Saturday, August 31, 2002
that is dope!!
does anyone know of good auto backup to
cd software. really need to find a good one. thanks!!
e|nic can bite me!!
verisign are overpriced whoha chumps who deserved
to be backslapped like the streetwalkin hoes they are.
he who makes the rules has the money to make the
rules(or something like that). knobs.
Thursday, August 29, 2002
blessings mikkel. all our love to you. your
family sounds wonderful and strong to carry
forward. love.
Tuesday, August 27, 2002
yo! arrrgh. just sitting at work, still, and waiting for a outage so i can get some
hardening done. i have to do 5 boxes via dameware uping the service pack and
smtp strings et al. someone please come and rescue me!!!!!!
please....12c57n9c5u8[-3 q4ty63q61 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 26, 2002
Chronique Sonore
Ever since the early eighties, like many, I have a regular companion: a Sony walkman. (It was a stereo one, at first. But already for many years, I use a much cheaper mono machine, which in fact is only suitable for use with the 'normal type' cassette-tapes.) Unlike most, however, I never ever use my walkman to listen to music. I use it to record. Whichever sounds for whatever reason wherever suddenly make me listen. I have a little booklet (on the cover of which, long ago, I wrote the silly Dutch word 'Snapschoten' - kind of a 'dutchification' of 'snapshots', of course) in which I note date, place and time of each recorded fragment.
In the course of the years this gave rise to an extensive collection of 'lo-fi' recorded real life sound-samples.
Wednesday, August 21, 2002
I am going totry my damnedest to be part of this on saturday night.
All City bicyclists are invited to rage with us, the New York City Bicycle Messenger Community, in an all night bike ride from the Bronx to Coney Island.
You and your gang (5-9 max) wearing your colors, must ride from checkpoint to checkpoint. Focus on teamwork more than speed! Judging will be based on attitude, completion of tasks, costume presentation, teamwork, and course execution. Local freaks have donated a Thousand Dollar prize for the gang with the best costume!
Outlaw Gang Racing: Nine soldiers max per gang. Make sure and wear your colors! All soldiers must stay together, but not all soldiers will finish. Who will get "busted"? Who will get "iced"?
Random Competitions will eliminate some of your gang. Trivia contests, mud wrestling and scavenger hunts will all be a part of it.
Multiple parties in NYC and Brooklyn will be mandatory stops throughout the night. Watch the movie for valuable clues and hints to routes and parties. Memorize the gangs! They could be your friends or enemies.
Watch out for The Rogues, a renegade crew whose only mission is to fuck with the other gangs, slowing them down and messing with their heads. Get eliminated from your gang and you join The Rogues!
The Start of the Race will be sundown in the Bronx at Claremont Park. Finish will be at Coney Island in Brooklyn at Dawn. You will be taking the train at some point during the night. There will be rest (party) periods during the night. Pay attention to the movie! Prizes and after-party TBA.
Tuesday, August 20, 2002
Monday, August 19, 2002
Music Cos. Target Chinese Web Site
this is where that free music site pointed to before it went down:
MP3 MediaWorld
"Blocking access at the backbone level should be a last recourse, Cohn said. She said the music industry has ample resources to pursue any copyright violators directly, in Chinese courts if necessary, and should not turn to backbone providers as their private security force."
Music Cos. Target Chinese Web Site
just got in my mail:
PGP 8.0 due in November with OS X support
PGP Corporation today announced it has received $14 million in venture funing
and that it has acquired PGP Desktop and Wireless encryption product lines
from Network Associates. The new company will immediately license and
support current versions of PGP products to current, lapsed, and new PGP
customers. PGP has posted detailed customer transition information on its
Website and will immediately accept orders for license renewal and new
software purchases as well as upgdrade freeware licenses via special
promotional pricing being offered through October of this year. The company
also PGP 8.0 which is due to ship in November of this year, which will will
include PGP Mail and PGP Disk. It will offer full Mac OS X support,
compatibility with PGP disks created on Windows, AES algorithm support, and
compatibility with older Mac OS 9 PGP disks. PGP Mail will integrate with
Apple's mail application as well as providing support for Microsoft's
Entourage. [print | email | 4 comments]
btw: learned how to ck my mail via telnet. pretty wikked!
Sunday, August 18, 2002
Sooner or later you know they are coming.
In the video for Sisqo's popular "Thong Song", a large number of them are lined up on a beach. In Nelly's video for "Country Grammar," they are stationed next to expensive cars as they jiggle and gyrate. In Dr. Dre's video "Forgot About Dre" they're dancing on tables.
Their dances seem more like simulated sex acts. They often have a blank look in their eyes, oddly robotic. If their hair isn't naturally straight, they wear a wig. Sometimes you can't even see their faces, just a plethora of ripe body parts barely covered with thin clothing. They only appear in groups. There are a countless number of them, and even more waiting to take their places. Few of them ever become famous and even fewer are recognized by name. And worst of all, they have no voice, unless you count the sexual messages they communicate with their bodies.
"Chickenheads, hoochies, video ho's, jiggling flesh, everyone's got a name for them. You see them in every video, so you've got to call them something," said Chi Mogbo, a doctoral student in economics. "The names may be degrading but hey, if it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck�well." [...]
Saturday, August 17, 2002
tonight, well, i deserve it. it's been too long. way too³
long infact and it's healthy! yes i needst no convincing
but hopefully you all, my dearest blogdialian saviors, do not
frown upon me.
on a shot/yill of "__________" and chillin' at home with serena x(larkin/yennek)
playing in the background. celestia in the fore.
peace y'all and enjoy this life we share. is there blogdial after 50? 60? beyond?
blogdial = reference = rant = inform = deform = unform = reconstitute. do not
pass go.
Friday, August 16, 2002
I am left with a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Take some of these and let us know how you get on.
Thursday, August 15, 2002
By JONATHAN TURLEY, Jonathan Turley is a professor of constitutional
law at George Washington University.
Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft's announced desire for camps for U.S.
citizens he deems to be "enemy combatants" has moved him from merely
being a political embarrassment to being a constitutional menace.
Ashcroft's plan, disclosed last week but little publicized, would
allow him to order the indefinite incarceration of U.S. citizens and
summarily strip them of their constitutional rights and access to the
courts by declaring them enemy combatants.
The proposed camp plan should trigger immediate congressional hearings
and reconsideration of Ashcroft's fitness for this important office.
Whereas Al Qaeda is a threat to the lives of our citizens, Ashcroft
has become a clear and present threat to our liberties.
The camp plan was forged at an optimistic time for Ashcroft's small
inner circle, which has been carefully watching two test cases to see
whether this vision could become a reality. The cases of Jose Padilla
and Yaser Esam Hamdi will determine whether U.S. citizens can be held
without charges and subject to the arbitrary and unchecked authority
of the government.
Building your own PC is easy.
You need to pick your motherboard,
Buy lots of memory,
Buy a hard disc (or two),
Buy some drive bays to put them in,
Buy a case.
Buy a mouse,
Buy a keyboard,
Buy a monitor,
Buy a video card,
Buy a sound card,
Buy some speakers (I have these; they are out of this world),
and you are all set. Assembly is easy; just follow the instructions that came with your motherboard and your case. You need a screwdriver and your brain.
a question: i am having a bit of a hard time getting a mysql db to run
on our machines(iis5). i'm looking thru the docs now at
i've decided to put together my own PC but am daunted by such a task. i don't quite know where to begin or what my options are and i wonder whether any of you have any suggestions or websites with suggestions for this project. ideally it should be a linux/windows system with enough power to do some audio/video work. help?
"Terence Ross of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, the news publishers' attorney, even told me that he thinks Internet users who configure their browsers to disable graphics (a common tactic to boost the speed of Web surfing) are committing copyright infringement because they are interfering with Web publishers' exclusive right to control how their pages are displayed."
Wednesday, August 14, 2002
Open-Source Literature
Wired wonk Douglas Rushkoff authored 'Exit Strategy,' a Biblical parable of Joseph retold in a contemporary, net-economy setting. Then Rushkoff went a step further by making 'Exit Strategy' an open-source novel. Not only is the text free online, but anybody may annotate the online version. The idea is to pretend you are an anthropologist 200 years from now. You've just unearthed an antique novel called 'Exit Strategy.' You must add footnotes explaining its cryptic contents to the people of 2300 AD. How will future societies interpret our nascent networked era? You decide. Clever concept; interesting reading. - Curt Cloninger The premise is that the central manuscript was written in the very near future, then hidden online and discovered 200 years later. Because society has changed so much, an anthropologist has annotated the text for his 23rd-century contemporaries. They are no longer familiar with notions such as venture capital or advertising, much less Microsoft or Nasdaq. The 23rd-century reader even needs a footnote explaining what condoms were used for. These footnotes are a way for us to conceptualize a future that has moved beyond our current obsessions. Instead of describing that future explicitly, though, we will suggest what it will be like by showing what facts and ideas future readers won�t understand. I've written a hundred-odd footnotes to get us started re-imagining the present from the perspective of the future. It�s up to you to fill in the rest. Remember, these footnotes don't have to be accurate. They only have to show what anthropologists and other experts from the future think are accurate explanations of our society. And these experts needn't necessarily agree with one another. --Douglas Rushkoff
better rush that ie6.5 out the f-ing door people. just
like you rushed that .net poo on us. .net = .crap.
hmmm, when is that release date again?? ha ha ha ha!!!
2000 will be the ms standard for many years to come
i gaurentee.
mary, hmmm. you are really turning me around(like a record)
on this. i may disagree with your disagree-ing but i'll get back to
you on that.
and dav. your music is superb! glad it's getting out.
yo b.s.; i want some too!
jesus is lord and i want a park. sounds silly dosen't it. np
Tuesday, August 13, 2002
that eruv thing is totally pathetic. segment and suffer. segment and perish. very bad to segment oneself.
i totally disagree with you. this is not about segmentation, this is about people practising their faith, and having the fire to stand up and ask for what they want. good for them! why are we so afraid in this world to be interesting? (beyond the obvious history of persecution, this is the part that slays me, how mean and terrible humans can be. and there is no other way to explain it). coming from a very young city, and being raised with no religion, i find demonstrations/architecture of others' faiths fascinating and inspiring! at least they believe in something and have the discipline and mystic belief to make it flourish. some of the most beautiful architecture in the world has been built out of faith. i remember walking through Canterbury Cathedral, i thought my heart was going to burst. i am not sure if the eruv would be "beautiful" but its very presence affirms for me, at least, a faith, a strength of character, a community vibe (;>), something beyond the ordinary.
and this heat is getting to me. thankfully the sushi place opened for lunch again, tuna nigiri just around the corner...
immensely wonderful afternoon on sunday. sonic youth FREE in central park along with wadada leo smith (playing with malachi favors from the art ensemble and jack dejohnette!!!!!!) and monolake. a gorgeous summer day, i lounged on the grass and soaked up the sun and the sounds. sonic youth's expertly sculpted noise was well displayed among the trees and flowers as they dipped into washingmachine, evol, sister, goo and murray street (quite heavily). O! how i love new york. and guitars.
o'reilly books are great but there is a teach yourself series
"ty" that are just awesome. but massivly overwritten. a good
technical book can fit in your pocket.
and btw: i love everyone(disclaimer) but you are too true!
noone, i repeat NOONE is special. just people think
they are sometimes. isn't that why so many hate americans? i guess
there are other reasons for that as well though. that eruv thing is
totally pathetic. segment and suffer. segment and perish. very bad
to segment oneself. but then again that is a struggle with music too, hmmm.
there are no answers for the gormless, just more questions in an endless
spiral into total oblivion and ignorance. dime store.
btw: cultus lake. wuz
here this past weekend and....well, i mean geez. i have never been so relaxed.
summer = good. but that is a duh.
I read this about something called an "eruv" and then read this expanded eplanation. Interesting stuff!
Monday, August 12, 2002
Juki Net Will Die
TOKYO -- Ever since their computerized ID system switched on a few days ago, Japanese citizens have dropped out in droves from what many resent as a "big brother" monitoring of the people. The dozens of protest groups that have popped up are planning a rally Monday at which demonstrators will show their outrage by ripping up the papers being sent out by the government to assign every citizen an 11-digit number. "To start with, giving a number to people is a violation of our individual human rights," said Eiji Yoshimura, one of the protesters. "We have absolutely nothing to gain from this system." Several local governments have refused to participate in the system, which began last Monday. Yokohama, a Tokyo suburb of 3.4 million people, is giving its residents a choice of hooking up or not. The government is assigning each of Japan's 126 million citizens an ID number that will link into a nationwide computer system. The idea is to streamline Japan's cumbersome bureaucracy by making it easy to obtain basic personal information during administrative procedures. Critics worry about loss of privacy, and some fear government officials will misuse the information. The disenchantment some Japanese express toward the registry underlines a deep, although often hidden, distrust of government that is surprisingly common in a nation known for orderly, conformist behavior. "I don't especially enjoy being called by a number. It feels like a prisoner," said Yasuyoshi Ban, a 60-year-old truck driver. One worry is the computer system will be vulnerable to computer hackers. An even bigger fear is the potential for abuse by someone inside the government using the stored personal information for improper ends, such as harassing dissidents. Some people worry about criminals stealing identities. [...] Newsday
"Harmony is the exception, and that's the only reason why it is surrounded by an attractive aura of meaningfulness. If it were the rule, one would have to break it in order to enliven the inferno of sound with wonderful dissonance. Music moves us simply because it is a potential and not a positive phenomenon, and tonality interests us because it clears the wilderness, not because musical notes have reigned supreme for a thousand years. Chords move us because they ease our suffering, not because of the rules of musical harmony. The world is not sound but space for its potential. It is no symphony, but a noisy nightmare which has reason to remind itself that out of the maelstrom of noise a vision of resounding order can rise." Peter Sloterdijk
1980-2000 - Einst�rzende Neubauten. 20 years old and still outsiders.
"i started as an assistant on the early queen albums," he remembers. "when they first arrived they were like an in-house band for trident studios. then the whole punk thing happened and i worked with martin rushent and martin hamnett. i did loads of punk bands like the buzzcocks, all the wire albums, the first public image limited single, all that sort of stuff. then i went more esoteric after that."
eventually, thomas' punk travels led him to the underground label 'fetish records', with whom he worked a great deal. "we did 23 skidoo, clock DVA and all those kinds of alternative bands. we had 'throbbing gristle' on our label so i produced the first two 'psychic tv' albums. i did a lot of early industrial stuff like 'test department' and 'einsturzende neubauten'.
Thats an exceptional pedigree.
Sunday, August 11, 2002
Real World studios...interesting...Ive worked in American studios with racks and racks of "plumbed in gubbins", and I have to say that whilst the sould you can get out of these SSL'd high spec places is awesome, you are totally at the mercy of the engineers, who actually know the studio and 0wn your sound while you work there. If they dont understand what you are doing, then you are in for a bad time and bad sound.
My next studio installation is going to be free-form, with nothing plumbed in permanently, deliberately limited number of channels on both the desk and tape so that it essentially has to be rebulit for each session.
In this way, I can stay out of habbit, which is completely essential if you want to explore.
Read this partial description of the Black Ark Studios kit, where so many awesome, and completely perfect recordings were made. Studio design is a black art...there dont seem to be any rules, other than that there are no rules.
Vastu and the New York Twin Towers The highest rated cable "news" show in the USA, the terrifying Oreilly Factor on Fox, is countered by this site. This page has some interesting stuff in it.
You can watch the Oreilly Factor if you have Sky...
Who will rid us of these evil men? Someone...
WWhen the Miami Police first found Benito Que, he was slumped on a desolate side street, near the empty spot where he had habitually parked his Ford Explorer. At about the same time, Don C. Wiley mysteriously disappeared. His car, a white rented Mitsubishi Galant, was abandoned on a bridge outside of Memphis, where he had just had a jovial dinner with friends. The following week, Vladimir Pasechnik collapsed in London, apparently of a stroke. The list would grow to nearly a dozen in the space of four nerve-jangling months. Stabbed in Leesburg, Va. Suffocated in an air-locked lab in Geelong, Australia. Found wedged under a chair, naked from the waist down, in a blood-splattered apartment in Norwich, England. Hit by a car while jogging. Killed in a private plane crash. Shot dead while a pizza delivery man served as a decoy. What joined these men was their proximity to the world of bioterror and germ warfare. Que, the one who was car-jacked, was a researcher at the University of Miami School of Medicine. Wiley, the most famous, knew as much as anyone about how the immune system responds to attacks from viruses like Ebola. Pasechnik was Russian, and before he defected, he helped the Soviets transform cruise missiles into biological weapons. The chain of deaths -- these three men and eight others like them -- began last fall, back when emergency teams in moonsuits were scouring the Capitol, when postal workers were dying, when news agencies were on high alert and the entire nation was afraid to open its mail. In more ordinary times, this cluster of deaths might not have been noticed, but these are not ordinary times. Neighbors report neighbors to the F.B.I.; passengers are escorted off planes because they make other passengers nervous; medical journals debate what to publish, for fear the articles will be read by evil eyes. Now we are spooked and startled by stories like these -- all these scientists dying within months of one another, at the precise moment when tiny organisms loom as a gargantuan threat. The stories of these dozen or so deaths started out as a curiosity and were transformed rumor by rumor into the specter of conspiracy as they circulated first on the Internet and then in the mainstream media. What are the odds, after all? [...] A typical sketpic drivelfest, published in the New York Times where probability is rolled out as the explanation for everything, science is held up as the only true reality and the only tool need to explain everything. There are no conspiracies, only mathematical probability. Its a predictable, condecending piece of tripewriting. She even put in strawman false data, knocking it down further in the argument and parading it as proof that her argument is right. Someone has stepped up to the plate, and is eliminating these evil pigs who are hell bent on destroying the world, one pig at a time. It must be costing a fortune, there will be no thanks given, no awards for saving humanity..."You do not know these men. You may have looked at them, but you did not see them. They are the wind that blows newspapers down a gutter on a windy night... and sweeps the gutter clean."
Yes Old Bob is quite strong and sickly, like a thick syrup of a beer...
Ya, its good at first, and then...oh shit. Like Theakstons old peculiar, but with A Bad Finish®
I guess you drunk that at The Reliance...
�2 to get in?
Not for the post gig 31337.
The Foundry is much better and is always a bit weird...
We must got there ay? And wher the hell have you been AT?
Saturday, August 10, 2002
someone clever said in response to the proposed law in the USA to target file sharers
Welcome to the world of intergenerational warfare. I'll bet no science fiction novel you ever read prepared you for this.
Under Nixon an older, reactionary generation declared a War on Drugs, which was essentially a euphemism for a war on the lifestyle of the youth of that era and the values it represented (chemical experimentation, casual sex, a healthy skepticism of authority, and so on). Indeed, the prohibition of drugs and the actions that have been taken to try and stamp out its use has caused far greater harm, in both a humanitarian and economic sense, than the abuse of the substances themselves ever did or could have.
A War on Ourselves indeed, or at least a war on the younger generation, one that began under Nixon, was escalated out of control under Reagan and Bush Senior, to the point where we now have over fifty beaurocracies fighting for the collected spoils seized from non-violent drug offendors.
Now, with the new War on Copyright Infringement, we are about to target today's youth, who trade their music, their movies, their videotapes online, instead of via cassette tape the way us older folk did when we were in high school and college.
Another front on an intergenerational war, between the dinasaurs of the Jack Valenti Generation of Greed and the emerging, technically savvy information generation they seek to repress and quite possibly destroy.
This escalation will likely claim even more victims, fill our prisons even more with people even less inclined to violence than the many drug offendors who account for half our inmate population today.
Worse, we'll have to listen to even more self-righteous tripe along the lines "but these fans are stealing bread and milk from the mouths of Lars and Britney," and "we'll win the war on copyright infringement! These pirates will never see the light of day again! God Bless America!"
What's next, a broken egg on a frying pan with the words "This represents your Life on MP3?"
Make no mistake, this is intergenerational warfare, waged by the parents and grandparents upon the children who have chosen to live differently than their elders, indeed, differently than their elders can comprehend. As we draw closer to the technological singuarity I think we can expect ever more extreme examples of the same.
How close is one to the Singualarity I wonder, when real world events overtake science fiction faster than it can be written?
Friday, August 09, 2002
M/Y played a fine set at Smallfish, and we all got drunk. A man called H is reading a book on Hypnotism (which begins with "H").
There were quite a few luminaries there, including but not limited to Monsterist Pete Fowler, sporting a pair of regulation Metropolitan Police issue spectacles.
There is a beer called "Old Bob", that, if you were to drink it, it would make you drunk.
There was a member of the group "Octopus", who regailed us with a story of how Mark E. Smith met his dad, a member of another group whose name I cannot recall, that is having typical record/band confilcts and some..... "Shorties".
A very civilized do, in a civilized place, with civilized people (even when drukn (yes, drukn) ).
Shorditch is in flux as usual, many, many bars, beers, bad boys, broken down buildings, and a true london vibe, of the type that is being pushed north and east by the escalating property prices.
Economic Left/Right: -4.00
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -5.18
good morning. quite a test, and i think more people should take it, globally. how often do we ask ourselves these questions and really think about them? although, transfering those clear statements into the usual gibberish that politicians speak is more the chore. and thoughts into action? durrrrr. i have broken my "no computers on fridays" rule and did some surfing about sovereign individuals. my thoughts are still forming, but how would this be implemented? i guess that would be individual, haha. a site i'd like to pick at the authors list for a while...
graphiti: "sometimes the most profound words are not those spoken, but heard"
lao tzu
-nuff said.
xseries 360's quad 1.5's 4gb ram and there are
10 of them. raid 5 with mirrored system partitions.
that was my day. all using director and various
rolls(sql) and set ups. tomorrow? hardening dmz boxes
in a freezing cold room.
Thursday, August 08, 2002
read someplace today that arguing never changed anyones mind, its only purpose is to define your own point of view and strengthen it. There is an element of truth in that.
For sure, I dont believe this. I have change my mind countless times thanks to a good arguement. For me, its an essential way to "do a reality check" and "get with the programme".
If one cant change one's mind after having been trounced by superior logic or just the facts, one is in pretty bad shape ego wise....for example, I was dead set on not doing any more windows upgrades, but in the last three days, I have put XPpro on my crippled windoze installation, thanks to a chat with one of my windoze broz.
On the same subject, what hapens when you put windows 98 on top of windows 95 on top of windows 3.1 on top of windows?
You eventually have to "clean house" with windows XP. Or something.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002
Those of you in London should head out to Smallfish to see Madonna Over Yorkshire play his first live set outside of Brighton.
Tomorrow night, Resonance FM will be playing our supervised score for Stanley Kubricks "Artificial Intelligence" from 00:00GMT.
Japanese national ID system hits first glitch
Security boffins were right after all... Just days after the launch of Japan's computerised national identification system, data has already been muddled up and disseminated to the wrong citizens. Proving the security pundits right in their fears that the resident registry network would go wrong, data was incorrectly sent to around 2,500 people or 741 households in Moriguchi, near Osaka. Letters containing information for verification by individuals were posted out to households. The letters also contained details of other citizen's identification numbers, gender and birth dates. Japanese authorities were not concerned about the hiccup, stating that because the names of people were not included in the wrongly-mailed information it would not cause a problem. Individuals are being given a personal 11-digit identification number to use in online governmental transaction to reduce the Japanese paper-intensive filing system. Silicon.Com
Re UK numbers:
The National Health number: If you do not use the National Health for three years, your record is deleted. If you need to sign up with a doctor again, you have to have a new number issued to you. All doctors surgerys are very relaxed about wether you have your number or not.
National Insurance: You can request this number when you turn 14, so that you can get a Saturday job, and pay your national insurance contribution.
Neither one of these numbers is assigned at birth. Thanks to Mimi Magick for this information!
Tuesday, August 06, 2002
From the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Application for a Social Security Card Form SS-5
The Privacy Act of 1974 requires us to give each person the following notice when applying for aSocial Security number.
Sections 205(c) and 702 of the Social Security Act allow us to collect the facts we ask for on thisform.
We use the facts you provide on this form to assign you a Social Security number and to issue you aSocial Security card. You do not have to give us these facts, however, without them we cannot issueyou a Social Security number or a card. Without a number, you may not be able to get a job andcould lose Social Security benefits in the future.
The Social Security number is also used by the Internal Revenue Service for tax administrationpurposes as an identifier in processing tax returns of persons who have income which is reported tothe Internal Revenue Service and by persons who are claimed as dependents on someone'sFederal income tax return.
We may disclose information as necessary to administer Social Security programs, including toappropriate law enforcement agencies to investigate alleged violations of Social Security law; toother government agencies for administering entitlement, health, and welfare programs such asMedicaid, Medicare, veterans benefits, military pension, and civil service annuities, black lung,housing, student loans, railroad retirement benefits, and food stamps; to the Internal RevenueService for Federal tax administration; and to employers and former employers to properly preparewage reports. We may also disclose information as required by Federal law, for example, to theDepartment of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service, to identify and locate aliens in theU.S.; to the Selective Service System for draft registration; and to the Department of Health and Human Services for child support enforcement purposes.
We may verify Social Security numbers forState motor vehicle agencies that use the number in issuing drivers licenses, as authorized by theSocial Security Act. Finally, we may disclose information to your Congressional representative if they request information to answer questions you ask him or her.We may use the information you give us when we match records by computer. Matching programs compare our records with those of other Federal, State, or local government agencies to determine whether a person qualifies for benefits paid by the Federal government. The law allows us to do this even if you do not agree to it.
Explanations about these and other reasons why information you provide us may be used or givenout are available in Social Security offices. If you want to learn more about this, contact any SocialSecurity office.
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995requires us to notify you that this information collection is inaccordance with the clearance requirements of section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of1995. We may not conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to, a collection ofinformation unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
Pretty nasty huh?
So your problem with the system in discussion is basically two-fold:
It is compulsory.
It is traceable and can be compared across databases.
No, it is not simply that. I am not owned by anyone. No one has the right to number me like property. This is crucial, inviolable and central to freedom.
Just because its illegal to misuse the database doesnt mean that it is misused. This is not "delusional paranoia" just COMMON SENSE. You may trust this particualar government, but if another comes in that is evil, they will have a perfect control infrastructure in place to impliment total control over everything that you do.
Once again, this is a cultural difference between people who are decendents of a revolutionary movement concerned about too much government, and Europeans (the flotsam that was left behind) who dont seem to care about rights in any way shape or form.
Free people, in principle and practice, cannot be for the compulsory numbering of inidividuals by the state. Saying that its ok because there are laws against abuses is like pouring gasoline one inch deep on the floor of a school gymnasium, and saying "its OK, as long as someone doesnt light a match; after all, arson is illegal".
Come on!
You are not a number, you are several. Your insurance number, your bank account, your phone number, your license plate.
I am not "a number"; we need to be precise with language, just as if we were writing a Perl script.
I have phone numbers, that I pay for. If I dont want any of them anymore, I can get other ones. These numbers are assigned by by my provider to my house or handset, and are not assigned to me. I can even get a pay as you go SIM card that is bought over the counter with no name on it at all.
I have a car licence plate; I can change that number if I want. That number is assigned to my CAR and not to me. The car is numbered, and I OWN the car.
I have a bank account. That account is numbered by the bank I chose. I can close that account at any time, and open another one. That number is assigned to that ACCOUNT and not to me.
I have a passport. If I loose it, a new passport is issued to me, with a new number. That number is issued to my passport, and is not issued to me. The passport is issued to me and the passport is issued a number.
My insurancce policy has an assigned number. If I cancel it, that number dies with the poilcy, and I can open another one which will be given a new number. That number is not issued to me, but to the policy
No government agency has given me a number. This is profoundly important. All of my documents and transactions cannot be correlated by a single locator. That means my privacy is better / stronger than other peoples.
Private organizations are not the same as government. They cannot compel me to carry, for example, my bank card when I leave my house. They dare not try and compel me to use my cashcard exclusively to interact with them, or I will move my account.
It is important to be clear about "service convenience" and compulsion, and what numbering really means. The individual numbering of your services by companies you choose to do business with is OK, because they do not number you personally.
Government numbering is compulsory, numbers your body PERMANENTLY and through this, every detail of your life can be tracked from cradel to grave, in a centralized database.
That's not right. Period.
As for the British system, there is none, because the British know better than to defeat Hitler and then stupidly impliment his evil beaurocratic systems after the fact, but thanks to our meddling Euro fuckwit scum buddies, and those pig ignorant cunts that blew up the WTC every wannabe facist is baying to bring in compulsory ID cards connected to a national database, which will cost BILLIONS, not prevent a single crime, and which will bring us closer to becoming totally rightless people.
Today on WFMU the incredibly talented improv-noise guitarist Nels Cline will be playing a live set. Somewhere around eleven AM, eastern standard time. Do tune in if you are at yr computer. You will be pleasantly surprised at how much can still be explored on the electric guitar. And Bethany Ryker's show (on which Nels is playing) is worth catching in its entirety. if you miss it, the archive will be posted on the web in a couple of days.
Monday, August 05, 2002
Having the Central Person Registry (CPR) in Denmark has not taken away any civil rights, and it has not made us any less free men.
I have had this discussion with many of my European friends since the inception of Irdial.
This is a deep cultural difference between Europeans and the adherents of Anglo Saxon ideas of law and justice. It is the same difference that separates strict followers of Sharia from "Westerners". The twain never shall meet. Period.
I dont have a problem with the Belgians and thier ID card which must be carried by law whenever you leave your house.
I dont have a problem with the Danes, who have a state issued number, assigned at birth.
What I DO have a big problem with, is when anyone tries to make other people live like they do because they think that the way that they live is cool. That is plain wrong, and it is my main objection to the EEC and European integration.
By all means, live in a place where babies are given a number by the state when they are born; I dont live in such a place, so its none of my business. If you like, live in a place where you are not allowed to leave your house unless you are carrying a state issued ID card. It makes no difference to me, since I dont live there.
But woe betide the person who comes to my house and tries to put a number on me, because he is a fucking dead man.
Genres of music and conneting with other people. I am a librarian and have worked with classification of all kinds of information, as a musiclover I cant help but think about music as genres and the feelings it puts in ones mind.
Music is not information; this is why it should not be classified into genres. It is enough to sort music by title and the name of its creator, or by the organization that published it. This is sufficient to find any music, reccomend it to friends and make it retrievable. We know this for certain now, because of the filesharing phenom. Far more useful than genres is the ability to ask (or to look) at the other things a person is listening to, which is a defacto recomendation.
Genres make music ghettoes. Look at the "Music" magazines, and the way they compartmentalize the reviews that they do. Many of these rags are simply racist in the way that they treat music.
In a perfect magazine, the reviews and reviewers simply react to a piece of music, without the review having to sit in a particular, artificailly created, ghetto section. The information in the review does not change, but what DOES change is the notion that a piece of music somehow "belongs" with other releases; this mistaken idea is the same one that ends up putting people of the same religion in only one part of a city. Its is wrong.
I have never met a single person who only likes one "type" of music; the people that I have met all like music and looking through their record / CD boxes reveals many different releases of music, made by different means. Now, in saying that, someone could argue that I am saying that these people like different types of music and so therefore there actually are different types of music, and so these different types can (and should) be classified.
You would be wrong.
There is no doubt that there are different types of people, but they are all people. It is the same for music and sound. There are many different types of music, but it is all music, and it should not be put into artificially created genres and "boxes", which separates people from finding and experiencing different musics, and poisons the minds of readers and listeners everywhere.
Look at the radio site at the BBC. It's an apalling example of ghettoized music.
When people talk about the heyday of the warehouse parties, a theme consistently comes up; "the DJs played anything and everything that they wanted". I can testify that this is true, and that it worked, was brilliant, and the best fun ever. Why this has dissapeared I will leave it to someone else to conjecture, but the fact that it has is sad, and the fact that radio is so ghetto entrenched is also sad and disheartening.
On this subject BTW, I heard a cover of Outkasts "Mrs. Jackson" done by some young "rock" had potential!
And how come I feel a connection when interagating with others if we have simular taste in music/movies/litterature/art?
I my self have noticed that I for some reason, do not connect (as really good friends) with people that do not listen to ANY kind of electronic music...How come it is so?
Do you think that your efforts to create Peekabooty will cause censoring countries to change their filtering policy from 'default-allow' to 'default-deny', that is, instead of blocking 'bad' sites it will instead only allow 'good' ones?
This is very similar thinking as to what happened prior to WWII. The good guys let Germany invade its neighbors because they didn�t want something REALLY bad to happen. If an evil madman tells you that you have to choose which of two people he is going to kill, it is still the madman's fault that someone is dead no matter which one you choose. If a government switches over to an allow-only system, this helps the cause even further. What we want is an end to censorship. The only way that is going to happen is that the government stops censoring its own people. The people have to make that happen. Not only is censorship possible, but total 1984-style control and monitoring is possible, and China in particular is heading in that direction as fast as it can. One of the benefits of Peekabooty is that it is bringing awareness to thousands of people around the world about the issues. In any event, a country has to overcome some major obstacles to switch to an allow-only system: 1) It's a lot of work with a lot of administration headaches (there are way more good web sites than bad ones), 2) the 'allow' list is bigger than a 'deny' list, which puts more strain on hardware that already cannot handle the load, 3) economic reasons (the cash doesn�t flow if the commercial web sites are blocked), and 4) it will cause unrest.
"This ties in with a larger concern that human rights activists share toward America today � a concern that post-9/11 America is not interested anymore in law and order, just order, and it's not interested in peace and quiet, but just quiet."
Sunday, August 04, 2002
NASHVILLE, Tennessee (AP) -- Singer-songwriter Bobby Bare Jr. fears rock music may sputter to its grave. In a provocative new song, he explains why.
"This letter is addressed to Mr. Pete Townshend/ Hey brother I write you to say thanks for nothin'/ Your generation used up all the feelings/ And if we rock it looks like we're ripping you off," he sings on "Dig Down," a song that's both a cry of frustration and motivational chant.
While making two fine rock records since 1998, the son of country star Bobby Bare ("Detroit City") has struggled for uniqueness, coming to the conclusion in "Dig Down" that "The Beatles used up all there was to be found."
"Anybody trying to do something in rock 'n' roll that's sincerely original knows what I'm talking about," he said. "I really don't think anybody's done anything original since The Pixies.
"It's always the same old same old, but somebody had to say it."
Friday, August 02, 2002
yeah i heard about that sony/eson marketing
thing too a couple of dayz back and instead
of geting pissed as i usually do i thought, so
what? so what? ok so, they have models and other
"desirable" types out there making it sexy and cool
and whatever else to $ell their $ellphones but
really who cares. they only people who would feel
driven or whatever to be dupped by this crap are
totally moronic boobs
so as far as i am concerned they deserve being duped for being
duped in the first place. additionally i don't think i ever go anywhere
where they would be selling anyway so screw the dummies who
buy into their system. that is their problem of which i am not afflicted.
i think this is a healthy attitude for me to take, at least for myself. because
i feel proud not even to want to notice their pathetic lame games. i am
not a part and not a parcel of that world of boobs. yeah for me and yeah
for free thinkers everywhere. in a way this should be a moment to be proud
for all of us!!
after first bombing the country for 60 days and nights.
-oooh! sounds biblical. should we build an ark? ya see this is
what happens when an election gets, wait, i
meant this is what happens after a coup!!
George Galloway is the one of the very few members of Parliament who speaks sensibly about Iraq. Read his column. Here is his list of affiliations and interests.
America is now planning a 250,000 troop invasion of Iraq - after first bombing the country for 60 days and nights.
Their justification for this is that Iraq is a 'rogue state' harbouring weapons of mass destruction. Although there is no evidence for this claim (please see the enclosed report), it is being repeated by Tony Blair and will be used to justify sending British troops into Iraq.
We must not accept the American line on this. Apart from the human damage of this war, the likely political fallout will be catastrophic. As Iraq gets blown to bits, the various fundamentalists and hardliners in the rest of the Arab world will have all the ammunition they need to convince people that the West really is the Great Satan - and to deprive moderate governments in the region of any credibility.
If America insists on prosecuting a cruel and stupid war we probably can't stop them, but they must do it alone, and not in our name.
- Brian Eno
Thursday, August 01, 2002
-using alot of these proxies is a laborious task. most i tried are slow
to resolve url's even when the paths get set by cache. we will set one up
here to tunnel your browser to shortly. that is a promise and a guarantee.
btw: xp is complete garbage. i really only learned that yesterday when i fiddled
with it. talk about useless bells and whistles. the 2000 platform is going to be around
for a long while as far as m$ goes.
From: �Scott� (
Subject: Re: xp crack
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general
View this article only
Date: 2001-11-29 12:49:28 PST
"Gary Souther" wrote in message
> does anyone have an xp crack?
Sure, right here:
oh my god, guess what? ------------------
boob is boob spelled backwards! holy!!
it's like a mental black hole sucking
me into the cosmic nothingness however
universally singular in it's oneness, like totally!
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