Thursday, September 30, 2004
Do It To It
Terror town
The Unfeeling President
U.S. privacy laws moot US-VISIT data processed outside of USA
Dame Pauline's BBC entreats us not to forget
Q: Does the scheme compromise my privacy?
Well, obviously to the extent that identifying information about you is being gathered and stored. But don't forget that this is one of a number of measures which have been taken on the grounds of national security since the 11 September terrorist attacks.
The European Union earlier this year authorised airlines to hand over information about passengers headed for the US - including addresses, credit cards and e-mail details. Potentially, information about you will be checked against lists of suspected terrorists and criminals before you even set foot in the US. [...]
"Yes" or "No". Is the required answer you disgusting shills.
The Data is held for 100 years.
It is shared with anyone who wants it.
Your privacy is completely violated, and for no good reason.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Guilty until proven innocent; US VISIT
UK wants some bullshit too.
Passport information will be stored electronically |
Project Semaphore is another strand in the government's e-borders scheme to create high-tech border controls.
The £15m scheme will see passenger information stored electronically and linked to databases kept by law enforcers.
The government will combine the e-borders scheme with biometric ID cards to track individuals entering the UK.
Initially the system will target six million passengers a year travelling on a number of international air routes, identified by borders agencies and the police as risky.
Passport information and the passenger details collected when air tickets are booked will be routinely stored electronically.
The details can then be checked against police and intelligent service databases.
"Project Semaphore, which will be underway by the end of the year, is a key first step in putting in place comprehensive electronic analysis of passenger travel data, which will be crucial to being able to register entry and exit without gross inconvenience to passengers," said Home Secretary David Blunkett in a statement.
"Access to information about passengers before they travel will help in the fight against illegal immigration, particularly document and identity abuse. It will also aid law enforcement and counter terrorism," added Immigration Minister Des Browne.
Many countries are concerned with tighter surveillance at their borders in the light of increased terrorist threats.
The UK project is very similar to one being implemented in the US this week.
US-VISIT will collect, assess, process and retain passenger details and biometric information on visitors to the US.
The project has come under fire from privacy and human rights groups.
Head of Privacy International Simon Davies sees great similarities between the two schemes.
Tracking movements
"Project Semaphore appears to be a mini version of the US system for sharing information across borders," he said.
"The motivations appears to be to create a hard outer shell for the country but the purposes extend beyond anti-terrorism and immigration controls," he added.
The fact that the system will be linked to internal databases could potentially allow checks on other things such as criminal or benefits records, he said.
Linking the system to the proposed ID card scheme will create "a seamless identity check, tracking a person at the border and their movements internally", said Mr Davies.
The huge amount of information stored could lead to more people being turned away at the border.
Low risk
"The fate that befell Yusuf Islam (formerly the singer Cat Stevens) will happen to a countless number of other travellers," predicted Mr Davies.
The government is convinced that the system will prove more convenient for travellers and citizens alike.
"Technology will allow us to speed through low risk passengers, helping British business and visitors to the UK," said Mr Browne. [...] Me too bastard copyists.MacCentral: Edirol R-1 records, plays MP3, WAV files
Cab driver wisdom
Edirol R-1 Digital Recorder
Alternatives to Paypal
Rum and Monkey
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Monday, September 27, 2004
Sunday, September 26, 2004
PayPal to fine its users
Beginning Friday, PayPal will begin penalizing users who buy things it doesn't want them to: prescription drugs from unverified pharmacies, material with even a whiff of sex and gambling or lottery services.
On August 23, PayPal gave users via e-mail 30 days' notice that it could levy a fine of $500 on those who violate its acceptable use policies. Its compliance team will strictly enforce the new acceptable use policy to implement the monetary fines on both buyers and sellers who use the transaction service to trade in items the San Jose, Calif.-based company has outlawed.
Those policies prohibit a wide variety of things, from stuffed migratory birds to used airbags. But the user agreement revision singles out those who, despite the transaction platform's best efforts, persist in using it to pay for forbidden goods and services in the mature audiences, prescription drugs and gambling categories.
A PayPal spokesperson said the fines were an evolution of its policy prohibiting these activities; she declined to say what percentage of the service's transactions might engage in barred goods. [...]
Now, how thick do you have to be to not see that the next step is for your government to be able to automagically fine you in a monetary system where there is no cash and only a ubiquitous, government controlled, transparent digital cash? With PayPal you can switch to another provider (and take the risk that your customers wont have it installed, but thats a problem of business momopoly) but with government e-cash there will be no alternative to switch to.
You park in the wrong place, your Oyster is automatically debited. You get caught by a speeding camera, your account is automatically debited. You get caught jaywalking your account is automatically debited. And so on. Of course, they will not care that doing any one of these debits might stop you from being able to buy food that week, and in order to pull it off, local authoriteies, parking atenndants, bus conductors, and just about everyone who works in government will be able to fine you, meaning they have debit access to your account.
If you dont have the money in your account, an arrest warrant is automatically issued. You have to use this same card to travel, so they can sweep you up within hours of your account failing to be debited.
This is the logical consequence of PayPal fining its users for using their own money to buy what they want. If these PayPal users had even one working braincell, they would flee it like ticks fleeing a dead dogs carcasse.
and here is another example:
Paypal has reinstated TalkLeft's account. So, whose advice did I follow? Those of you who said delete the objectionable post, make sure I get my money, then decide whether to leave Paypal. All of your suggestions are very much appreciated. I thought about them all before deciding.
Update: Bill Quick of The Daily Pundit got a similar missive from Paypal. He's angry and has refused to give in and is taking his paypal links down.
************** Original Post 9/23/04
Unbelievable. This e-mail from paypal was in TalkLeft's email box today. Shorter version: TalkLeft's paypal account is restricted because of a link to a beheading video.
We appreciate the fact that you chose PayPal to send and receive payments for your transactions.However, your account has been limited for violating PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy regarding Offensive Material. The Policy prohibits the use of PayPal in the sale of items or in support of organizations that promote hate, violence, or racial intolerance; items which graphically portray violence or victims of violence; or items closely associated with individuals notorious for committing murderous acts within the last 100 years. Further, PayPal prohibits a person convicted of a violent felony, or his relatives or associates, from using PayPal to benefit financially from the convict's criminal notoriety. The complete Acceptable Use Policy addressing Offensive Material can be found at the following URL:
To appeal the limitation on your account, you will need to:
1. Remove those items from your website that violate PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy. For example, any links to obtain the Eugene Armstrong begeading video; and
2. Submit the online Acceptable Use Policy affidavit.
This is not intended to be an all-inclusive review or list of your Internet sites in violation. Furthermore, the violations of the Policy described above are not intended to be an all-inclusive list. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that all transactions comply with the Acceptable Use Policy.
Suggestions for how I should respond? [...]
Bush is a nazi, nazis are Bush, Bush is Bush, the World is Dead
Bush's grandfather helped Hitler
By Suzanne Bohan Bee Correspondent (Published Aug. 2, 1999)
MONTE RIO -- The Bohemian Club's Annual Summer Encampment came to a close here Sunday, ending a two-week retreat for the rich and powerful that President Herbert Hoover once called "the greatest men's party on Earth." The club's famed annual gathering has been held for more than 100 years at the 2,700-acre Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio, about 70 miles north of San Francisco in Sonoma County. This year's event drew in notables such as former President George Bush, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, retired Gen. Colin Powell, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Dow Chemical Chairman Frank Popoff, as well as actor Danny Glover.
The men gather to celebrate what they call "the spirit of Bohemia," said Peter Phillips, a Sonoma State University sociology professor who wrote his doctoral dissertation on the Bohemian Club.
"This is a place men can go and hang out with people who are similar to them," he said.
The annual gathering near the Russian River, which was first held in 1879, starts with the "Cremation of Care" ritual, in which the club's mascot is burned in effigy, symbolizing a freedom from care. Members also perform several plays, and gourmet food and expensive wine are plentiful.
While the club was formed in 1872 by a group of San Francisco journalists, the male-only club now bars journalists from membership to protect the group's privacy. Membership is coveted, and people routinely wait 10 or 15 years before gaining admittance. There are currently about 2,700 members.
The club has drawn criticism for years because of its emphasis on privacy. What particularly concerns Phillips and others are the "Lakeside Talks" held during the summer retreat. This year, Powell was expected to deliver a talk titled "America's Promise Leading Armies and Leading Kids," and Popoff, of Dow Chemical, was to give a speech called "Environmental Journey."
"These are often public policy speeches," said Mary Moore, with Bohemian Grove Action Network, a protest group. "And the American public is not privy to it."
No one from the club returned several calls from The Bee.
Bohemian Grove Action Network has periodically held demonstrations at the grove, although none were held this year.
The point of the protests, Moore said, has been "to let the American public know that what they've learned in civics isn't the full story on how decision-making . . . is made in this country." The Bohemian Club, she said, "is one of the most elite organizations on the planet."
When the group sponsors public policy talks that are held without public scrutiny, "the average American feels left out of the process," she said.
Phillips echoes Moore's objections to the off-the-record nature of the Lakeside Talks.
"These are extremely powerful people and private discussions on policy issues that affect us certainly go against democratic principles," he said. "There's no reason that those speeches they're giving couldn't be transcribed and made public. They have a responsibility to be open about it." [...]
The Bohemian Grove Is an Offshoot of Skull and Bones -- New, Exclusive Photos Exclusive March 11, 2004 A visitor to sent us a very rare copy of the Annals of the Bohemian Club (vol 7), 1987-1996. It is the Bohemian Club Quasquicentennial, celebrating the 125th anniversary of the founding. It is an internal Club publication, and only around 200 were issued to elite members. The photos you will see below document the elite membership from George w. Bush and his Father, George H. W. Bush, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Helmut Schmidt and other Illuminaries. You will also see new, exclusive images from the occult Cremation of Care ceremony. | |
CREMATION OF CARE 1990 This image from Page 131 shows the ancient Caananite occult ritual, the "Cremation of Care, being carried out by world leaders in 1990. This is an image from their own internal document Alex Jones infiltrated in 2000, and got the first ever independent video -- click here for more info |
Here's another page depicting the Cremation of Care ceremony from 1992 | |
Here you see a smug George W. Bush with his father, Bush Senior (taken in 1995) giving what they call a "lakeside chat" at the Grove. This page also shows Newt Gingrich, another member. The talks are given no less than a dozen yards from the stone idol where "mock" human sacrifices take place. This is the same idol you see featured above in the Cremation of Care ceremony photo | |
Richard Millhouse Nixon on the far left, and of the far right "the most trusted man in America, Walter Cronkite" | |
Conservatives and liberals frolicking together at the occult compound. Jack Kemp on the far left and Jimmy Carter on the right. (pg. 133) | |
From page 243 (in 1991) German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt addresses the elite of the world at a lakeside talk. Helmut Schmidt, in his own autobiography, "Men and Powers, a Political Retrospective, says that he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilberberg group. He also says that he has been an active participant in bringing in world government. Mr. Schmidt also said in his book that leaders from globalist bodies travel to the Grove every summer. He talks about secret groves in Germany where they do druidic rituals, but indicates that Bohemian Grove is his favorite place to participate in these rituals. In Alex jones' film, Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove closeups are shown of Helmut Schmidt's book and the text. | |
Here is the front cover and spine of the Annals of the Bohemian Grove 1987-1996 | |
Here's the inside copyright page | |
Like we keep saying, the laws are for asses
Law-breaking liquid defies the rules
24 September 2004
Physicists in France have discovered a liquid that "freezes" when it is heated. Marie Plazanet and colleagues at the Université Joseph Fourier and the Institut Laue-Langevin, both in Grenoble, found that a simple solution composed of two organic compounds becomes a solid when it is heated to temperatures between 45 and 75°C, and becomes a liquid when cooled again. The team says that hydrogen bonds are responsible for this novel behaviour (M Plazanet et al. 2004 J. Chem. Phys 121 5031).
Solids usually melt when they are heated, and liquids turn into gas, although exceptions do exist when heating leads to chemical changes that cannot be reversed, such as polymerisation. However, a reversible transition in which a liquid becomes a solid when heated has never been observed until now.
Plazanet and colleagues prepared a liquid solution containing α-cyclodextrine (αCD), water and 4-methylpyridine (4MP). Cyclodextrines are cyclic structures containing hydroxyl end groups that can form hydrogen bonds with either the 4MP or water molecules.
At room temperature, up to 300 grams of αCD can be dissolved in a litre of 4MP. The resulting solution is homogenous and transparent, but it becomes a milky-white solid when heated. The temperature at which it becomes a solid falls as the concentration of αCD increases.
Neutron-scattering studies revealed that the solid phase is a "sol-gel" system in which the formation of hydrogen bonds between the αCD and the 4MP leads to an ordered, rigid structure. At lower temperatures, however, the hydrogen bonds tend to break and reform within the αCD, which results in the solution becoming a liquid again.
Molecular dynamics simulations by Plazanet and co-workers confirmed that the cyclodextrine ring becomes distorted as it is heated up to close to the solidification temperature. The hydrogen bonds within the αCD break and the hydroxyl groups rotate towards the outside, which allows a network of bonds to form between the different molecules. The team has found a number of cyclodextrine/pyridine systems that also become solid when heated, and is now looking more closely at the structure of the sol-gel system to understand the solidification mechanism in more detail. [...]
Once again, there are no "laws of physics", and certainly nature does not "defy rules".
But you know this.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Sounded funny back then...
Spanish Prog
Friday, September 24, 2004
Local Google
Bergson Rules
Thursday, September 23, 2004
shameless fawning
Did you mean: necessary ? No I did not!
Did you mean: necessary
California drills into dentists' scam
Independent Online, South Africa - |
Draft unnecessary, Air Force general says
Billings Gazette, MT - |
Harmful and unnecessary
Ha'aretz, Israel - |
The UN way
Web | Results 1 - 10 of about 4,550,000 for unnecessary [definition]. (0.30 seconds) |
Foreign Policy: Error
FP Logo, ... - 35k - 21 Sep 2004 -
'Madden NFL' called for unnecessary roughness | CNET
'Madden NFL' called for unnecessary roughness | Fans of EA's hit football game protest
a scrimmage-line glitch. ... 'Madden NFL' called for unnecessary roughness. ... html?type=pt&part=inv&tag=feed&subj=news - 50k -
infoSync World : Unnecessary virus removal?
... E-mail: Choose format. Unnecessary virus removal? By Larry Garfield, Thursday
26 August 2004. Some phone stores in the Philippines ... - 42k -
Unnecessary Necessities - Joke Items, Gag Gifts, Pranks, Novelties ...
At Unnecessary Necessities TN we've been selling you things you don't need
for over 21 years! Our giant online storefront offers ... - 12k -
very unnecessary
very unnecessary. September 21, 2004. I feel I have not achieved full fanglement.
In Ren Lit tonight, the professor wondered aloud ... - 49k - 21 Sep 2004 -
copyright©2001, 2003 DS.Barclay Engineering. comments/feedback. Abstract. ... gravity_modeled_as_dynamic_geome.htm - 101k -
unnecessary friction
about news shows bands order places. - 2k -
WorldNetDaily: An unnecessary war
... An unnecessary war Posted: June 4, 2003 1:00 am Eastern ... We fought an unnecessary
war, and now we must rebuild a nation at a rising cost in blood and treasure. ... - 25k -
Dude ...
Burning Man for Dav
The war has begun, my master...
Smacking students
Kennedy said that the practice of sueing file sharers had government support and had begun to make a difference, especially in US colleges. Students knew that if they were caught drink-driving they'd face jail, or downloading an exam cheat from the Internet, they'd face expulsion; but students could download music with impunity. The music industry is keen to impose a per-college tax on students for sharing files, although the students lose the music when they graduate.
Kennedy was bullish about the new music download stores, which is not surprising since it's early days, the press has been favorable, and very few have gone bust yet. In the past labels had "got greedy and decided to be retailers as well as wholesalers," he said, and had forgotten that the record company isn't a brand that means anything to the mass market.
Asked by The Observer's Faisal Ahmed why it took a technology company, Apple Computer, to create the online goldr ush, Kennedy said it was down to the iPod.
"A hardware company came up with a sexy piece of hardware. A record company couldn't do that," he said.
Nevertheless, he enthused about the quality and value of the downloadable song.
"For 79p you've got a work of art that's like a Picasso, only one that's as close to the original as you can get," he said. [**]
But record companies were still needed, he said, because "no unsigned band has been broken by the internet," he said. "Bands are screaming in space on the internet."
Every pigopolist has a hard luck story, it seems, and Kennedy's was that he'd turned down the chance to manage George Michael in the Wham! days. That decision cost him £20m, he said, and he now goes home on the bus. Later, Kennedy had extracted The Stone Roses from their first indie contract but then went into bat against George Michael when the pop star wanted to extract himself from his own contract with EMI.
After the session, a member of the audience who buys his own music and doesn't work for a record company asked your reporter what the average person in the street would think, if he'd heard Kennedy's performance. Although the UMG chief could undoubtedly give as good as he got, I suggested that the instinctive reaction wouldn't be verbal. ® [...]
So, filesharing is the same as drink driving.
Can you hear the desperation?
Removed CIA page. Its real.
17 September 2004
This is a copy of the engish_rewards.htm that was on the CIA website at
The CIA has removed the page after it became a source of amusement world over. Now, only the Arabic version of the page remains.
If you have information relating to Iraq which you believe might be of interest to the U.S. Government, please contact us through our secure online form. We will carefully protect all information you provide, including your identity. To help us confirm and act quickly on your information, you must provide your full name, nationality, occupation and contact information including phone number. This allows the U. S. Government to grant rewards for valuable information. We will maintain strict confidentiality. Imminent attacks: If you have information regarding an imminent attack by insurgents or terrorists we ask that you also contact a Coalition Force member or Iraqi police immediately. Weapons of mass destruction: The presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq puts at risk the health and safety of all Iraqis. The U.S. Government offers rewards to Iraqis who give specific and verifiable information that helps Iraqis rid their country of these dangerous materials and devices. Rewards will be available for specific and verifiable information on:
- The location of stocks of recently made chemical or biological weapons munitions, missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, or their component parts;
- The location of chemical or biological laboratories and factories, development and production sites, and test sites associated with WMD, or sites where these materials were secretly disposed of;
- Weapons system plans, military orders, or other relevant documents about biological and chemical weapons, missiles, or unmanned aerial vehicles;
- Iraqis who are able and willing to provide detailed information on Iraq's WMD programs and efforts to hide them.
Ba'thist leaders: U.S. Government Rewards are available for the following information on former Ba'thist regime leaders, including 10 million U.S. dollars for information leading to the capture of former Revolutionary Command Council Chairman `Izzat Ibrahim Al-Duri:
- The current location and activities of these individuals;
- Who these individuals are meeting with and their future plans.
Insurgency and terrorism: Insurgents loyal to the former regime, and terrorists are trying to undermine Iraq's future. Rewards are available for specific and verifiable information that helps in their capture or otherwise to deprive them of sanctuary and support, such as information on:
- Al-Qa'ida, Ansar Al-Islam, Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi and affiliates in Iraq;
- Individuals or groups obtaining explosives and other weapons to use against Coalition forces, Iraqi police, Iraqi Civil Defense Corps members, schools, businesses, or civilians;
- Individuals or groups providing insurgents and terrorists with safe houses, training, logistics support;
- Individuals or groups involved in, or knowledgeable about, terrorist smuggling routes into Iraq;
- Individuals or groups recruiting, facilitating, fundraising, and otherwise supporting terrorism in Iraq;
- Facilitators providing documents that assist terrorists' travel to Iraq;
- Travel agencies, NGOs, and front companies involved in facilitating terrorists' travel to Iraq.
There is no table.
Terrorist goods for sale...via spam!
Welcome to our web site Please use in case of our domain outage. You\'re invited to shop for large selection of bombs and different kinds of rockets such as surface-to-air, surface-to-surface and weaponry available at reduced price. With the following types of rockets you will be able to commit terrorist attacks, destroy buildings, electric power stations, bridges, factories and anything else that comes your mind. Most items are in stock and available for next day freight delivery in the USA. Worldwide delivery is available at additional cost. Prices are negotiable. Please feel free to inquire by ICQ # 176928755 or contacting us directly: +1-305-592-2222 +1-919-319-8249 +1-314-770-3395 Today special: ******* AIR BOMBS ******* OFAB-500U HE fragmentation air bomb Fuel-air explosive air bombs -Not in stock BETAB-500U concrete-piercing air bomb ZB-500RT incendiary tank 500-KG SIZE RBK-500U unified cluster bomb RBK-500U OAB-2.5PT loaded with fragmentation submunitions RBK-500U BETAB-M loaded with concrete-piercing submunitions-Not in stock RBK-500U OFAB-50UD loaded with HE fragmentation submunitions ******* UNGUIDED AIRCRAFT ROCKETS ******* Main-purpose unguided aircraft rockets S-8 unguided aircraft rockets S-8KOM S-8BM-Not in stock S-13 unguided aircraft rockets S-13, S-13T, S-13-OF, S-13D, S-13DF S-25-0 S-25-OFM S-24B -Not in stock RS-82 RS-132-Not in stock ******* ROCKET PODS ******* B-8M pod for S-8 rockets B-8V20-A pod for S-8 rockets B-13L pod for S-13 rockets Recently received *NEW* Hydra 70 2.75 inch Rockets Air-Launched 2.75-Inch Rockets FIM-92A Stinger Weapons System Stinger 101: Anti-Air Our clients are well known Al-Qaida, Hizballah, Al-Jihad, HAMAS, Abu Sayyaf Group and many other terrorist groups. We are well known supplier in the market and looking forward to expand our clientage with assistance of Internet. Do not hesitate to contact us via ICQ # 176928755 Impatiently awaiting for your orders, ShadowCrew
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
You need to run spybot
And civilization....ended
1 hour, 9 minutes ago |
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Interstate Bakeries Corp., the nation's largest wholesaler baker whose products include Twinkies and Wonder Bread, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection early Wednesday. The company also named a new chief executive.
The electronic filing, made shortly after midnight with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Missouri in Kansas City, listed assets of $1.626 billion and liabilities of $1.321 billion.
The company said it had a commitment, subject to bankruptcy court approval, from JP Morgan Chase Bank to provide $200 million to pay suppliers, employees and other operating costs during the reorganization. It said it would continue operating its bakeries, outlet stores and distribution centers.
James R. Elsesser, who had been chairman and chief executive officer, resigned both positions effective Wednesday, and the board named Tony Alvarez as CEO, with John Suckow to be chief restructuring officer. Both are with Alvarez & Marsal, a turnaround management firm founded and headed by Alvarez.
Leo Benatar, a member of the board, was elected to be the non-executive chairman.
"IBC has some of the most recognizable and popular baked breads and sweet goods brands in the nation," Alvarez said in a statement. "By filing for protection under Chapter 11 and obtaining...financing, the company should have the liquidity, time and resources necessary to thoroughly identify, assess and address the issues that will enable this company to be successful in the future."
Last month the company missed a second deadline for filing its annual report, after request an extension in May because of a series of investigations into its reserve fund for workers' compensation claims.
The report was due Aug. 27, but the company said it was still not finished because of problems with a financial system it started using in June, uncertainty over results for the current quarter, and questions about its ability to pay its loans this year.
It also said there was a possibility that auditors would include a paragraph in the report saying "there may be substantial doubt about the company's ability to continue as a going concern."
Interstate, with annual sales of $3.5 billion, operates more than 50 bakeries and employs about 34,000, including 600 of them in the Kansas City area.
The company's shares closed at $3.27 on the New York Stock Exchange (news - web sites) Tuesday, down 13 cents.
A call Wednesday morning to Mark Dirkes, vice president for corporate marketing and the company spokesman, was not immediately returned.