Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Just so you know...
what should it have been? It was one of my 25 words or less plot submissions; did I win?!
A fascist, an engineer, a an alcoholic cop, a lesbian, LSD, a samurai sword, a Polaroid camera, one weekend and a case of Jack Daniels.
A veteran London underground employee flees downward in the opposite direction to hysterical masses escaping burial as nukes explode above, encountering many mysteries as he descends.
April 29, 2003�After the United States and Britain were shown to be providing bogus and plagiarized "intelligence" documents to the UN Security Council that supposedly "proved" Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction program, the world's media is now being fed a steady stream of captured Iraqi "intelligence" documents from the rubble of Iraq's Mukhabarat intelligence headquarters. The problem with these documents is that they are being provided by the U.S. military to a few reporters working for a very suspect newspaper, London's Daily Telegraph (affectionately known as the Daily Torygraph" by those who understand the paper's right-wing slant). The Telegraph's April 27 Sunday edition reported that its correspondent in Baghdad, Inigo Gilmore, had been invited into the intelligence headquarters by U.S. troops and miraculously "found" amid the rubble a document indicating that Iraq invited Osama bin Laden to visit Iraq in March 1998. Gilmore also reported that the CIA had been through the building several times before he found the document. Gilmore added that the CIA must have "missed" the document in their prior searches, an astounding claim since the CIA must have been intimately familiar with the building from their previous intelligence links with the Mukhabarat dating from the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s. Moreover, the CIA and other intelligence agencies, including Britain's MI-6, have refuted claims of a link between bin Laden and Iraq.[...] My underlined emphasis; George G's docs also planted obviously. Liberty Forum
Limmy Genius.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

maybe i should be more organised. My lawd, there are SO many tools to organize MP3s that you are spoiled for choice, delete by artist, delete by date, delete by title, you can do it alll alll alll Hassan Saba! Straight glass for me, every time btw.
"President Saddam Hussein was not killed. He is still alive. He is going to address a message to Iraqis and to the (Arab) nation within 72 hours," the group calling itself Iraqi Resistance and Liberation said in a letter published Tuesday by the London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi." From yahoo news, but that site is so fucked i cant find the story, whcih was emailed to me...
American business!
"Sea Horse Liberation Army She's crouching on the white table top naked licking a white plate. It's the first image I click on the contact sheet. The URL's been mailed to me by some San Francisco art students, Sea Horse Liberation Army. The photo, I soon realise, is a re-enactment of a scene from Godard's film Weekend. The girl is very handsome, but what's so magnificent about this picture, apart from its immediate beauty, is that it takes me to a world where groups of friends re-enact scenes from Godard films. That's already a very bold, sexy and interesting world. It reminds me that an image is not just remarkable for itself, but also for the parallel world it invites us to imagine and enter, the world in which the anomaly it depicts is normal. This photoblog reminds me, for some reason, of a John Cage song where the performer makes banana milkshake for the audience." Momus Photoblogging Are you sure you dont just want to fuck her?
Tron Light Cycles!
"What the Fuck do you thing youre doing?" "Who's really going to win this war? It looks like Madonna," [...] RIAA's Rosen 'writing Iraq copyright laws' This cannot CANNOT not be a dream! Double negative, yes, cool! The Register
It was not worth the life of one single American kid in uniform, let alone the thousands of Iraqis who have died, and my condolences and prayers go out to all of them.[...] Michael Moore is a funny guy, however this piece of english reveals a thread that is woven deep into the security blanket of the American psyche; the lives of Americans are "worth more" than the lives of "other folks". This is why, in their news, they always count the numbers of Americans that are killed, separately from the other "lives lost". That sentence should have read like this: "It was not worth the life of one single American kid in uniform, person, Iraqui or American let alone the thousands of Iraqis who have died, and my condolences and prayers go out to the families of those who have been killed in this needless conflict. There. Now life is simply life, wether it be USA or IRQ, you have named Iraquis directly dividing the sympathy equally. English, because you can be so precise with it, is very dangerous. Its like a fencing sabre, you can gently play with it, teach fencing with it, scar with it, kill with it. You need the skill of course. The best sword fights are the drunken can get hurt, even killed by accident. Has anyone seen the filmed version of Hamlet with Lawrence Olivier? The sword fight is one of the most incredible ever filmed. "The English"!
In Parliament, his opposition to the first Gulf War, his support for Palestinian causes and his opposition to Iraq sanctions raised his profile. Dont they mean raised the ire of the oilthirsty pro war lobby? Galloway is no traitor; this is the Sun and trying to bury him and his voice permanently. They will never get away with it, he can Bliar and co. to court in Europe for violating his rights, and he will win.
I can't be bothered to catalogue / look for them You calling my pint a poof?
Hats of Meat
In todays Evening Standard, the cover story is about Anarchists publishing a list of targets to be hit on May Day. If they do this, they should, each one of them, be shot. Smashing up McDonalds, banks the HQs of business, no matter what that business is, will do precisely NOTHING to stop what they dont like happening from happening. If they bring disorder to the streets, if they engage in this pointless, mindless self indulgent childish, boring, innefective and stupid violence, then sympathy for them should be at -1. They are as stupid as stupid gets. Every time they have done this, (and they have been doing it for over ten years) precisely nothing changes. For their own goods, they should be put down like rabid dogs.
Those Ramirez cartoons remind me of the old Soviet era political cartoons; trying desperately to say something, but frightened to death of doing so, using every kind of almost invisible inuendo to make a stab. Ramirez's work doesnt even come close to doing that, and its badly drawn to boot. James Gilray set the standard, the benchmark. Ramirez: "Was'nt he on FOX?"
And if you can, Heh: "You have broadband". Now download this... and then go here... and then throw away your TV.

Monday, April 28, 2003

Bliar warns Chirac on the future of Europe

Tony Blair has issued a direct challenge to France's Jacques Chirac over the future of the transatlantic relationship by warning that the French president's vision of Europe as a rival to the US is dangerously destabilising. In a wide-ranging interview with the Financial Times, the prime minister foreshadows a continuing Anglo-French struggle about Europe's relationship with Washington. Mr Blair seeks to keep alive the prospect of British entry to the euro but he disavows any personal ambition to become president of the European Union. Though his personal relationship with Mr Chirac has improved since the bitter row over France's veto of a second United Nations resolution, Mr Blair is clear that the strategic divide that opened over Iraq has not been bridged. Meanwhile a new MORI poll for the FT reveals that 55 per cent of Britons regard France as the UK's least reliable ally, while 73 per cent view the US as the country's most reliable. The prime minister disassociated himself from those in Washington who have said that France should be "punished" for its opposition to the war with Iraq. He drew the limits of his own alliance with Washington by rejecting military intervention to halt the development of weapons of mass destruction in countries such as North Korea and Syria. Spelling out the damage that would be inflicted by Mr Chirac's vision of a "multipolar" world, he said: "I am not really interested in talk about punishing countries, but I think there is an issue that we have to resolve here between America and Europe and within Europe about Europe's attitude towards the transatlantic alliance. "I don't want Europe setting itself up in opposition to America . . . I think it will be dangerous and destabilising." France wanted a multipolar world with different centres of power, he said, but "I believe that they will very quickly develop into rival centres of power". [...] FT A multipolar world would mean that each power was balanced against the others. It would be difficult for a country expounding the virtues of human rights to flagrantly violate them without reprocussions. We can already see what a monopolar world, with America as the axis would look like; children held in detention camps on special "rightsless islands", pre emptive strikes against soverign states, decapitation attacks by remotely piloted drones, and a UN where its OK to use the veto "as long as we're the vetoer". No thanks motherfuckers. During the cold war, each side had to be at the very least, careful about destabilizing the balance of power. Without the need to do this as a matter of survival, literally ignorant people can cause havoc when they get into government. We need a bipolar world. A tripolar world would be too unstable; anyone who has studied Nonlinear phenomena knows how difficult it is to balance a three point pendulum system: A cold war style Europe (including Russia) VS America bipolar world, with the far east as the stomping ground for economic warfare is just what we need. It will keep everyone quiet, keep Gi Joe at home, and give everyone some real choices about how they want to live.
This is an amazing work. I would love to see a graphic representation of breakbeats since the start of breakbeat, chronologically, showing who used what record, by record, by artist, by know the score. Someone knows the score!!!!
Uh oh... as in "Uh oh, what a pile of shit", or "Uh oh, another Ladytron"? "Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell"
if only for the artwork. It's amazing! The sounds also rule ur ass, beautiful recordings of stuff that is still listenable... I agree, but even withholding (a percentage of) your taxes doesn't mean the money won't go towards weapons, just away from the NHS or something. There cannot be a shortfall in the essential services, because there is always enough money to wage war. This is precisely the point. What the WTR people are saying is remove that proportion that is used for war. Think about it. What other time is a recipt for your goods or services denied to you? If you buy a bunch of equipment, down to a single cable, it is described in detail, in an itemized list. How can it be that you do not get such a recipt when you pay for your services, and for war? If a shop denied you a full recipt, and a guarantee that your goods would work, you wouldnt shop there anymore would you? The American WTR people have it 100% correct. Its been going for over 100 years. Now, since every other avenue has been cut off this is the best way to directly say "no" to war. Dont worry about the essential services going offline, in fact thats what they want you to worry about, to keep you too scared to take action. Can you imagine a govt saying that they have no money for the NHS because they have to pay for war? It should in fact be the other way around "we have no money for war, because the NHS is costing so much". Thats more like it!
Uh oh...
I'm not sure why, but suckpage.cgi will not display the randomized logo, while the vanilla HTML page will, so if you want to see the masthead submissions, do blogger.html instead of suckpage.
Charlie has just been playing some of this stuff on WFMU...groovy!
"campaigns for the legal right for those who have a concientions objection to war to have the military part of their taxes spent on peacebuilding initiatives" I dont have a problem with the intention, but the thinking behind this is flawed. First of all, once anyone has your cash, there is no way that you can verify what they are doing with it. They will always reserve the right to sequester monies for "defence". You can therefore, never pay this proportion and expect it not to be used for war. Secondly, the overall military budgets are a state secret. We therefore have to make an educated guess, and deduct that proportion, whilst expecting all normall services to continue completely unnafected. The urgency of this matter demands that we proactively withold this money. We cannot wait around politely while people are being slaughtered. Isnt rather interesting that NO ONE ANYWHERE in the anti-war movement has mentioned this website? Its a little odd, disconcerting and sad. The only way people have ever gained freedom is by taking it. If we want to be free of war, then we have to make ourselvs free, by choking the war serpent at the neck, until it is dead. Ask the serpent for permission to choke it, and it will bite your shiny metal ass
Apple Said to Be Entering E-Music Fray With Pay Service By MATT RICHTEL AN FRANCISCO, April 25 � Apple Computer plans on Monday to introduce a digital music service, according to industry analysts. It is a move that thrusts the company into the middle of a contentious and technologically challenging area of digital commerce. [...] New York Times Correct me If I am wrong, but Apple Records owned by The Beatles allowed Apple Computer to use the word "Apple" as long as they never did anything related to music....hmmmmmm
If our moronic mayor had thought more carefully about this, we might have a relatively secure congestion charging system, rather than an insecure mass surveillance system. How car cloners are beating congestion charge By Ben Webster The Times, 28/4/03 A DRIVER was puzzled when he received an �80 fine for driving in a bus lane. He had no recollection of being on that road on that day. Marcos Losekann was considering paying the fine for peace of mind. But then another penalty notice arrived. And another. In all, he was ordered to pay �2,000 in speeding, parking and congestion charge penalties in six weeks. Mr Losekann, 37, had become one of a growing number of drivers falling victim to criminals who �clone� the car plates of innocent drivers to avoid penalties. When the authorities refused to believe his innocence, he proved them wrong by tracking down the car of the real culprit... Criminals visit car showrooms and car parks to copy the numberplates of cars of the same model and colour as their own or one they have stolen. The car cannot then be detected by police or camera operators when they run computer checks to ensure that the model and colour correspond with DVLA records. The trick has proliferated with the number of traffic cameras monitoring speed, bus lanes, parking and the London congestion charge... Motoring organisations fear that numberplate cloning will run out of control as congestion charge schemes are adopted in cities around Britain. They also believe that the Metropolitan Police have fuelled the menace by announcing that they will use congestion charge cameras to track the movements of suspects. Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, has said that he has evidence that people involved in serious crime are using cloned plates to evade the congestion charge...,,2-661656,00.html And of course, this means that every car will need to be fitted with a unique radio/GPS/GSM tracking beacon, cryptographically married to the owners car key like the two halvs of a pgp key; that way, if they steal your beacon but not your key, you can prove that you were not driving the car when it went into the zone. When you start your car, you would have to enter your passphrase so that the beacon is activated; remove your key from the ignition, and the beacon is deactivated.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have received this message from the "FIPR Alert" mailing list run by the Foundation for Information Policy Research ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to Jane Affleck for this story. I have always been amazed that the Home Office didn't take this route to introduce ID cards quietly. Perhaps they've now realised their previous error... 'Smart' passports to be introduced in 2005 By Matthew Beard The Independent, 28/4/2003 Plans are in the pipeline for "smart" passports fitted with a microchip that would identify the holder from his or her facial characteristics. The new document would enable immigration officials to check facial measurements, such as the distance between the eyes and the distance between nose and chin. The plans will be finalised by next March, and the scheme is due to be introduced by April 2005... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have received this message from the "FIPR Alert" mailing list run by the Foundation for Information Policy Research To unsubscribe, send an email to: If you need to change your subscribed email address, or for any other administrative matters, please write to: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is interesting; I just saw a newly issued passport, and instead of the signed photograph being laminated into the passport, the photo has been digitally printed directly onto the page, and then laminated with a holograph embedded plastic laminate. Obviously, (or maybe not) this photograph is in a database somewhere, and it would be trivial to have his picture accessed and brought up on an immigration officers screen when the passport is swiped. Quite why they are claiming to have to go through this face recognition palaver is interesting, since it simply is not needed with human immigration officers checking each passport manually. If this is a sneaky attempt to shoehorn in an ID card, its going to fail.

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Friday, April 25, 2003

"He claimed the war against Iraq could have been avoided if France and Russia had thrown their weight behind UN resolution 1441 which demanded Saddam Hussein's co-operation and compliance with UN weapons inspections." BBC I want what he smokes!
"Don't You Ever Lay Down Your Arms" - The Mafia
Does anyone else have a problem looking at Blogdial with Mozilla? When i use the Black Motherfucker stylesheet thisck black lines cover up the text. This doesn't happen in IE or netscape. You should use the latest mozilla, if you are not already doing so ./a
April 1993. I was 14. Enjoying the bliss of having a girlfriend for the first time. Kissing was just the coolest thing that had ever happened to me. I picked up a bass guitar that a friend never played and that _really_ shot my life in a new direction. As a result I began to skateboard less and less. Afternoons were probably spent figuring out Minor Threat songs on the bass. I think I visited my first thrift store about then. And read my first zine. Seems mundane in print, but these were the seeds for my activities later in life... I certainly didn't know then that I would end up in dozens of musical endeavors, at Art School or eventually in NYC.
Beards are IN by the way.
Playing with firework story: $at_coolness += 1000 So says me. I bought an "Ash Can" from a friend at school for $5. Explosives are (or at least used to be) divided in strength by orders of two. Number one is a stick of dynamite. An M80 is a quarter of a stick, and an Ash Can was 1/16th I believe. Anyway these fireworks were illegal, and I had one. My and my brother decided (while my mother was out) to take an empty 1 gallon apple juice jug, and blow it up. This Ash Can was a beautiful thing; it had a green underwater fuse on it, was a small squat cylinder, and was silver in color. We put the jug on top of the cover of a well, lit the fuse, dropped the Ash Can in the jug and bolted behind a tree about 10 yards away from the "test site". The explosion was unreal, glass showered down on us, and was embedded into the tree that we were standing behind. We were surprised by the size of the exposion, to say the least. No one got hurt. I have lots of firework stories.... when we used to live in a tower block, we had access to the roof. There was a drain, pipe (diameter 5") that went from the roof down to the bottom floor. We used to hold rockets over the pipe, light the fuses and then drop them. normally they would launch out of the pipe and burst way overhead, but one time a rocket had an unusually long fuse. We dropped it, and waited and waited for it to emerge, mortar style. All of a sudden it exited the pipe, and then exploded ten feet above the roof, showering us in tens of thousands of searing hot stars. What a dreamlike thing that was, and incredibly, no one got a scratch. There is nothing quite like sex, there is lots of stuffing and then, and explosion. Heh....
My log book says that in March 19th 1993, I was listening to: 5.202 at 1:34AM "American Numbers Voice, V. Strong Signal, '8161 2763' " 7.357 at 2:30AM "Voice of the Last Day Prophet, 'Brother Stair' " But nothing in April... and what had happened that you couldn't predict at the time? Everything that really matters seems to occur unpredictably both the positive and the negative.

"Pyongyang admits nuclear weapons" says MSNBC Nukes are not illegal. Korea is not "admitting" anything, they are DECLARING that they have them. The map above says "Hidden Aresenal". How is this different from the map below? "Korea claimed to possess nuclear weapons and threatened test, export or use them unless the United States agreed to direct talks." Makes sense to me. They are using the new diplomatic language brought into being by the USA. So what exactly is the problem? Look at the language of this "report"...they are stoking up the fires for the next one, no doubt about it. Only full scale economic warfare can stave off the next attacks. MSNBC masters of interactive flash maps!
"But we know he had them. And whether he destroyed them, moved them or hid them, we're going to find out the truth."[...] Yahoo News Destroyed them??!!

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Not so good on this one. You got me, Alex. And the music is better? You have got to be kidding! Too produced, too flashy. Zookeeper has that groovy little beat (which I am having nightmares about, this is why I don't play games very often ... consumed ... ) I was laid off from my last employ a few weeks ago, and I have been indulging. Alison, I ride around without a helmet too, doesn't go with my skirt! But I think I am going to get one of those skull lids, they look a bit cooler, and it is safer. Bike accidents are very unforgiving. My friend has one like this, and it is silver!
"Pretty perfect lovers" by Lorette Velvette from Lost part of me
Ben Drury and Will Bankhead did some amazing work for us; the Co-Lette house sleeve, the Beautyon LP artwork, and the Neuropolitique "Large Spoon" 12" design. World class, high level creativity...genius!
still believe it was a magnificent achievment. I agree 100%. I'm glad I went on it. It was effective in showing the feeling against war, that something really monumentally powerful can be organized by just a few people, and it showed, unintentionally, that that was the last anti-war demonstration we would ever need. As for sending them the rules, they need to be sent the rules, AND the WarTax information, AND the switch to € info ,which is the least formalized of the potential paths.
> hi akin, Howdy ****... > thanks again - i am trying to get my computer to filter out all emails that > have no relevance or interest to me, but i fear my inbox would be > permanently empty except when your post arrives - ok, enough arse licking - :] > it is still an email and therefore a lesser form of communication (!) Writing is in no way a lesser form of communication. There are certainly lesser communicators, but that is a different story. Letters, for thousands of years have been essential to human communication. Email is no different. Just because people (usually the lowest common denominator) treat it differently from letter writing doesnt have any effect on what email /actually/ is. > - a theory for you... > email has actually convinced the world of people who have computers that > they are busily doing things when in fact they are wasting more and more of > their time on irrelevancies The idea that people "waste time" is absurd. A persons time belongs to them, if they want to spend it trainspotting or running around a track like a greyhound rabbit it is their business. Saying that any persuit is a waste of time is a useless judgement; saying people communicating is a waste of time is completely absurd. > (this being a case in point perhaps!) - i don't > know of anyone who DOESN'T waste at least two hours a day sending (largely > useless) information backwards and forwards. Information is not useless or usefull. You can /make use/ of information or not. The choice is yours. > > this slightly rant-like tone is mainly due to the fact that i have just > spent five days climbing mountains, rowing, digging the garden, chopping > wood etc in a beautiful environment, but now am back in london - and trying > to work out a long term strategy for removing the "coming-back-to-london" > bit from that particular equasion. Dont come back! Problem solved! > > and finally a bit of response to your mail: Im ready! > > in relation to this particularly annoying tautological (i think that's > right) section inserts in CAPS : > > > Its been proven now that demonstrating in the streets is completely useless > as a > way of stopping war, so what can we do that is actually effective? Firstly, > lets create some rules so that we can stop doing things and taking actions that > waste time and resources. We have some from BLOGDIAL: > > "Does the action have a permanent effect?" > If the answer is "No" then dont waste time doing it. > DOES ANY ACTION HAVE ANY PERMANENT EFFECT ON THE UNIVERSE IN THE GENERAL > SCHEME OF THINGS? > IF THE ANSWER IS "NO" THEN DO IT ANYWAY. Dont be thick. We are talking about warmaking and how to stop unresponsive "democrazies" from waging it. This is a purely practical problem, very narrowly defined, that we are thinking about. StopWar keep organizing demonstrations; millions are being spent so that people can innefectively march in the streets. We are saying it doesnt work, we have to do something else, or there will be war after war after war. Instead of blurting out over a crack pipe "wottsitmatta itawhldasayme innnaaaat...whoi bovva?" we are THINKING about it, TAKLING about it and DOING SOMETHING. That is superior in every way to doing nothing and saying nothing, being a part of the silent pool of useless flesh that accepts everything as "just the way it is; dont like the goverment, demonstrate, go to pub get hammered, business as usual". > > "Does the action have a direct effect on a country's ability to prepare for, > start and wage war?" > If the answer is "No" dont do it. > DOES ANY ACTION HAVE A DIRECT EFFECT ON A PERSON OR GROUP OF PEOPLE TO > PREPARE FOR AND LIVE LIFE? > IF THE ANSWER IS "NO" THEN DO IT ANYWAY. What are you talking about? Did you actually READ and understand what we were discussing? We are talking about WAR and STOPPING it PERMANENTLY. > "Is the action violent?" > > If the answer is yes, dont do it. > WHY NOT SIMPLY LIE DOWN IN THE FACE OF AGGRESSION AND HOPE THAT IT IS > DIRECTED AT SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOU AND THOSE CLOSE TO YOU. Once again, what on earth do you mean by this? "Lying down in the face of agression" in the UK will not stop anyone bombing / invading Iran or Syria. This is what we are talking about, _and nothing else_. > > "Does it rely on the media's co-operation?" > If the answer is "Yes" then dont do it. > OBVIOUSLY ONE SHOULD ONLY DO THINGS IF ONE IS BEING WATCHED. If you spent the same amount of time reading that you do escaping into the countryside, you would know that the media is completely under state control both here and in the USA. Any strategy that relies on them to propagate instructions or action messages is fatally flawed. You would know this if you were /paying attention/. You would know that the news here was so sanitized during the invasion that AlJazeera got 4 million new subscribers at 212 pounds a time, in the space of /seven days/. Its perfectly OK by me not to care about war or anything else for that matter, but unless you have done the small amount of work, and thought about what is happening, you really cannot speak to this problem, which is very real, and which is happening right now. > > This cuts out leaving flowers anywhere and certainly cuts out 2 million > people > marching in the streets. This means smashing up McDonalds is resigned to > history. Finally. > PAH - PATHETIC, TO LINK THE DEATH OF DIANA (I ASSUME THAT IS THE FLOWERS > REFERENCE), AND MORONS SUFFERING FROM VIOLENT NON-SPECIFIC DISGRUNTLEDNESS > (MACDONALDS) WITH PEOPLE WHO FELT THAT MAKING A QUIET PROTEST WAS A VALID > THING FOR THEM TO CHOOSE TO DO. "Valid Protest" this is the opium that is smoked by the ignorant millions. It is precisely this bullshit that blows childrens arms off, that feeds the war machine, this uterly contemptible Feel Good, self exhonerating, empty gesture crap that betrays people and actually KILLS them. Demonstrating is a lie, it has evolved into a safety valve to allow the riteous steam of indignation to blast off without /anything actually changing/. The same money, spent on these flowers, on the train tickets, petrol, underground tickets, bus tickets and coach fares to get to a place to demonstrate, should be spent on ANYTHING ELSE but this absurd show of impotence in the face of invasion, the dismantling of the UN and the looting of Iraq. The only people who do not think this are those that are for war, especially now. > PERHAPS IT WAS IMPORTANT THAT THERE WAS A > STRONG IMAGE FOR PEOPLE TO SEE Ah yes transmitted by the unbiased, transparent BBC, ITV etc. > THAT WOULD REALISE THAT THERE WAS NOT > CONCENSUS AMONG THE BRITISH PEOPLE FOR OUR NATION TO WANTONLY BREAK > INTERNATIONAL LAW. And so what if there is no consensus? They went to war on the back of unprecedented resistance you FOOL! How obvious does it have to be? 2 million people take one of their DAYS OFF to demonstrate, the government doesnt pay attention. So what do you do? DEMONSTRATE AGAIN? Even Pavlovs Dog and lab rats have more sense. If those same 2 million people (and the other 3 million who couldnt make it, couldnet be "bovvad", couldnt /afford it/) took off a THURSDAY and stayed at home, the message would have been very much louder, and more effective; "it will not be 'business as usual' if you engage in this illegal invasion". > (RATHER THAN SITTING IN AN ARMCHAIR IN JUDGEMENT, PERHAPS THE EXCERCISE > WOULD HAVE CLEARED YOUR HEAD A BIT - YOU NEVER KNOW, YOU MIGHT HAVE ENJOYED > YOURSELF, AND MET SOME PEOPLE WHO YOU COULD RELATE TO) You infinite looser! /I went on the first march/. Once fooled shame on you, twice fooled shame on me. Only the ultimate loosers and sheeple will keep coming back for more demonstrations. The governments of the world rely on people like you, who are simply NOT AWAKE, who will keep doing the same things over and over while they re write the rule book (actually in this case TEAR IT UP COMPLETELY) and run roughshod over everyone and everything. > IF LIFE IS FUTILE AND ULTIMATELY DOOMED BY MORTALITY, DOES THAT MEAN WE > SHOULD ALL KILL OURSELVES, OR AT LEAST NEVER GET OUT OF BED? Dont be absurd. Stay on topic or go *back to bed!* > > I THINK THE SELF-RIGHTEOUS MISERABLIST WHO WROTE THE ABOVE NEEDS TO REMIND > HIMSELF (FOR SURELY THIS IS A MAN SUFFERING FROM AMONST OTHER THINGS > WOMB-ENVY (???)) OF THREE THINGS: > 1. HUMOUR there is nothing funny about war you jackass. You support war _directly_ and disproportionately as the owner of a business. You either take responsiblity for the wealth you create and where it goes, or you agree with war and STFU. > 2. 500 WORDS TO JOIN - HOW IS THAT MORE WORTHWHILE THAN ANYTHING YOU HAVE > DISMISSED? ??? WTF does this have to do with WAR Snorlax? Since you asked, we need to keep out the ultimate loosers and unthinking timewasters, lazy inevitablists and no hopers, so that at least, in the place we are responsible for, some COMMON SENSE and LOGIC are the order of the day, not blunt fuelled psuedo religion that gets people KILLED. > 3. LANGUAGE MAY BE LIKE A BROKEN KETTLE THAT WE BEAT OUT TUNES FOR BEARS TO > DANCE TO, WHILST ALL THE TIME WE WANT TO MOVE THE STARS TO PITY, BUT THERE > IS NEED TO BE SO PISSED OFF ABOUT IT... English. Learn it. Speak it. Type it. > > anyway - i fear i have savaged someone who i could equally have agreed with > in another moment in time. You, my friend, have not savaged me in any way. As for agreeing with me, _be real_, how is *that* possible? What you /have/ done, is exposed yourself as the enemy, as part of the problem, as one of the people who will, through sheer stupidity and sheepish thought will bring war on our heads. Again and again and again. > got a bit carried away there - oops, By all means, get carried time, by The Territorials, straight to Iran!
M/Y is playing tonight at Freebutt, Phoenix Place, Brighton Where he will be premiering some new stuff... Be there....
I'm sick of it! Games games games! Sookeeper!
Of course you know this means war.
They need to forsake Ballocks and stop emergency legislating CHILDRENS TOYS for cryin out loud. Better yet, how about not blowing off childrens arms, then they could PLAY with the toys they shouldnt be banning. And by the way, this is ABSOLUTELY ABSURD. If they were REALLY SERIOUS they would have to ban: Stretch Armstrong Astrojacks Yo-Yos Tethered Football $toy_with_string Ill leave it to you to google the above, but in the case of Stretch Armstrong, the instructions explicitly warn against pulling the arms and then tying them in a knot around your OWN a tourniquet(sp).... If there was any fairness at all, the manufacturer would be able to instantly sue them for unlawful restraint of trade. Maybe in a paralell universe, the FAIR universe... Nation Invading, nanny stating, child mutilating, lie spewing, murdering, incompetent, moneywasting, venal, vicious, illogical, immoral, useless, future denying, rights abusing JACKASSES!

The Straw is leaking again!

Iraq weapons 'will not be planted'

Jack Straw has dismissed suggestions that coalition forces would "plant" weapons of mass destruction to justify the war in Iraq. The UK foreign secretary said "immense care" would be taken to check the veracity of any weapons finds. Mr Straw was speaking in a special edition of BBC News Interactive's phone-in programme Talking Point. Asked why no weapons of mass destruction had yet been found, Mr Straw said Saddam Hussein had been skilful in hiding such weapons and had had "months of warning" as the international community debated how to tackle Iraq. He admitted that the task of finding weapons would be "difficult". BBC
H. P: A;,:
Lt. Gen. David McKiernan, the commander of ground forces in Iraq, issued a proclamation putting Iraq's politicians on notice, saying, "The coalition alone retains absolute authority within Iraq." He warned that anyone challenging the American-led authority would be subject to arrest.[...] New York Times
Fun game. It reminds me of Tetris ...

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

MSNBC Reveals Facts on Israel's Weapons of Mass Destruction

by Ira Chernus Tuesday April 22, 2003 at 01:32 PM Most astounding web page of the week: Here is MSNBC, giving us more information on Israel's weapons of mass destruction (WMD)than I've seen in any left-wing or peace-activist news source. Here is the mainstream U.S. media, that beast we love to hate, giving us a story that gives away the store. It's a story we expect the elite media to hide, because it is so embarrassing to U.S. policymakers. How could anyone cheer for the carnage in Iraq, where no WMD have yet been found, if they knew that Israel is the only Middle Eastern nation with a proven WMD arsenal? How could anyone approve of a U.S. policy that kills where WMD don't seem to exist and turns a blind eye where they obviously do? Far from hiding the story, though, MSNBC uses its graphic skills to put all the details just a mouse-click away. What's going on? Supporters of Israeli policy will give you an answer in a single word: anti-semitism. These folks are always amazing us with their charges of anti-Israel bias in the U.S. media, which they insist proves anti-semitism. It's silly, of course. If the media were biased against Israel, the facts about Israeli WMD would have been headline news every day during the debate about the Iraq war. Those facts were headline news in the Arab world. They were absolutely crucial, because they undermined the Bush administration's principal justification for war. But mainstream news sources here paid very little attention. [...] indymedia
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed." President Dwight D. Eisenhower April 16, 1953 Yes indeed; its a theft from YOU
Zookeeper High score:12290 Beat me.
Really strange: I went to middle school with Richard Das (he who made the Piles Flash demonstration)! I haven't seen him since 1991... Looks like he's been up to some top stuff.
Google image search for "filthy mattress"

Russian official predicts 'catastrophic' events

A top Russian Foreign Ministry official was quoted as saying yesterday in Tokyo that a "catastrophic" development of events in the US-North Korean nuclear standoff was imminent and could occur within the next day. "It is probable that, as early as tomorrow, there will be a catastrophic development of events," Itar-Tass quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losyukov as saying. He added that the standoff had "reached an extreme stage" but did not give a more detailed explanation about his warning.[...] SMH
Seems a tad awkward in the UK. The last one sounds pretty straightforward. You would probably have to operate a high street account for cheques if you use that sort of thing. Either way, its possible and easy to do, with a UK bank, and with the way that the value of the € is increasing, proably worth at least a few hundred, if only to increase the demand for the €.
Mad0nna WTF clip!

13,14,15 year olds held at Guantanamo

One of the youths has been identified by Canadian media reports as a Canadian citizen wanted by the US over a grenade attack in Afghanistan which killed a US soldier.[...] "That the US sees nothing wrong with holding children at Guantanamo and interrogating them is a shocking indicator of how cavalier the Bush administration has become about respecting human rights," spokesman Alistair Hodgett told the Associated Press news agency.[...] BBC

Ari & I

White House Press Briefing with Ari Fleischer Tuesday, April 22, 2003 - 12:30 PM by Russell Mokhiber Mokhiber: MSNBC reported this week that Israel's nuclear weapons arsenal rivals that of France and Britain. Given that arsenal, does the President support Syria's call to make the Middle East a region free of weapons of mass destruction? Ari Fleischer: The United States has always supported the Middle East as a region free of weapons of mass destruction. Lester. Mokhiber: If I could follow up. Does Israel have nuclear weapons? Ari Fleischer: That's a question you need to ask to Israel. Lester. ### Common Dreams
I spoke to Coutts; you have to have 500,000 or more to operate a € account with them. Oh dear. Natwest Offshore is who they recommended: 01534 282 828. Lloyds say call their offshore branch at 01624 638 008. Alliance & Leicester international banking services says call their isle of man office 01642 663 566. They will send you a starter pack, or alternatively you can download an application form from their website they dont offer cash machine access or debit card or cheque book. "Very good" rates of interest. You could go private banking: Cater Allen offer private banking: The benefits at-a-glance * You can open one or more accounts in sterling, US dollars or euro. * Minimum opening deposit �5,000* * Competitive, tiered interest rates. * Up to 20 free standard transactions each month. * Gold VISA deferred-debit card, with no annual fee. * Full current account facilities, including cheque book, direct debit and standing orders. * �10 monthly administration fee charged if balance falls below �5,000. You may withdraw up to �1,000 (or US$1,000 or �1,000) each day at VISA cash machines. Gold Visa Deffered Debit card; when you make a transaction the funds are only debited at the end of the month. Minimun balance €5000. Monthy interest Monthly statemenst No standing orders No cheque book Swift credits (outgoing) Looks like thats a good one; there may of course, be others. What is interesting is how many people I had to call to get this info. Several of my local shops take € obvously they have business accounts. This could be a huge business if the StopWar people could get their act together; imagine 2million people openening accounts in a bank created to deal with the desire to go to &euro right now. Hmmmmm dream on....
Is there a feasible way to be independent of the banks and their outrageous charges, limited services and greed-motivated principles? Do you sleep on a mattress? Seriously, I am calling some banks for you right now, and I will post the results immediately.
American Dollars to 1 EUR Xrates
Not anymore it aint!!!!!!

US detains children at Guantanamo Bay

Staff and agencies Wednesday April 23, 2003 The US military has admitted that children aged 16 years and younger are among the detainees being interrogated at its prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The Guardian How much more proof do you need???
OK. Install Mozilla on your source machine. Migrate your OE mail and settings to Mozilla. Copy your Mozilla profile folder to your zip disc. Install Mozilla on your new machine. Copy your profile folder to your mozilla installation on your new machine from your Zip disc. You are done.
" is an international coalition advocating for the United Nations - not weapons maker Jay Garner - to oversee Iraq's transition to democracy. Read more and take action here!" Another petition site, advocating pointless behaviour. Interesting though, and of course, it breaks the rules below, so it shouldnt be done. Just what do people today think that the word "Action" actually means? Lets find out: From 1. The state or process of acting or doing: The medical team went into action. 2. Something done or accomplished; a deed. See Usage Note at act. 3. Organized activity to accomplish an objective: a problem requiring drastic action. 4. The causation of change by the exertion of power or a natural process: the action of waves on a beach; the action of a drug on blood pressure.M 5. A movement or a series of movements, as of an actor. 6. Manner of movement: a horse with fine action. 7. Habitual or vigorous activity; energy: a woman of action. 8. Behavior or conduct. Often used in the plural. 9. 1. The operating parts of a mechanism. 2. The manner in which such parts operate. 3. The manner in which a musical instrument can be played; playability: a piano with quick action. 10. A change that occurs in the body or in a bodily organ as a result of its functioning. 11. A physical change, as in position, mass, or energy, that an object or a system undergoes. 12. The series of events and episodes that form the plot of a story or play. 13. The appearance of animation of a figure in painting or sculpture. 14. Law. A judicial proceeding whose purpose is to obtain relief at the hands of a court. 15. 1. Armed encounter; combat: missing in action. 2. An engagement between troops or ships: fought a rear-guard action. 16. The most important or exciting work or activity in a specific field or area: always heads for where the action is. So there you have it. My emphasis underlined. They have it all wrong!!!

For 2004, Bush's Aides Plan Late Sprint for Re-election

Tue Apr 22, 8:59 AM ET By ADAM NAGOURNEY and RICHARD W. STEVENSON The New York Times WASHINGTON, April 21 President Bush (news - web sites)'s advisers have drafted a re-election strategy built around staging the latest nominating convention in the party's history, allowing Mr. Bush to begin his formal campaign near the third anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks and to enhance his fund-raising advantage, Republicans close to the White House say. [...] SCOUNDRELS!
Do you see what happens? Liberty When this tips, its going to be very nasty indeed. And for what? Profit. its totally insane.
EXCLUSIVE FOUR sticky-fingered GIs have been arrested for trying to steal nearly $1 million of the $700 million in cold cash found hidden on the grounds of several estates in Baghdad, Army officials said yesterday. The four enlisted men, who all belong to the 4th Battalion of the 64th Armored Division, face court-martials, said Maj. Kent Rideout. The mountain of loot uncovered by U.S. forces on Friday apparently was left behind by top Ba'ath Party members and senior Republican Guard commanders who fled Baghdad. It has been taken to the U.S.-controlled Baghdad Airport for safekeeping and will be returned to the Iraqi people, officials have said. "You can understand how the greed took over, when just one wad of this cash can pay off your mortgage, send your kids to school, etcetera," one senior officer told The Post. Three of the arrested GIs, members of an engineering unit attached to the 4th Battalion, are accused of skimming $600,000 of the war booty. They stashed it in a tree near a cottage where they and other members of their unit discovered 37 steel boxes, each containing $4 million in $100 bills. [...] New York Post
Any ideas how to do it? I think a lot of her messages are stored on her mac HD - are they copyable or readable on PC? There are many migration tools out there, google them. If you use Mozilla, moving your mail and profile is as simple as copying a single directory. When you move the GF to new 'puter, make sure its a mac (if pos), and make sure its running the latest will be MUCH simpler.

Mutation discovery raises fears over Sars vaccine

By Richard McGregor in Shanghai Published: April 21 2003 20:41 | Last Updated: April 21 2003 20:41China's top genomics institute discovered that the Sars virus was mutating rapidly when it independently sequenced its genetic blueprint, raising new fears about developing a vaccine to combat it. "A few nucleotide differences among individual genomes were detected, as the virus is expected to mutate very fast and easily," said the Beijing Genomics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in a statement on the internet.[...] FT Snatched from Politech
[Henry is affiliated with the Harvard Medical School 
and the Department of Bioengineering at the Shriners' Burn 
Center in Boston. --Declan]


From: "Henry L Niman, PhD"
Subject: SARS Mythical Mortality Rate
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 09:35:04 -0400

The mortality rate for SARS is commonly refered to as around 5% in the media
(and compared to 20% for the 1918 flu epidemic).  However, the mortality rate
is really the number who died divided by the number who died or were
discharged (assuming none of the discharged subsequently die of SARS).

The only country with a reported mortality rate around 5% is mainland China.

Here are the mortality percentages as of yesterday, based on the cumulative
data posted by WHO:

Country   Fatal   %

Canada      12    20.7%

Singapore   16    15.0%

Hong Kong*  69    14.1%

Viet Nam     5     9.8%

China       65     5.5%

*The 12 deaths reported today would raise HK's total to 81 and mortality rate
to 14.9%


From: "Henry L Niman, PhD"
Subject: RE: SARS Mythical Mortality Rate < Correction
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 16:13:57 -0400

I accidentally used 544 instead of 444 for the denominator so the Hong Kong
mortality rate as of today is 18.2%

The other countries as of today are

Hong Kong 18.2%
Canada 18.2%
Singapore 13.8%
Viet Nam 9.8%
Mainland China 5.4%


From: "Henry L Niman, PhD"
Subject: RE: FWD: SARS Mythical Mortality Rate  15-16%
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 10:04:40 -0400

The WHO data has been broken out into deaths and discharged for about 11 days
and the numbers have been pretty consistent.  The number discharged daily in
Hong Kong has gone up quite a bit recently, but so have the fatalities, so the
death rate hasn't changed much in the past 11 days

April 20 17.5%
April 19 18.2%
April 18 17.6%
April 17 19.3%
April 16 19.2%
April 15 18.7%
April 14 17.0%
April 12 14.0%
April 11 15.9%
April 10 16.3%


From: "Henry L Niman, PhD"
Subject: SARS Mythical Mortality Rate  15-16%
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 12:42:20 -0400

Yes, the range is pretty wide for country to country, but has been pretty
steady for the past 11 days:

Date       Hong Kong   Canada    Singapore   China
April 19    18.2%        18.2%*     13.8%     5.4%
April 18    17.6%        20.7%*     15.0%     5.5%
April 17    19.3%        20.7%*     14.2%     5.5%
April 16    19.2%        26.0%      13.3%     5.5%
April 15    18.7%        32.5%      13.3%     6.1%
April 14    17.0%        32.5%      12.5%     5.6%
April 12    14.0%        27.8%      10.5%     5.3%
April 11    15.9%        28.6%      10.5%     5.3%
April 10    16.3%        31.3%      10.7%     5.1%

* WHO lowered Canada's fatal cases from 13 to 12 (today media reports have
raised number to 14 after another death yesterday).


From: "Henry L Niman, PhD"
Subject: SARS Mortality Rate - 45% in Taiyuan, Shanxi
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 10:01:18 -0400

The current motality rate in the teens for major sites isn't an upper limit,
and the numbers could go higher.  The highest rate I have seen is out of
mainland China, where overall a mortality rate of about 5% in reported.
However in Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi Provence the reported rate is 45%.

>From yesterday's Promed report:

"Meanwhile, a report from Taiyuan, capital of north China's Shanxi province,
reported that [as of 19 Apr 2003] 9 people had died of SARS in the province
and there were 112 registered SARS cases in the province. 11 of these have
recovered and been discharged from hospitals."


From: "Henry L Niman, PhD"
Subject: SARS Mortality Rate - 50% in Hohhot, Xinhua
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 11:02:32 -0400

As the numbers trickle in from the various provinces in China, a more onimous
picture is emerging.  Although the numbers are still low, Hohhot, Xinhua had a
mortality rate of 50% a week ago

"Two people in China's Inner Mongolia region have died from the SARS virus,
the first time the disease has been reported in the far-flung north, the
official Xinhua news agency said.

A total of 10 cases were reported in the regional capital of Hohhot, Xinhua
reported late on Friday, citing the city's health department.

Two of the 10 patients had recovered, it said. Among the infected, nine were
from two families and one was a health care worker, the agency reported."

However, in yesterday's Promed report, it looks like the transmission in the
hospital may be very high, with 4/5 patients who visited from Mongolia showing

"China's neighbor, Mongolia, has introduced tough measures to cut the risk
of infection after 5 people were suspected, but not confirmed, to have the
virus.  Those being monitored had all visited a hospital in Hohhot, China.
Although they had gone to China for non-SARS related ailments, 4 of the 5
came back with a fever."
Mr. K??

Venezuelan Arabs Stung by U.S. Charges

Tue April 22, 2003 11:58 AM ET By Pascal Fletcher PORLAMAR, Venezuela (Reuters) - Half a world away from Iraq, Arab merchants in Venezuela's Caribbean island of Margarita swap gossip and finger prayer beads as they serve customers in this traditionally bustling free port. Like Arab nations and communities around the globe, most of Margarita's well-established Muslim traders bitterly oppose the U.S.-British invasion of Iraq, seeing it as an unlawful and unjustified attack against their race and religion. But the Lebanese, Syrians and Palestinians who have made this tropical resort and duty-free zone their home for decades are even more angry about what they see as another American affront, this time leveled directly against them. Allegations by a top U.S. military chief that Margarita is a base for radical Islamic groups posing a potential terrorist threat have angered both the 12,000-strong Arab community and the government of Venezuela's leftist President Hugo Chavez. "We have nothing to do with terrorism here. Pure business, that's what we do," Naim Awada, who emigrated from Lebanon 20 years ago, told Reuters in his clothing store in Porlamar. All around him, shop names like Nabil Import, El Laden Mustafa and Flower of Palestine attest to the strong Arab presence on Margarita, an island of tourist hotels, arid hills and abundant beaches off Venezuela's eastern Caribbean coast. Arab community leaders and Venezuela's government say the allegations by the Pentagon's top soldier for Latin America, Gen. James Hill, are really part of a wider campaign by foes of Chavez to try to discredit the populist president abroad.[...] reuters The most venal and corrupt group of men in the history of America. Astounding.

Rumsfeld calls for regime change in North Korea

April 22, 2003 BY DAVID RENNIE Advertisement WASHINGTON--A secret Donald Rumsfeld memorandum calling for regime change in North Korea was leaked Monday, opening a fresh foreign policy split in the Bush administration. The classified discussion paper, circulated by the defense secretary, appears to cut directly across State Department plans to disarm Kim Jong Il, the North's dictator, through threats mixed with promises that he is not a target for overthrow.[...] suntimes
PRAGUE - The United States government is literally flying in millions of dollars to Iraq - in $1 and $5 denominations - as part of plans to rebuild that country's war-torn economy. The money, taken from frozen Iraqi assets held in the US, will be doled out to public servants in the form of onetime, $20 payments as an inducement for them to come to work. The hope is that the money will move its way through private transactions and ultimately aid efforts to build a functioning market economy - a goal economists say is probably years away.[...] atimes now, whoever eventually runs Iraq (if they ever break free of US control) will find it very difficult to switch to the € for the settlement of oil contracts, when the new Iraqi Dinar is linked to the $. Flying in these $ is like dropping Permanent Bombs® on Iraq, or even better, shakels.
Now, the question to be asked is; are the StopWar brigade going to get their 2million marchers to disavow the dollar and convert all thier cash / savings to €s? If everyone and thier grandma understands that this is the only way to fight and defeat the barbarians, why have they not shifted from laying flowers on the ground to fully blown economic warfare? Lets see from the StopWar site today: "The Stop the War Coalition is supporting demonstrations all over the UK on May Day, calling for peace and justice in the Middle East, and around the world. The real "roadmap" for peace starts with: end the US occupation of Iraq and return UK forces, and withdraw the Israeli army from Palestine." WTF? MORE DEMONSTRATIONS??!?!??!?! Once fooled, shame on you, twice fooled shame on ME, you fucking morans!!!! OMG, these idiots are working for the enemy!
Natwest will open dollar accounts, € accounts...all you have to do is ask.
There is only one way to check American power and that is to support the euro I go further and say individuals should dump the dollar, and exchange them for €uros. Dont wait for the oil pressure to start the process. Trillions of Dollars are in use by the public right now. Dont convert money to dollars, and never use them for any kind of spending, ever. Of course, this means not buying anything that is made in the land of the dollar also. I'm giving my WFMU pledge in a 50€ note btw. "The global justice movement, of which I consider myself a member, has, by and large, opposed accession to the euro, arguing that it accelerates the concentration of economic and political power, reduces people's ability to influence monetary policy and threatens employment in the poorest nations and regions. Much of the movement will have drawn comfort from the new opinion polls suggesting that almost 70% of British voters now oppose the single currency, and from the hints dropped by the Treasury last week that British accession may be delayed until 2010. But it seems to me that the costs of integration are merely a new representation of the paradox of sovereignty. Small states or unaffiliated tribes have, throughout history, found that the only way to prevent themselves from being overrun by foreign powers was to surrender their autonomy and unite to fight their common enemy. To defend our sovereignty - and that of the rest of the world - from the US, we must yield some of our sovereignty to Europe. That we have a moral duty to contest the developing power of the US is surely evident. That we can contest it by no other means is equally obvious. Those of us who are concerned about American power must abandon our opposition to the euro." Perfectly said. As you all know, I was totally AGAINST the adoption of the €uro, but now, I have switched sides completely. Its the only way to stop the international criminals from destroying everything.
The war is based o�n a new �American� understanding of which they've convinced Mr Bush "that if the US does not shape the world in its image, the world will shape the US in its image". malasiakini Like I said. If everyone everywhere refuses the dollar in every way, the world will reshape the USA into a civilized, law abiding country.
Colin Powell: "We have to look at all aspects of our relationship with France in light of this." Asked if there were consequences for having opposed the US, Mr Powell replied "yes" but did not elaborate.[...] BBC As people sell their dollars world wide, the Distributed Punishemt® that the USA will suffer will be more powerful than any MOAB or Atomic Bomb.
Writing to MPs is virtually useless. George Galloway has been recieving death threats by phone, post and email. A single gentle word of encouragement from someone can erase some of the feelings in hate mail. And thanks for posting the email adress! Hopefully the answers will follow soon. I think The Straw Man® has answered all our questions.

Well, u-- um, can we come up and have a look?

What Monty Python Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
They dont waste any time; Burger King arrives in Iraq: Basra: Fastfood giants Pizza Hut and Burger King have set up their first franchises inside war-torn Iraq, even as many aid convoys waited on the borders for the war to officially end. The arrival of the two restaurants - sited inside giant trailers on a British military base near Basra - won a rapturous welcome from soldiers, whose limited range of rations lost their appeal many weeks ago. But some officers were less keen on the new arrivals, which are due to start selling food tomorrow.[...] smh
There is a campaign to "free an Iranian Blogger. I am not buying into this in any way. The colonialists use these types of incedent to foment hatred against countries that they want to invade. Until the colonists are defeated, people, like this stupid blogger in an AOE country, need to STFU.
fuckwitted morons Yes indeed, and now is the time to email Mr. Galloway to at least let him know that we all support him. Apalling behavior, shameful, scabrous and utterly libelous. I will never buy or read or link to The Telegraph again, and I explicitly forbid linking to that paper from here, from today.

Monday, April 21, 2003

The ramifications for the way the Communist Party rules China will be huge, Chinese analysts and politicians said. Hu and Wen, who came to power in March vowing to take responsibility for problems, appear to have set a new precedent for how to rule China by firing two senior officials for organizing a coverup. "This is the beginning of the end," said a senior official who has lobbied behind the scenes for greater democracy. "This is the spark many of us have been waiting for." Washington Post
143,321,1210,21 gives me a blank square with a single pixel drawn in the upper left hand corner.
1 2 3 4
123,320,33,23 as parameters gives me a blank square.
Robbins Speaks
in your Mozilla location bar do this: about:mozilla

Saturday, April 19, 2003

Check out the photo, the gloves are off, they will NEVER get away with it! All they have to do is keep publising unflattering photos!

In-House Memos on Television News Presentations

It has long been the strong belief of many Americans that their print and television media is subject to certain government oversight and, finally, control. Recently, a mid-level executive of one of the three major American television networks sent on over 1500 pages of memos from the corporate offices of his network in New York to the head of their television news division. These memos contain a multitude of instructions concerning the presentation of national and international news for the network�s viewers. Corporate is obviously subject to the opinions of various pressure groups, to include those of official Washington and the Jewish community. It would be impossible to show all of these revealing documents but selections are certainly possible. What is not possible, obviously, is to reveal either the name of the conscience-stricken media executive nor the company that employs him. These comments, therefore, can be accepted or rejected by the reader as they see fit.

If the shoe fits, however, wear it. (March 22):�.it is not conducive to maintaining an overall neutrality in the Palestine uprisings to show any pictures of the American peacenik that was run over by the Israeli army bulldozer. This is only to be mentioned as a �tragic accident� for which the IDF �is truly saddened.� (Feb 10)�.It is not permitted at this point to use or refer to any film clips, stills or articles emanating from any French source whatsoever. (Feb 26) It is expected that coverage of the forthcoming Iraqi campaign will be identical with the coverage used during Desert Storm. Shots of GIs must show a mixed racial combination�.any interviews must reflect the youthful and idealistic, not the cynical point of view�the liberation of happy, enthusiastic Iraqis can be best shown by filming crowds of cheering citizens waving American flags. Also indicated would be pictures of photogenic GIs fraternizing with Iraqi children and handing them food or other non-controversial presents�of course, pictures of dead US military personnel are not to be shown and pictures of dead Iraqi soldiers should not show examples of violent death�also indicated would be brief interviews with English-speaking Iraqi citizens praising American liberation efforts�all such interviews must be vetted by either the White House or Pentagon before public airing.[...] TBRN news

But now, imagine that all those foreign trade and reserve dollars start heading "home" as the euro methodically replaces them, country after country, transaction after trade transaction. Now the house of cards doesn�t just fall, it gets buried under an unimaginable avalanche, a veritable deluge of dollars. Remember post-WWI Germany, when people had to have a wheelbarrow of paper cash (of RM 10,000,000 bank notes) just to buy a loaf of bread? Well, that will seem like paradise when the US dollar chickens start coming home to roost. Without the almighty US dollar, how long do you think the mighty US military machine will last? How long do you think before communist China starts thinking that its now safe to "reunite" with Taiwan and launch an attack from its Panama Canal beach-head into the southern US? (Thanks, Jimmy) Goof
>>> On 9 April 2003, the London Evening Standard's front page contained a blurry image supposedly showing a throng of Iraqis in Baghdad celebrating the toppling of Saddam Hussein. What we are really looking at is an incredibly ham-fisted attempt at photo manipulation. The source of the image is footage from the BBC. The Standard's paperboys were obviously allowed to clone and blur the image in numerous ways to make it look like a gigantic crowd. This was first exposed on the UK Indymedia site. A user named Gnu posted the image below, which highlights some of the most obvious signs of fakery. The red circles show a man in a turban who appears three times. The purple circles highlight an unknown object that also appears thrice. The blue circles show two instances of an identical white object, disembodied arm, and partial male faces.
We owe General Amos Gilad, Israeli national defence spokesman, for doing Bush the disservice of openly stating that the war of aggression o�n Iraq "is in the service of Israel", which is something our organisations have suggested for many long months but which has not been brought to the fore even by the international anti-war movement. As reported by AFP o�n April 7, Gen Gilad said: "A very large threat which was hanging over Israel's eastern border has disappeared�without Iraq, there is no longer the possibility of a united Arab front o�n our eastern border. "Saddam's regime was a threat to us. It's disappearance bolsters American hegemony in the region and deprives Syria of its strategic rear." Then Ari Shavit writes in the Israel daily Haaretz (�White man's burden�) that the belief in the war in Iraq, "that ardent faith, was disseminated by a group of 25 or 30 neo-conservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals (a partial list: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer), people who are mutual friends and cultivate o�ne another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history". He goes o�n to say that the war of aggression "is being fought to consolidate a new world order, to create a new Middle East". Kristol is quoted as saying that "the choice is between extremist Islam, secular fascism or democracy". Ummmm can you think of any other choices? Democratic Monarchy Socialist Utopia theres two to start with
Pick a card, any card By Chris Green [17-04-2003] Computing Have a look in your wallet or purse. Just how many pieces of paper or cards do you have that prove who you are, or prove your entitlement to or membership of something? ... According to John Newton, a government consultant with Fujitsu Consulting, part of the problem with a government-sponsored ID lies in the letter of the law rather than just in culture. "There's a long-held view in English law that you don't have to prove who you are. It's up to anyone who disputes your identity to disprove it," he explained.
Americans will 0wn you, and they have every right to, because they are organized, possesed of strong imaginations that they use to thrust their will into the real world look at this comprehensive list: While the Stopwar people are organizing 500,000 people to lay flowers in the street, Americans are doing things that actually have a real world effect. This is why they were first to the moon, this is why they create so many incredible things. This will is missing from Europeans and it will be their downfall. That bullshit Adbuster Boycott Brand America "boycott" is so useless its beyond a joke. The parent companies of brands are hidden behind many layers; without a comprehensive and properly researched list like the one above, such a boycott is nothing more than words.
"In the United States today, free speech is just a myth," de Raadt said. Darpa Pulls OpenBSD funding," 'cause de Raadt said a nawty thing".

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Arabic media are using the word "safqa" to explain the sudden collapse of Baghdad and the Iraqi regime. Translated into English, "safqa" means "a deal made fast and in secrecy." Pacific News
The invaders WERE WARNED about the looting! Washinton post
If anyone saved that dog file can you post it / mail me?
Madonna Has Choice Words for Music Pirates Thu Apr 17,11:04 AM ET By Brian Garrity NEW YORK (Billboard) - The Madonna (news - web sites) camp is looking to clamp down on online peer-to-peer piracy of her new Maverick album, "American Life," by flooding file-sharing networks with decoy files. Those who download tracks from such services as KaZaA are greeted by the voice of Madonna asking, "What the f*** do you think you're doing?" The new album is due April 22; the title track is No. 37 this week on the Billboard Hot 100. [...] Meanwhile, Madonna is making her major-label repertoire available to digital music services, but is restricting permanent ownership offers to those who buy an entire album; individual tracks are not available for purchase on a stand-alone basis. What's more, the artist is not making her music available on a rental basis. Such usage rules leave subscription services like MusicNet, Pressplay, and Rhapsody out in the cold. Those services offer their music as streams or conditional downloads, then allow subscribers to select individual tracks for burning; they do not offer albums for purchase in a bundled form. [...] Yahoo News


As U.S. Forces seek to bring democracy to Iraq, the U.S. Government is seeking to eliminate it here. On Wednesday, March 19, 2003, Federal District Court Judge, Lloyd D. George granted the Government's Motion to ban Irwin Schiff from selling and distributing his book The Federal Mafia: How The Government Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes. The Mafia, first published in 1990, has sold over 75,000 copies and can be found in most libraries, including the UNLV law library. The banning of Schiff's book was based on a hearing in which no Government witness testified under oath or could be cross-examined by Schiff. Schiff noted that Judge George banned the book without even reading it, and apparently saw it for the first time at the hearing. [...]
"7. Developing countries lacking dollars or "hard" currencies follow Venezuela's lead and begin bartering their undervalued commodities directly with each other in computerized swaps and counter trade deals. President Chavez has inked 13 such country barter deals on its oil, e.g., with Cuba in exchange for Cuban health paramedics who are setting up clinics in rural Venezuelan villages." Which is why the CIA tried a classic overthrow in Venezuela, which spectacularly failed.
The illogic of waste:

War Tax Resistance Made Simple

By Matt Wheeland, AlterNet April 9, 2003 According to the government's Unified Budget for 2003, a measly 17 percent of the federal budget is earmarked for the military, while over three times as much is spent on Social Security and Medicare. What a great government, right? When you look at the actual budget, however (that which comes from taxes, minus Social Security funds), we're spending nearly half of our budget, about $775 billion, on past and present military expenses. These figures are about two months old, and they're probably already seriously out of whack, especially if you consider the $80 billion just granted to Bush for his war. Regardless of the specifics, the basic truth is about half of your income tax is going to the military. For all the millions of people who've taken to the streets in the past four months to prevent or oppose this war, this is like a kidney punch from behind: You may spend your days, nights and/or weekends working to preserve peace, but everyone who pays taxes is financially helping to support the war. The obvious solution to this quandary is to just stop paying your taxes, right? So if it's that simple, why aren't the lines in the post office that much shorter on April 15? The reality is quite complex, though considerably less fearful than most assume. Not paying taxes as a form of conscientious objection is much more common than is publicly known. While not difficult, it requires a level of commitment that may seem daunting to many. The beauty of this form of war resistance is that it is endlessly flexible, and there are people who have been able to maintain this protest for as long as they've been in control of their income. [...] People who are outraged by the war and are looking for serious ways to get involved with the resistance find tax resistance a powerful tool. If even one percent of the people who participated in anti-war protests this year sent a protest letter in lieu of a check to the IRS, we would see some political heads snap to attention. What follows is a beginner's guide to tax resistance, followed by a brief discussion of other, less illegal, ways to make your point.[...] Alternet
Puma were not responsible for this...riiiiiiiight. Hamburg/Herzogenaurach - for some time pictures in the InterNet, which come along like an advertisement for the trend mark Puma , circulate. The legs of a man are to be seen, are there beschuht he with Puma puma-Slippern, model m-star. Before it kneel a girl in the mini skirt, it carries the same model, beside it lies a handbag with the Raubtier Logo. Which takes place exactly there, the photo does not show. But around to understand, it needs not much fantasy. Particularly since the woman on its right thigh has drops of a milk-industrial union-white liquid. It exists also still another second version with identical optics, but other models. Such a motive guarantees attention. It is the kind of picture, which is ten thousand times further-sent away in offices each day. PR strategists discovered enamels already some time ago therefore as free advertising medium. Because by electronic post office pictures and video tie-clips epidemic-like (leave), call themselves Viral marketing spread the whole in the technical language. The Blow job picture is perhaps smudgy, creates however plentifully attention. Completely in vain. Pumas of PR people cannot be pleased over the free Hype nevertheless. Them it has a horror with the conception that its mark is brought with Sexismus in connection and besudelt with sperm. Puma tried it therefore with a Gegenoffensive. The enterprise communicates that it does not concern under any circumstances an official Puma announcement. Several American Blogger web pages, which published the picture of the alleged Puma couple, were considered by the legal department of the sport manufacturer with omission explanations. [...] Der Spiegel
The idea has sat around like a glob of pate de foie gras since 1989, but Chirac is making it a reality, courtesy of $100 billion in taxpayer money, after being humiliated and reviled for his embrace of genocidal Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Newsmax It seems like the word "balanced" has been re defined to mean "biased" in the USA.
What cannot now be disguised, as US marines swagger around the Iraqi capital swathing toppled statues of Saddam Hussein with the stars and stripes and declaring "we own Baghdad", is the crudely colonial nature of this enterprise. Any day now, the pro-Israeli retired US general Jay Garner is due to take over the running of Iraq, with plans to replace the Iraqi dinar with the dollar, parcel out contracts to US companies and set the free market parameters for the future "interim Iraqi administration". The Guardian This is not a plan; a Hercules full of low denomination notes has already arrived, and all Iraqui civil servants will be paid in Dollars immediately. US sends dollars as Iraq's temporary currency "With no Government in Baghdad and the old currency not worth the paper on which it is printed, the United States is airlifting dollars from the New York Federal Reserve Bank to temporarily replace the Iraqi dinar, The Wall Street Journal reports. The dollar becomes the de facto currency of Iraq for now. As an initial step, it said, American officials charged with the recontruction of the country will use small- denomination bills (notes) to make "emergency" payments to hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civil servants in an effort to quiet civic unrest and to stabilize the chaotic Iraqi economy. The use of the dollar as the currency of Iraq till a new Goverment decides otherwise could prove controversial in the Arab world, said the paper, but it will give the Iraqis a currency that will retain its value despite the uncertainties about the country's reconstruction." While this may be a temporary step, after the new currency is created, what will be the thing that underpins it? I suspect that its value will be tied directly to the Dollar. That way, it will be impossible for the government of Iraq to switch to the Euro for the transacting of Oil.
Rumsfeld said that he would not use the MOAB because of the response it would cause in America Rumsfeld cant build MOAB without money. The answer is not to allow him build it in the first place. Iraq was invaded and looted without the use of MOAB. Demonstrations are useless. Yahoo News I posted this berore; you need to READ IT FROM BEGINNING TO END, and then pass it to those well meaning Socialist/Marxist people who you just met. While they sit around discussing war, their money goes directly into making it happen.
I started so I'll finish:
Spun the Movie. A great website for a movie that I have not yet seen.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Mess, the Arbiter site is absolutely wonderful. I read the liner notes to Mother Mallard's Portable Masterpiece Co. (music by David Borden) and those to Anton Batagov's renderings of Ravel on piano. I can't wait to hunt these recordings down. The Music Resource Center and Music Interns projects sound incredible, and I would love to somehow be involved.
Captain Beefheart's 10 Commandments of Guitar Playing 8. Don't wipe the sweat off your instrument You need that stink on there. Then you have to get that stink onto your music.
At this point, there will be a monster the size of an entire planet, or billions upon billions of smaller monsters, perhaps the size of a human, that can shape-shift at any moment to whatever shape and purpose its vast mind desires. This will travel around the solar system, assimilating the matter of all space-dust, rocks, satellites, planets and moons into its vastness. Once complete, this process will extend into the farther reaches of nearby star clusters, further reaching into the farthest reaches of the galaxy and eventually taking over the entire universe. The sole purpose of this device would be to gain more power, not for use as a means to obtain a further goal but as an end. I don't know... sounds like a great description of a reintegration into ONEness. Not such a bad thing. And probably an inevitability. And it means that we will all die in the process. Most definately an inevitability.
Someone clever said: A number of technologies are about to end the world. I will list them here and then describe how.
  • Nanotechnology: Microscopic robots will be built. These robots, about the size of a blood cell, will be capable of combining into the shape of anything, and of changing color individually to give the appearance of the thing the shape of which they take.
  • Quantum computing: Microscopic computers will be build with more computing power and more capacity to learn than a thousand human brains. They will be able to combine into vast networks with nearly infinite numbers of nodes through wireless communication.
  • Biotechnology will allow scientists to make entire creatures, life supporting organs, or individuals cells to suit whatever purpose is at hand. These three technologies will ultimately converge to create microscopic robots the size of a single blood cell with more ability to reason than an entire university of the world's greatest geniuses and with all of the advantages of both biologically based organisms and those of robotic origin. These cells will combine on-the-fly to form creatures, machines or any device, of any shape and size and of any appearance, for whatever purpose deemed necessary by the network of trillions upon trillions of cells that make up the object. There will be nearly infinite numbers of these cells in existance and they will convert the entirety of Earth's resources, down to the last blade of grass and the last grain of sand, into more such cells, thus reproducing until no matter on this planet remains that does not join in the vast network of sheer processing power and knowledge that this thing will become. At this point, there will be a monster the size of an entire planet, or billions upon billions of smaller monsters, perhaps the size of a human, that can shape-shift at any moment to whatever shape and purpose its vast mind desires. This will travel around the solar system, assimilating the matter of all space-dust, rocks, satellites, planets and moons into its vastness. Once complete, this process will extend into the farther reaches of nearby star clusters, further reaching into the farthest reaches of the galaxy and eventually taking over the entire universe. The sole purpose of this device would be to gain more power, not for use as a means to obtain a further goal but as an end. And it means that we will all die in the process. Slashdot
  • US uses Ur-symbol of civilisation Oliver Burkeman in Washington Wednesday April 16, 2003 The Guardian When the Bush administration said last week that a crucial meeting of Iraqi politicians would take place "outside Nassiriya", there was little hint of how powerfully symbolic the chosen location would be. It may yet prove to have been appropriately ambitious - or foolhardy - that yesterday's meeting to begin construction of a new Iraqi government took place at the site of the ancient city of Ur, arguably the birthplace of civilisation and a name that has entered the English language as a prefix meaning "original". [...] No no no! The Guardian It actually comes from GERMAN! : AEP, The Archaic English Project : Madhumisc : Dictionary
    ... Also see wont. ur- A Germanic prefix meaning original, primeval, first. Related to or. usury (YOO'zhuh-ree) Noun: Interest charged or paid on a loan. ... - 24k - Cached - Similar pages

    AudiWorld Tech Articles
    ... To distinguish the first Quattro from these other models, Audi engineers began to call it the 'Ur-Quattro', 'Ur' being a German prefix meaning 'original'. ... - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

    ... (Ur is a German prefix meaning primitive or original.) There seems to have been an earlier Hamlet play on the Elizabethan stage. ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

    Middle East - AP Iran Won't Recognize U.S.-Led Iraq Gov't Wed Apr 16, 8:51 AM ET By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press Writer TEHRAN, Iran - Iranian President Mohammad Khatami (news - web sites) said Wednesday his country will not recognize a U.S.-installed interim administration in Iraq (news - web sites) and will support Syria if it is attacked. Yahoo News Yes indeed, and what I want to know is, WTF? how are you going to support Syria MILITARILY with IRAQ between you and them you idiots! You and Syria should BOTH have weighed in to support Saddam, now its too late. Uncle sam has 200k troops in Iraq, and has you split in two. The only way you can hope to survive is if the USA allows a non democratic, Ayatolla controlled Iraq to emerge, and baby, that aint gonna happen.