Saturday, August 30, 2003

My name is John Draw the Girl is beautiful! Mess, I hope you are okay. Humans can be so horrible ... this is the frustrating part of Blogdial, I want to give you a hug and you are so far away!

Thursday, August 28, 2003

I'm very much into Ligeti at the moment. You got good taste. One towering masterpiece after another. An astonishing genius, without a doubt. Though it's a bit late to discover him now... Its never too late; be sure to hear / study the three harpsichord pieces, "Continuum", "Pasacaglia Ungherese", and "Hungarian Rock" forgive the impromptu spelling.
"one of a few in town that dedicates one night a week to the sound of Number Stations" "I recently had the chance to chat briefly with 11- year old Cecily Burton, the young English girl behind Papa November. " "Tell me, how did the whole Papa November thing come about? Were there auditions? Cecily - Well, I was sitting in school one day, learning my sums, when I was summoned to the principal's office. When I arrived, I was met by some nice men named Yossi and Schmuel." ROTFL!
2524 Aqua Regia: NYC Smile on me from DFC Ambient House Compilation (Irdial 1991) Wandering round India half-naked stark raving mad, having discarded my clothes, carrying only a haversack full of bootleg cassettes. Getting lost in Bombay cul-de-sacs listening to this. Walking walking walking. T.W.A.N.B.O.C.
I can't deal with that image, Claus. I want to believe it's anything but blood.
One of my girlfriends was telling me about the tradition of giving gold jewelry to the bride in India. One of the more practical reasons (other than passing down precious heirlooms) was to provide the woman with some form of wealth that could be drawn upon in case her husband died. Women married into the husband''s family and were taken under their care, so the jewelry could serve as a support for the wife in case of hardship. This gives the diamond engagement ring a whole other level of "I love you" ie. I love you enough to see that you will be provided for even after I am gone. How sweet. Now, if that ring was a processor, and considering the depreciation of such items, well, I don't think I'd be having one of those!

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

they seem synonymous with fur; an ostentatious display of wealth / power the whole fact that many people may have died or will die through the market seems to make them glow ever so more evilly. People do not "die through the market", diamonds like any other raw material are a source of money. That money can be used for good or bad, the fact is that oil is the cause of more death and conflict than diamonds. Most of the diamonds you see in shops are mined by machines, and never touch human hands until they are polished, and even this process is mechanized now (in Belgium, most small diamonds are polished by hand in India). Diamond has a bad rep because it is as you say, "ostentatious". I would prefer to use the word "visible". What you (one) need(s) to worry about are the things that are causing problems that are invisible, not the ones that are easy to spot, rather small in scale and which draw attention to themselvs because of envy. As for the whole fur business, lets think about this for a minute. As a proportion of the animals that are slaughtered for food and leather each day, the fur industry is absolutely miniscule. Once again, people focus on it because fur used by "the rich". It would be much more sensible to attack the bigger and more prevalalent problem of cow pig and chicken slavery rather than the easy, jealousy motivated target of fur. The same goes for foxhunting; its easy to attack, you attack the rich when you attack hunting, and basically its a career / hobby for life, gets you out into the countryside and allows you to hide from reality. These anti fur / hunt sab people would (have) be(en) far better off working to eliminate poverty in the UK; now that is a hard, and real task , that would take decades to solve and would involve absolute entanglement with reality. The facts are appaling. What is even more appalling is that so many people can put millions man hours of resources into animal welfare when human beings right here in the UK are going without food heat and clothes. The priorities of these people are completely upside down. Let me spell it out for you; humans first, animals second, both top priority.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

it's 7pm till late at "public life" which is 82commercial street ,opposite spitalfields market , next to the big church, 3 pounds to get in (tell people to arrive early as its only a small venue) , also palying is freeform (dj set) and matt wand (ex stock hausen and walkman) is the site cheerio phill - this key board is wack , excuse typing errors
So beautiful, these feelings, like a satori moment almost... you forget your age, forget your conditioned behaviour, and suddenly the world is both irrelevant and totally there.... I was at the lake this summer, lying on the dock, we had been swimming all day, and a damselfly flew by. I called and put out my finger, and don't you think s/he landed? Magic!

Monday, August 25, 2003


>Hello Cycling '74 Customers, > >We've finally finished the Windows version of Max/MSP. Your patience has >been greatly appreciated, and we hope it will be worth the wait if you're a >Windows user. > > product page > download page

Friday, August 22, 2003

7 days, an "in place upgrade", and 11,005 emails later...

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Mars Orbiter Camera Target Request Site Geekalicious. Check the instructions, and if you are still game, I am impressed. I wish I had a telescope. Mars is bright red and shining in the South Eastern sky right now. Incredible. Has anyone peeked at it through a 'scope yet? You must tell me about it!

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

The blackout last thursday was pretty wild here in NYC. I walked down my 33 flights of stairs to a street full of pedestrians making their ways home in the gorgeously hot weather. People took the streets over from the cars as our foot power got us a hell of alot farther, a hell of alot faster. I walked my 5.6 miles home across the roadway of the manhattan bridge with thousands of others. And there were stars to be seen over NYC for the first time in a LONG while that night. All told, an interesting experience. More interesting: POWER OUTAGE TRACED TO DIM BULB IN WHITE HOUSE --- The Tale of The Brits Who Swiped 800 Jobs From New York, Carted Off $90 Million, Then Tonight, Turned Off Our Lights

Saturday, August 16, 2003
for some reason. There is nothing in this world like a good dog. Bad news.
THE GOLDEN MEAN GAUGE To examine the validity of the fascinating Golden Proportion quickly and easily, an instrument, the GOLDEN MEAN GAUGE was developed to demonstrate this proportion. The gauge shows that the numerous major landmarks on the moth's wing are in the Golden Proportion.

Friday, August 15, 2003

French Heat Wave Overloads Cemeteries Friday August 15, 2003 7:49 PM By ANGELA DOLAND Associated Press Writer PARIS (AP) - Gravediggers were called back to work on a national holiday Friday to deal with the grim aftermath of a heat wave that left up to 3,000 dead in France. With morgues full, authorities took over the vast storeroom of a Paris farmers' market or kept bodies in refrigerated tents - as temperatures subsided throughout Europe, ending one of the most severe periods of intense heat on record across the continent. Morgues and cemeteries have been overwhelmed in the heat wave, which the health minister called ``a true epidemic.'' A Paris regional funeral official said families would likely have to wait 10-15 days to have relatives buried. ``We're explaining the situation to families,'' said Hugues Fauconnet of General Funeral Services, the country's largest undertaker. ``Our most important mission is to preserve the dignity of the deceased.'' Funeral officials claimed the 43,000 square-foot refrigerated storage area of the Paris area's wholesale market in the suburb of Rungis. They planned to place bodies on army cots. Complicating matters for burials: Many priests were away on summer vacation in predominantly Roman Catholic France, which all but shuts down during August. Doctors have said many victims, who were generally elderly, died of dehydration heat stroke in the punishing heat wave that has gripped Europe, where many homes and offices lack air conditioning. Throughout Europe, temperatures settled back to normal Friday. At times, the mercury had hovered around 100 degrees, fanning forest fires and devastating livestock and crops. Thunderstorms cooled Switzerland on Friday, while in the Netherlands, temperatures were down to 68 degrees. The heat eased in Germany, though officials were still on watch for fires. France's political climate still simmered with accusations the government didn't do enough to prevent the crisis. Despite warnings from emergency room doctors, Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin waited until Wednesday to order Paris hospitals to prepare more beds and call health care workers back from vacation. If the government had acted sooner, ``many lives could have been saved,'' Patrick Pelloux, head of the association for French emergency hospital physicians, told Le Parisien newspaper. Former Health Minister Claude Evin, a Socialist, also accused the center-right government for waiting too long. Health Minister Jean-Francois Mattei toured a hospital Friday in the suburb of Longjumeau that set up a refrigerated tent to store bodies. ``We're on maximum alert,'' said Mattei, who has denied allegations of foot-dragging. ``The crisis is not over.'' Friday was a Roman Catholic holiday, the feast of the Assumption, and most of France had a long weekend. The Paris mayor's office authorized cemetery personnel to stay on the job. If the preliminary French figures of up to 3,000 deaths holds, the death toll would be among the highest in recent years, officials at the World Health Organization in Geneva said. About 2,600 heat-related deaths were recorded in India five years ago, and roughly 500 people died from heat-related causes in 1995 in Chicago, according to WHO experts. No other European countries reported deaths anywhere near the scale of those in France. Spain, for example, has recorded 42. Germany and Italy haven't issued figures on heat-related deaths, saying such figures are difficult to come by because heat may be just one factor contributing to a person's death. The Guardian
If you want to backdial, please email me.
You guessed wrong.
Taken today, under Hammersmith Flyover. Deal with it.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Eigenradio plays only the most important frequencies, only the beats with the highest entropy. If you took a bunch of music and asked it, "Music, what are you, really?" you'd hear Eigenradio singing back at you. When you're tuned in to Eigenradio, you always know that you're hearing the latest, rawest, most statistically separable thing you can possibly put in your ear. It's utterly fascinating. I would love to hear a high resolution (128k), stereo stream of it. Who gets the royalties?
My copy of "Quantum" arrived in the post yesterday. I have not heard it yet. Someone is responsible.

Sunday, August 10, 2003

You Are Lust
You are Lust. Every part of you screams "Do me now!"
You exude sexuality and while others sometimes
view you as a slut, you see yourself as only
giving into your base desires.

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, August 08, 2003

You Are Beauty
You are Beauty. You are beautiful, whether it be on the inside, the
outside, or both. People are drawn to you as
strongly as you are drawn to the beauty in the
world around you.

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla I am sensing a theme here... Thanks Mary, that was a fantastic game. :) I know, it is super. So lush. I need to play it again ...
that flash game was SO much fun, Mary13. Really helped my Friday post-lunch slowdown. (can't wait to get this weekend started... tonight: 8� on the big screen!)
You Are Beauty
You are Beauty. You are beautiful, whether it be on the inside, the
outside, or both. People are drawn to you as
strongly as you are drawn to the beauty in the
world around you.

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Thats BEAUTYON to you Q-zilla!
save the planet

Your Politics Are Boring As Fuck

Wow, captain. That reminds me of this band/secret organization called Operation Reinformation that I used to dig in the mid-late 90s. They write their own software to turn their computer keyboards into sample triggering devices and then played them live like guitars (with straps and poses, &c). This is the only picture I could find online: You can download the software from their site. The music can sometimes be amazing. Sometimes terrible.

Flash mobs - The face of The Mass

"It works because there is no ideological point behind it," said Zee, the 40-year-old Londoner behind the capital crowd-puller.[...] Meanwhile, mobbers continue to amuse and bewilder people all over the world, and the debate continues whether the mass of people that stands out from the crowd is a form of performance art or a new social movement. [...] "According to their imaginary representation, the masses drift somewhere between passivity and wild spontaneity, but always as a potential energy, a reservoir of the social and od social energy; today a mute referent, tomorros, when they speak up and cease to be the "silent majority", a protagonist of history" From "In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities" by Jean Baudrillard. Get this book, and read it. You will be astonished at its precise dovetail with Flash Mobs.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Live in the States? Do this now! National Do Not Call Registry
I cut out almost all softdrinks years ago in favor of the best nature has to offer. I adore my 2L or so of H2O consumed daily. Recently reading about the myriad problems dehydration causes in human. And how many humans are deydrated and don't even know it. Your Body's Many Cries for Water But besides water, I've become quite addicted to Odwalla (also pretty expensive). I gulp down at least one a day (with a tablespoon or two of flax seed oil thrown in for good measure) of the C Monster or the Mango Tango.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

I switched off SoulSeek some months ago and have been flailing about in Kazaa land since. But I just downloaded the SoulSeek 149 client and will try to find JPaul23. I would love to listen to those Lol Coxhill duets. Are you sharing on SoulSeek, too?
Getting super excited about Basil Kirchin I came came across this top ten list: Musique Concr�te Smash Hits by Drew Daniel of The Soft Pink Truth and Matmos Hey, everybody knows that top ten lists are bunk. You don't need a degree in Bourdieu studies to know that canon-building and canon-tweaking are inevitably relative and contingent exercises, but it's just plain fun to rant about things you like. And I heart musique concr�te. This genre gets a bad rap-- calling to mind a bunch of white guys in suits who use clunky gear to spew out supposedly revolutionary and certainly unlistenable bloops and fnnrts that actually amount to so much dreary audio-lint. Well, fuck you. I could bend over backwards trying to make musique concr�te sound sexy and relevant by arguing that Timbaland's use of a baby crying as a riff in Aaliyah's "Are you That Somebody?" was musique concr�te, or that Missy's backwards chorus is musique concr�te; that basically any kind of music that uses sound as raw material to be manipulated and reshaped is already musique concr�te. But I won't bother, because I happen to LOVE those white guys in their suits and ties. So my list starts off with them, and then switches gears as the techniques and methodologies of musique concr�te become decadent and ingrown and start to infect other genres and mutate in new directions. It was tough picking my faves out from all of the also-rans and borderline cases. Stockhausen's Kontakte, all of Parmegiani's work, Klaus Fessmann's Isn't It Strange in the Cage?, and Takemitsu's film soundtracks certainly belong to the tradition; while Faust's The Faust Tapes, The Art of Noise's "Close to the Edit", Glenn Gould's radio documentaries and Mass Media, Meat Beat Manifesto's Storm the Studio EP, Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock, Nurse with Wound circa Sylvie and Babs Hi-Fi Companion, Negativland, Public Enemy, and People Like Us all arguably build upon it in new ways. Anyway, enough throat clearing, here goes my rundown of ten must-have musique concr�te records.
That is a fantastic book resource, Josh. How handy. I would send you my copy, Alun, but I gave it away already. Jeff Noon appears to be elusive as well. But I've only gone to the used bookstores, and there are none about, so I can only deduce that his books are cherished treasures. I've just started Salman Rushdie The Ground Beneath Her Feet, oh its wonderful. I am rationning myself, not to read too quickly, I want to spend some time with these people ... Islets = eyelets???

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

I found about 30 copies of Not Wanted On The Voyage by Timothy Findley on ABE.

Friday, August 01, 2003

O! man does it harsh my mellow when the music cuts off in medias res. All hail Vibracathedral Orchestra!