount as a six-year-old child is recommended to receive under the year-2000 guidelines of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The mixture will not contain viruses or bacteria dead or alive, but will contain standard vaccine additive ingredients in their usual forms and proportions. The mixture will include, but will not be limited to: thimerosal (a mercury derivative), ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol (a disinfectant dye), benzethonium chloride (a disinfectant), formaldehyde (a preservative and disinfectant), and aluminum. The mixture will be prepared by Jock Doubleday, three medical professionals that he names, and three medical professionals that the participant names. The mixture will be body weight calibrated. The participant agrees, and any and all agents and associates of the participant agree, to indemnify and hold harmless in perpetuity any and all persons, organizations, or entities associated with the event for any harm caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, to the participant or indirectly to the participant's heirs, relations, employers, employees, colleagues, associates, or other persons, organizations, or entities claiming association with, or representation of, the participant, by the participant's participation in the event. Because the participant is either a professional caregiver who routinely administers childhood vaccinations, or a pharmaceutical company CEO whose business is, in part, the sale of childhood vaccines, it is understood by all parties that the participant considers all vaccine additive ingredients to be safe and that the participant considers any mixture containing these ingredients to be safe. The event will be held within six months of the participant's written agreement to the above and further elaborated terms. This offer, dated January 29, 2001, has no expiration date unless superceded by a similar offer of higher remuneration. Contact Jock Doubleday at

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

pinhole spy camera!
and if this dosen't make you move than i can't help you.
Smaller and tighter...or is that the same thing? Lets try some MathML later... The power is in the hands of the scientists,so the responsibility rests with them to behave properly, explain thoroughly and serve the public. The only exception to this is when they are put on the moon (Charon), where they can do anything that they like, with out any consequences.
ah come on i just got up! now there are so many words i am dizzy and i have to make tea. hey mikkel, glad you kicked those suckas to the curb. good riddens! as for dancing: when chip e like this is playing my feets they just start movin'. but really i like(d) to head bang too! the combo head bang booty shake mind melt ephiany dance. as for sex and dance: all i can say is i usually feel like having it after dancing so....
Not 'you know nothing, so shut up'. Rather, 'you don't know enough, so don't judge.' Same thing; the public is being told to refrain from making a judgement, i.e., not to speak because they "dont know enough". This feeling is not isolated. See the Brian Sewell piece, which was published today in The Evening Standard. Scientists would do well to listen more, and spend less time defending the indefensible, lest the tide turn completely against them.
The first thing, the first element of House Music is dancing. There is (was) nothing in the world like being in a warehouse at 2AM drenched in sweat as "Video Clash" is cut to "The Best Disco in Town". The flailing arms...The incessant bass...the hi hats that control your mind body and soul (if you have one :] ). The legendary parties: Energy, much fun, so much great music, friendship, togetherness, "good vibes"....thousands upon thousands of people dancing, as one, in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere to "Meltdown". Unforgettable. Then there was the pure hysteria of the Jeff Mills sets at Lost I marvelled at where my energy came from, and after that, where the whole evening dissapeared to as we were ejected to face the well in progress dawn. Oh yes.
Writers are much abused for expressing opinions on matters in which they have no particular qualification. "What right have you to comment on the drugs problem?" was the immediate response of many to my plea, some months ago, for cannabis to be decriminalised and made as accessible as alcohol and tobacco, from much the same retailers and at much the same cost. "What right have you to comment on Israel and the Palestinians? When were you last there? Have you lost relatives in a terrorist explosion? Are you a Jew? For if you are not you cannot possibly understand what Israel means to us and you should stick to being pompous about art." To be critical of a black African regime, to muse on the current mess as opposed to how things were when much of Africa was the Empire rather than the feeble Commonwealth, is to call down coals of fire on one's head and be accused of racial prejudice. On such subjects one is invariably accused of errors of fact "too numerous to correct", of bias and downright malevolence, of ignorance and irresponsibility. All this suggests that we live in a world of expertise in which only "experts" have a right to an opinion, and the assumption must be that their opinions are reliable, backed by the sort of PhD of which Mo Mowlam boasts. No expertise is to be tested against common sense, a body of anecdotal evidence or experience - if an expert expresses an opinion, then it is gospel truth to be believed and must be acted upon. Yes, of course, the experts were right about mad cows, right about foot-and-mouth disease, right about factory farming, right about emptying the seas to feed fish to chickens; they were right about thalidomide, right about pin-down for aggressive adolescents, right about electric shock aversion therapy for homosexuals, right about nuclear fission as the cure for industrial pollution, right about masturbation making us all blind. [...] Brian Sewell Says...
It might look silly when you dance - but then again, people look silly when they have orgasms as well.... The thing thats awsome about dancing: it is fun almost pleasure... can almost be a sexual experience, if the music is sexy, or dancing can be a good way to get rid of anger... it's basic, just like food and sex, people all over the world dance, no matter what kind of music, age, sex, culture or religion. Dancing is great - to the music you find great, otherwise it can be torture... I love dancing too. In fact, that is what drew me to techno music, was the dancing. How boring to sit on your arse and drink beer and blather on about the state of the world (well, actually than is fun too, but even better when you can shake it off with a little boogie), when instead you can be having a moving, breathing, living experience? We were out last week, I sat in the speaker for about 5 minutes, just letting all my cells vibrate, ahhhh! I find the best thing to do is close your eyes if you feel silly (if you want to be serious about it), then you become invisible... ;>
Why do you get to decide who is evil? Who said that I did? I propose that you, along with most others including myself, do not have the right background knowledge, training and information to understand either the true nature of the science or the primary driving force that initiated these studies. Thats precisely the sort of language that I said that people use to sheild themselvs so that they can carry on their work unimpeded. "you know nothing. so shut up". Sorry, we simply do not buy this. the lunar exile of Einstein. I laughed... Nukes are not alive. They cannot escape from a lab and replicate inside your body. They are not contagious. I repeat: Biolotech is different from nuclear technology. And there IS a group judging "these scientists" - their peers Like this group?. Dont make me laugh! And whats an LQA? One that cites peurile examples as comparisons or one that states strong opinions with little background in fact? Yes, just like we have seen. Dr Evil Never mind that, THIS is what we are talking about!!! Acquires

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 9:01 a.m. ET BOYNTON BEACH, Fla. (AP) --, an online source of consumer health information and products, has acquired the health Web site, company officials said Monday. The $186,000 cash purchase by privately held will give the Web site the ability to provide daily information updates about mainstream, alternative and natural medicine. The deal included the brand name, trademarks, domain names, the Web site and the e-mail addresses of its registered users. No other personal information -- names, phone numbers, health information or purchase histories -- was transferred. Users were given the option to remove themselves from the database in advance of the sale. sells most of its health products at wholesale prices while also providing consumer health information. currently attracts more than 900,000 visitors per month and has a database of more than 2 million registered users. was established in 1997, funded with more than $200 million and reaching a market capitalization of more than $1 billion before the crash of the Internet stock market. The company filed bankruptcy in December 2001.
And this is why you should sign that petition: [...] Still, the corporate element is glaringly evident this time around. Instead of the Detroit Electronic Festival, the festival is now the (Ford) Focus Detroit Electronic Music Festival, and the stages have been named Ford Focus, Miller Genuine Draft, and Bacardi. What's next � charging admission for the festival and bringing on the Chemical Brothers as the headlining act? [...]

Scientists call for vaccination strategy

"Vaccination should be part of any strategy to control a future foot-and-mouth outbreak in the UK, a government-commissioned report recommended on Tuesday." "They [farmers] were also worried that vaccination would lead to lengthy bans on meat and livestock exports. " "The Royal Society urged international research groups to investigate "a vaccine that conferred sterile lifelong immunity against all foot-and-mouth strains", which would globally reduce the threat from the disease. " Now read the TRUTH about Foot & Mouth Here.
It makes you seem like you've watched too many James Bond films. I said "These Scientists" not "All Scientists" I am clearly talking about only those scientists who are evil. English is the language of science; with it, you can be very precise, unfortunately, its ultimately up to the reader to read properly. I've said before, scientists come from a cross-section of society as much as any profession and there are likely to be good, bad, misguided and stupid scientists as much as there are computer programmers or milkmen. Yes, we read this. What we need to hear is a total condemnation of these evil bastards, from a group of responsible scientists. IS there such a group? Hmmmmm. "Would a musician be enraged if I sat demanding the extraplanetary departure of all musicians because some shithead had the audacity to push Britney Spears into my ears?" That is a Low Quality Argument® Try harder! Would you miss your car if they were all blown up cos some geezer decided to smash into a crowd? And another LQA® Yeah....responsibility is another thing. But anything can be labelled offensive or dangerous (guns anyone?) and censorship is a dark and dangerous realm populated by vigilantes... Weapons of mass destruction, which include biological weapons are not the same as Britney Spears, the Car Problem or the prohibition of gun carrying. Be serious. No one is saying that someone cant write a scientific paper. What we are saying is that if scientists cannot find it within thier souless bodies to behave in a responsible manner, that the will have to be stopped, before they inadvertantly cause a catastrophe. Nuclear capability changed everyones lives. Nuclear scientists, at least the bomb makers, are starting to behave responsibly. They are simulating thier bombs instead of exploding them to test them, with computers like the ASCII White. Breeding (esp selective breeding) changes what life is. Selective breeding has built in natural barriers that stops certain types of thing happening. You cannot put a pig gene in a human with selective breeding. Selective breeding is natural, slow moving and not a trans species activity. There is no comparison between selective breeding and the "not available in nature", trans species hybridization that scientists are now carrying out. It frightens everyone that biologists cannot make this distinction, and is the cause of the slur that they think that they are God. They are comparing thier work to the breeding and selection processes that occoured before man was even here. GPS: find your way through Yosemite, or guide a bomb to its target. Molecular medicine: identify the gene for deafness, alzheimers, Cystic fibrosis.... or open up the potential for biological weapons. Nuclear physics: understand how the universe functions or make fission bombs. Computers: the internet or terrorist training and communication tool. In some of these cases, a scientist is the enabler. The choice to work on evil is theirs and theirs alone. They cannot pass the buck. The buck stops with them. After the printing press or the telephone or the internet is created, how the public uses it is a matter for everyones individual concience. Each of the latter cannot, through the acttions of one person destroy all life on earth. They are fundamentally different from the irresponsible biologist. Anyway, the point is there are always opposing views in any argument, but they should be rational and fact-based, without the kind of language that The Sun would find inflammatory. Inflamatory language is appropriate because the sons of bitches are not listening. They get on thier high horses, say bend over and take the shot, because you know nothing and we know everything. That behaviour is the cause of inflamatory language. The total disregard for everything other than thier work is the cause for inflammatory language. And if you think that this is inflammatory, you should read the works of the anti vivisectionists, who go out and "solve the problem" after some inflamatory writing. Members of parliament, after using inflamatory language, go out and "solve the problem" by violently tearing up the contaminating crops being planted all over the country. Akin, you defended the development of nuclear weapons because "When pushed to war, when everything is at stake, all bets are off". I dont defend it, I made a statement of fact. Let me say it a different way: When you initiate a war, any and all means will be used against you to destroy you. Will you now defend these evil vermin virologists because Dubya has declared a war on terrorism? Firstly, the war on Terrorism is not a true war. Everyone knows this, so that is a LQA. War is no more an excuse than anything else. The US didn't push for the A-bomb to end the war, they did it to get the upper hand in all negotiations following the war. The bombings on Japan were unnecessary. So they Did you know that after the first bobm (yes, bobm) was dropped, the Japanese government refused to surrender? Its a fascinating story, however its off topic. Jeez... Slip of the tounge? :] These people are state funded. They have to say what they're going to do before they get the money. They have to report every year. For the govt to say 'hey, we didn't know they were doing that!' is plain bollocks. Spin spin spin. Don't believe the hype. Once again, scientists make the proposals, scientists do the work, they are guilty. Period. If and when these weapons are released, and their side looses, they will be hung for crimes against humanity as the creators of these pathogens. No amount of pleading that "the government paid for the work" will save them from the noose.
sign it!!

Monday, July 15, 2002

live orca webcams they will email you when the whales get close to the camera! or go here for the archives. wow! they sound amazing. as for the virus thread, this distresses me. furiously angry and sadly disappointed with those people. with such superior analytic and research skills, one would think they could come up with something more interesting than destruction, and their pathetic attempts at mimicking the wonder of life. or be smart enough to go deeply into themselves to find out what truly brings them joy. creating viruses? don't think that's on the top ten list of Fun. but hey, gotta buy that brand new car and take a trip to Arruba, no? it will make you feel like a Real Man. sarcasm aside, i have often wondered if we are all just repressed farmers, so angry at losing our connection to the land that we are hell-bent in destroying it for those who are still connnected and enjoying it. ? at the very least, we can have some satisfaction in knowing that when the evil are old and grey, they will be sad that they squandered the life they could have enjoyed. and they will. mark my words.
"In this era of corporate misbehavior and overstatement of results who can you trust? Scientific sources, of course. Well, turns out people at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory lied about their discovery of elements 116 and 118. Associated Press has the story, quoting the lab officials charging the researchers with "scientific misconduct"
What do you want from your scientists? First and foremost, honesty. On the one hand, geneticists and virologists with their own valid scientific reasons should be sent to the moon. On the other, computer programmers, physicists and others may be lauded for their applications and faster chips. faster chips do not replicate inside your body and kill your children. They are not mandated to be injected into you by evil scientists working for equally evil corporations in league with corrupt governments. Physics is profoundly different to biology. Biology, especially genetics changes fundamentally what life is, in a currently unpredictable way. The vermin who release these new organisms into the shared environment are irresponsible, evil, and wrong and if i had a button to kill them all instantly, I would do so without hesitation. Either one of these scientific strategies could be abused by others such as bioterrorists or hackers respectively. It has little or nothing to do with the validity of the research. We are not talking about "the validity of research". We are talking about irresponsible people who think that they are God, and when they are called to account for their actions, come up with nothing better than "we did it to show how easily it could be done, given the current terrorist climate" That is utterly disingenuous and insulting; typical of the scientist that thinks that the world is his personal petri dish, and when caught playing with it immorally like a child, resorts to a child�s excuse. These people.... 'pioneers' or self-indulgent fools who led the world into 50 years of cold war? When pushed to war, when everything is at stake, all bets are off. We are talking about people who are creating weapons of war, during peace time, funded by DARPA. There is no reason to create an artificial Polio virus, save to be able to claim that they did it first. This is the thing that drives these maniacs, and it is quite different to someone coming up with a mathematical proof, which by itself is innocuous. These bastards made the actual virus. They did not state how it could be done theoretically, they did it for real. That is wrong. We are not at war with a deadly enemy, where everything is a stake. These scientists have an astounding tunnel vision when it comes to their work; nothing is more important, no life, no right of another person or animal, nothing can stand in their way. "We look to the scientific community" to define appropriate criteria and procedures, Dr. Albright said. The unstated implication was that if the scientific community does not somehow rise to the challenge, then government will eventually intervene in some clumsy fashion, particularly if there are new indications that terrorists pursuing these technologies. Go tell Albert, Dr Albright. A good government always keeps its hands clean. Its clear that self regulation will never work with these people. They are like the Masons; they protect they�re own members no matter what they have done. They will not even gather together and condemn the evil self seeking amoral monsters that "give them all a bad name" At each juncture, they cry about protecting science itself as if it were a living thing. No, these people cannot be trusted to police themselves, and so they will have to be shut down by force. Jonas Salk.... "evil" man who forced millions to be injected with real live dead attenuated dead genetically modified space junk or polio savior? A lucky man whose work is now being artificially extended, abused and excused by scientists all over the world, as they forcibly and unnecessarily facilitate the vaccination of millions of people so that drug companies can make billions, and they can stay in jobs. Alfred Nobel.... the bastard who got wars upscaled, or kick-starter for a new industrial revolution? Alfred Nobel, a very rare example of a real scientist who was so ashamed of his invention (TNT) that he dedicated his life to peace, creating the prize that bears his name. Scientists seek knowledge, Some of them do. The ones who made that virus do not. They could have written a paper on how a live virus could be made from mail order parts and internet instruction, but instead they went for publicity and fame. individuals abuse and re-use that knowledge. These individuals may be the scientist themselves, but I'd bet my bottom quid that most of the abuse is government (and money) driven. The scientists who work in these labs are responsible for what they do. it is not an excuse to say that you were following orders. The Nuremburg trials have set this into law. They cannot blame the government, DARPA or anyone else for what they do. If they make bio warfare weapons, THEY are the evil ones, not the generals. Anyone who tries to excuse them is simply ***WRONG***. Want that high speed computer? Better remember that it was built to run that surface-to-air missile system before being shined up for public use. The Japanese have proved that this does not have to be the case, with thier unprecedented technical finess and economic prosperity. For years now, Motorola and Intel have been driving thier processor advances purely from commercial pressures, NOTHING to do with the military. What you meant to say was "Want that new frying pan that can go in the microwave? Thank the stealth bomeber and Raytheon / Lockheed Martin".
does anyone here know much about/actively use the ppm bundled in 5.6.1?? if so please let me know. thanks
Nicloa Tesla Inventions: a telephone repeater, rotating magnetic field principle, polyphase alternating-current system, induction motor, alternating-current power transmission, Tesla coil transformer, wireless communication, radio, fluorescent lights, and more than 700 other patents. this is what i in particular want. oh, also a 128-bit processor to market by late september this year. ;) but alun i am not so sure i totally agree with everything you say. yes, military use has and will push evolution of technology and science but that does not absolve some in the scientific community as though they were unwilling pawns in the game. gentle souls just concerned with beakers and bunson burners. some are good people and "some are evil twisted scientists". a perfect person i always look back to is edward teller. he pushed against ALL of the other los alamos crew while courting those in government, sympathetic for obvious reasons, willing to go forward on such a destructive weapon. is this because his family fled nazi germany and he was loaded with fear? did he want recognition? was he a pawn? it is not that representitives at the DOE and AEC even knew this was possible! most of los alamos crew thought it an impossibility; or at least didn't want to flirt with that extention of what had been developed. teller pushed. testified before congress,lost and even discredited friends publicly. however he is credited with forging the reasearch which produced the most distructive power "publicly" known to mankind. quite an achievement. take my best friend for example: craig venter. HE IS THE FUCKING MAN!! perhaps i am being to vague. ka-blamo! (ck the flash anime)

Bang! Zoom! Send them to the Moon!

SYNTHESIS OF POLIOVIRUS FUELS DEBATE The synthesis of infectious poliovirus from mail-ordered chemical components, newly accomplished by Pentagon-funded scientists and reported in Science Magazine online yesterday, is renewing a simmering debate about whether limits are needed on the conduct or publication of scientific research and, if so, who should define those limits. The scientists described the methodology that they used to assemble the virus in Science Magazine here: Some initial reactions to the announcement were reported in "Scientists Create a Live Polio Virus" by Andrew Pollack in the New York Times here: Anticipating controversy, lead author Jeronimo Cello defended publication of the virus paper on grounds that "By releasing this, you alert the authorities... [to] what bioterrorists could do." For obvious reasons, this is not a very persuasive argument. Penrose Albright, Senior Director for Research and Development at the White House Office of Homeland Security, said in May that his Office had "spent many hours" considering whether and how to seek limitations on scientific research relating to weapons of mass destruction, but had made little progress. "We look to the scientific community" to define appropriate criteria and procedures, Dr. Albright said. The unstated implication was that if the scientific community does not somehow rise to the challenge, then government will eventually intervene in some clumsy fashion, particularly if there are new indications that terrorists pursuing these technologies. One post-September 11 restriction on biological research is a new requirement, enacted in the recent Bioterrorism Preparedness Act, to notify the government of the possession of certain highly lethal biological agents and toxins. Draft guidance for providing such notification was published in the Federal Register today. See: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice. To subscribe to Politech: This message is archived at Declan McCullagh's photographs are at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like Politech? Make a donation here: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Awesome isnt it? Because Apache is open source, when a security issue is found, it is announced immediately so that everyone can patch thier systems. If this was an IIS issue, it could have been kept secret until M$ saw fit to come up with a patch. You must have heard this question before : "would you buy a car that came with the hood welded shut?" Baz, if you are going to buy an old portable recorder, at least get an old portable DAT; the data isnt compressed that that brittle MiniDisc shite.

Sunday, July 14, 2002

Springer! Each pod has its own language, this is how the scientists were able to determine Springer's family (pod A). The killer whales have a matriarchal network, and the scientists are hoping that her grandmother and aunts will remember her and welcome her back. Sweet story. Could you imagine being so lucky to swim with this whale?
also anyone running their own iis with perl on it or java tomcat and/or apache on Win admins, this got turned up by retina on making my weekly sunday rounds: it was listed as high vulnerability. funny timing with the previous conversations.
errgh remember this gank shite??
fuck....MUST RUN UNIX!!! and yes it will at our home. it's just that i have to make a living, you know? that makes switching all the more gradual. i need 10k$ to tide us over for a month or two hardcore studying to truly rid ourselves of the m$ wayz. i am hoping that experience will lead there naturally on it's own soon. Ximian Connector will obliterate Exchange thanks to this insane licencing lark. Right?
when the outlook client is linkled to a parent exchange organization it is considerably less vulnerable than when used to collect from a third party pop service. many of the expolits directed at it are filtered out at the parent level and are the responsibility of the administrators to stay on top of. while m$ products run more in the backend(useless services et al) and are also more of a "wanted" target by those writing scripts to clog it, it still comes down to the responsibility of the end user. additionally the pgp plugin for outlook dosen't even work when connecting directly to an exchange service due to the way authentication is handled between ex and the outlook client. for those running their own mail service if it is exchange, outlook and running a CA internally is the best option. mind you this is ONLY if you use ex as your parent mail service otherwize their are many more preferable mail clients to use. i wonder if the attention to snuff other clients were more attractive what we would see coming out and what holes would be exposed in them. it really comes down to attentive useage and responsibility for your gear. nothing is "safe" their are just deturents. where m$ has truly blundered is in their new licensing scheme. supplying the hereto refered MCSD's(scientologists) with only 5 installs of .NET and their new products is a huge mistake. it is these people and their counterparts who further the commercial application of their products to market. a market where money collected from the industrial liscensing is where profits are made not gouging small business developers for 300$ here and there for additional installs of .NET above the five. plus the framework is free and that sitting on top of 2000 is all that is necessary to stay current. they have pissed many people off with this and deturing your core technitions from experimenting with a product only looses you dedication of these people recommending m$ as a solution to a business which makes up the vast majority of your liscensing revenue.
Take a look at this thread (that means READ): the user "krmt" uses a voice that is VERY familiar indeed!
The difference with this particular sploit is that it affects users of the PGP plugin for Outlook. These people are "smarter than the average bear" because they have realized that they have to encrypt their email, and secondly, they have been able to download and install pgp, and presumably made a keypair. People who care that much about their privacy should not be using outlook in the first place. That is totally clear. After all, its not even that great an email client.

Saturday, July 13, 2002

Dav, I put something in the post to make you simle. Yes simle.
ah yes, the new sneaky sploit. how many times does everyone have to be told: DO NOT USE M$ OUTLOOK OR OUTLOOK EXPRESS FOR YOUR EMAIL. I mean, honestly....
Irdial Bermuda Triangle Show mp3
dav you tough englishman. if i was there i would buy you a pint and then push you around till you got so mad that you'd beat me up. wouldn't that be a great way to spend friday eve? ok maybe i'd get you "awholehellofalotta" pints and we could throw grapes at people from the roof. and dude if you stole my car i'd jump off a bridge, drown, invite you to my funeral and make you feel like total shit. then you'd see the evil in your ways!

Friday, July 12, 2002

1/ The moon is sterile. 2/ "I dont believe in Evil", people used to not believe in all sorts of things. Many of them still do. Personally, I dont have to have something slap me in the face for me to accept that its true. There is something, for me at least, completely crazy in not accepting something as real, a thing that you have not personally seen first hand, simply because you have not personally seen it. If we applied this way of thinking to everything equally, as one should, then one wouldnt "believe in Scotland" unless you had been there personally and heard the pipes. 3/ Spotted the Hippocratic bit; you're paying attention: Good! 4/ Its still Friday. 5/ What is "wickedness" exactly? If there is no good or evil, no right or wrong, no reason to behave, save the chance of being caught by the police or a vigilante mob, there is no "wickedness" or "goodness", there is only "what I want to do". If I want to murder, there is no problem with this, because there is no law laid down by any authority that I must obey, save the laws that I make for myself. "Society" might be able to bully me into getting in line, and they might gang up on me to put me in jail for eating human flesh, but if they dont catch me, why should I NOT eat human flesh, or mass murder, or murder just one person I dont like? There is no afterlife, no judgement, only nothingness, and during life, the choice between obeying the herd or being an outlaw / outcast / outsider / Free. Why is murder wrong? Where do your rights emanate from? What is wrong with me knocking you, Alun, over the head and stealing your car? If man is just an accident, then I am responsible to no one but myself, the only law I should obey is my own, and me help you if you get in my way. 6/ Its STILL Friday! 7/ Did you know that there are statistics showing that when there is a full moon, crime goes up in N.Y.C? No?
but if they were on the moon isn't that nature too? maybe shooting them into a black hole would be best. crushing their tiny pathetic bodies into the singularity. they are pigdogs.. "ack ack, polly shouldn't be!" it's also probably not the first synthetic virus they've been making. tools, every last one of t.h.e.m. i think there is evil in this world. either that or extreme insecurity. put my site up for all to ck out: