Friday, April 29, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Every Home Should Have This Kit!
I concur
No wonder its marked 'SECRET'!
Possible consequences of acting without a second resolution
32. In assessing the risks of acting on the basis of a reasonably arguable case, you will wish to take account of the ways in which the matter might be brought before a court. There are a number of possibilities. First, the General Assembly could request an advisory opinion on the legality of the military action from the International Court of Justice (ICJ). A request for such an opinion could be made at the request of a simple majority of the States within the GA, so the UK and US could not block such action.
Second, given that the United Kingdom has accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the ICJ, it is possible that another State which has also accepted the Court's jurisdiction might seek to bring a case against us. This, however, seems a less likely option since Iraq itself could not bring a case and it is not easy to see on what basis any other State could establish that it had a dispute with the UK. But we cannot absolutely rule out that some State strongly opposed to military action might try to bring such a case. If it did, an application for interim measures to stop the campaign could be brought quite quickly (as it was in the case of Kosovo). 33. The International Criminal Court at present has no jurisdiction over the crime of aggression and could therefore not entertain a case concerning the lawfulness of any military action. The ICC will however have jurisdiction to examine whether any military campaign has been conducted in accordance with international humanitarian law.
Given the controversy surrounding the legal basis for action, it is likely that the Court will scrutinise any allegations of war crimes by UK forces very closely. The Government has already been put on notice by CND that they intend to report to the ICC Prosecutor any incidents which their lawyers assess to have contravened the Geneva Conventions. The ICC would only be able to exercise jurisdiction over UK personnel if it considered that the UK prosecuting authorities were unable or unwilling to investigate and, if appropriate, prosecute the suspects themselves. [...]
36. Finally, I must stress that the lawfulness of military action depends not only on the existence of a legal basis, but also on the question of proportionality. Any force used pursuant to the authorisation in resolution 678 (whether or not there is a second resolution):
· must have as its objective the enforcement the terms of the cease-fire contained in resolution 687 (1990) and subsequent relevant resolutions; · be limited to what is necessary to achieve that objective; and · must be a proportionate response to that objective, ie securing compliance with Iraq's disarmament obligations.
That is not to say that action may not be taken to remove Saddam Hussein from power if it can be demonstrated that such action is a necessary and proportionate measure to secure the disarmament of Iraq. But regime change cannot be the objective of military action. This should be borne in mind in considering the list of military targets and in making public statements about any campaign.
(signed) ATTORNEY GENERAL 7 March 2003 [...],2763,1472450,00.html
!!!!!!!!! Pure Dynamite!
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
TheyWorkForYou Message
You're getting this message because you once registered for occasional email updates from This particular mail is sent on that most occasional of occasions: a United Kingdom general election. First, our obligatory plea for help =================================== We don't want cash, and we don't need love, but we do need your help. has no marketing budget, no posters, and no ad agencies working for us. We need *you* to be our marketing department. Before you read on, (and only if it's before May 6th 2005), please forward this email to some other British electors you might know. Or blog about us, if you're that way inclined. ...done it? Ta, thanks. (There're more ways in which you can help below) Your MP's Report Card from TheyWorkForYou ========================================= Still pondering whether to vote for or against your incumbent MP? Well, to help you, we've sluiced together all the facts we could about their behaviour and voting patterns over the past few years, and squeezed them onto one web page. Whether they were pro or against Iraq, rebellious or absentee, aloof or taking money from the dodgiest people, frugal with the public purse, or blowing it all on train tickets, it's all here. We think you'll like it, and even if you thought you knew your MP, you may be in for a few surprises. Just type in your postcode: == Not voting this year? Tell the world why at == Electoral Fraud Special ======================= If you're as worried as we are about electoral fraud, here's what you can do: * Don't vote by post. Turn up: it's worth it. * Ring your council, ask for the Electoral Register Division, and check you're name is not on the "marked register" - ie, someone has already voted in your name. Find your council's number here: * Finally, if you suspect fraud, email, who are collecting incidents to report on, and contact the police. Heeeelp us! (No, we don't need money) ====================================== Our biggest constraint is publicity. We're rather allergic to spending time and money on blowing our own trumpet (Just writing this is making us feel a bit shifty). But without publicity, people who might want to learn more about their MP and the issues this election won't know about us. And that means they won't find out everything they need about this election. The other constraint is this damned Internet thing. Try as we might, we can't get away from it - even though we know that many people don't have access to it. Or when they do, they're so battered with pop-ups and viruses, they'd never find us. So we wondered if you might be able to help us a little with publicity, and escaping our fancy techno-shackles. Here's how: Pledge, Print and Post ====================== All of us here have pledged to load up our own MP's report card from, print it out ten times on our bubblejet printers, and deliver a copy to ten other houses in our neighbourhood. As we're mild cowards, we'll only do this if 100 other people across Britain agree to pledge, print and post with us. If you think it's important for your fellow voters to be impartially informed, rather than drowned in spin and ad copy, we'd like you to join us. It'll only take a few minutes, and, you know, it gets you out of the house. Click here: to sign up with us. You'll only have to do it if 100 other people are as brave as you. Other Things To Do ================== If that's a bit *too* scary, just forward this email (or your MPs Report Card) around your friends; or if you're one of those blogger people, write about us. Other Sites You Might Like ========================== We're just one of a growing community of independent British civic sites which aim to provide tools for all kinds of civic and political action. A list of some web sites that we know about is below. Some of the sites we know the people involved, others we have no connection with. But we all think they're brilliant, and we really hope they'll help you make an informed choice, and act on it, this election. - the one minute quiz to find out how you should vote - more detailed analysis of you and your politics - now find out how you compare to the rest of Britain - say why you're not voting (if that's what you've decided to do), and make yourself heard. - our sister site for contacting your representatives, local, national and European. Finally, Our Partly Political Broadcast ======================================= You'll hear a lot from the politicians and pundits in the next few weeks about how this is the "Internet Election". We think it may will be; but that won't be thanks to them. We think it'll be due to people like you, and the volunteers who build these sites, to make this an election based on free information and no more spin. For the last parliament, for good or bad, they worked for us. But sometimes - and especially at election time - you have to do the work yourself. Have a good election, -- The TheyWorkForYou Volunteers.
Mine's a 40OZ oBveeUSLee!
You scored as Hedonism. Your life is guided by the principles of Hedonism: You believe that pleasure is a great, or the greatest, good; and you try to enjoy life’s pleasures as much as you can.
“Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!”
More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...
Vile...but then
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
The Best Bits
A Big Black Man
The Bruge Group
And here is some of the article:...a euro-sceptic think tank associated with the British Conservative Party. It claims to be an all-party group but its Honorary President is the Baroness Thatcher and it has no non-conservative politicians on its board.
Its co-chairs are Brian Hindley and Norman Lamont, and its Director is Robert Oulds.
[...] If the statement that you have no right to do something is to have meaning, then somebody else must have a right to penalise you if nevertheless you do it. The Charter doesn't specify who in the EU has that right or what the penalties will be. Setting out empty legal boxes, though, invites ambitious politicians and bright lawyers to try to fill them. Do we really want to allow such a process to start? Surely not: freedom of speech is too important to become a plaything in the political process-especially the political process of the EU, where support for free speech is often so qualified that it is closer to hostility than support.
Some shrug Article 54 aside. It is, they say, mere rhetoric or bombast, of a type that EU membership should by now have familiarised us with: we ought not to worry about it. Over the years, though, a lot of words and provisions that successive British governments dismissed as idle Continental rhetoric have damaged us. Even if it is bombast, we should worry about Article 54. Tolerating Continental posturing that has no injurious potential is one thing: to shrug aside postures that threaten vital freedoms is quite another. [...]
Even the French understand that this constitution is dangerous. It cant possibly survive referendums in all the EU states.....hmmmmmThe Funniest Article of The Week
safety in
Monday, April 25, 2005
Editorial Licence Fee
- their sources are not very good
- they have never used a shortwave radio
- their sources are poor quality
- thier sources are high quality but feeding them stale crumbs
- the are not 'experts' at all
- the are inside the game (pArAnoiA anyone!?)
Sunday, April 24, 2005
R. Crumb's 'Patton'
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Tracking the Lincolnshire Poacher Redux
Friday, April 22, 2005
+5 Insightful from John Lettice
Smile: you're under global surveillance
A newly-published report warns that a global infrastructure of registration and surveillance is emerging through the efforts of groups such as the EU, G8 and ICAO. According to the report, which was produced by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Focus on the Global South, Friends Committee (US), International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (Canada), and Statewatch, anti-terror and security measures being driven largely by the US are being used to roll back freedom, increase powers and exercise increasing control over individuals and populations.
The report details a number of "signposts" on the road to global surveillance, and argues that these add up to a bigger picture where the aim is to ensure that "almost everyone on the planet is 'registered', that all travel is tracked globally, that all electronic communications and transactions can be easily watched, and that all the information collected about individuals in public or private-sector databases is stored, linked, and made available to state agents.
Most of the signposts are already clearly visible. Registration systems for foreigners, national ID schemes and biometric passports provide the registration process, while electronic borders, passenger data sharing and threat lists cover surveillance of physical movements. The increased sharing of database and their convergence at an international level have accelerated the globalisation of surveillance and security, while mutual legal assistance arrangements contribute to an erosion of democratic values and sovereign checks and balances.
The technological capacity of the structures being built "dwarfs any previous system and makes Orwell's book Nineteen Eighty-Four look quaint", says the report.
The result, however, will be a massive loss of freedoms in exchange for systems which do not succeed in their intended purposes, and which may even obstruct them by chasing down the blind alleys of predictive 'threat models' and risk profiling. "The initiatives described in this report are not effective in flagging terrorists or stopping their determined plans," it says. "They divert crucial resources away from the kind of investments in human intelligence we need to give us good intelligence about specific threats, rather than useless information on the nearly 100 per cent of the population that poses no threat whatsoever."
On the back of the report the groups have, with the support of around 100 civil liberties groups and NGOs world-wide, launched the International Campaign Against Mass Surveillance (ICAMS), which will campaign against mass surveillance-oriented anti-terrorism efforts. Commented Statewatch director Tony Bunyan: "Our message is that mandatory registration and mass surveillance are not the answers to the problem of terrorism, and not a road that any nation should be heading down. What is needed is good intelligence on specific threats - not the so-called 'risk-profiling' of entire populations and the generation of more information than can possibly be usefully analysed. There is a real danger that in trying to watch everyone you are actually watching no-one." ® [...]
The words sound like old style paranoia, but it is all true, and will come to pass if everyone registers. If no one registers, then none of this can happen. Commerce is more important than this, and if commerce is distupted by people refusing to travel, for example, these measures will be dropped immediately.
If an airline has all of its bookings cancelled for one month, it will not be able to survive - it will go out of business. People who are against registration if they want to stop what is happening simply need to boycott a single airline for 30 days as a show of power. As a result, that airline will cease to exist. The message will have been sent; "we will not go along with this in any way shape or form.:
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Another useless gesture
Numbers Station Programme on BBC Radio 4
Monday, April 18, 2005
New Formula TV
A True Arkanoid!
Useless Journalism
Friday, April 15, 2005
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Garbagre Results
Who should I vote for?
Labour -52 | |
You should vote: UK Independence Party
UKIP's primary focus is on Europe, where the party is strongly against joining both the EU constitution and the Euro. UKIP is also firmly in favour of limiting immigration. The party does not take a clear line on some other policy issues, but supports scrapping university tuition fees; it is strongly against income tax rises and favour reducing fuel duty.
Take the test at Who Should You Vote For Garbage results!
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
They will soon die!
Monday, April 11, 2005
The Price of Kew
GlaxoSmithKline is sponsoring Gardens of Glass: Chihuly at Kew as part of the company’s community investment programme. With global headquarters in Brentford, close to the Royal Botanic Gardens, we are pleased to be working with Kew on our fourth major collaboration, and supporting an installation of international interest which is so close to home.
Gardens of Glass: Chihuly at Kew presents the first opportunity in the UK to see in an outdoor setting the work of one of the world’s renowned artists working in glass. It will, we hope, attract new visitors to Kew, drawn by the opportunity to see such an unusual exhibition. We hope that it will encourage those familiar with Kew to explore and discover the wider reaches of the Gardens, and prompt all visitors to take a closer look at the plants, pieces, locations and settings. To those unfamiliar with Chihuly’s work, we hope that Gardens of Glass will be a comprehensive and stunning introduction; to those with prior knowledge, we hope it offers the opportunity to see Chihuly’s work in one of the artist’s favoured settings.
Themes of discovery and innovation are fundamental to a research-based company like GSK; in supporting Gardens of Glass, we hope that visitors will discover links between science, art and nature, and leave Kew with a greater understanding of the place of art in an environmental setting.
One of the world’s leading pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, GSK aims to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. The company has a continuing programme of charitable activities in the UK, supporting healthcare, scientific education and medical research, the arts and environment. Further information about GSK can be found at; information about the company's community programmes, is available at
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Come come, GSYBE actually SUCK!
Recreation and Amusement Association
Recreation and Amusement Association
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Recreation and Amusement Association (RAA, 特殊慰安施設協会), or more literally Special Comfort Facility Association, was the official euphemism for the prostitution centers arranged for the US Occupation Force in Japan after World War II.
The RAA was created on August 28, 1945 by the Japanese Home Ministry to contain the sexual urges of the occupation forces and protect the main Japanese populace from rape. The RAA's own slogan was "For the country, the breakwater of sex to protect Japanese women" (お国のために日本女性を守る性の防波堤). In September the system was extended to cover the entire country, reportedly with GHQ's approval.
Unlike wartime "comfort women", most employees of the RAA were Japanese women and no forcible kidnapping of women for recruitment by soldiers took place. According to most sources, the women were prostitutes recruited by advertisement as well through agents. However, there are testimonies from some women saying that they were coerced into service as bonded labor, and some Japanese sources even assert that the centers were in fact set up by the US and the Japanese women in them were sex slaves.
In January 1946, the RAA was terminated by an order to cease all "public" prostitution. The ban is traditionally attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt, but was almost certainly propelled by rapidly spreading venereal disease among the troops. [...]
Googling around after reading about the protests against the 'revisionist Japanese text books' to refresh my knowledge about the 'comfort women', I came across the Wikipedia article above.
Stand Tall
Godspeed Twaddle
Friday, April 08, 2005
Satan is Raging!
The 'Whatever' Generation...not!
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Carrabinieri SMS Attack
Second SMS received from National Guard. Starring Bru's cellphone
And while we are at Flicker, check this out.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
050505 = Highest Death
2. March 20, 2003 was Day "555" since the attacks on 9/11. As we demonstrated in NEWS1789, the Illuminati intended the attacks of 9/11 to be the first blow struck for the appearance of Antichrist; therefore, it is highly significant that the Iraqi War -- planned since 1952 -- to be the trigger for the larger Middle East war, did not begin until day "555" after 9/11. Since the occultist believes "5" to be the Number of Death, and the greatest intensification of any number to be a triplicate, a "555" literally means "Highest Death". The Illuminati is working to send this current civilization to its death so it can bring in the New World Order, also known as the Kingdom of Antichrist. Numerology.
Tony Bliar has chosen 05/05/05 as the date of the election. If you vote Labour, you vote for Highest Death.