Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
Monday, April 28, 2003
Bliar warns Chirac on the future of Europe
Tony Blair has issued a direct challenge to France's Jacques Chirac over the future of the transatlantic relationship by warning that the French president's vision of Europe as a rival to the US is dangerously destabilising. In a wide-ranging interview with the Financial Times, the prime minister foreshadows a continuing Anglo-French struggle about Europe's relationship with Washington. Mr Blair seeks to keep alive the prospect of British entry to the euro but he disavows any personal ambition to become president of the European Union. Though his personal relationship with Mr Chirac has improved since the bitter row over France's veto of a second United Nations resolution, Mr Blair is clear that the strategic divide that opened over Iraq has not been bridged. Meanwhile a new MORI poll for the FT reveals that 55 per cent of Britons regard France as the UK's least reliable ally, while 73 per cent view the US as the country's most reliable. The prime minister disassociated himself from those in Washington who have said that France should be "punished" for its opposition to the war with Iraq. He drew the limits of his own alliance with Washington by rejecting military intervention to halt the development of weapons of mass destruction in countries such as North Korea and Syria. Spelling out the damage that would be inflicted by Mr Chirac's vision of a "multipolar" world, he said: "I am not really interested in talk about punishing countries, but I think there is an issue that we have to resolve here between America and Europe and within Europe about Europe's attitude towards the transatlantic alliance. "I don't want Europe setting itself up in opposition to America . . . I think it will be dangerous and destabilising." France wanted a multipolar world with different centres of power, he said, but "I believe that they will very quickly develop into rival centres of power". [...] FT A multipolar world would mean that each power was balanced against the others. It would be difficult for a country expounding the virtues of human rights to flagrantly violate them without reprocussions. We can already see what a monopolar world, with America as the axis would look like; children held in detention camps on special "rightsless islands", pre emptive strikes against soverign states, decapitation attacks by remotely piloted drones, and a UN where its OK to use the veto "as long as we're the vetoer". No thanks motherfuckers. During the cold war, each side had to be at the very least, careful about destabilizing the balance of power. Without the need to do this as a matter of survival, literally ignorant people can cause havoc when they get into government. We need a bipolar world. A tripolar world would be too unstable; anyone who has studied Nonlinear phenomena knows how difficult it is to balance a three point pendulum system:Saturday, April 26, 2003
Friday, April 25, 2003
Thursday, April 24, 2003
The Straw is leaking again!
Iraq weapons 'will not be planted'
Jack Straw has dismissed suggestions that coalition forces would "plant" weapons of mass destruction to justify the war in Iraq. The UK foreign secretary said "immense care" would be taken to check the veracity of any weapons finds. Mr Straw was speaking in a special edition of BBC News Interactive's phone-in programme Talking Point. Asked why no weapons of mass destruction had yet been found, Mr Straw said Saddam Hussein had been skilful in hiding such weapons and had had "months of warning" as the international community debated how to tackle Iraq. He admitted that the task of finding weapons would be "difficult". BBCWednesday, April 23, 2003
MSNBC Reveals Facts on Israel's Weapons of Mass Destruction
by Ira Chernus Tuesday April 22, 2003 at 01:32 PM Most astounding web page of the week: Here is MSNBC, giving us more information on Israel's weapons of mass destruction (WMD)than I've seen in any left-wing or peace-activist news source. Here is the mainstream U.S. media, that beast we love to hate, giving us a story that gives away the store. It's a story we expect the elite media to hide, because it is so embarrassing to U.S. policymakers. How could anyone cheer for the carnage in Iraq, where no WMD have yet been found, if they knew that Israel is the only Middle Eastern nation with a proven WMD arsenal? How could anyone approve of a U.S. policy that kills where WMD don't seem to exist and turns a blind eye where they obviously do? Far from hiding the story, though, MSNBC uses its graphic skills to put all the details just a mouse-click away. What's going on? Supporters of Israeli policy will give you an answer in a single word: anti-semitism. These folks are always amazing us with their charges of anti-Israel bias in the U.S. media, which they insist proves anti-semitism. It's silly, of course. If the media were biased against Israel, the facts about Israeli WMD would have been headline news every day during the debate about the Iraq war. Those facts were headline news in the Arab world. They were absolutely crucial, because they undermined the Bush administration's principal justification for war. But mainstream news sources here paid very little attention. [...] indymediaRussian official predicts 'catastrophic' events
A top Russian Foreign Ministry official was quoted as saying yesterday in Tokyo that a "catastrophic" development of events in the US-North Korean nuclear standoff was imminent and could occur within the next day. "It is probable that, as early as tomorrow, there will be a catastrophic development of events," Itar-Tass quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losyukov as saying. He added that the standoff had "reached an extreme stage" but did not give a more detailed explanation about his warning.[...] SMH13,14,15 year olds held at Guantanamo
One of the youths has been identified by Canadian media reports as a Canadian citizen wanted by the US over a grenade attack in Afghanistan which killed a US soldier.[...] "That the US sees nothing wrong with holding children at Guantanamo and interrogating them is a shocking indicator of how cavalier the Bush administration has become about respecting human rights," spokesman Alistair Hodgett told the Associated Press news agency.[...] BBCAri & I
White House Press Briefing with Ari Fleischer Tuesday, April 22, 2003 - 12:30 PM by Russell Mokhiber Mokhiber: MSNBC reported this week that Israel's nuclear weapons arsenal rivals that of France and Britain. Given that arsenal, does the President support Syria's call to make the Middle East a region free of weapons of mass destruction? Ari Fleischer: The United States has always supported the Middle East as a region free of weapons of mass destruction. Lester. Mokhiber: If I could follow up. Does Israel have nuclear weapons? Ari Fleischer: That's a question you need to ask to Israel. Lester. ### Common DreamsUS detains children at Guantanamo Bay
Staff and agencies Wednesday April 23, 2003 The US military has admitted that children aged 16 years and younger are among the detainees being interrogated at its prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The Guardian How much more proof do you need???For 2004, Bush's Aides Plan Late Sprint for Re-election
Tue Apr 22, 8:59 AM ET By ADAM NAGOURNEY and RICHARD W. STEVENSON The New York Times WASHINGTON, April 21 President Bush (news - web sites)'s advisers have drafted a re-election strategy built around staging the latest nominating convention in the party's history, allowing Mr. Bush to begin his formal campaign near the third anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks and to enhance his fund-raising advantage, Republicans close to the White House say. [...] SCOUNDRELS!Mutation discovery raises fears over Sars vaccine
By Richard McGregor in Shanghai Published: April 21 2003 20:41 | Last Updated: April 21 2003 20:41China's top genomics institute discovered that the Sars virus was mutating rapidly when it independently sequenced its genetic blueprint, raising new fears about developing a vaccine to combat it. "A few nucleotide differences among individual genomes were detected, as the virus is expected to mutate very fast and easily," said the Beijing Genomics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in a statement on the internet.[...] FT Snatched from Politech[Henry is affiliated with the Harvard Medical School and the Department of Bioengineering at the Shriners' Burn Center in Boston. --Declan] --- From: "Henry L Niman, PhD" Subject: SARS Mythical Mortality Rate Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 09:35:04 -0400 The mortality rate for SARS is commonly refered to as around 5% in the media (and compared to 20% for the 1918 flu epidemic). However, the mortality rate is really the number who died divided by the number who died or were discharged (assuming none of the discharged subsequently die of SARS). The only country with a reported mortality rate around 5% is mainland China. Here are the mortality percentages as of yesterday, based on the cumulative data posted by WHO: Country Fatal % Canada 12 20.7% Singapore 16 15.0% Hong Kong* 69 14.1% Viet Nam 5 9.8% China 65 5.5% *The 12 deaths reported today would raise HK's total to 81 and mortality rate to 14.9% --- From: "Henry L Niman, PhD" Subject: RE: SARS Mythical Mortality Rate < Correction Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 16:13:57 -0400 I accidentally used 544 instead of 444 for the denominator so the Hong Kong mortality rate as of today is 18.2% The other countries as of today are Hong Kong 18.2% Canada 18.2% Singapore 13.8% Viet Nam 9.8% Mainland China 5.4% --- From: "Henry L Niman, PhD" Subject: RE: FWD: SARS Mythical Mortality Rate 15-16% Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 10:04:40 -0400 The WHO data has been broken out into deaths and discharged for about 11 days and the numbers have been pretty consistent. The number discharged daily in Hong Kong has gone up quite a bit recently, but so have the fatalities, so the death rate hasn't changed much in the past 11 days April 20 17.5% April 19 18.2% April 18 17.6% April 17 19.3% April 16 19.2% April 15 18.7% April 14 17.0% April 12 14.0% April 11 15.9% April 10 16.3% --- From: "Henry L Niman, PhD" Subject: SARS Mythical Mortality Rate 15-16% Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 12:42:20 -0400 Yes, the range is pretty wide for country to country, but has been pretty steady for the past 11 days: Date Hong Kong Canada Singapore China April 19 18.2% 18.2%* 13.8% 5.4% April 18 17.6% 20.7%* 15.0% 5.5% April 17 19.3% 20.7%* 14.2% 5.5% April 16 19.2% 26.0% 13.3% 5.5% April 15 18.7% 32.5% 13.3% 6.1% April 14 17.0% 32.5% 12.5% 5.6% April 12 14.0% 27.8% 10.5% 5.3% April 11 15.9% 28.6% 10.5% 5.3% April 10 16.3% 31.3% 10.7% 5.1% * WHO lowered Canada's fatal cases from 13 to 12 (today media reports have raised number to 14 after another death yesterday). --- From: "Henry L Niman, PhD" Subject: SARS Mortality Rate - 45% in Taiyuan, Shanxi Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 10:01:18 -0400 The current motality rate in the teens for major sites isn't an upper limit, and the numbers could go higher. The highest rate I have seen is out of mainland China, where overall a mortality rate of about 5% in reported. However in Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi Provence the reported rate is 45%. >From yesterday's Promed report: "Meanwhile, a report from Taiyuan, capital of north China's Shanxi province, reported that [as of 19 Apr 2003] 9 people had died of SARS in the province and there were 112 registered SARS cases in the province. 11 of these have recovered and been discharged from hospitals." --- From: "Henry L Niman, PhD" Subject: SARS Mortality Rate - 50% in Hohhot, Xinhua Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 11:02:32 -0400 As the numbers trickle in from the various provinces in China, a more onimous picture is emerging. Although the numbers are still low, Hohhot, Xinhua had a mortality rate of 50% a week ago "Two people in China's Inner Mongolia region have died from the SARS virus, the first time the disease has been reported in the far-flung north, the official Xinhua news agency said. A total of 10 cases were reported in the regional capital of Hohhot, Xinhua reported late on Friday, citing the city's health department. Two of the 10 patients had recovered, it said. Among the infected, nine were from two families and one was a health care worker, the agency reported." However, in yesterday's Promed report, it looks like the transmission in the hospital may be very high, with 4/5 patients who visited from Mongolia showing symptoms: "China's neighbor, Mongolia, has introduced tough measures to cut the risk of infection after 5 people were suspected, but not confirmed, to have the virus. Those being monitored had all visited a hospital in Hohhot, China. Although they had gone to China for non-SARS related ailments, 4 of the 5 came back with a fever."Mr. K??
Venezuelan Arabs Stung by U.S. Charges
Tue April 22, 2003 11:58 AM ET By Pascal Fletcher PORLAMAR, Venezuela (Reuters) - Half a world away from Iraq, Arab merchants in Venezuela's Caribbean island of Margarita swap gossip and finger prayer beads as they serve customers in this traditionally bustling free port. Like Arab nations and communities around the globe, most of Margarita's well-established Muslim traders bitterly oppose the U.S.-British invasion of Iraq, seeing it as an unlawful and unjustified attack against their race and religion. But the Lebanese, Syrians and Palestinians who have made this tropical resort and duty-free zone their home for decades are even more angry about what they see as another American affront, this time leveled directly against them. Allegations by a top U.S. military chief that Margarita is a base for radical Islamic groups posing a potential terrorist threat have angered both the 12,000-strong Arab community and the government of Venezuela's leftist President Hugo Chavez. "We have nothing to do with terrorism here. Pure business, that's what we do," Naim Awada, who emigrated from Lebanon 20 years ago, told Reuters in his clothing store in Porlamar. All around him, shop names like Nabil Import, El Laden Mustafa and Flower of Palestine attest to the strong Arab presence on Margarita, an island of tourist hotels, arid hills and abundant beaches off Venezuela's eastern Caribbean coast. Arab community leaders and Venezuela's government say the allegations by the Pentagon's top soldier for Latin America, Gen. James Hill, are really part of a wider campaign by foes of Chavez to try to discredit the populist president abroad.[...] reuters The most venal and corrupt group of men in the history of America. Astounding.Rumsfeld calls for regime change in North Korea
April 22, 2003 BY DAVID RENNIE Advertisement WASHINGTON--A secret Donald Rumsfeld memorandum calling for regime change in North Korea was leaked Monday, opening a fresh foreign policy split in the Bush administration. The classified discussion paper, circulated by the defense secretary, appears to cut directly across State Department plans to disarm Kim Jong Il, the North's dictator, through threats mixed with promises that he is not a target for overthrow.[...] suntimesWell, u-- um, can we come up and have a look?
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Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Monday, April 21, 2003
Saturday, April 19, 2003
In-House Memos on Television News Presentations
It has long been the strong belief of many Americans that their print and television media is subject to certain government oversight and, finally, control. Recently, a mid-level executive of one of the three major American television networks sent on over 1500 pages of memos from the corporate offices of his network in New York to the head of their television news division. These memos contain a multitude of instructions concerning the presentation of national and international news for the network�s viewers. Corporate is obviously subject to the opinions of various pressure groups, to include those of official Washington and the Jewish community. It would be impossible to show all of these revealing documents but selections are certainly possible. What is not possible, obviously, is to reveal either the name of the conscience-stricken media executive nor the company that employs him. These comments, therefore, can be accepted or rejected by the reader as they see fit.If the shoe fits, however, wear it. (March 22):�.it is not conducive to maintaining an overall neutrality in the Palestine uprisings to show any pictures of the American peacenik that was run over by the Israeli army bulldozer. This is only to be mentioned as a �tragic accident� for which the IDF �is truly saddened.� (Feb 10)�.It is not permitted at this point to use or refer to any film clips, stills or articles emanating from any French source whatsoever. (Feb 26) It is expected that coverage of the forthcoming Iraqi campaign will be identical with the coverage used during Desert Storm. Shots of GIs must show a mixed racial combination�.any interviews must reflect the youthful and idealistic, not the cynical point of view�the liberation of happy, enthusiastic Iraqis can be best shown by filming crowds of cheering citizens waving American flags. Also indicated would be pictures of photogenic GIs fraternizing with Iraqi children and handing them food or other non-controversial presents�of course, pictures of dead US military personnel are not to be shown and pictures of dead Iraqi soldiers should not show examples of violent death�also indicated would be brief interviews with English-speaking Iraqi citizens praising American liberation efforts�all such interviews must be vetted by either the White House or Pentagon before public airing.[...] TBRN news
Thursday, April 17, 2003
As U.S. Forces seek to bring democracy to Iraq, the U.S. Government is seeking to eliminate it here. On Wednesday, March 19, 2003, Federal District Court Judge, Lloyd D. George granted the Government's Motion to ban Irwin Schiff from selling and distributing his book The Federal Mafia: How The Government Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes. The Mafia, first published in 1990, has sold over 75,000 copies and can be found in most libraries, including the UNLV law library. The banning of Schiff's book was based on a hearing in which no Government witness testified under oath or could be cross-examined by Schiff. Schiff noted that Judge George banned the book without even reading it, and apparently saw it for the first time at the hearing. [...] Tax Resistance Made Simple
By Matt Wheeland, AlterNet April 9, 2003 According to the government's Unified Budget for 2003, a measly 17 percent of the federal budget is earmarked for the military, while over three times as much is spent on Social Security and Medicare. What a great government, right? When you look at the actual budget, however (that which comes from taxes, minus Social Security funds), we're spending nearly half of our budget, about $775 billion, on past and present military expenses. These figures are about two months old, and they're probably already seriously out of whack, especially if you consider the $80 billion just granted to Bush for his war. Regardless of the specifics, the basic truth is about half of your income tax is going to the military. For all the millions of people who've taken to the streets in the past four months to prevent or oppose this war, this is like a kidney punch from behind: You may spend your days, nights and/or weekends working to preserve peace, but everyone who pays taxes is financially helping to support the war. The obvious solution to this quandary is to just stop paying your taxes, right? So if it's that simple, why aren't the lines in the post office that much shorter on April 15? The reality is quite complex, though considerably less fearful than most assume. Not paying taxes as a form of conscientious objection is much more common than is publicly known. While not difficult, it requires a level of commitment that may seem daunting to many. The beauty of this form of war resistance is that it is endlessly flexible, and there are people who have been able to maintain this protest for as long as they've been in control of their income. [...] People who are outraged by the war and are looking for serious ways to get involved with the resistance find tax resistance a powerful tool. If even one percent of the people who participated in anti-war protests this year sent a protest letter in lieu of a check to the IRS, we would see some political heads snap to attention. What follows is a beginner's guide to tax resistance, followed by a brief discussion of other, less illegal, ways to make your point.[...] AlternetWednesday, April 16, 2003
... Also see wont. ur- A Germanic prefix meaning original, primeval, first. Related to or. usury (YOO'zhuh-ree) Noun: Interest charged or paid on a loan. ... - 24k - Cached - Similar pages
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