It was here in 2001 in lower Manhattan that President George W Bush stood amid the fallen towers of the World Trade Center and said to the barbaric terrorists who attacked us: 'They will hear from us.'
The whole reason why you got hit was because they have been hearing from you for decades you idiot!
They have heard from us!
Oh really?!
They heard from us in Afghanistan and we removed the Taliban.
They had nothing to do with 911; you should have made Riahd "hear from you" if you really want to solve this problem.
They heard from us in Iraq and we ended Saddam Hussein's reign of terror.
They had nothing to do with 911; you should have made Riahd "hear from you" if you really want to solve this problem.
They heard from us in Libya and without firing a shot Gaddafi abandoned weapons of mass destruction.
They had nothing to do with 911; you should have made Riahd "hear from you" if you really want to solve this problem. And as for not firing a shot, you killed his daughter and many others you murdering pigs!
They are hearing from us in nations that are now more reluctant to sponsor terrorists.
They all have nothing to do with 911; you are scrupulously avoiding the source country of the real problem, and refusing to take the simple actions that need to be taken to resolve the source of your... disquiet..
So long as George Bush is president, is there any doubt they will continue to hear from us until we defeat global terrorism.
Yes of course. Doubt is the leading thought process when it comes to GWB.
We owe that much and more to those loved ones and heroes we lost on 11 September.
Using the dead like this is a sin, pure and simple.
The families of some of those we lost on 11 September are here with us. To them, and all those families affected by 11 September, we recognise the sacrifices your loved ones and you have made. You are in our prayers and we are in your debt.
A sacrifice is something that a person voluntarily does in an act of selflessness. The people in the twin towers were murdered - by definition their lives were ended involuntarily. You cannot say that they "sacrificed their lives"; its just a lie. And a very disgusting one at that.
From the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, to President George W Bush our party's great contribution is to expand freedom in our own land and all over the world.
More nonsense. What you call "Freedom" is appropriate only for you. By trying to impose it on other people by force, you are asking for nothing but trouble. Keep your flawed ideologies and systems of governance to yourself. If anyone wants to emulate you they will do it willingly. Leas by example, or watch the very system you adore so much be destroyed. This process has already begun; for example, you have secret lists of American citizens who are not allowed to fly in their own country. Not very "American" is it? And all of this is a direct resuld of innapropriate interference in other peoples affairs.
Neither party has a monopoly on virtue.
That should read "Neither monopoly party has a virtue".
On 11 September, this city and our nation faced the worst attack in our history.
Perl Harbor was a much worse attack, with more terrible consequences. It was a true act of war, and not retaliation.
On that day, we had to confront reality. For me, standing below the north tower and looking up and seeing the flames of hell and then realising that I was actually seeing a man, a human being jumping from the 101st or 102nd floor, drove home to me that we were facing something beyond anything we had ever faced before.
The world is facing an president without a brain. An American government without a moral centre. A narcoleptic Amercian populace. This is what we are all facing. And a terrifying and infuriating vision it has been.
President Bush's response in keeping us unified and in turning the ship of state around from being solely on defence against terrorism to being on offence as well and for his holding us together.
Spreading "Freedon" throughout the world is "offence". It is the offence that has caused this attack and the widespread hatred directed at you. You have been on the offensive for decades; this is not new, prudent, effective or rational.
For that and then his determined effort to defeat global terrorism, no matter what happens in this election, President George W. Bush already has earned a place in our history as a great American President.
He has earned a place in history, along with Nixon, Kissinger and the other american war criminals. He will be forever remembered by honest people as a war criminal, a treaty breaker, a puppet of big money, of oil, a corrupt, golf playing, corpse rattling usurper. And we will not forget, or forgive this administration for what it has stolen from America and the world. From Americans he has stolen the rights that were handed down to his generation. He has stolen their place in the world as a generally beloved and aspired to nation.
But let's not wait for history to present the correct view of our President. Let us write our own history.
This is what you and all your other delusional Rebublican cronies do every time you open your mouths; you re-write history again and again and again, and amazingly, some of the American people actually buy it. What will it take for them to realize that their president is the threat?
We need George Bush now more than ever.
The horror, the shock and the devastation of those attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and over the skies of Pennsylvania lifted a cloud from our eyes.
They placed a thick lead helmet over your heads, so that you could neither hear see or smell, and whats more, you are licking the iinside of this helmet, and are being driven insane by lead poisioning.
We stood face to face with those people and forces who hijacked not just airplanes but a religion and turned it into a creed of terrorism dedicated to eradicating us and our way of life.
This is an interesting passage. It is America that is dedicated to eradicating the way of life of anyone that doesnt eat McDonalds and listen to Rock & Roll. This is the stated aim of that administration and party, "to spread freedom all over the world". In places that do not have "Freedom" American wants to eradicate that system. America would fight back if someone tried to turn them into a Communist state, and of course, other states fight back against anyone that would try and change them. Its obvious and clear; leave others to their own devices, live and let live and all your problems will melt away. They will still buy your operating systems and cellular phones (Quallcom and M$ both sell to China without any qualms) why not sell to Iran in the same way, wtihout trying to Americanize them? Because the preception is that they can get away with it..."because its there" .
Terrorism did not start on 11 September, 2001. It had been festering for many years.
Festering? Another lie. Amerca has been sponsoring it, enflaming it, fueling it, participating in it, for decades. But you know this.
And the world had created a response to it that allowed it to succeed. The attack on the Israeli team at the Munich Olympics was in 1972. And the pattern had already begun.
"The world" meaning what exactly? Certainly the UK had a perfect approach to it - do something, but not too much. This is how they managed to control their problem and eventually solve it.. Destroying you r way of life is not the solution.
The three surviving terrorists were arrested and within two months released by the German government.
Action like this became the rule, not the exception.
Because it works. No one believes, except the ignorant American, that a single German life is worth the troubles of any other nation. IT simply is not worthwhile for Germany to risk perpetual and indescriminate attacks because dimwits in some far flung place cant live next door to each other.
Terrorists came to learn they could attack and often not face consequences.
It is the American terrorist state that caame to think that it could meddle in the affairs of other countries without having to face the consequences, and it is YOU that have just learned that there ARE consequences to be faced when you do the bad things tha tyou have been doing for decades. Previously it has not been possible to mount a retaliation, now, anyone can do it, and surprise surprise, they are doing it! If you really think that you can invade someones country and not face the music afterwards you are dreaming.
Some of those terrorist were released and some of the remaining terrorists allowed to escape by the Italian government because of fear of reprisals.
Look at what is happening in France right now. France was against the illegal attack on Iraq, and look at how they are repayed; two of their citoyen are kidnapped because the French pass laws ini their own country that affect their own citizenry. France should not send a single citizen to those places, not spend a single euro on them, completely turn their backs on these unpredictable, ungrateful, irrational and tiresome people and their endless problems.
And so should you!
So terrorists learned they could intimidate the world community and too often the response, particularly in Europe, was "accommodation, appeasement and compromise."
Is this the same "world community" that you serially abuse and disobey?
And worse the terrorists also learned that their cause would be taken more seriously, almost in direct proportion to the barbarity of the attack.
Ummm thats why they do it you country bumpkin!
Terrorist acts became a ticket to the international bargaining table.
Yes indeed, that is now nations are born, America was born that way, and so were Kenya and Isreal. It is a proven strategy, thats why people do it, and will continue to do it until international law works fairly and justly.
How else to explain Yasser Arafat winning the Nobel Peace Prize when he was supporting a terrorist plague in the Middle East that undermined any chance of peace?
America supoported the Taleban and OBL; "terrorism" is a tool, nothing more. People who use tools for peace get the prize. That is the only explanation that is required.
Before 11 September, we were living with an unrealistic view of the world, much like our observing Europe appease Hitler or trying to accommodate ourselves to peaceful co-existence with the Soviet Union through mutually assured destruction.
MAD was not unrealistic, it "worked"! I have to agree with RJ on this one though; America has lived with an unrealistic view of the world, for many many years. And it still does.
And that is enough of that, though there was much more to demolish.
The transcript is right there.
If Irdial is going to focus on NYC, then I shall focus on LONDON... Absolutely do not do that. Focus on what you think is interesting because you think its interesting, not in response or oposite reaction to someone elses posts.