Monday, June 30, 2003
Rush Limbaugh: G5 'going to change everything'
June 28 - 14:45 EDT
"The G5 is going to go to 64-bits, and it's going to change everything -- which is why I'm so frustrated that this technology isn't more mainstream," writes talk radio personality Rush Limbaugh. "I recently bought the latest dual-processor G4. I've already hooked up audio, video, iChat -- which is their version of AOL instant messenger -- and it's incredible. It's real-time video conferencing on your computer... The G5 is an even more advanced machine, yet Apple's market share remains static! They have so much superior equipment that they should have at least double the share of the market they hold now. Apple is apparently a company that is so constrained by the political views of its corporate leadership and board, which now includes Al Gore, that it's accepting lower sales. What a shame."
At 3:42AM, Thrash worte:
> From - Mon Jun 30 07:53:39 2003
> Return-Path:
> Reply-To:
> From: "angry troll [OT]"
> To:
> Subject: FW: christs huge girth
> Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 03:42:35 +0100
> Organization: bLiP
> Message-ID: <000201c33eb1$435233a0$ea00a8c0@barnsley>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0003_01C33EB9.A5169BA0"
> X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.2616
> Importance: Normal
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
> Status:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> ------=_NextPart_000_0003_01C33EB9.A5169BA0
> Content-Type: text/plain;
> charset="us-ascii"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Hows your credit card?
> Christs fat cock...
> Have you heard your music lately!
> Heeeheeeee....
> I don�t understand
> Whats so funny about jeff minters site?
> Whats the matter?
> Can�t you stand that someone is nice to me?
> I think your problem with me posting the album on blogdial
> Is that you are jealous or something
> Why else would you immediately pick holes in something
> That doesn�t have any holes?
> There seems to be other much more blatant posts
> That are promotional...
> Why don't you go back to your abusive post and read it again?
> You behaved like such a wank stain on that post
> You really showed your true colours
> What kind of welcome for another independent label is that?
> Thank god I sussed you out...
> now you've read it again - do you feel like a cunt?
> you should!
> i think that justifies my flames quite nicely :-)
> Free music? - what a wanker!
> I cant wait to see you out there....
> you can live blog my fist punching your teeth out
> Also...If you are really *that* interested in what I post
> Why don�t you trawl through all my posts on the internet?
> You'll find some excellent flames on usenet
> (most of my posts are flames)
> Try looking under the orb list at
> Try searching for the keywords
> You inbred brother buggering busted wrist monger
> :-)
> One last thing..
> Blog this - ass toot
> Laters
> --
> ))
> ((
> c[_] bLiP
Duly blogged!
This week, we will be reviewing the Thrash "album" one track per day.
Just for the hell of it.
Sunday, June 29, 2003
[clay] stop it
[llandrutu] what?
[clay] just fucking stop
[clay] im not putting up with that shit
[llandrutu] i havent done anything!
[clay] [flonze] llandrutu is threatening me
[llandrutu] no fucking way. i just got here.
[llandrutu] freedom is not free free men are not equal and equal men are not free.
[llandrutu] all clear now?
[clay] i am not claty
[llandrutu] i didnt mean to say that.
[clay] here comes the dead
[llandrutu] are you ready for your bath?
> From: "angry troll [OT]"
> To:
> Subject: Someone has been fucking with my site I hope for your sake...
> Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 14:45:36 +0100
> Organization: bLiP
> Message-ID: <000101c33e44$b8870320$ea00a8c0@barnsley>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain;
> charset="us-ascii"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.2616
> Importance: Normal
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
> Status:
> Yo wanker
> Hey - did you fuck with my site?
> If you did - youre dead...
> If you didn't apologies...
> Hope I get to see you out soon
> I can give you a slap
> What clubs you go to?
> Or don't they allow you away from the computer?
> I cant believe how up your ass you are
> Going on about free music like you invented it
> And whats all that shit about we are the best
> Your page is boring as shit
> And I couldn't give less of a monkeys toss
> That you don't want me on there
> Im just gutted I tainted my album by posting it on your shit
> Cant believe I actually linked to your shit too
> So much for labels who give free music sticking together
> With your attitude you should be running a major label
> Not pissing about with free music..
> Fuck you wankstain
> :-)
> kris
> --
> ))
> ((
> c[_] bLiP
Well well well, the ultimate l00ser rears his ugly face again!
The votes are in, both on and off blog, the sentence is excommunucation, exsanguination and any other vivid ex that you might think of.
And lest you need more evidence, whilst trawling through the referrer logs, I found this rather amusing thread.
Oh the humanity!
Gilbert/Lewis/Mills "MZUI"
J.S.Bach - Keith Jarrett (harpsichord) - Goldberg Variations
Chris Watson "Weather Report"
Jacksons - "Let Me Show You the Way to Go"
the breeders "CANNONBALL"
Wendy Carlos - "Tron"
Bootsy Collins - "Off Da Hook", "Very Yes", "What's A Telephone Bill", "Roto-Rooter"
Lou Reed & The Velvet Underground - "Vicious"
Valley Of The Shadows "31 Seconds"
A pile of worthless - "Demos"
Boards of Canada "Zoetrope"
Sylvia - "Pillow Talk"
Diana Ross - "Love Hangover"
Aqualung - "Aqualung"
Soundtrack - "Super Star Soldier"
Mylene Farmer- "Abracadabra"
Dizzy Chip / unlethal enforcer / nullsleep / tangible / commie64 / $everyone from
Saturday, June 28, 2003
TAMPA, Fla. - A man who admitted scheming to steal satellite television signals has been ordered to pay $180 million in restitution in $500-a-month installments � a payment plan that would take 30,000 years to fulfill.
Yahoo News
Friday, June 27, 2003
Rice warns of 'Made in America' solution to Iran's nuclear plans
By Anton La Guardia, Diplomatic Editor
(Filed: 27/06/2003)
America gave notice yesterday that it was ready to act alone against Iran and North Korea if European countries did not co-operate in stopping them from developing nuclear weapons.
"If we do not want a 'Made in America' solution, let's find out how to resolve the issues of North Korea and Iran," declared Condoleezza Rice, the US national security adviser, during a visit to London.[...]
The Telegraph
no linking to The Telegraph; The Telegraph==evil
Playlist, hmmmm. Last night I saw Sonic Youth and Wilco for free out in the sultry heat of a Central Park evening. So I am thinking alot about the Youth. They played mostly newer material (which I most definately dig: Murray Street is a gorgeous noise). But as far as recordings: Brahms Clarinet Trio. Mountain Goats Zopilote Machine. And I am still digging through the monstrosity that is the Los Angeles Free Music Society box set: 10 CDs of wonderful artdamaged weirdness.
Speaking of LA, I'm flying out there tonight for a week-long visit. Anyone have any suggestions on what to do/see? I can't wait to visit the Museum of Jurassic Technology. Fun and education just do not get more absurd.
oh, and Sun City Girls just came up in my mp3 rotation. a twisted gem from 330,003 Crossdressers From Beyond The Rig Veda.
If only the artists themselves would see that their complacency and submissive behavior allows groups like the RIAA to exist. [...]
Thursday, June 26, 2003
June 26, 2003 -- A computer buff who circulated a rough cut of "The Hulk" on the Internet before the movie's release turned green when he went before the judge yesterday.
Kerry Gonzalez, 24, arrived at Manhattan federal court wearing a pale green shirt, a green suit and a green tie.
But the burly, 6-foot-2 video pirate insisted his green tones didn't mean he was about to unleash a burst of clothes-splitting rage.
"It's my nicest suit," Gonzalez shrugged, after pleading guilty to one count of copyright infringement. His lawyer, Matthew Portella, quipped, "Just don't make him angry - you won't like him when he's angry."
After being told that the feds were on his tail last week, Gonzalez agreed to cop a plea that might land him in jail for between six and 12 months rather than the maximum three years. [...]
Man Who Put Early Copy of `Hulk' on Net Pleads Guilty to Piracy
Thursday, June 26, 2003
By P.J. Huffstutter Los Angeles Times
When Karen Randall received a phone call late one night and learned that an early, rough version of ``The Hulk'' had been pirated and posted on the Internet, one thought came to mind.
``We are going to get them. We are going to get them, crush them, stop them,'' said Vivendi Universal Entertainment's general counsel.
Wednesday, she got her wish. Kerry Gonzalez, a 24-year-old New Jersey insurance underwriter, pleaded guilty in a New York City federal courthouse to criminal charges of posting the bootlegged movie on the Internet. He faces a maximum sentence of three years in prison and a fine of $250,000 when he is sentenced Sept. 26.[...]
Peanut allergy among children, which was once unknown, is now common and increasing numbers of people react badly to foods such as avocados and kiwi fruit, bee and wasp stings, drugs and latex rubber.[...]
Prof Holgate said genes were partly responsible for the soaring allergy rate. "Genetics are important - allergies run in families," he said. But "the early-life experiences associated with western civilised society" must also bear some blame.[...]
If allergies run in families, and the cause is mostly genetic, then there should not have been such a huge spike in the number of people allergic to peanuts. Peanuts will have been historically known as a poison and not a food if the cause were genetic.
"Most pronounced is the lack of exposure to agents that stimulate the immune system in early life," he said. The immune systems of babies and small children were no longer challenged by infections, dirt and bacteria because of our sterile homes and tendency to run to the doctor. Antibiotics were frequently given, even for coughs and colds which were probably viral, and wiped out the bacteria in the gut.[...]
So this means that the UK household is on average the cleanest in the world. That is bullshit. Take for example, the practice of washing up plates as done in the UK. Any American looking at how its done here would hurl if they saw it in practice. The way brits keep their food in (WHEN they do it) a refridgerator is also astonishing to Americans.
If increased household hygene is the cause of the allergy spike, then the UK should not be at the top of the list.
It was possible that babies could become allergic to foods such as peanuts which their mothers ate while pregnant.[...]
There is some evidence that this is true...
New treatments were being developed that were likely to make a real difference to allergy sufferers, he said. One neutralised the antibody responsible for the allergic reaction, while others aimed to stimulate the immune system so that it did not develop an allergic response.[...]
Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization is a course of shots that you can get, which lessens your sensitivity. Dont you just love the FACTS?!?!?
The Guardian
TNX-901 is able to block the chemical pathway responsible for food allergies. The treatment could help in people allergic to other things such as cats, eggs and other nuts.
Patients who received the highest dose of the drug showed the largest improvement. The treatment cut sensitivity to peanuts in 76 per cent of the participants.
"Some patients have reported that they seem to have also developed a greater tolerance to foods other than peanuts," said Hugh Sampson, the study's co-author, in the journal report.
Final testing on the treatment is now being held up by litigation among the three companies that developed the drug &3151; Tanox, Genentech and Novartis.
The treatment could be on the market in four years if the three companies settle soon.
The study was paid for by Tanox, the Peanut Foundation and the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
" The only sound Mr Taylor understands is the sound of AK-47 and that is what we are playing for him "
Eeek the new blogger interface! Where's the old one!?
Dead forever. Now Blogger supports Mozilla properly, which is a blessing.
I don't like not being able to see the last few comments...
I can still see the last 5....the lower window is smaller on 800x600, thanks to the new tabz.
sometimes blogger is slow and the Blogdial page isn't as fresh as the blogger page.
the BLOGDIAL page is pulled and refreshed every 5 mins from another site, where the posts are squirted. When you run say "view page", the page is immediately refreshed.
"Manage Posts" sort of does it, but you lose your blogging window, and blog entry (as I have just discovered - thankfully I always try to CTRL-C before I post on blogger to avoid such things).
I just tried to find the "manage posts" section, and ctrl-c'd this post to save it, and blogger asked me if i want to save the post!!!!!! Very cool....
Not sure about this...
You will love it soon enough, if only for the URL/bold/italic making buttons which means no more left out qoute marks...which I do often to my astonishment.
I tried to migrate the blog to Dano weeks ago, but BLOGDIAL didnt show up on the list of migratable blogs; its here now, at more need to go to IE EVER again. Im going to test it with Opera later today, Opera being even less useful than Mozilla with the previous version of Blogger.
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
[Nice to see the Swiss Guards have an information warfare component
working to secure the Pontiff's network. - WK]
Wednesday, 25 June 2003
The Vatican has revealed it has taken on a team of experts to protect
the Pope's website which is attacked by some 10,000 viruses a month
and at least 30 mainly American hackers every day.
"Fortunately, up to now no-one has managed to penetrate the Pope's
site thanks to a highly efficient team of specialists charged with
anti-virus protection who have always managed to block hackers'
emails," said Archbishop Claudio Celli, secretary for the
administration of the Holy See's heritage.
"Young Americans are the most common and aggressive of hackers around
the world seeking to cross the Vatican's e-borders," he continued.
Pope John Paul II has on several occasions shown his support for the
Internet, whilst warning against some of its specific uses, but for
security reasons he has no personal email address.
Well-wishers' messages reach the pontiff through various other
addresses which are filtered by Vatican staff.
For his 83rd birthday in May, the pope received some 23,000 messages.
The Vatican launched its website ( on Christmas Day
1995 with a page of Christmas wishes from the Pope.
Now, according to Celli, the Vatican website is consulted by some 50
million surfers in 150 countries.
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
The US/Mexico Border Crossing Card (BCC):
A Case Study in Biometric, Machine-Readable ID
EU backs biometric passports
By John Leyden Posted: 23/06/2003 at 17:06 GMT European Union governments last week agreed to embed computer chips containing biometric data in passports. The plans to create passports carrying information on a person's fingerprint or retinal scans are presented as a way to reduce counterfeiting and fraud. Biometric chips would also be implanted in visas issued to foreign nationals travelling to Europe. [...] Under the US Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2002, countries whose citizens enjoy visa-free travel to the United States "must issue passports with biometric identifiers no later than Oct. 26, 2004," the IHT reports. [...] Meanwhile there's no talk yet about any insistence about biometric passports for Americans travelling to Europe. The Register ***************** The United States, which does not require its citizens to carry ID cards, has for years used biometric "crossing cards" to help police its border with Mexico. . U.S. Embassies and consulates in Mexico have issued 6 million such cards since 1998. The cards include a digital photograph and two electronically collected index fingerprints, which can be checked against a government database of individuals caught violating immigration laws.[...] International Herald TribuneMonday, June 23, 2003
noodle-free jazz
read this intitially as noodle freejazz. a genre to aspire to?
I discovered Hafler Trio at my college radio station in 1997. The packaging was just screaming to be plucked from the stacks and the sounds inside sent my latenight listenings from fear to delight. I dig How to Reform Mankind.
Reminds me of my forays into the soundscapes of Stillupsteypa...
Pitfalls of Transgene Containment in Chloroplast
As transgenic contamination is becoming a big issue, biotech companies are proposing to put transgenes in the chloroplast genome instead of the nuclear genome in order to prevent them from spreading. Prof. Joe Cummins reveals the pitfalls. [...] [..]The majority of proposals for preventing the spread of transgenes by putting them into chloroplasts assume that chloroplasts are maternally inherited, and absent from pollen.[..] Weeds Help Hackers Poach Corn Computing Cycles
March 4, 2051 DECATUR, IL--Edible resources giant Archer Daniels Midland today launched a legal and public relations campaign designed to discourage poachers from using new breeds of transgenic weeds to siphon off computer cycles generated by fields planted with SmartCorn, an engineered corn variety equipped with DNA-based computational and networking powers. "We want to make clear that there is zero tolerance for 'weedhacking,'" declared ADM CTO Alice Montie.[...]
i smoke skunk / hash / crack
I knew it.
Kris / Thrash you have not acquitted yourself very well. You sound completely addled; a babbling lunatic...a "Johnny Ryal" made flesh.
Now, I dont have anything against lunatics, as long as they are funny; but you are, for certain, un-funny; a crashing bore, incoherent, rambling and ultimately, unispiring. Your worst crime, next to not posting at all, is that you stubbornly refuse to punctuate. I also appears, frighteningly, that you cannot read.
The signal to noise ratio in here at BLOGDIAL is perfect; there is no noise at all. People who post here are reliable, interesting, funny, intelligent, insightful, and can think clearly even when drunk. You, are none of those things. You do not post here regularly. The scant few posts you have made have been of the lowest calibre; a waste of bytes, trash not even worthy of being called a troll.
I didnt invite you to join BLOGDIAL, you asked for an account. I gave you an access, and you BLEW IT.
Crack fuelled lunacy will not soil the pristine dashed borders of this great place.
I will decide your fate, and carry out sentence shortyl. Yes shortyl.
Bailiff's, TAKE HIM DOWN.
Sunday, June 22, 2003
Woke up to thunder this morning
Astonishing power in that file...
I was in a lightning storm once...unforgetable.
It was around 8PM, totally dark, completely overcast, with the clouds at what seemed to be a high level. There were dozens of flashies going off per minute, like paparazzi bulbs flashing a superstar at a Royal premiere. It was simply breathtaking, and, because the flashes were coming from 360° around us, our shadows darted around the was almost like being in a strobe light testing factory.
There is nothing like extreme tropical weather; the power of it, its single mindedness.
Was that in the 6 rules? Maybe not th e360 deg: "from all around us"... more simple.
look mate ... im not being funny but you really think you own the world dont you?
Dont be an ass...unless you like being an ass.
i dont need know it alls telling me what to do with my website i can do what the fuck i like - and thats it
No one is telling you what to do with your website, and yes, we do know that you can do "what the fuck" you want with it. Like I clearly explained, I am not saying that you dont have the right to collect this and any other information that you want; its your business. and, its just my worthless 2c.
I looked at your site before you posted your "announcement" here, and said nothing about it. If you had not posted, I would never have mentioned it at all. You cannot come here, post bullshit and expect no one to notice or say anything.
dont EVER tell me what info to collect what to do with downloads
What are you smoking? I want some! This is precisely why I dont let idiots onto BLOGDIAL. Idiots dont post often, and when they do, they post garbage or worthless stuff to promote themselvs.
dont expect my art for free - that s not your right...
and (i) give them the fucking music FOR FREE...
Ummm which one is it??
and your comments let me see - havent helped at all....
Like i said, my worthless 2c.
Dont promote your bullshit on BLOGDIAL. Period.
And frames SUCK!
blatant bit of self promotion...
Hmmm Worldpay dont appear to be an ISP, but some kind of credit card handling service:
What made you choose them to host your site - if they -are- hosting it.
I tried to leech all the tracks yesterday, but there was some carp about registering to get access; I tried to ftp all the tracks at once, but got "forbidden"; I dont want to have to right click and download each file one at a time.
no access to level 2 music folder
no access to level 5 music folder
You shouldnt have to register to listen to music. Period.
You dont need to collect ANY of the information that you are trying to collect as a prerequisit to hearing music:
*=required field..
first name: *
last name: *
country: *
city: *
use your logs to see who is leeching what and from where and how.
gender: * Female Male
do i really have to say IRRELEVANT?
year of birth: *
email: *
username: *
password: *
retype password: *
None of this is needed by you.
what led you to us: *
Use your LOGS!!!
check this box to join the blip mailing list
display your email to other members
i**e*e*a** now put in the non vowels.
The Telegraph makes people register to read their "news", The Guardian does not. The Guardian is one of the most read online newspapers. The Telegraph is nothing and nowhere. There is a lesson there, similar to the lesson of iTunes as compared to the other absurd "services". Nothing beats free. Ever.
Now of course, I am not saying that you dont have the right to collect this and any other information that you want; its your business. Im just throwing in my worthless 2c. Denying access to music for any reason is just crazy. The whole point of freeing/sharing music is that you free it without any artificial boundaries to getting the music. Free should mean free; when you take a registration from me in exchange for access that is a payment. I choose not to pay it.
It should be easy and convenient to get music; at the very least, there should be a single point to get all the files in one go, and if I want to ftp the files at once, I should be able to simply do that for my convenience. Releasing the files on all the networks, but restricting access to registrants on the home site is crazy; all I have to do, theoretically, is go to KaZaa and leech everything I want without registering at your site....bizarre!
And not to repeat any libels, but it smells to me that you are being shut down because of that list post that you made which pissed someone off rotten. All it takes is a phone call to an isp to have an account shut down...insane isnt it?
Ill leave it to you to explain what that was all about.
Saturday, June 21, 2003
1. Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print. 2. Never use a long word where a short one will do. 3. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out. 4. Never use the passive where you can use the active. 5. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent. 6. Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous. Let us see what happens to the posts when we follow these simple rules and thanks to the mighty AK for linking to this!Friday, June 20, 2003
Be careful: too safe can too easily end up sorry
Simon Jenkins The Times, 20/6/03 I am not paranoid. It is just that people out there are trying to scare me and I am not sure who they are. Some have Semtex and ricin, dirty bombs and dirtier intentions. Others have fragile budgets, turf wars and blame-aversion. I know that one is foe and the other friend, but their impact on my daily life is increasingly hard to distinguish... When President Eisenhower left office in 1960 at the height of the Cold War, he gave the Western world a remarkable warning. It was not against the might of the Soviet Union but against the "unwarranted influence . . . of a military-industrial complex" which he had watched emerge during his time as soldier and President. With access to the vast resources of the State, that complex could lead to "a disastrous rise of misplaced power". The warning has echoed down the ages. A similar power is emerging today. It is of the "terrorist-security complex". It smothers public life in risk-aversion and spends hundreds of millions of pounds on buildings, consultants and human protection. Downing Street has become a concrete bunker. The entire current increase in London police, 1,000 officers, has been diverted to counter terrorism. Now the complex is acquiring its own political dimension. The Home Secretary, David Blunkett, demands new powers by the month. The security agencies are being drawn into the open. On Monday the head of MI5, Eliza Manningham-Buller, made an astonishing speech for a body whose essence used to be discretion and the nuancing of judgment. She warned the public that it was "only a matter of time" before al-Qaeda launched an attack, which "could be" chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear... Last week, while No 10 and its feuding agencies were hogging the headlines, a 1,600lb car bomb was seized outside Londonderry. It probably belonged to the Real IRA and was destined for London, where its impact would have been catastrophic. The seizure was the outcome of good policing and intelligence. The IRA threat remains real and the forces of law and order coped with it: no fuss, no alarmism. That is what I call security... Ms Manningham-Buller claims to know of a threat that "challenges government and society in general" and would do "real harm to our way of life". I do not believe her. AlQaeda commits acts of violence, sets off bombs and kills people. But this is not the Cold War. It is not an enemy that had enslaved half Europe and threatened the West with nuclear winter... The weapons at present marshalled against us do not conceivably "challenge British government or society" let alone threaten "the British way of life". What a miserable view Ms Manningham-Buller and her colleagues must have of British democracy and society to think so. I have more faith in their resilience, and suspect the motives of those who publicly doubt it. What threatens the British way of life at present is not terrorism but the public response to it. The terrorist-security complex is driving forward a hyperbolic, risk-averse, "health-and-safety" culture that infuses every British home and workplace, every enterprise and relationship. It is dangerous. According to the police, street crime in London is now rising again because so much police time and effort are being diverted from normal duties. Hyper-safe is unsafe. It distorts priorities and confuses leadership. I pay my taxes to be kept secure, not to get a lecture on insecurity. Last week in Londonderry I got value for money. This week in London I am not so sure.,,482-719525,00.html
# Do you have your own personal blog?
# Do you post to any other community blogs?
# Are you a member of or regular poster to any other net communities, be it usenet, bbs or forums?
used to usenet, used to black dog towers.
# Do you regularly read personal blogs (if so, which ones do you like)?
# Do you prefer to read RSS feeds or to be immersed in the experience of the web?
I dont have a good RSS reader, but the idea of RSS is cool when someone cooks up a good reader then ill try it again
# If your first language isn't English, do you post in your mother tongue? Do you feel obliged to post in English?
English is the language of science.
# And finally... What do you make of web communities, personal blogs and weblogging in general?
Personal blogs mostly bite.
Web communities are cool.
Weblogging in general follows the same guidelines as people in general, there are some exceptional ones, and most are carp.
Statements like this always confuse me,
A: You dont believe in God
B: Are easily confused
C: Drunk
Is not "A" the answer? and HEY now that you have broadband, harken unto this:
Brother Stair
There is NOTHING quite like Brother RG Stair talking about Tony Bliar. AK, you will be astonished to find yourself agreeing with everything that he says about TB!
What I wonder is, if there exists a higher creationist power, and if that power is interventionist, why would that power decide to bestow the gift of [throwing a ball/running/jumping] slightly better than anyone else on a person?
Why would he let people cannibalize each other in DCR?
Why would he let people cut off the limbs of babies in Ivoray Coast?
Why would he let people $atrocious_act each other in $beautuful_country?
God doesnt stop you from being evil or good, you have the choice to do either. (Thats the explanation you will be always be given.)
Are there not better abilities to bestow?
Yes and no, and if yes, has he not already bestowed them? Anyway, this cricketer may be wrong about God making him a good fast bowler, he might have just worked hard for it. Either way, he is showing gracious humility by attributing his powers to God. Humility is a good thing®.
Would these 'gifted' individuals not be able to carry out their special talent without 60 hours a week practise and 5 personal trainers if it were truly god-given?
Yes of course, because God can do anything, and make anything happen, anywhere. Duh!
Does 'god' not stick to the principle that 'all men are created equal'?
This is not a principle, but a fact. All men are created equal, and then they make themselves by ther own actions unequal via sin.
Is immortality and omnipotence really so boring that getting humans to throw things faster is a good hobby?
If you could see everything, everywhere, all the time, wouldnt you want to see a little well played cricket once ini a while?
And its God with a capital "G"!!!!!!
So buy more, for less, and don't get ripped off.
Batteries have a sell by date; if you dont use them voraciously, its insane to by 100 at a time. The most a regular user needs at a time is 2 or 4, whcih is, surprise surprise, why they are sold in packs of 2 and 4!
GBA, thankfully now uses only 2 AA, and they last 9hr with the sound low...
(and here was me thinking dollar$$ were a no-go area)
I quoth the dollar, so that our american friends can guage the insanity of the high prices here, and for no other reason. You could have, however, cought me out with the Snapple example, as I MIGHT have drukn one, and paid 1.65 sterling for it. Thankfully I am innocent of that crime.
and a fact that may be, but you don't have to pay that.
But we know this!
And yes, drukn.
I bought 100 for about �20 from PC World last year
If you go to the factory in Taiwan and pay cash, you can get 1000 for 20, so what? When you buy Eveready 4 packs in the high street in london, they cost 8 Dead Presidents, and thats a fact.
Everyone that comes to live here from abroad barks about how expensive the UK is; batteries are the least of the problem....Americans scream when they are asked for $2.60 for a bottle of Snapple. YES $2.60!
"Interdiscplinarity" a cool word for sure. What I want to see are the NUMBERS realated to this battery replacement technology. Also, unless the chemistry of rechargable batteries is changed, no battery can be recharged in "a matter of seconds".
I read somewhere about a system like this where you have to shake the device you want to charge for a few moments to juice it up...could be the same thing....either way, anything that eliminates the need for batteries is a good thing, they are a scourge, poisoning the environment and costing everyone a phortune.
For you across the water, a pack of AAs costs around $8 over here. yes, thats right, EIGHT DOLLARS.
Thursday, June 19, 2003
I was involved in this bit of fun on Tuesday: Flash Mob in Manhattan: an inexplicable gathering of people in a public place.
Yours Truly in the blue shirt on the left:
and in the front right:
some confused rug salesmen:
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Ive been looking at these recently:
EM411.COM - Electronic Music 411
M-Audio USB Audiosport Duo
Echo Digital Audio - Makers of Mona, Layla, Gina, Mia multitrack recorders
Digital Audio Labs is the maker of the CardDeluxe, a professional 24/96 soundcard for Windows PCs.
RME - Mainpage
Taking a page out of the Neocon playbook
WASHINGTON - The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Tuesday he favors developing new technology to remotely destroy the computers of people who illegally download music from the Internet... During a discussion on methods to frustrate computer users who illegally exchange music and movie files over the Internet, Hatch asked technology executives about ways to damage computers involved in such file trading. Legal experts have said any such attack would violate federal anti-hacking laws. "No one is interested in destroying anyone's computer," replied Randy Saaf of MediaDefender Inc., a secretive Los Angeles company that builds technology to disrupt music downloads. One technique deliberately downloads pirated material very slowly so other users can't. "I'm interested," Hatch interrupted. He said damaging someone's computer "may be the only way you can teach somebody about copyrights." The senator, a composer who earned $18,000 last year in song writing royalties, acknowledged Congress would have to enact an exemption for copyright owners from liability for damaging computers. He endorsed technology that would twice warn a computer user about illegal online behavior, "then destroy their computer..." Sen. Patrick Leahy, the committee's senior Democrat, later said the problem is serious but called Hatch's idea too drastic a remedy to be considered. "The rights of copyright holders need to be protected, but some Draconian remedies that have been suggested would create more problems than they would solve," Leahy, D-Vt., said in a statement. "We need to work together to find the right answers, and this is not one of them..." Yahoo NewsTuesday, June 17, 2003
I've wondered this before, but that Perfect Sound Forever site and the subsequent posts about vinyl have brought it to the shores of my mind again: What kind of music listening setups do you blogdialians use? We've talked gear-tech in other facets of culture (specifically computer hardware, music making devices and photographic cameras come to mind), but never broached the subject of how we listen to music.
The size, the packaging, the weight, the colour, the feel of the needle dropping into the groove...
The sound... :]
Beautyon (No02) is not music, but is a type of "Fine Art Noise", made by and exclusively for digital as it works right now.
$deutche_gramophon_classical_lp is however, music, and can only be properly reproduced correctly if the conditions and setup are right. Once you have experienced it, you will never want to go back...
Here's the bad part about liking tubes, just as it's the bad part about preferring LP's to CD's. The above quote is from Howard Ferstler, a rather pedestrian freelance audio reviewer who simply refuses to accept why some people prefer the sound of LP's and tubed amplifiers. A lot of people, basically the crowd that believes in measurements more than their own ears, will try to tell you tube amplifiers distort the sound, and they're mostly right. Remember back in the '70's, when there was a "total harmonic distortion" war between the Japanese receiver manufacturers? First there was less than .01% THD. Then it was .001. Then there was .0001. So after a while, it was safe to assume that total harmonic distortion went the way of polio and the Chevy Vega. Well, I've seen tube amps with ONE PERCENT total harmonic distortion. That's well into what's easily audible to most people. And I'm not sure, but I think I remember some audio reviewer freaking out over the 3% THD he measured on a fairly recent model of tube amp. What the techies are trying to tell us is that digital music sources played back on modern, efficient solid-state amps are accurate and without distortion, and that we must admit that the distortion itself is what the lovers of LP's and tube amplification are attracted to. And I have to admit that that makes some sense.
But what seems to be alien to most of these individuals is that this is all about subjective preferences. Who cares if there's more distortion, more pops and ticks, more speed variations, more wow and flutter and rumble, if the music we are hearing sounds just like real, live musical performances? And that's what every lover of the sound of LP's, and every lover of the sound of tube amps, will say to explain this preference, that music played on LP's and/or tube amplification simply sounds like real music, instead of some supercharged and sanitized digital version of the same. It's a fairly passionate debate in the audio world, perhaps the biggest issue in music reproduction, next to trying to make money off the downloading of music into people's computers. [...]
Remember when you were a teenager, listening and discovering what your musical tastes were? Remember how easily music would pull you in and make you forget about the rest of the world? Well, with tube amps, I find hitting those same epiphanies is just as easily accomplished as it used to be.[...]
The Opening Salvo
The Washington Times Economic murder-suicide By Richard W. Rahn THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published June 12, 2003 On June 3, 2003, the European Commission adopted measures to "tackle harmful tax competition." If the term "harmful tax competition" sounds to you like an oxymoron, you are thinking clearly. The EU's measures are designed to make it easier for them to tax savings but, in reality, will largely destroy the small amount of remaining legal savings by EU citizens. Because of confiscatory levels of taxation, many of those who reside in the EU have moved their savings to the United States and other relatively low tax jurisdictions. For the last several years, many economic scholars and public policy organizations have warned the EU that attempts to reach beyond their borders to tax this so-called flight capital would end in disaster. To understand the problem, assume you are a citizen of France. You save $1,000 and receive an interest payment of $60 (6 percent). Inflation is 3 percent, so your real interest earnings are only $30. However, you must pay a 59.7 percent tax, or $35.82, on the $60 of interest, plus the $30 inflation tax. (Remember, inflation is caused by government producing too much money.) This leaves you a net loss of almost $6 on each $1,000 saved. (In those EU countries where inflation is 3 percent or more and maximum tax rates are 50 percent or more, many savers have effective tax rates on interest of more than 100 percent.) People quickly figure out they are worse off rather than better off by saving; hence, they either move their savings out of the country to a more tax-friendly jurisdiction or stop saving. The EU will receive virtually no increase in tax revenue from these new measures. They will only succeed in driving their citizens to find legal or illegal loopholes. Any reduction in savings rates in the EU will be a disaster. Most of the EU countries are suffering from very low birthrates and rapidly aging populations, plus increasing demands for welfare, medical and retirement benefits. Without high levels of saving, there is no way these benefit payments can be met. It is bad enough that the EU is imposing such measures on its own citizens, but the EU is attempting to go even further by imposing it on non-EU members such as Switzerland, Liechtenstein and dependent and associated territories of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, for which it will be economic death. The EU has even had the audacity to try to get the U.S. to go along with this unsavory scheme (some former Clinton administration officials and Treasury bureaucrats thought this was a good idea). The EU bureaucrats realize that if they don't get most of the world to go along with their scam, it will not work. The real world fact is, of course, it will not work no matter what they do. To sell the scam, the EU had to agree to many loopholes, in part so the lawyers and accountants could still sell tax shelters to their well-off clients. The EU has virtually no chance of getting China-controlled Hong Kong, and some other non-EU-controlled jurisdictions to go along. Hence, the real criminal and terrorist money will no longer be in countries where legitimate law enforcement forces of the Western nations can monitor what is happening. How could the EU come up with and sell such an awful idea? The political leaders and bureaucrats of "old Europe" had a problem. In their lust for power and control, they were killing their economies through excessive taxation and regulation. It is often difficult for many people to move from the prison of tax oppressive regimes, but not so financial capital, which could flee by electronic means overnight. Old-fashioned capital controls had both failed and fallen into economic disrepute, so the idea of "harmful tax competition" was suddenly born. Most people understand that when businessmen get together to limit competition, the public interest is rarely served, and the same is true of government bureaucrats. EU officials convinced their bureaucratic lackeys at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to develop the concept of "harmful tax competition" to justify trying to force all of the world's countries to jack up their tax rates to French-like levels. More objective and competent economists have clearly demonstrated that the concept of "harmful tax competition" is without intellectual merit, particularly given that most countries have taxes far above the revenue and growth maximizing rates, so tax competition can only be beneficial. However, these destructive measures have given the U.S. an opportunity to challenge the failed European economic model in a very public way. Our government leaders should make it clear that the U.S. wants foreign capital and is willing to provide it with strong legal protections and lower tax rates. The U.S. has just lowered taxes on capital with the capital gains and dividend rate cuts. Our government should also state that we will not be party to any blanket financial information-sharing schemes designed to milk the world's savers. We should go further and say that any of the associated political jurisdictions of the European countries that wish to declare independence from their European overlords, rather than see their economies destroyed, will have the necessary support of the U.S. Such a policy is clearly in our own self-interest because most of the money that flows through low tax jurisdictions comes from Europe and Latin America and is invested in the U.S. Also, if we allow the Europeans to destroy the economies of the low-tax jurisdictions, the U.S., not Europe, is going to face a new and major refugee problem. In the 1770s, a certain European nation tried to stuff a destructive tax regime down the throats of the American Colonies. We certainly ought not to let Europe try this gambit on us and our friends again, 230 years later. Richard W. Rahn is a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute and an adjunct scholar of the Cato Institute.Monday, June 16, 2003
Ive had about 7 gameboys (original[3], original clear, original yellow, pocket[2]) and have 40 games. I "specialized" in Puzzle games.
All of my GB tales are to do with high scores or endurance; Qix, Tetris, DrX Mario, beating othello on the expert level, finishing japanese import RPGs in japanese...the usual stuff.
There has been some great music on GB...I have always wondered who did the music for the Natsume games; that dude was a genius.
Why Europe still doesn't get the Internet
By Declan McCullagh
June 16, 2003, 4:00 AM PT
One of the finest days in Internet law dawned on June 12, 1996, when
U.S. District Judge Stewart Dalzell wrote an opinion that was
remarkable for its clarity and prescience. At the time, Dalzell was
serving on a three-judge panel that rejected the absurd Communications
Decency Act as a violation of the First Amendment's guarantee of free
Dalzell recognized that the U.S. government's true fear of the
Internet was not indecency or obscenity, but hypothetical worries
about how "too much speech occurs in that medium." Dalzell and
eventually the Supreme Court realized that the best way to foster the
soon-to-be spectacular growth of the Internet was to reduce government
regulation--not to increase it.
Unfortunately, Europeans still haven't quite figured that out. The
Council of Europe--an influential quasi-governmental body that drafts
conventions and treaties--is meeting on Monday to finalize a proposal
that veers in exactly the opposite direction. (It boasts 45 member
states in Europe, with the United States, Canada, Japan and Mexico
participating as non-voting members. Its budget is about $200 million
a year, paid for by member governments.)
The all-but-final proposal draft says that Internet news
organizations, individual Web sites, moderated mailing lists and even
Web logs (or "blogs"), must offer a "right of reply" to those whom an
organization criticizes.
With clinical precision, the council's bureaucracy had decided exactly
what would be required. Some excerpts from its proposal:
o "The reply should be made publicly available in a prominent place
for a period of time (that) is at least equal to the period of time
during which the contested information was publicly available, but, in
any case, no less than for 24 hours."
o Hyperlinking to a reply is acceptable. "It may be considered
sufficient to publish (the reply) or make available a link to it" from
the spot of the original mention.
o "So long as the contested information is available online, the
reply should be attached to it, for example through a clearly visible
o Long replies are fine. "There should be flexibility regarding the
length of the reply, since there are (fewer) capacity limits for
content than (there are) in off-line media."
[...remainder snipped...]
For many people, its bullshit like this that is the true reason why we are so pissed off with the USA. Europeans are so dumb when it comes to the rights of the individual, that they may as well be talking about pigs as humans when they legislate.
America was always the place where this sort of thing could not wash. Ashcroft/Bush/Cheney & co ruined it all in a short number of years, and now there is basically no where left to turn to.
This is the TRUE tragedy. Sad, aweful and repulsive in every way possible, and some ways that are impossible.
MI6 'asked Football Association to act as Cold War spies'
By Kim Sengupta
Independent 16 June 2003
With the explosion in the use of mobile telephones, GCHQ, the Government's
eavesdropping centre, and its American counterparts have had to initiate
new ways of tracking conversations.
A national mobile telephone system is made up of a series of stations and
once a handset is switched on it automatically searches for the base
station with the strongest signal. The base stations are controlled by a
Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO) and GCHQ can track a caller up to
a distance of about 12 miles - the usual catchment area of a station.
In The Spying Game, the author, Michael Smith, says that even if no
conversation takes place, the intelligence services can hear what is being
said at a telephone's immediate vicinity as long as it is switched on.
The National Security Agency in the United States and GCHQ have also
perfected ways of breaking the encryption systems of the mobile telephones.
In a process known as Meaconing an intercepting device can in effect take
control of a mobile telephone's signals. Calls are then channelled through
a counterfeit station, which allows the eavesdroppers to listen in without
the targets knowing what is happening.
Sunday, June 15, 2003
Message from the Hopi, People of Peace:
You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go
back and tell them that this is the Hour.
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living? What are you doing?
What are your relationships? Are you in right relation?
Where is your water? Know your garden.
It is time to speak your truth. Create your community.
Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and so swift that
there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold onto the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination. The Elders say we must let go of the
shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open and our
heads above water. See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all,
ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey,
comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!
Banish the word "struggle" from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that
we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
-The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona, Hopi
Police will ru(i)n internet after terrorist attack
David Leppard WIDE-RANGING powers to enable the police to run the internet and the rest of Britain�s information superhighway in the event of a terrorist attack will be unveiled this week. The Civil Contingencies Bill will seek to modernise Britain�s response to national emergencies by protecting the country from attacks on the infrastructure including the �electronic network� and the water, electricity and telephone systems. Airlines, the transport network, town halls and the postal service could also come under police direction in the event of a national disaster. The bill, to be unveiled by Douglas Alexander, a senior Cabinet Office minister, this Thursday will give ministers powers to issue orders to internet service providers and those utilities that rely on the web. It will also lay down new rules to ensure that all local authorities have audited plans to deal with potential threats. Senior officers will have powers to enlist any member of the public to help civil defence staff. They will be able to commandeer equipment and buildings, for which the owners will receive financial compensation. However, in a move designed to allay fears that the bill could pave the way for regional police states, ministers have decided against giving the police powers to run the BBC. The police already have extensive authority to control some parts of the national infrastructure and order rapid evacuation of large areas, such as city centres. But ministers say the existing 1920 Emergency Powers Act is out of date. �The bill will recognise the new scale of threat by widening the definition of what an emergency is,� said one Whitehall source. �We are concerned that people might try to target the City or the information network and the internet. �A serious attack to stop information being circulated through the internet and electronic highway was not envisaged by the original act. The new bill will allow police to take on special legislative measures to deal with the threat.� A draft version of the bill proposes that ministers will be able to invoke regional or local states of emergency with any situation that �causes or may cause serious harm to the welfare of the public�. These range from an accident involving motor traffic, flooding or an environmental disaster to a biological, chemical or nuclear dirty bomb attack. Officials yesterday played down the suggestion that the bill would give police draconian new powers but pointed out it would allow the powers to be used in wider areas. �The bill is about timely modernisation, about bringing things up to the 21st century,� said one insider. �Computer networks, water, electricity and gas utilities could all be targets and obviously that has big knock-on effects. �The more we get information online, the more people have broadband, the more that hospitals and electricity generators rely on the internet and electronic information.� Firemen as well as police will be able to cordon off streets to remove or contain people in the event of a major terrorist attack. Those impeding a police officer or civil contingency force soldier will face big fines or could be restrained by force. The TimesSaturday, June 14, 2003
Friday, June 13, 2003
Alex, I have been in one of those vehicles. On New Year's eve, a friend rented it. We were quite amazed. The ceiling was mirrored, and there were many tiny blue lights. I believe there was champagne too, and the inevitable we-have-to-stop-for-money-and-cigarettes trip, with 12 people. Fun!
I wish I had more money. Which sounds shallow, but I do. My grandparents sold their house, and are moving in two weeks. I have known for a while, but it is this particular week that the emotional self decided she needed some attention. God damn it hurts. I am happy that they are moving somewhere safer for them, they are getting old and living on the island is too far away. But the house! I wish I could buy the house. I have known this place all of my life, so many memories, spirits there ... I am continually amazed at how all at once we can be squeezed by grief. And this is one of those times, if I had some money, I wouldn't be crying over a loss, things would just be shifting. There would be a different configuration to this. Ah well, can't fight it, just have to feel it ...
SAN JOSE, Calif. � May 19, 2003 (NASDAQ: ADBE) � Adobe Systems Incorporated today announced an agreement to acquire the technology assets of Syntrillium Software, a leader in digital audio tools. Syntrillium's flagship product, Cool Edit Pro, will join the company's existing line of professional digital video products that include Adobe� Premiere�, Adobe After Effects�, Adobe Encore� DVD and Adobe Photoshop�.
"sheh-zul" Click once to rate this definition: (votes: 110)
History-derived from Snoop Doggy Dizzle
1.a substitution for the sylables at the ends of various words.(commonly used to get a laugh out of your drunk friends while shooting pool at one's girlfriend's house.
Ex.1-(Without "izzle") "Rack up the balls and lets shoot some pool."
(With "izzle") "Rizzle up the bizzles and lizzle sizzle some pizzle.
Ex.2-(Without "izzle") "I really need to take a piss very badly."
(With "izzle") "I rizzle nizzle to tizzle a pizzle vizzle bizzle.
Urban Dictionary
An astonished shadow home secretary, Oliver Letwin, said: "To remake constitutions on the hoof, on the basis of personnel changes within the cabinet, is the height of irresponsibility. To announce it in a press release at 5.45pm on a Thursday evening is nothing short of a disgrace."[...]
The Guardian
How is it that a single government can, without consulting anyone, eviscerate the british constitution without consultation with anyone???
Is downloading copyrighted music tantamount to stealing?
Lawrence Lessig, an expert on Internet law from Stanford University's Law School, and Matt Oppenheim, Senior Vice President of Business and Legal Affairs for the Recording Industry Association of America, answer your questions about the debate over digital copyrights.
Thursday, June 12, 2003
Egypian Singer not censored by Mr Madkur Thabet and his peace preserving sissor clacking office of jackasses.
Wednesday, June 11, 2003
Egypt bans US blockbuster movie Matrix Reloaded
Wed Jun 11, 1:03 PM ET
CAIRO (AFP) - The Hollywhood science fiction hit movie Matrix Reloaded has been banned in Egypt for threatening to offend traditional religious views on the creation of humankind, the chief censor revealed.
The director of artistic censorship, Madkur Thabet, said that "despite its excellent technical level, the film was banned because it deals with subjects like human existence and creation.
"And these are questions linked to the three monotheistic religions that we respect and which we believe in," Thabet added. "These questions have in the past provoked crises and tension."
He said the decision was taken by a "committee of university professors and cinema experts."
In addition, he said, "the film has too many scenes of violence at a time when we are trying to fight this phenomenon." [...]
Yahoo News
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
I always liked Agfa colour film, it had a lovely cyan punch in the blues.
I only wear a watch when I am touring, so I can sync with the other docents. Otherwise, I tend to lose them. And there always seems to be a clock around if I need one. And of course, the sun. :}
Denman Island Chocolate and/or Dutch Girl Chocolate
Le Casa Gelato
Nature's Path Heritage Flakes
Amore Organic Raw Buffalo for the fur monster.
hmmm im not talking about our access logs, but the list of people who followed a link to us from another page, that link appearing somewhere in the iaea site:
i grepped our access logs for ieaa, and: - - [31/Mar/2003:14:42:11 +0100] "GET /RIVNDL3.PDF HTTP/1.0" 200 342115 "" "Mozilla/3.0 (compatible)" - - [08/Jun/2003:19:32:02 +0100] "GET /RIVNDL3.PDF HTTP/1.0" 200 342115 "" "Mozilla/3.0 (compatible)" - - [10/Jun/2003:09:02:44 +0100] "GET /RIVNDL3.PDF HTTP/1.0" 200 342115 "" "Mozilla/3.0 (compatible)"
I will stick to any brand that provides the right quality price ratio.
I dont eat any chocolate that comes out of a factory, for example, not even Lindt, the best of the factory made chocolate.
I love Polaroid film; but I dont buy it because of the brand, but because what it is is excellent. If it suddenly became a poor quality product, I wouldnt touch it again. The same goes for SONY. The Professional Walkman, of which i have two, is superb, but I would not touch one of their portable digital music devices because they are pure evil.
You are only as good as your last product; I am the most disloyal of brand loyalists.
In Japan there are certain things one does not do because they are thought to cause bad luck. A few examples are:
* The number four:
The number four is considered inauspicious because it is pronounced the same as the word for death (shi). Therefore, one should not make presents that consit of four pieces, etc. In some hotels and hospitals the room number four is skipped.
* Stick chopsticks into the rice:
Do not stick your chopsicks into your food generally, but especially not into rice, because only at funerals, chopsticks are stuck into the rice which is put onto the altar.
* Give food from chopstick to chopstick:
This is only done with the bones of the cremated body at funerals.
* Sleeping towards the North:
Do not sleep towards the North beacause bodies are laid down like that.
* Funeral Car:
If a funeral car passes you should hide your thumb.
* Cut nails at night:
If you cut your nails at night, you will not be with your parents when they die.
* Lie down after eating:
If you lie down immedeately after eating, you will become a cow.
* Whistle in the night:
If you whistle in the night, a snake will come to you.
* Black cat:
There are also some imported superstitions such as the believe that black cats crossing the street in front of you cause bad luck.
Monday, June 09, 2003
i don't agree that tolls are the answer ...
the UK doesnt have wide experience of toll booths, they work, do not interupt the flow of trafic significantly they are simple to install and operate, and dont violate your rights.
This sattelite system is being proposed because some shlumberger type of company made a presentation to HMG showing how it can be done. Just because it can be done, doesnt mean that it should be done.
any anxiety generated by fear of having my whereabouts known at all times would be considerably less than the stress generated by countless bottlenecks caused by excessive tolling
just as the congestion charge removes cars from the roads, toll booths no only take money from drivers, but prevent drivers from getting on the road in the first place which is the whole point.
... anyway, with the demise of cash, tolls would have to be paid for using plastic which would contain details that can be traced ...
"they are already halfway up your ass, so why not push it all the way in?"
No No No!
Sunday, June 08, 2003
School run tolls to cut roads chaos
Satellite tracking plan to charge all rush-hour drivers
Gaby Hinsliff, chief political correspondent
Sunday June 8, 2003
The Observer
Drivers are facing the biggest revolution in the history of British motoring with charges for using crowded roads during the school run and 'rush hour' tolls for commuters as part of sweeping new plans to ease congestion.
In a move that will infuriate some motorists and delight environmentalists, Transport Secretary Alistair Darling wants cars to be fitted with a satellite tracking device to clock journeys, with drivers subsequently billed for their travel, as part of controversial proposals to end the roads crisis.
Commuters, school-run parents and motorway users would bear the brunt of a variable system, where charges would be highest for rush-hour travel and for using the most congested roads. But the Government is likely to scrap car tax or cut petrol tax when the charges are introduced, as a sweetener to avoid a backlash from motorists.
In his first public foray into the debate, Darling told The Observer there could be serious civil liberties implications in monitoring the movements of 24 million drivers nationwide by satellite. [...]
The Guardian
This is, of course, total bullshit. You do not need sattelite tracking to charge cars to use a road, you need TOLL BOOTHS.
You pay with cash at a toll booth, no one knows who you are or where you are going, the congestion charge is taken, and no civil liberty abusing system is created for a future govt to abuse.
As for stopping the school run, and charging on roads too small to have a toll, you simply increase the tax you have to pay on a car depending on where you live. If you live in central london, it costs 3650 per year to operate a car. Period. If you want to drive into london, it costs you 10, and this is for ALL of london not just the center.
Saturday, June 07, 2003
Herman Blume! Your twin sons are morons, your wife flaunts her
infidelity in your face, you've been sued for
divorce, and it doesn't seem like much else
could go wrong. While you are a nice enough
guy, you still have some issues to work out.
Like how you hate yourself. Keep your chin up,
and in the future try to avoid getting mixed up
with more-than-just-weird 15 year olds.
The painfully obvious (but hopefully amusing) 'Which Rushmore character are you?' quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
While I don't have any lists of WASTE networks, I do have a lot of resources as I spent the better half of a day researching the topic.
Mailing Lists: (42 members) (4 members)
Sites (with links to others):
Forums: (Thread)
Slashdot Threads:
Mirrors (of the pulled Nullsoft Site / Waste Program Setup & Source): (Index of Mirrors) (List of Mirrors & What They Have On Them)
Justin Frankel (Founder of Nullsoft, and subsequently Waste):
Friday, June 06, 2003
How strange. My 20AC t-shirt just arrived yesterday at the post office. And it will be a gorgeous weekend, so I will wear it everywhere. You are putting us in a difficult position, Akin, taking down your merch. My first thought is to buy all of your items I've been wanting, but that's more of my $$ towards blood.
And even stranger, the theme of women's equality has been coming up the past few days. I was touring a bunch of kids around the gallery yesterday, they were 11, teaching them how to look (awakening consciousness?) at Emily Carr's paintings. Emily Carr was an unusual person, she decided early in her life to make art instead of the more traditional role of wife and mother (this is the early 20th century, Victorian times). She spent a lot of her life travelling alone through the coast of BC, painting totem poles and the forest. I could see the looks of confusion on the girls' faces especially, why would it be strange for a women to paint outside? Or to not get married? They are not aware of the history, that these freedoms we enjoy, they have not always been.
And yet, still sexism. One of my friends, over dinner, telling me of office politics, that there is the rumor that people (men) follow her deadlines only because they all want to please her because they are attracted to her. And she is so hurt, because she works damn hard, she is terribly smart, and also incredibly beautiful. And it is used as a weapon to undermine her confidence (which I am wondering now if that rumor came from a woman? we can be so cruel to our sisters). Meanwhile tapping on a glass ceiling ... I told her to start looking for something else, there are more equal places of work, where they will recognize her brilliance, these are small people, and why should she constantly clean her psyche of their small perceptions?
I could go for hours on this ... must work. Happy Friday!
One consequence is that consumers are more alert to influences than ever before. It doesn't take a professional music critic to spot the Faint's debt to Duran Duran and Gary Numan. Andrew Male, deputy editor of Mojo magazine, says: "Previously the whole idea was to find a record that nobody knew about, rip it off, then everyone would think it was original. But now that's harder to do, because everyone knows about everything."
The Guardian
Hmmmm with a more vicious slant it could have been something that I wrote when I first started irdial-list. Check out the list of groups at the end!
A ticket to a blood music festival:
Huh? Because it's on American soil I presume? Anyway it's been postponed no?
Sigur R�s are/were playing. If you're serious about this American boycott you should start promoting it, especially with bands. Sigur R�s and a lot of other bands on that line up are staunchly anti war. If you can get backing and publicity then you really have hit on something.
It needs to spread world wide, quickly, to be effective.
If no one knows, it won't work. If a bear shits in the wood, does anyone smell it?
If a bomb drops in Iran, does it explode/kill/make a noise? That�s the right question.
I have been discussing AC10 with someone, and cleaned up the website considerably. It has not been launched yet, while we think about it, tweak it, so far, in private.
Don't do anything that relies on media cooperation
Hmm... That's a tough one.
Did you not see how the media distorted the 2m march? If we trust journalists to tell the truth about this (which they have a mandate not to do) then we are setting ourselves up to fail. The anti apartheid movement didn�t have ubiquitous email and weblogs to spread their message; it was done person to person, with leafleting and talking. It worked. Now, with the tools that we have to hand we should be able to mobilize an incredibly huge force, like the stopwar people did (a few people in a room with some PCs).
Also, I am doing some work for Americans. These people are my friends. They run an independent record label, and work with other equally independent labels across the globe. They too are anti war, in fact I believe one of them was arrested on an anti war demonstration in New York. Should I not work for them? How can they go on running a business, supporting themselves, their families and independent music and still live in America.
When the cultural boycott of South Africa was running, no one with any morals would play there. As you can see in my earlier post, artists specifically forbade the performance of their works in SA. Michelle Shocked sued a company for breaching that part of her contract. The whole point of a cultural boycott (which includes sport and science as well as the arts) is that the people of the boycotted country as well as the government are sent the clearest message that they cannot continue to behave in the way that they are behaving, that what they are doing is wrong, and that it has to be stopped. Playing a music concert in America explicitly shows that you are FOR its policies, for if you were not, you would never play a concert there.
As for them being your friends, I have friends there too, and family. No one wants to have to do this, in the same way that no one wants war, but there is no alternative, since petitioning, lobbying, diplomacy and demonstrating are proven useless.
Should you work with them? If working with them means that you are financing the war machine, what do you think the answer should be? If they are not using their money to finance the war machine, then that is another story. For certain, if someone that I know is in the USA and is refusing to feed the war machine, then I can deal with them in every way.
On this subject, I am about to nuke all the caf� press stuff that we have set up. This is unfortunate for us; it�s a great service, but at the end of the day, I can�t use it and still be practicing what I preach; I know for a fact that they support the war machine, and until I hear from them that they do not, I am duty bound not to let them take our property, manufacture it and then use a part of the proceeds feed the war machine.
Although I support the core issues with 20AC there are specifics I'm not sure on. I want to know the answers to my questions, or at least, know where to look for these answers.
If the answers are not on the page we have created, then we have not got it right. Your question will go into the FAQ.
For your own personal education, you for sure should read up on the cultural boycott of South Africa. This boycott was extremely effective in shaming South Africa into becoming a civilized part of the family of nations. Incredibly, it happened twenty years ago.
Huh? Because it's on American soil I presume?
[Note by the United Nations Centre against Apartheid, 1983]
The cultural boycott of South Africa became an important aspect of the anti-apartheid movement in 1961 when the British Musicians Union adopted a policy decision that its members should not perform in South Africa as long as apartheid exists.
In 1963, forty-five prominent British playwrights signed a Declaration announcing that they had instructed their agents to insert a clause in all future contracts automatically refusing performing rights in any theatre "where discrimination is made among audiences on grounds of colour." Subsequently, the Declaration received adherence from many playwrights in other countries.
The boycott in the United Kingdom was encouraged in 1964 when Marlon Brando, on a visit to London, took part in a vigil outside the South African Embassy for the release of South African political prisoners and launched an appeal to actors, producers, directors and script-writers to write a clause into all future contracts forbidding the screening of their films before segregated audiences.
Also in 1964, the Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement promoted a declaration signed by 28 Irish playwrights that they would not permit their work to be performed before segregated audiences in South Africa.
In 1965, the British Screenwriters Guild called for a ban on the distribution of British films in South Africa. The British Actors� Union, Equity, invited individual members to sign a declaration pledging not to work in South Africa: it was signed by many of Britain�s most prominent actors. [...]
We have to repeat these things again and again, so that the history is not forgotten. It was twenty years ago, so you will not remember "aint gonna play sun city" and the ferocity of the cultural boycott.
Someone asked me this in an email (about the Vagina Power shirts & stuff):
> She saw 'Vagina Power' and asked why there was no Cock Power.
"Cock Power" is everywhere; it has been there for thousands of years. Even today, "les femmes" get paid less money for same job that men do, across the board. If I were a female, I would not put up with it for one second. If I were a female, I would not let a parliament or congress of men legislate to what extent I can control my body (reproduction). If I were a woman, I would demand and express total Vagina Power.
The way women are mistreated in the west is a scandal. From the way childbirth is mechanized and dehumanized by men, who have deliberately set out to destroy midwifery, to their not even having the vote until recently, women have been mistreated and systematically undermined in a way and on a scale equalled only by man's treatment of farm animals. Its wrong, its unnaceptable, I wouldnt take it, hence, Vagina Power!
Thursday, June 05, 2003
Not really into WEEN anymore ... but this made me laugh.
Where'd The Cheese Go?
Earlier in 2002 we were hired by the largest advertising firm in the country to write music for a Pizza Hut commercial. Pizza Hut had hired them to come up with a whole new image to promote their new Pizza, "The Insider" which had all the cheese inside the crust. In keeping in line with their new cutting edge image, the agency hired Ween to do the music, and we delivered in a big way. Unfortunately, they didn't like a single piece of the 6 tunes we submitted and they had us rewriting the song every day for a couple of weeks before they hired someone else. In my opinion, it is one of the best tunes we wrote all last year. Click on the links below to hear our 2 masterpieces.
[...]Home Office ministers however have shown worrying signs of tidying up in odd ways. In April minister Beverley Hughes told the Commons that 2,000 responses had been received, a number which is of the order of the 1,500 Falconer prepared earlier, and which therefore sounds strangely like a consultation in which 6,000 or so online responses have been miraculously disappeared. Simon Davies of Privacy International made enquiries about this, and made an Open Government request for statistics and related information concerning the consultation. Yesterday, however, Davies says a Home Office official told him this request had been rejected.
Davies further claims that Privacy International had previously been "informally notified by Home Office officials that a decision had been made to 'collapse' the 6,000 responses into one or two by treating them as a single petition." Which might explain how 8,000 could become 2,000, and how Beverley Hughes could be happily giving Parliament the lower figure several months after the 6,000 were submitted.
The Home Office claims the Open Government request was rejected owing to a question submitted by Anne McIntosh MP asking the number and preferences of responses sent via The existence of this question, they argue, means provide Privacy International with the information would be a breach of Parliamentary procedure. Davies disputes this, and in any event they don't seem to have given McIntosh any numbers yet either. [...]
The Register
The computer industry is threatened by a wild west-style land grab. The biggest, richest players are being assisted by governments to take unassailable exclusive control of the ideas that programmers combine to make a program.
Our society is becoming more dependent on information technology. At the same time, centralised control over and ownership of the information technology field is increasing, and mega-corporations with law-given dominion over our computers could take away our freedoms and democracy. With an effective monopoly on modern software, the largest grabbers of the "land" will have control over what we can ask our computers to do, and control over production and distribution of information on the net, through monopolies that the EU plans to give them.
The monopolies are patents that restrict use of these software ideas. We call them "software patents" because they restrict what we programmers can make software do. How do these monopolies work?
If you wish to use your computer as a word processor, it must follow instructions that tell it how to act like a word processor. This is analogous to instructions found on a musical score, which tell an orchestra how to play a symphony. The instructions are not simple. They are made up of thousands of smaller instructions, much like sequences of notes and chords. A symphonic score embodies hundreds of musical ideas, and a computer program uses hundreds or thousands of software ideas. Since each idea is abstract, there are often different ways to describe it: thus, some ideas can be patented in multiple ways.
The US, which has had software patents since the 1980s, shows what this can do to the development of everyday software. For example, in the US there are 39 monopoly claims over a standard way of showing video using software (the MPeg 2 format).
Since a single piece of software can embody thousands of ideas together, and those ideas are arbitrary in scope and abstract in nature, writing software will only be worthwhile for those who are rich and have a large software monopoly portfolio: those with the war chest and clout to fight off claims that might otherwise sink a business. In the US, the average cost of defending against an invalid patent claim is $1.5m. The courts favour the wealthy, so even when a small business gets a few patents, it will find them useless. [...]
The Guardian
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Ive been trying to run waste with a blogdialler for two days, and have had no joy yet; I cant connect to him and he cannot connect to me, thoug we can connect with ourselvs perfectly. Im not sure what we are doing wrong: anyone want to try waste with me email me!
As for waste compiling on OSX, AFAIK the only released version is for Windoze, though no doubt several people are porting it to every platform.
I do not rule out the possibility that much of humankind have some "desire" (?) to allow themselves to be crippled.
"Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world, where none suffered; where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed that we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world, but I believe that as a species, human beings define their reality through misery and suffering. So the perfect world we dreamed, but your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why The Matrix was redesigned to this...the peak of your civilization."
What does this mean?
That you are psychic, without a doubt.
Splitting things into sub/conscious is a simplification I am not prepared to accept. We are whole.
What is it that does the observing when you are dreaming? It is not your concious mind, but is something else. It is this something else that is the real you, the self, which is a separate entity from your thoughts.
Just before I go to bed tonight I'm going to start uploading my latest album mp3s, you'll find them on the discogrpahy page. Due my slow connection it'll probably take a few hours though. While on the subject of free music, check out Irdial. They've made their entire catalogue free to download. A goldmine if you're into something a bit different in the electronic and experimental fields.
* Aqua Regia: Directory Inquiries (Irdial)
* Autechre: The Cavity Job EP (Hardcore)
* Kettel: Days For Bennet (KracFive)
* Condor: Big One (Namack)
* DINbOT: The Beastie Bop (White/Mash-Up)
* Parlour: Googler (Temporary Residence)
* Baboon: Secret Robot Control (Wind Up)
* Sonna: Smile And.. (Temporary Residence)
* Dizzee Rascal: We Ain't Havin It (White Label)
* Various Artists: Superlongevity 2 (Perlon)
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