Friday, July 30, 2004
History repeats itself
Here's a related message: And this disclosure may provide another reason to refuse to answer any questions in the census not authorized by the U.S. Constitution: -Declan --- DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY OBTAINED DATA ON ARAB AMERICANS FROM CENSUS BUREAU ----------------------- Documents Obtained under Freedom of Information Act Raise Questions About Use of Census Data ----------------------- EPIC Calls for Congressional Investigation WASHINGTON, DC - The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a public interest organization in Washington DC, has obtained documents revealing that the Census Bureau provided the Department of Homeland Security statistical data on people who identified themselves on the 2000 census as being of Arab ancestry. The special tabulations were prepared specifically for the law enforcement agency. There is no indication that the Department of Homeland Security requested similar information about any other ethnic groups. One tabulation shows cities with 1,000 or more people who indicated they are of Arab ancestry. For each city, the tabulation provides total population, population of Arab ancestry, and percent of the total population that is of Arab ancestry. A second tabulation, more than a thousand pages in length, shows the number of census responses indicating Arab ancestry in certain zip codes throughout the United States. The responses are subdivided into Egyptian, Iraqi, Jordanian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Palestinian, Syrian, Arab/Arabic, and Other Arab. The tabulations apparently contain information about United States citizens, as well as individuals of Arab descent whose families have lived in the United States for generations. The heavily redacted documents show that in April 2004, a Census Bureau analyst e-mailed a Department of Homeland Security official and said, "You got a file of Arab ancestry information by ZIP Code Tabulation Area from me last December (2003). My superiors are now asking questions about the usage of that data, given the sensitivity of different data requests we have received about the Arab population." The same day, a Department of Homeland Security Customs and Border Protection official e-mailed the analyst to explain, "At U.S. International airports, U.S. Customs posts signage informing various nationalities of the U.S. Customs regulations to report currency brought into the US upon entry . . . . My reason for asking for U.S. demographic data is to aid the Outbound Passenger Program Officer in identifying which language of signage, based on U.S. ethnic nationality population, would be best to post at the major International airports." During World War II, the Census Bureau provided statistical information to help the War Department round up more than 120,000 innocent Japanese Americans and confine them to internment camps. EPIC Executive Director Marc Rotenberg said today, "the Department of Homeland Security has compromised the mission of the Census Bureau with this improper request for information about Arab Americans. The census requires the trust and cooperation of the American public." EPIC Staff Counsel Marcia Hofmann said, "The Census Bureau should not become one-stop shopping for law enforcement agencies. It's time for Congress to step in and make sure this is not repeated." ABOUT EPIC EPIC is a recognized leader in the use of the Freedom of Information Act to obtain information about government policy on emerging issues. In the past year, EPIC's Freedom of Information work resulted in significant disclosures about the Total Information Awareness program, passenger screening developments, and the growing number of privacy complaints that consumers have sent to federal agencies. These documents have been the subject of Congressional hearings and news reports across the country. The documents obtained by EPIC from the Census Bureau are available at: For more information about census privacy, see EPIC's Census Privacy Page: _______________________________________________ Politech mailing list Archived at Moderated by Declan McCullagh ( you have yet another example of why people do not fill out Census forms. You would have to be pretty stupid to fill one out after reading about the times they have used Census data to round up people. We dont have to look at the obvious hot potato European examples, this one will do fine. and this guy has it right.
wang eruption
Unreal life: Polychaetes
- 'This introductory section is succeeded by the detailed comparisons, which are not only excellently illustrated but complemented by a handsome set of colour pictures.' -Geological Magazine
- 'Whilst the core of the book is systematic, the overview at the beginning of the book is concise and invaluable.' -Geological Magazine
- 'In this magnificent volume Greg Rouse and Fredrik Pleijel present a masterly, fascinating and encyclopaedic summary on this important group of animals.' -Geological Magazine
- '[This book] is very well presented, with a swag of coloured photographs taken of live animals, some lovely micrographs of this amazing group of animals and line drawings for each family.' -Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
- 'A book of this nature was clearly an enormous undertaking, and the authors are to be congratulated on the final product ... will be of immense value to anyone intending to study, or currently investigating, Africa's rich polychaete fauna.' -African Zoology
- '... chapters are informative and are excellent as a quick reference for information on any taxon. If more detail is needed, readers will find the text well referenced.' -African Zoology
Rouse provides unprecedented coverage of polychaete diversity. Lavishly illustrated, including colour plates, the beauty and variety of polychaetes has nowhere been better shown.
This proves it
Government databases The MPs express concerns about the proliferation of official databases - the overlap between the registrar general's proposed population register, called the Citizen Information Project, and the ID cards database. MPs say there is no coordination here, but also warn against a government database of all information. But the ID card database should be comprehensive enough to mean that no more than one government-issued card is needed.,3605,1272206,00.htmlProves that the all-party group of MPs who wrote this have no clear understanding of what they were asked to look into. They dont understand that the single number attached to a person is the key danger in an ID card scheme, and that many of the concerns flow from this one "feature". Of course, even an ID card without this feature is still unnaceptable, simply because it will be continually demanded innapropriately. Look at this:
They have your number As a privacy watchdog bestows its latest awards for super-snoopers, Mark Oliver looks at a powerful new surveillance system being rolled out at service stations Thursday July 29, 2004 For the stream of shoppers driving into the supermarket petrol station just outside Bradford, the CCTV camera has been such a familiar sight it may as well have been invisible.<> My emphasis on the last paragraph. Clearly there are some people for whom the light is turning on. Its clear that this is precisely what will happen. You will drive into a petrol station forecourt, and then by the time you are ready to pay, the man at the till will have all three of your credit cards already set to pay your bill for you, because he subscribes to ten different companies that together contain every bit of information about you. >But from this month, it is not just fuel-dodgers who the camera is there to monitor; up to 3,000 number plates an hour from the forecourt will now be fed into a police database.
In theory, the camera in the Sainsbury's forecourt, in the Greengates area of Bradford, is meant to recognise people who have previously not paid for fuel and vehicles with warrants on them. But, for the first time, it will provide police with a round-the-clock "intelligence" feed, a spin-off from the project that has raised concerns among civil liberties campaigners.
The pilot scheme, which uses the latest automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) technology, was launched in Bradford, West Yorkshire, three weeks ago and will be rolled out to a further six petrol stations. Two garages are already using the cameras and all 53 stations in the Bradford area have been invited to take part. One stumbling block to a 100% take-up is that the garages have to pay �5,000 for the cameras while the only outlay from the police is a small support team to channel them information.
The scheme is the latest example of how, in the post-September-11 world, ANPR is being used increasingly nationwide as Britain's reliance on surveillance grows. On average, Londoners can each expect to be monitored on as many as 300 CCTV cameras a day as they go about their business. [...]
Undeniably, ANPR can be effective. In an earlier pilot scheme involving 23 police forces, including West Yorkshire, between summer last year and April this year, APNR accounted for more than 10,000 arrests.
The technology emerged to combat Irish republican terrorism, when the city of London demanded its deployment after the 1993 Bishopsgate bombing. An early incarnation of ANPR was used in the capital as part of the "ring of steel" thrown around the City of London in 1997.
West Yorkshire police say the petrol station project is intended to stop what is known as "bilking", using a fuel pump and then driving off without paying. But they also say it is a "valuable source of intelligence". [...]
He says: "The Police Information Technology Organisation [which liases with forces about the use of technology] has policy documents saying how in the future they want ANPR to be everywhere. They will use it to police uninsured drivers, or those who have not paid road tax."
Of the Bradford scheme, he says: "It's total overkill to monitor everyone's registration to catch a tiny proportion of people not paying. Is it necessary? They already have CCTV cameras where they can record vehicles' number plates, or staff can take them down. This is the kind of scheme the Big Brother awards are for."
Mr Brown says that, in the past 15 years, the Home Office has spent huge sums on CCTV, but a study by the crime reduction charity Nacro found the technology only reduced crime by 3% to 4%, while better street lighting led to a decrease of 20%. [...]
A spokesman for the information commissioner's office, which enforces the data protection legislation, says: "We don't want to get in the way of the police doing their jobs. We only have concerns if CCTV cameras are being used illegitimately."
"For example you could not have the boss of a shop take CCTV footage of you and then cross reference that with a loyalty card to build up a profile of you," he says. [...],7369,1271120,00.html
A unique number attached to you is the key to joined up government, joined up commerce and complete surveillance.
The fact that a very few people steal drops of petrol in Bradford is not a reason to create a surveillance system that connect to the Police. All they need to do to stop people stealing gas is to put up an automatic barrier, similar to the ones that M&S and Tesco use to protect their car parks. Its simple. You have to collect a ticket to leave the station with your petrol. You get this ticket when you pay for your petrol. If you do not have a ticket, your car cannot exit.
The simple solutions are the best. Of course, the simple solutions are not what the ANPR system sellers want to sell. They have to pile in secondary uses (often connected to the irrational fear of terrorism) so that they look more attractive than they really are.
What is going to happen is this; one day, in what will seem like a spontaneous event, all the systems that are being rolled out, both privately and publicly will be connected by the convergence of top level services and government meaning that anything you do, from walking out of your house to buying a newspaper, will be knowable. Of course, the people who will benefit from this will be anyone that can afford the subscription fees to these services (the word subscription also means "bribe") and everyone else will be in the dark. Before you go anywhere, everything about you will be known; they will onlly ask you questions to see if you lie, not to find out any fact about you. When people know everything about you, you live in an enviornment in which you are owned. Everything you do, and by that I mean the knowledge of it and record of it, belongs to you. When people capture data from you and sell it, they are literally stealing from you, and it is a sort of theft that is more than someone stealing �5 from your pocket. When people steal your personal data, they steal something that gives power to other people; power to control and manipulate you and your interactions with the world. This power over you acts like a prison, where you are not free to interact in a non compromised way with anyone. Without these systems, you are free to travel without consequence, you are free to read without consequence, you are free to choose what you want to eat, see and listen to, all without consequence. As soon as these systems are put in place, and they reach the point of critical mass where everything is knowable, you cannot do anything without there being a consequence. You might buy The Guardian. This will be known. Someone with whom you are going to interact will be able to know this, and that will contaminate your interaction, especiall if this person has a low regard for Guardian readers, or pr0n surfers, or Greenpeace contributors, or people who have worked for $you name the company. Before you say "Greenpeace would never reveal who is in their database" thiink about this; anyone who sends Greenpeace money electronically, say by Direct Debit, is compromised; the database that controls your Direct Debits will have your number on it, which will be tied to your name, and of course, HMG will have access to this, so they will know that you contribute to Oxfam AND Greenpeace. All it takes is one person with access to HMG systems for this information to leak out into "Grey Databases", which will be everywhere, run by private detective firms and the like. Anyone will be able to "subscribe" to them. Nothing will be able to escape this network of systems, not a single fact, and the scenario that I gave above is the hard way that grey databases will be filled up with your private information; compromised or incorectly configured systems (anything running an M$ OS) will be routinely raided; this information will be worth its weight in gold. People all over the world will be attacking these machines night and day. It is better that these systems, which do not solve the problems they are being rolled out for, are not created in the first place. This jail that they are making, this invisible bubble from which you will not be able to escape, unless you completely remove your physical body from the country covered by this system, will be an unprecedented nightmare. The British will be living like the East Germans did under the STASI, only much worse. Everyone will be second guessing their every move, as they realise that everything they do has an immediate and eternally fixed consequence and impact on their lives. People who publish will be constantly self censoring, people who buy publications will be wondering if its is an appropriate purchase. And so on. Only the most stupid of people thinks that this is a good idea, and we certainly should not wait and see if it all comes together like this or not. We should not take the risk. We should not trust the motives of the people who are advocating these plans. They must be rejected absolutely, nothing less will do, and anything less would not be British!Thursday, July 29, 2004
Who do you love?
dnc speech
NO2ID Strikes back
---------------------------------------------------------------------- You have received this message from the FIPR Bulletin mailing list run by the Foundation for Information Policy Research ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FIPR is forwarding this press release on behalf of the coalition Please note that the contact email is NOT! FIPR ---------- Forwarded message ---------- ID Cards Report: Reaction ============================================ EMBARGO: 00:01, FRIDAY 30TH JULY 2004 ============================================ Civil liberties groups and privacy campaigners have called upon David Blunkett to shleve his plans for a national identity card in the wake of today's damning report from the Home Affairs Select Committee. A coalition of anti-ID card groups has pledged to defeat the proposals in Parliament should a Bill be put forward later this year. With senior Cabinet Ministers including Jack Straw and Patricia Hewitt known to be opposed to Blunkett's Plan, campaigners believe that if legislation can be held up until after the General Election, the ID cards may never see the light of day. Mark Littlewood, national co-ordinator of the NO2ID Coalition said: "The more people hear about ID cards, the less they like them. With opinion polls showing that around 3.5million adults would refuse to carry a card, the government needs to ask itself exactly how many more enemies it can afford to make. Proposals for national identity cards should be sheleved immediately and permanently." Dr. Ian Brown, Director of FIPR (Foundation for Information Policy Research) - a supporter of no2id - said: "The committee has raised a whole series of very grave concerns about the scheme. ID cards won't tackle terrorism, won't cut fraud and won't reduce crime. The government's plans are an expensive and dangerous folly." ID cards expert, Owen Blacker of internet privacy group Stand said: "This report should cause the Home Secretary to rethink. Not only do ID cards present a very real threat to individual privacy, but they would be a technological disaster. The government's record on IT porjects is truly awful. If they press ahead, people should brace themselves for this running way over budget and experiencing major malfunctions." For further information or to arrange interviews, please contact: Mark Littlewood - 07974 569 299 Ian Brown - 07970 164 526 Simon Davies - 07958 466 552 [END] Note to Editors: 1 - The No2ID coalition is an organization with a broad membership of individuals and supported by several organizations, including Liberty, Charter88, FIPR, and Privacy International. 2- More information about no2id can be found at [END] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you a Friend of FIPR yet? Receive daily updates on information policy stories and events -> --------------------------------------------------------------------Join No2ID right now.
Looking up
Barack Obama, running unopposed for the U.S. Senate from Illinois, wowed 'em. Speech, video, homepage are all here.Snagged from a blog found via Politics.tehcnorati. the bbc chimes in with what we REALLY want to know about:
Mr Obama was an early critic of the Iraq war, speaking out against the prospect of war several months before the March 2003 invasion.
When he addressed Democrats in Boston, he praised the men and women serving in Iraq, and said more should be done to financially support the families of those killed.
"When we send our young men and women into harm's way, we have a solemn obligation not to fudge the numbers or shade the truth about why they're going, to care for their families while they're gone, to tend to the soldiers upon their return, and to never ever go to war without enough troops to win the war, secure the peace, and earn the respect of the world," he said. [...] Hmmm he is a lawyer; was it illegal or not. We need a legal opinion, ANY opinion. This is worrying: WELL thinks me, where is the list of Kerry's policys online, how hard can it be to find a simple list of them? "Lets find out"what Google says: :: John Kerry for President - Foreign Policy :: File not found!!! Google cache lives. and cherry picking:But despite Mr Clinton's endorsement, opinion polls suggested a decline in voter support for the White House challenger.
Only 46% backed him against 48% for Mr Bush, said a Washington Post/ABC poll. Respondents said they did not know enough about Mr Kerry's policies.
Winning the Peace in Iraquh oh.
uh oh spaghettios. lets comb throug the LIVE pages. We find under the "plans>>National Security" section:Plan to Restore American Security in Honor of Pearl Harbor Day Plans to Enhance Intelligence, Improve Port Security
On September 11, 2001, America was again struck by a surprise attack from a hidden enemy, and again we paid a terrible price. This time, however, the President's response was very different. Where President Roosevelt sought answers, President Bush has sought to avoid blame, repeatedly stonewalling the 9/11 Commission and Congressional efforts to understand the intelligence mistakes that led up to September 11th. In fact, the Bush Administration has not even completed the National Intelligence Review mandated at the beginning of the Administration. Nor has the Bush Administration taken the necessary steps to improve homeland security by making our ports safer.
Modernize The World's Most Powerful Military To Meet New Threats John Kerry and John Edwards have a plan to transform the world's most powerful military to better address the modern threats of terrorism and proliferation, while ensuring that we have enough properly trained and equipped troops to meet our enduring strategic and regional!
Deploy All That Is In America's Arsenal The war on terror cannot be won by military might alone. As president, John Kerry will deploy all the forces in America's arsenal - our diplomacy, our intelligence system, our economic power, and the appeal of our values and ideas - to make America more secure and prevent a new generation of terrorists from no!
Free America From Its Dangerous Dependence On Mideast Oil To secure our full independence and freedom, we must free America from its dangerous dependence on Mideast oil. By tapping American ingenuity, we can achieve that goal while growing our economy and protecting our environment.Very sexy, very intelligent. Last on the list. Under "Homeland Security": (note, this post /concept shouldnt even exist and should be abolished)
Track And Stop Terrorists Many of the intelligence problems that allowed terrorists to slip into our country before 9/11 have not been addressed. John Kerry and John Edwards will improve our ability to gather, analyze, and share information so we can track down and stop terrorists before they cause! you cant track and stop terrorists without tracking and stopping everyone. And they certainly know this. If they dont, they should not be in office. Its amazing that they can understand that the dependence on foreign oil is deadly, but not understand that this false war on terror is equally deadly, to the very core of what america is. Fools! My emphasis btw. Those two words, which translate to "joined up government" are the death of liberty.
Protect Our Borders And Shores Today, our borders, our ports, and our airports are not as secure as they must be. John Kerry and John Edwards will make our airports, seaports, and borders more secure without intruding upon personal liberties.Sounds good, HOW are you going to do this?
Harden Vulnerable Targets Chemical industry lobbying has kept the Bush administration from strengthening security at chemical plants, where an attack could endanger 1 million Americans. John Kerry and John Edwards will always put Americans' safety ahead of big business interests and take strong measures to harden likely targets-including nuclear plants, trains, and subways-against possible attack.Fortress America? Insane!
Improve Domestic Readiness Our first defenders will respond to any attack with courage and heroism-but they also need the equipment and manpower to do the job. John Kerry and John Edwards will back up their words with resources and ensure that America's first responders have everything they need to protect their communities."More Fear" This doesnt sound very good does it?
Guard Liberty. We must always remember that terrorists do not just target our lives - they target our way of life. John Kerry and John Edwards believe in an America that is safe and free, and they will protect our personal liberties as well as our personal security.The next line starts with"By..." But it doesnt. Well, after reading this its no wonder no one in the USA knows what his policies are if these vague soundbytes are all we are being given to go on. Rather than rebutting each one, what we need to se are detailed plans demonstrating an in depth knowledge of cause and effect in the field of foreign policy. What we do NOT want to see is anything like what is on this website, which are not solutoins at all, but what looks very much like business as usual, tweaked. I SAID there would be more didnt I?
barack obama
Pithy comments
Words that I like
Words that I hate
<> I loathe the word "opinionated" especially as it is used in the UK, where more often than not, it refers to anyone that can string a sentence together in English that does not jibe with what is the current group-think. What words I wonder, do YOU hate? >opinionated
\O*pin"ion*a`ted\, a. Stiff in opinion; firmly or unduly adhering to one's own opinion or to preconceived notions; obstinate in opinion. --Sir W. Scott.
What what what?
The cracks begin to widen
The MPs, on the home affairs select committee, stress that they do not oppose ID cards in principle. But they express alarm about what they describe as "function creep" once a national identity register is in place. They warn that ministers are already planning to use the ID card scheme as a cover to introduce a national fingerprint system within five years.
Identities may soon be checkable on the national register from CCTV pictures, they predict.
In the report, due to be published tomorrow but seen by the Guardian, the MPs call for parliament to be given powers to oversee the development of ID cards to prevent them encroaching into new areas.
The report warns that once the cards become compulsory it is conceivable that private companies will be able to demand access to the full information held on an individual on the register as a condition of providing a service. The access is "well in excess of what is justified in the fight against serious crime or terrorism".
What took you so long?
They go on to insist that individuals must have full access to the information about them held on the database.
Someone has "got to them" obviously. Perhaps their computer literate children have demonstrated to them just how Google works, then made them imagine Google as the front end to this database. That should scare the shite out of any sane person.They also warn that the technology involved in biometric testing - implanting a digital facial or fingerprint record into the ID card - is unproven. It is uncomfortable for the individual, and may not prove reliable without highly trained staff.
"There should be exhaustive testing of the biometrics chosen and the results assessed by independent experts, perhaps led by the government's chief scientific officer," the Labour-controlled committee says. Initial tests show as many as one in 100 matches are incorrect.
And they have probably caught wind of the sort of world this biometric noonsense creates; thanks to the immoral debacle that is USVISIT, we can see just how such a system will abuse and injure every ordinary person subjected to it on a daily basis.
The select committee's scepticism was echoed yesterday by a leading academic, Dr Farzin Deravi, who runs a re search group on biometrics at the University of Kent. "People get the impression biometrics are ready for large scale deployment, but there are still many unresolved issues and challenges," he said.
Despite their criticisms, the MPs are clear that the Home Office should proceed with the cards because of "their significant role in fighting terrorism", adding that there is no overwhelming constitutional objection to a compulsory scheme.
Did I say this before? During the IRA era, the Irish, who are for all intents and purposes invisible in the UK, could come and go as they pleased. No one talked about fingerprinting all the Irish, or the British for that matter, and the IRA problem was put to bed without this great country being brought to its knees, or being changed beyond all recognition. The British will not fall for this war on terror double talk; they know how to conduct themselvs, and how to properly protect their way of life; fingerprinting everyone and subjecting them to ID cards is not how it is done....because it is not the done thing.
Mr Blunkett said at the weekend he was "really very pleased with the kind of support we're getting ... over 80% in all focus group and opinion polls now saying that people are up for this".
bwa hahahahahahah hahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!
Two MPs, Labour's David Winnick and Bob Russell of the Liberal Democrats, will issue a minority report rejecting ID cards altogether. [...],11026,1271351,00.html
David Winnick is an interesting chap; I wonder where they are going to publish this "Minority Report". Ha ha for the name boys.
Show and tell
This is what it looks like
Another government scam heaped upon the public. The "diverse and qualified (sic)" 9/11 Commission is made up of a lawyer, a lawyer, a lawyer, a career politician, a lawyer, a college president, a lawyer, a former secretary of the Navy, a lawyer and a lawyer. Not a single authority on terrorism. Not one FBI, CIA or police expert. Not even an individual immersed in Middle East politics. No wonder their opinions are rather hackneyed. A group of intelligent teenagers could have arrived at very similar conclusions for virtually every incident from Pearl Harbor to the Kennedy assassination. Government waste at its very best, with the purpose being to deflect blame away from Congress and the true culprits. In life, "stuff happens." Unfortunately, it is trial lawyers like John Edwards who have given our society an excuse for everything. The words "accident" and "unpreventable" are being removed from our lexicon. Instead, blame, fault, "I want to get paid" or "Let's create a new government bureaucracy" have become Washington's false gods. Commissioners/Counselors Hamilton, Ben-Veniste, Fielding, Gorelick, Gorton, Roemer and Thompson all believe their legal expertise has made America safer. Among the remaining three non attorney commissioners, only former Secretary of the Navy Lehman seems qualified. Messrs. Kerry and Hamilton actually walked out on the President and Vice President during testimony at the White House, because they probably had more important things to do. Yet this "diverse" Commission ultimately concluded, "With dismay, we think more could have been done since 9/11 to detect and defeat terrorist plots." What more could possibly have been accomplished, with no successful attacks on American soil? [...] to a lurker for emailing this to me. There are people out there with a full deck, a keyboard and some grapefruits.
preaching to the converted
ongoing political stuff
Wednesday, July 28, 2004 - The O'Reilly Factor - Moore: Bush 'Didn't Tell the Truth'
BLOGDIAL : We are the best
The facts
Talk is cheap
Now let me be clear. We have real enemies in the world. These enemies must be found. They must be pursued and they must be defeated. John Kerry knows this. And just as Lieutenant Kerry did not hesitate to risk his life to protect the men who served with him in Vietnam, President Kerry will not hesitate one moment to use our military might to keep America safe and secure.Now. This sort of totally absurd talk does not inspire one with confidence in the incoming US regime. Amercia has no enemies in the world. That is a fact. The American Government has bitter enemies, and it is that entitiy that is dragging the innocent American population into harms way, the way it did during Kerry's youth. There is no one out there that needs to be "persued and defeated"; everyone in the entire world (including you, as in "But you know this") except American polititians knows this. Perhaps this man should spend some time outside of America to re acquaint himself with the real world. Spain will do; they are now off of the shit list because they, the Spanish population, have the common sense to elect people who will mind Spain's business. You know the song by Bread, the one with the lyric "Dreams are for those who sleep"; well, the Ameican dream sounds like a dream of sleepers when it is spoken about in this way. They had better wake up to the real danger caused by the reckless, racist and insane foerign and internal policy that their government has put into high gear, and elect a government that will put the breaks on and do a u-turn before there is nothing left to save. It would be much more comforting to have a candidate who had refused to go to Viet Nam rather than one that reveled in that pointless and illegal "war" ... beggars cant be choosers. Whatever happens, the entire world will still be faced with an unexposed and untravelled loose cannon congress, a society gripped by xenophobia and extreme paranoia rubber stamping their every misguided vote for aggression, and no real way out in sight. Warm and fuzzy feel good speeches simply will not cut it. The world wants to know the answer to a very simple question; are you going to knock it off?! (bold part translated by babelfish)
George Lakoff tells how conservatives use language to dominate politics
Barack Obama
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Fuck the future
Your calculated health span is 93.4 years. Below, please find the reasoning behind the questions, which you answered that made your score less than it should be:
In time: a thousand, two thousand years.
Find copies of your content on the Web.[...]] I cut and pasted that from another website. I wonder if they will find it? This is going to provide many hours of fun; it works brilliantly, checking for whole chunks of text from your target page, and then highlighting the chunks in a googlesque cache of the "offending" pages.
Let's all live a long and healthy life!
Monday, July 26, 2004
What is it? A Mozilla Firefox 0.9+ browser extension that inserts preview images (thumbnails) of web sites, Amazon products and stock charts into the Google search results page. lasts forever. Get over it.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have received this message from the "FIPR Alert" mailing list run by the Foundation for Information Policy Research ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Great letter replying to the Indie article by our geek-in-residence Steve Coast :) -- Sir: Though some might think otherwise, Elvis is widely believed dead. Therefore I find it hard to give credence to the BPI's whinging that Presley's early works will soon fall out of copyright ("That's not all right, says music business as first rock classic goes out of copyright", 26th July). Copyright is intended to be a balance between allowing an author of a work to make money whilst ensuring others may build on that creativity. This is achieved by conferring rights for a limited term monopoly to an author on condition that the work is released to the publlic domain later. This is no 'loophole' or 'quirk of law'. As Elvis has passed on, it appears clear that the main beneficiary of his work is now BMG. EMI is not being 'exploited' as Sinatra songs fall out of copyright, they were privileged in being given a (very long) amount of time to enjoy a monopoly. They were granted this on condition the public would be later given that work. In effect, they want to go back on that deal. The current trend amoungst intellectual property holders is to demand more rights and longer and retrospective monopoly terms. Indeed, Mickey Mouse should have fallen out of copyright many times. I would suggest that a copyright renewal fee would be far healthier for the public domain. It would allow the vast majority of other work not as famous as Elvis, as well as books and video recordings, to fall in to the public domain. Whilst doing so it allows the poor deprived record bosses to squeeze more money from dead artists. Stephen Coast [Address deleted] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have received this message from the "FIPR Alert" mailing list run by the Foundation for Information Policy Research for all administrative matters, including unsubscribing, please visit or send an explanatory email to------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dame Pauline Neville-Jones strikes back
Poles call 9/11 film 'propaganda'Michael Moore's contentious film Fahrenheit 9/11 has opened in Poland, with some film critics likening it to totalitarian propaganda.Gazeta Wyborcza reviewer Jacek Szczerba called the film a "foul pamphlet".
He said it was too biased to be called a documentary and was similar to work by Nazi propaganda director Leni Riefenstahl.
But politicians opposed to Poland's involvement in the US-led occupation of Iraq have urged people to see the film.
"In criticising Moore, I have to admit that he has certain abilities - Leni Riefenstahl had them too," Mr Szczerba said in his review.
"Michael Moore will not convince Poles with his film," the Rzeczpospolita newspaper said in its review.
'A lot of truth'
"People are very sensitive to aggressive propaganda, especially when it pretends to be an objective documentary or a work of art."
The Polish government has supported the US-led operations in Iraq, and the Poles are in charge of a 6,200-strong force in southern Iraq. More than 2,000 Polish troops are currently serving in Iraq.
"The film contained some propaganda, but there was also a lot of truth in it," Pole Elzbieta Karwinska, 58, said after seeing the film.
"But I see no direct connection between the film and the Polish army in Iraq. I think that Poland is in Iraq for completely different reasons," she said.
This week, an Australian government minister described Moore as "the quintessential ugly American", after the film maker criticised the Australian prime minister's support of US President George Bush, saying: "What is John Howard doing in bed with an idiot?". [...]
This piece is from the BBC; Dame Pauline Neville-Jones has obviously orchestrated the shock troops at the BBC to begin the counter offensive in the Propaganda war that she admits they are loosing.
This story is a typical lie piece, it has no author, so we cannot pull up the person who wrote it or monitor the writers output for extreme nonsense writing. It is an invisible back stab of a knife in the middle of the night, a cowardly, vile, stupid and clumsy piece of nonsense that no one will be disuaded by.
Dame Pauline, if this is the best that you can muster, you are not losing the propaganda war, you have already lost it.
And before we get sucked into your agenda and way of thinking, this is not a propaganda war at all. This is a celluar automaton, game of life, scenario where we have a rule that tries to make the cells lie and spread lies and another rule trying to make cells replicate and spread the truth...ok I guess it IS a war!!!
This is for certain; no article that appears on the BBC TV or Website should ever be published without the name of the author attached to it. This is the only way we can monitor just who taking commands directly from The Dark Dame.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
The data capture begins
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Let Britain be rich
The Tools
Manifesto for the Reputation Society by Hassan Masum and Yi-Cheng Zhang Information overload, challenges of evaluating quality, and the opportunity to benefit from experiences of others have spurred the development of reputation systems. Most Internet sites which mediate between large numbers of people use some form of reputation mechanism: Slashdot, eBay, ePinions, Amazon, and Google all make use of collaborative filtering, recommender systems, or shared judgements of quality. But we suggest the potential utility of reputation services is far greater, touching nearly every aspect of society. By leveraging our limited and local human judgement power with collective networked filtering, it is possible to promote an interconnected ecology of socially beneficial reputation systems - to restrain the baser side of human nature, while unleashing positive social changes and enabling the realization of ever higher goals...
Friday, July 23, 2004
Mozilla extensions
A better representation
From bremen.eduThe Photon Sphere
Mathematically speaking, the photon sphere occurs at 3/2 the Schwarzschild Radius.
The photosphere is a place where light rays can have unstable orbits around the black hole. To have a stable orbit the light ray has to travel at a high velocity (c= 3*10 ^8 m/s) as it gets nearer and nearer to the center of the black hole. As it gets farther from the center it doesn?t need such a high velocity. The farther the ray is from the center of the hole, the less the velocity of the ray. A light ray would have a hard time to keep its constant orbit, as there are other rays colliding with it and changing its velocity and trajectory, thus shifting it either into outer space or straight into the black hole. The idea is that in the photosphere nothing is stable: everything either is drawn at incredible speeds in the interior of the black hole or plunged into space but delayed for a few thousands of years.
Another interesting phenomenon is the movement of space. If one had a source of light, let?s say a reflector, at the black hole, then the light rays would start orbiting the hole. If the ray comes back after one rotation it would hit the reflector. Now if one would have a camera and try to move the camera towards the image forming in front of it, then the image would retreat and shrink. This is because the view of the camera is just like the view someone would have if they were standing behind it. If the camera stands behind the person and he would start moving forward, their image recedes.
Movie: circling the black hole from the photon sphere
Explanation: The apparent position of the photon sphere is easy to spot - it is the apparent dividing line between black hole and sky. Stars approaching the other side of the black hole from your point are greatly magnified and move with high angular speeds. You can only see one star moving very fast and get very brighter, and then another one appears.
"After one passes the event horizon, the obvious question is what happens. At the center of the black hole (actually there is no real center) the singularity plays its role. It is the point where all the mass is condensed at infinite density and zero volume. All objects which pass through the event horizon are then inevitably drawn towards the singularity and they hit it in a very short amount of time.""infinite density and zero volume" The sound of one hand clapping A Loud Egg Brown is the new Black