Tuesday, January 31, 2006
First the number all the animals
Monday, January 30, 2006
Missing Libraries in OS X
Sunday, January 29, 2006
The OBL Effect
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
Two Different Worlds
tiananmen - Google Image Search.
tiananmen - Google Image Search in China.
Everyone is bellyaching about Google censoring its service for the Chinese market.
I call bullshit.
If you were Sergei, what would you do? Let M$ run you out of China, or establish a foothold now with a reduced /censored service knowing that maybe in ten years China will open up completely and not censor anything, leaving you at the top in the most populous country in the world?
If Google plans to be here in ten years time, then they want to be in China when it becomes censorship free. The only way to do that is to get in there now, whatever the cost. It makes perfect strategic sense to the long term thinker.
People who whine about this should be paying FAR more attention to what is happening in their own back yards, instead of minding the business of complete strangers who they would not invite into that same back yard to escape the 'terrible lives' they are living 'over there'.Firefox 1.5 is better than ever
Monday, January 23, 2006
The Ultimate Weapon
I. Economics of Empires
A nation-state taxes its own citizens, while an empire taxes other nation-states. The history of empires, from Greek and Roman, to Ottoman and British, teaches that the economic foundation of every single empire is the taxation of other nations. The imperial ability to tax has always rested on a better and stronger economy, and as a consequence, a better and stronger military. One part of the subject taxes went to improve the living standards of the empire; the other part went to strengthen the military dominance necessary to enforce the collection of those taxes.
Historically, taxing the subject state has been in various forms-usually gold and silver, where those were considered money, but also slaves, soldiers, crops, cattle, or other agricultural and natural resources, whatever economic goods the empire demanded and the subject-state could deliver. Historically, imperial taxation has always been direct: the subject state handed over the economic goods directly to the empire.
For the first time in history, in the twentieth century, America was able to tax the world indirectly, through inflation. It did not enforce the direct payment of taxes like all of its predecessor empires did, but distributed instead its own fiat currency, the U.S. Dollar, to other nations in exchange for goods with the intended consequence of inflating and devaluing those dollars and paying back later each dollar with less economic goods-the difference capturing the U.S. imperial tax. Here is how this happened.
Early in the 20th century, the U.S. economy began to dominate the world economy. The U.S. dollar was tied to gold, so that the value of the dollar neither increased, nor decreased, but remained the same amount of gold. The Great Depression, with its preceding inflation from 1921 to 1929 and its subsequent ballooning government deficits, had substantially increased the amount of currency in circulation, and thus rendered the backing of U.S. dollars by gold impossible. This led Roosevelt to decouple the dollar from gold in 1932. Up to this point, the U.S. may have well dominated the world economy, but from an economic point of view, it was not an empire. The fixed value of the dollar did not allow the Americans to extract economic benefits from other countries by supplying them with dollars convertible to gold.
Economically, the American Empire was born with Bretton Woods in 1945. The U.S. dollar was not fully convertible to gold, but was made convertible to gold only to foreign governments. This established the dollar as the reserve currency of the world. It was possible, because during WWII, the United States had supplied its allies with provisions, demanding gold as payment, thus accumulating significant portion of the world's gold. An Empire would not have been possible if, following the Bretton Woods arrangement, the dollar supply was kept limited and within the availability of gold, so as to fully exchange back dollars for gold. However, the guns-and-butter policy of the 1960's was an imperial one: the dollar supply was relentlessly increased to finance Vietnam and LBJ's Great Society. Most of those dollars were handed over to foreigners in exchange for economic goods, without the prospect of buying them back at the same value. The increase in dollar holdings of foreigners via persistent U.S. trade deficits was tantamount to a tax-the classical inflation tax that a country imposes on its own citizens, this time around an inflation tax that U.S. imposed on rest of the world.
When in 1970-1971 foreigners demanded payment for their dollars in gold, The U.S. Government defaulted on its payment on August 15, 1971. While the popular spin told the story of "severing the link between the dollar and gold", in reality the denial to pay back in gold was an act of bankruptcy by the U.S. Government. Essentially, the U.S. declared itself an Empire. It had extracted an enormous amount of economic goods from the rest of the world, with no intention or ability to return those goods, and the world was powerless to respond- the world was taxed and it could not do anything about it. [...]
http://mathaba.net/0_index.shtml?x=507537The country of the blind
Sunday, January 22, 2006
We are God, Nature is Death
Trust chemicals, beware of nature
From make-up to medicine, scientists warn that people are wrong to think natural must be best [...] |
Research chemist Derek Lohmann points out: 'If someone offered you a cocktail of butanol, isoamyl alcohol, caffeine, geraniol, 3-galloyl epicatechin, and inorganic salts, it sounds pretty ghastly. Yet it is just a cup of tea.' [...]This is of course, a lie. Tea is a leaf that you steep in boiling water, nothing else. You take the tea that you reqire. It does not need to be subjected to brute reductionism, deconstruction, analasys or any other useless procedure so that you can make a straw man point. Go back to your place of work and do somethign for the good of humanity instead of trying to destroy everything that does not conform to your false religion.
Henry also warned about the use of traditional medicines such as St John's wort: 'There is no doubt that it can be effective for treating depression, but it is difficult to administer. We do not know what its active ingredient is and that means you cannot assess its dosage.' [...]This is typical; because we cannot measure it, you should not take it. This is total and utter rubbish, and a fundamental part of their dogma. I've got some news for these people, NO ONE is buying anything they have to say anymore. THEY are responsible for the large scale ills of the world; building factories that leak pollutants without a single care for human safety (Bhopal for example) and they have never been made to account for this and the many other crimes they have comitted. Even now, the EU has drafted a law allowing food to be marked as Organic even though it has been accidentally contaminated with GM material. If scientists were responsible human beings with due care for their fellow man, they would never have conducted these GM crop trials in the open air where they could despoil nature. This is pure arrogant evil at its worse, and no paper begging the public to trust these people will change the truth; they are fundamentally UNTRUSTWORTHY and indeed trust must be EARNED and not granted after wimpering please and straw man logic. My advice to these people; stop planting these amaturish PR exersizes designed (badly) to change public perception of what you and your religion are. Abandon your relgion and join the human race; that is the only way you and your crimes will be forgiven. If you carry on as you have been doing, you will be shut down completely and no amount of PR will be able to rescue you.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Friday, January 20, 2006
'Blue Oyster Cult' or 'How they Will Snare Everyone With Cards'
One of the suspects used Mr Rhys Pryce's Oyster card at Kensal Green |
He was murdered by robbers near his home in Willesden, north-west London, on Thursday night despite having apparently handed over his belongings.
Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur said the "gratuitous" attack had left Mr Rhys Pryce with "truly appalling" injuries.
Earlier that evening two men carried out a robbery at a nearby Tube station.
New CCTV images of the suspects were released, including that of a black man, who attempted to use Mr Rhys Pryce's Oyster card at Kensal Green station at 1000 GMT, on the day after the murder.
This is the scenario I wrote about before, two years ago to the day:...Imagine; you get stopped by the police, for a "routine check". You put your thumb into his portable scanner, which is attached to his mobile phone. He immediately has all of your details. ALL of them. You have an Oyster card, but you are smart' you know that Oyster tracks all of your movements on public transport, so you opted to get the �3 "anonymous" version. It doesn't make a difference. Your face is photographed every time you use a bus or tube station. The police officer simply asks for your photo to be checked against the Mayor of London's database of all Oyster users that are not full users. They find you entering Embankment Station on the occasion of your first use of the card. They correlate your face with the number on your Oyster card. They now know everywhere that you travelled on both the busses and the underground since you bought the card, and can retrieve pictures of you entering and leaving each station if they want to. The police officer asks you where you were on such and such date. You don't remember? That is suspicious; your Oyster data says you were in a place where there were some crimes. Down to the station while we "exclude you from our enquiries"...YOU SEE? Precisely the scenario that I outlined has come to pass. This time, the system was used to catch a thieving murdering sub-human animal, and this is the cause they will give you to roll out total surveillance of everyone in the UK, "we can use this system to catch murderers 'paedos' and other villans". Then, what will happen next is that they will use it to catch everyone for every 'offence', against both the law and private regulations like the parking scenario the great M2 outlined below. We only need look to the widespread abuse of the new 'anti terror' laws, that can be carried out even in the very presence of the Prime Minister his lying self, and his cabinet of pigs, such is the magnitude of the belief they have in their invulnerable position. They will abuse this system on a wide scale, that is guaranteed. You will be fined automagically, like I said in another, earlier post. You will be made to pay whatever charges and taxes they like arbitrarily and automagically. Your every movement both here and abroad will be recorded. Your every purchase will be marked down. Like it was in Soviet Russia, where all photocopiers were audited so that people couldn't publish informal magazines 'Samizdat', now in the 21st Century, every single machine, person and thing that can be bought will be audited. That is, if we allow the ID card system to be rolled out with our compliance by enrolling in it willingly. M2 makes my case again about how money is the only thing that they understand, the only power that they respect. The window within which everyone can act to withold it is closing as a 100% electronic cash economy is being gestated right before our eyes. After that, the only way that people will be able to bring down the system would be a massive refusal of work itself, quite apart from that meaning that no one will be paid, making such an action almot impossible to imagine taking place, we all know that in the UK, organizing 'secondary action' is in iteslf illegal - in other words, this action is alredy precluded...not that that will stop anything should the momentum be great enough, but you can see that they are cordoning off all routes of escape and resistance bit by bit. The answer to the crime problem is to flood the streets with police, reduce their powers to 1950 levels and lock up all vermin like this mugger for life on the first conviction. Every undergroundstaton should be policed, both on the platform and at the station exits. There would then be no need for CCTV on the underground period. There is a small minority of violent criminals that are responsible for all crime in the UK. Remove them from circulation permamently and crime will dissapear. What we cannot continue to do is release murderers after ten years in gaol, and then punish every non criminal non violent person with the imposition of a surveillance society because crime is not going down.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Begging letters in the Observer
http://www.guardian.co.uk/idcards/story/0,,1686798,00.html[...] My emphasis. Dear oh dear; "internet hackers". "Internet hackers" - how EXACTLY do these people blow up people and builings? Honestly, the illiteracy of these people is breathtaking. And need we say yet again that THERE IS NO ALQAEDA. Lets see how it SHOULD have read. ... perhaps this 5.8 billion could be spent on the train system, hospitals and other infrastructure; we all know that far more than this is being allocated to instruments of war and the stationing of troops that are the cause of terrorism. Perhaps we should permanently exclude ourselvs from international shenanigans so that the blowtorch of the hatred of innocent and honourable people will no longer lick us and these shores. The solution to 'terrorism' is to stay out of the affairs of other people. The solution to document fraud does not include the creation of a huge database that collects information on everyone in the UK.... Something like that. And notice too, that there is no mention of the rights of the British people not to be numbered and monitored like animals. In other words, no mention of the database, which is the true evil behind the façade of the card. Really, the Observer in this and anything to do with technology is blind, and the Guardian is asleep at the gate. None of that matters however. If you want to be free you have to take charge of your data and your communications, and make it your personal responsibility not to silently and compliantly go along with every Soviet style machination that these venal monsters come up with. Writing leaders that amount to widely distgributed begging letters will do nothing. The Independent is the chief criminal in this respect, with its endless articles about how the way of life is being eroded but never making a call to action to stop the rot. Either lay down the gauntlet and champion real and total civil dosobedience or shut up and act like a sheep. Writing trash like this is pointless...its part of civil obedience, that sheeple think which allows your money to fuel war unimpeded. And this brings us directly to Iran. Everyone should now be up in arms (!) about the call to bring Iran to the Security Council. This is precisely how Iraq was illegally annexed; don't wait untill the troops are removed from Iraq, rested and ready to depoly in Iran, the time to act is right now. Iran should not, under any circumstances, be brought to the UN. It is a prelude to unjustified war...another unjustified war. The time to stop a giant snowball from smashing your village is when it is a pea at the top of the mountain. Hmmmm lets see what Stop War has to say about it....
Just as I thought; the same nonsense on a different day, while the pea has been set rolling at the top of the Matterhorn. Punishing Bu$h and or Bliar is irrelevant. All concentration, all effort, all power should be placed on the permanent removal of USUK's ability to create false war. If this were achieved, and part of the price was to let these two mass murdering war criminals free, well, its worth that for sure. Iraq is a lost cause. It should be the final lost cause. The mechanisms to permanently de fang the war machine should be everyone' total priority. Its obvious!TONY BENN LETTER TO THE UN AND ATTORNEY GENERAL
TONY BENN leads a campaign to investigate breaches of The Nuremberg Charter and Geneva and Hague Conventions during the Iraq War and occupation
Read reply from UN Secretary-General's office: "your letter raises matters which are of extremely serious concern"
"I think the politicians should be held to account ... my view is that Blair should be impeached." General Sir Michael Rose, who led the UN forces in Bosnia.
quoted on "Iraq: the failure of War" to be shown on Channel 4 TV, Frid 13 January 2006, 19.30
Support the Parliament Square Protestors
From Monday 9th January Bow St Magistrates Court (Covent Garden Tube)
On 1st August 2005 the government brought in the "exclusion zone" around Parliament and Whitehall under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act. The act criminalises unauthorised protests within the area. The Stop the War Coalition called a protest for that day. 5 people were arrested for taking part. At least 21 people have now been arrested under the act. On 7th December, anti-war activist Maya Evans was the first person to be convicted of this new offence. Four of the activists arrested on 1st August go on trial from Monday 9th January. People are encouraged to come and show their support outside the court from 9.30 and/or to attend the hearings. These are currently scheduled to last 3 days or more.
Mobilise for international demonstrations on March 18-19 2006, the third anniversary of the war and invasion, calling for the immediate withdrawal of troops and an end to the occupation.
Details to follow soon
[...] http://www.stopwar.org.uk/
Friday, January 13, 2006
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
How could you do what you did to us?
{97389}{97485}How could you do|what you did to us? {97509}{97605}The world was dying. {97629}{97725}We took all that was good... {97725}{97821}and made an oasis here. {97821}{97893}We few, the rich, {97893}{97965}the powerful, the clever, {97965}{98013}cut ourselves off to guard... {98013}{98109}the knowledge and treasures|of civilization... {98109}{98205}as the world plunged|into a Dark Age. {98253}{98325}To do this, we had to|harden our hearts... {98325}{98421}against the suffering outside. {98517}{98613}We are custodians of the past|for an unknown future.
Wise Onion Garlic is teh best
Potato Chip: 1853, Saratoga Springs, New York
As a world food, potatoes are second in human consumption only to rice. And as thin, salted, crisp chips, they are America's favorite snack food. Potato chips originated in New England as one man's variation on the French-fried potato, and their production was the result not of a sudden stroke of culinary invention but of a fit of pique.
In the summer of 1853, American Indian George Crum was employed as a chef at an elegant resort in Saratoga Springs, New York. On Moon Lake Lodge's restaurant menu were French-fried potatoes, prepared by Crum in the standard, thick-cut French style that was popularized in France in the 1700s and enjoyed by Thomas Jefferson as ambassador to that country. Ever since Jefferson brought the recipe to America and served French fries to guests at Monticello, the dish was popular and serious dinner fare.
At Moon Lake Lodge, one dinner guest found chef Crum's French fries too thick for his liking and rejected the order. Crum cut and fried a thinner batch, but these, too, met with disapproval. Exasperated, Crum decided to rile the guest by producing French fries too thin and crisp to skewer with a fork.
The plan backfired. The guest was ecstatic over the browned, paper-thin potatoes, and other diners requested Crum's potato chips, which began to appear on the menu as Saratoga Chips, a house specialty. Soon they were packaged and sold, first locally, then throughout the New England area. Crum eventually opened his own restaurant, featuring chips. At that time, potatoes were tediously peeled and sliced by hand. It was the invention of the mechanical potato peeler in the 1920s that paved the way for potato chips to soar from a small specialty item to a top-selling snack food.
For several decades after their creation, potato chips were largely a Northern dinner dish. In the 1920s, Herman Lay, a traveling salesman in the South, helped popularize the food from Atlanta to Tennessee. Lay peddled potato chips to Southern grocers out of the trunk of his car, building a business and a name that would become synonymous with the thin, salty snack. Lay's potato chips became the first successfully marketed national brand, and in 1961 Herman Lay, to increase his line of goods, merged his company with Frito, the Dallas-based producer of such snack foods as Fritos Corn Chips.
Americans today consume more potato chips (and Fritos and French fries) than any other people in the world; a reversal from colonial times, when New Englanders consigned potatoes largely to pigs as fodder and believed that eating the tubers shortened a person's life—not because potatoes were fried in fat and doused with salt, today's heart and hypertension culprits, but because the spud, in its unadulterated form, supposedly contained an aphrodisiac which led to behavior that was thought to be life shortening. Potatoes of course contain no aphrodisiac, though potato chips are frequently consumed with passion and are touted by some to be as satisfying as sex.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
lock it up tight
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Closer and closer
Take a leap into hyperspace
- 05 January 2006
- Haiko Lietz
- Magazine issue 2533
Fancy a trip through another dimension? New Scientist Space uncovers the curious tale of the rocket driven by quantum gravity
EVERY year, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics awards prizes for the best papers presented at its annual conference. Last year's winner in the nuclear and future flight category went to a paper calling for experimental tests of an astonishing new type of engine. According to the paper, this hyperdrive motor would propel a craft through another dimension at enormous speeds. It could leave Earth at lunchtime and get to the moon in time for dinner. There's just one catch: the idea relies on an obscure and largely unrecognised kind of physics. Can they possibly be serious?
The AIAA is certainly not embarrassed. What's more, the US military has begun to cast its eyes over the hyperdrive concept, and a space propulsion researcher at the US Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories has said he would be interested in putting the idea to the test. And despite the bafflement ...
Here comes the new year, same as the old year
------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have received this message from the "FIPR Alert" mailing list run by the Foundation for Information Policy Research http://www.fipr.org/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Telegraph Online Freedom fears as the DNA database expands By Philip Johnston, Home Affairs Editor (Filed: 05/01/2006) The government was accused last night of compiling a national DNA database "by stealth" as police reported a rapid increase in genetic profiling in recent years. New Home Office figures estimate that by 2008, the samples of some 4.2 million people - seven per cent of the population - will be contained on a central criminal database, which is growing by about half a million a year. The system, which held only 700,000 samples when Labour took office in 1997, now exceeds three million and includes 140,000 from people never charged with any offence. Proportionately it is easily the largest DNA database in the world and is 50 times the size of the French equivalent... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ ................. Telegraph Online 'Library' holds blood, hair and skin from three million people By John Steele, Crime Correspondent (Filed: 05/01/2006) The national DNA database at the centre of controversy last night is a "library" of samples of human material taken from around three million people suspected of, or charged with, crimes. Each sample - including mouth swabs, hairs, scrapings of skin or blood - has been analysed to produce a unique DNA, or genetic, "fingerprint", which is recorded in digital form on a computer. Physical samples, which are taken by doctors at the request of police, are preserved by the Forensic Science Service (FSS), a government-owned agency that is "custodian" of the database (NDNAD) and is based in Birmingham. Each sample/profile - gathered under laws that allow samples to be taken from children as young as 10 - is accompanied by details, such as age, address or criminal record, supplied by police to identify the individual... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/01/05/ndna105.xml ......................... DNA of 37% of black men held by police Home Office denies racial bias James Randerson, science correspondent Thursday January 5, 2006 The Guardian The DNA profiles of nearly four in 10 black men in the UK are on the police's national database - compared with fewer than one in 10 white men, according to figures compiled by the Guardian. Civil liberties groups and representatives of the black community said this offered evidence that the database reinforced racial biases in the criminal justice system... http://society.guardian.co.uk/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have received this message from the "FIPR Alert" mailing list run by the Foundation for Information Policy Research http://www.fipr.org/ for all administrative matters, including unsubscribing, please visit https://mailman.aldigital.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/fipr-alerts or send an explanatory email to------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tools of the trade
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Americans Stirring
it seems to be long past time that we administered a refresher course in that lesson at the ballot boxWRONG. The ballot box is the means by which they control the population, diffuse pent up indignation, transfer legitimacy and authority to themselvs and continue the relentless sham. The only thing that will stop the monster in its tracks is a withdrawl of all services rendered to the state by the iindividual. That means not paying tax. It's the only language they understand, and the last tool left to the millions of americans who want to have real, fine grained, direct control over what their government does. Anyone who says 'vote' is a part of the problem. The entire system needs to be dismantled and then reconstructed with even more controls and restrictions on government. Anything less is just a waste of time.