Monday, December 31, 2001
Jupiter's position tonight will be in opposition, or directly opposite the sun as seen from Earth. That means it will be brightly illuminated, especially for viewers in the Northern Hemisphere.
The last time the gaseous planet with the large red spot was in opposition and overhead at midnight on New Year's Eve was in 1752, and the next time will be in 2084.
happy new year everyone.
what's the impending url of this page you speak of mikkel?
Sunday, December 30, 2001
ny times reports re:search for obl "What was a high
priority for the Bush administration in recent weeks
seems now to have lost much of its impetus."
kinda makes you wonder what they really wanted
in the first place. tabloid headline political agendas are
more and more the norm while we the people never
really existed in the first place anyway. more like we the
consenting pawns. it's truly ashame
The box that you use to post text is broken in Mozilla, and all standards compliant browsers. Also, the nifty tools are missing, like the spellchecker, and the pushbutton HTML formatters and URL maker. Mozilla displays blogger generated HTML ok, its just the M$ centric tools that dont work.
Ive tested this with Konquer, Mozilla and Opera.
Saturday, December 29, 2001
Thrreds: Bad
Blogdial is "on its face"; in oter words, everything that is there is readable. You cannot dissapear into a thread, and loose the thrust.
I want to read what you have to say, or go to where you want to point. There are plenty of good threaded sites. Out of the MANY people who ave signed up for Blogdial, only a handful are regular posters.
Certainly, if and when we do a new system it will have some much needed features:
Automagic parsing of Blogdial into a text only mailout that is mailed to the mailing list, after the last post falls off the bottom.
Automagic N00king of lamaz who dont post at least once per week.
Some kind of cool karma feature, related to free beer.
Surprise surprise:
"The site is running Microsoft-IIS/5.0 on Windows 2000."
Perhaps now that EV has publicised the security breach at Blogger, MANY more people will be trying to break in to it. This also explanis (partially) why blogger wont work with any browser other than IE.
I think most people assumed that it was run on some UNIX; someone so smart, who wrote something so cool couldnt possibly be so stupid as to base the whole system on M$/IIS.
Or so we thought.
nmap -sF -v -v {blogger ip} -P0 -O -p "1-500"
that should give it up
whoa dav, that looks like a dildofone. nah, just kidding. lots of
holiday cheer from kat and i to all of you.
I want to know if Blogger is being run on M$/IIS or UNIX....Ill check later. I have a suspicion that its run on M$/IIS. The passwords should have been encrypted of course, as a matter of routine. Its the one reservation that I always had about Blogger, but measured against the fun it brings, its been worth the risk.
Friday, December 28, 2001
Dreadful dreadful dreadful!
You are in good company Claus; i n00ked one of my W98 installations when trying to back it up onto an identical capacity HD. I backed it up in the WRONG DIRECTION. Doh!
As for a bootable Win2K CD, and I presume that you are fast, you can usually find one on Morpheus or of course IRC.
When you loose an installation and data that you have been tweaking and preening for ages its like a part of you dies. Its a horrible, sickening hollow feeling...
Chrismas dinner with the family. The absurd to write about, to boring to write about.
Got bored.
Idle hands do the devils work....hope you had some backups..
As for me, Ive been running Linux non stop for the whole holiday, uptime 6days plus. Compiled and ran Mplayer, updated my Mozilla build...
DivX:-) under Linux is =rock solid= Xine is the best player so far, though it chokes on the Afgan episode of South Park; bad audio....
Drank not so much this year, and no cigars.
Thursday, December 27, 2001
Wednesday, December 26, 2001
A disturbance in the Force...
In a metaphoric sense, we are looking for evidence of a developing global consciousness that might react to events with deep meaning.
Monday, December 24, 2001
Sunday, December 23, 2001
...The government cannot interfere with a Right. Bear with me as I repeat this essential precept in several different ways so that you might understand: "Rights" do not come from civil government. We are endowed by our Creator with unalienable Rights. According to the Declaration of Independence, the ONLY reason government exists (it uses the phrase "instituted among men") is to protect Rights. You cannot be granted Rights you already have. The word: "Unalienable" means it cannot be taken from you. If something can be lawfully taken from you, then you didn't have a right to it. Government must protect Rights, not regulate them. Governments are instituted among men to secure those Rights. "Rights" are above government. The exercise of a Right cannot be infringed. A Right cannot be taxed. The exercise of a Right cannot be taxed. The power to tax is the power to destroy. You cannot delegate to your civil servants the power to regulate the inalienable Rights of others...
...You become internal to the government. You have accepted appointment to a government office. The office of "Person" (see Appendix D). Your Constitution was written to control government, not people. And, you've enlisted into the government. You can now expect to be regulated. And, just like other forms of enlistment, you can expect to be treated harshly. Those who hold this government office are now required to sign Forms under the Penalty of Perjury...
...Here are some more details for those who are doing homework: "Hypothecation" is a banking term. "Hypothecation" is defined in Section 14(a) of the Federal Reserve Act as an offer of assets owned by a party other than the borrower as collateral for a loan, without transferring title. The United States is the borrower. You are the party other than the borrower. On your behalf, and with your consent, your representatives borrow most of your national debt from the Federal Reserve Bank. Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 USC 411) says that Federal Reserve Notes are obligations of the United States. This is true even if the Federal Reserve is not a government agency, because the government has promised to repay the loans to this privately owned corporation. Federal Reserve Notes are backed by the full faith and credit of hypothecated assets (such as your future labor). According to the Legislative History of Public Law 94-564 "The U.S. commitment to redeem international dollars for gold became a physical impossibility". That's right! Your bankrupt government cannot repay Foreign lenders their gold. They will soon claim their collateral. You are the collateral....
...Livestock has owner granted rights also. Just because your current owner can be nice to you, doesn't mean you are free, nor does it mean you won't be sold. Just because you can vote for President, doesn't mean you are free. In fact, it is proof that you are a slave....
...I will also show you later that civil rights must be regulated, and that natural rights cannot be regulated. Real rights do not come from government. Government cannot grant rights, although they often refer to their privileges as rights....
...There is only one Sovereign, and He will judge you on the judgement day. But, from the government's point of view, those who created government, and their posterity, are their sovereigns. Civil servants must do two things: obey their masters and control their subjects. Your government only writes laws for their subjects. They call their subjects by the term "persons". Government does not write laws to control their masters. Your government calls their masters non-persons. "Persons" are people who are under the government. "Non-persons" are people who are above the laws of their servants. They are above the government they control. LAW COMES FROM NON-PERSONS. Read Appendix D now....
...If you cannot govern yourself, others will govern you. No matter how much they demand. Whether you like it or not....
A few short weeks ago, my boss came up to me at work and told me one of the most chilling things I've ever been told in person, "Lee, one of our senior vice presidents just called me and asked me to immediately escort you to the fourteenth floor. I have no idea what this about."
Saturday, December 22, 2001
Whether you agree or not with their views isn't really relevant, it's their decisions :)
This is exactly and precisely what I believe. What I think and believe only applies to me, and It is not my place to impose my beliefs on other people and by extension other countries. It is anathema to me that another persons beliefs should be forced upon me or the country where I live.
My way of thinking and behaving protects those people in other countries who want to do national service, carry ID cards, be numbered, sell thier organs, pray to statues, not pray to statues. whatever. You are free to do what you want, as long as you dont try and make me do it, or submit to your ways.
If you try and do that, then you must die.
The principle that slavery is wrong is not dissoluble. Once they can compel you to kill as a slave in the army, they can compel you to be sterilized, take vaccination, and do anything they want, because you are nothing more than a numbered piece of property.
If you think that its OK to be a piece of property, and all of your countrymen think that too, I don't have a problem with you, or your country, I simply choose not to live there. What I DO have a problem with, and I will be repeating myself, is when people from other countries try and tell me what I can and cannot do in the jurisdiction that I have chosen as my home.
This is the fundamental difference between the British and the Europeans. They cannot accept that their ways and beliefs are not suitable for everyone. They think that if you do not do as they do you are wrong, and therefore must be compelled to be and live as they do.
Doing what you want in your own house, on your own time and in your own jurisdiction is your business. If the Europeans understood that and were hot hell bent on trying to homogenize the whole world, we would be able to live side by side with them without any problems or acrimony.
Friday, December 21, 2001
Thursday, December 20, 2001
From ZDNET,7056,119574-992766,00.html
Name: Angered, Location: Withheld, Occupation: IT
"In less than 48 hours, 150 Secret Service men and other law officials
served 30 search warrents in 14 cities around the nation "
The quote above wasn't from this month, this year, or this decade. It was from May, 1990, from "Operation Sun Devil", a crackdown on "hacking and phreaking" BBSes, way before the web.
Has the flow of that information been hampered? Absolutely not.
This is nothing new. The FBI and Customs Servic are a bunch of blathering goons. Look at Alan Doody, and his stupid self-congratulated over-annunciated spittle ridden speech about this recent bust.. Wow, 63 people caught. My oh my.
All the feds have done is shoot themselves in the foot. They found a group of people that were the enemy of the oh-so-benevolent Great Corporations of this country. So, what did they do? The same thing the RIAA did with Napster and P2P: They fired a few shots into that mass of "offenders".. They hit a few, but they caused the vast majority just to scatter and take things underground.
Good for the warez scene. Bad for the FBI. Now, there will be fewer major conglomerated groups. The warez groups will be small, isolated, and harder to find and infiltrate. As things always will be.
In reality, I don't think warez does one tenth the damage companies claim.. As if a 12 year old would have bought Photoshop otherwise.. And the ignorant asses who yell "but they broke the law" are just that, ignorant, illiterate sheep. A law is only as good as the people's will to follow it.
Bobby Teenager trading software with his friends on IRC is not costing the software industry billions, and those kids CERTAINLY should NOT do "HARD TIME" as one FBI moron quoted. If anything, it's building experts in that software early, who will pay for it later.
What the he11 is wrong with our stupid country?? If the FBI is concerned about the scourge of software piracy, why don't they raid a few large corporations and see how many license violations they'll find there? Go to one building of one fortune 500 company, and I guarantee you'll net way more than -63- violators there.
But of course, these days, the FBI does not protect the citizen. It's the citizens against the corporations.. And if any FBI agent reading this is worth his salt (And I'm sure some are reading).. Think about what you're doing. Do you really think individuals trading software causes any harm? Do you really think they deserve hard time? This has been going on since computers started. It is more the norm than an exception -- and the most pirated companies (MS, Adobe) are doing just fine.
I'm a computer programmer, and I expect that my software will be used 'illegally'. However, I don't give a rat's a$$ about the guy down the block who even makes copies for all his friends. It's the large, rich company who COULD buy my software but instead installs 500 illegal copies at one site that I'm concerned about.
Note, not one corporate work center was raided. Just individuals. And it won't put a dent in anything.
Pathetic, but what else do you expect. I'd love to have a one-on-one debate with an FBI agent who supports this, however I fear with the recent attitude in this country, I wouldn't be safe speaking my opinion.
All of this should come as no surprise to anyone. People have always been stupid, and the reason that there has been any freedom at all is because there has been a gentlemans agreement that freedom is the best way to go.
It has alway been understood (and in the case of the constitution of Germany, explicitly stated) that rights are conditional. Now that there has been a supposed change in conditions, they are changing the mode of operation, knowing that the populations are so very stupid and asleep that they will accept anything that is forced on them, without question.
In the UK, bombing by the IRA has been happening for decades. Some of the bombs have been incredibly large and destructive, yet, throughout all of this time, the government has never felt the need to strip away all of the rights that have been part of the gentlemans agreement for 1000 years. It is only now, when there is an attack on another country that the peoples rights are to be revoked.
This is clearly absurd.
There is no reason why such measures should be brought in in the UK. No other country in the EU is doing this (partly because they have no freedom in the first place), so why has the UK done this? That is irrelevant. The point is why is everyone not up in arms over this? How is it that a single man can wipe away 1000 years of building towards a free country, destroy it without any justification at all, and not even a whimper from the population?
I have not even mentioned the millions dead in several brutal wars, where British men and women fought to protect the UK from enemies world wide.
Sadly, even the people with some intelligence simply cannot understand the power of the number 1. If they understood that, nothing like this power grab would be possible. I have not met anyone who thinks that these measures are needed or right, yet, the power of the individuals is contained by each individual because they refuse to communicate in a "linked arms" fashion.
What I mean by that, is to say that no one is saying "I am not going to accept this, and no one that I know is going to either." That alone would be sufficient.
Then of course, there are the people who actually think that people being numbered like pigs is an OK thing to do. These people are the worst kind, because not only do they not lend thier power of 1 to the cause of keeping people free, they are actually propagating a -1 input, which dampens down the effect of mass refusal.
The only way that a reversal of this situation can come about is if there is an outrage on a massive scale that will change the minds of the population, that effects everyones pockets and lives. Quite what that could be eludes me, but it looks like an impossible task.
Firstly, the currrent "anti terrorism laws" have to be removed from the books, in thier entirety. Then the UK must remove itself from the EU.
The second is more likely than that first. When the ECU comes into use in January, shopkeepers, hotels and many businesses will begin to accpet it in excange for goods an services.
When toursits come to the UK, they will bring Euros with them and will not use Sterling. Why should they change thier money twice when they are simply passing through the uk on a European tour, when every shop in the UK accepts ECU?
The value of the pound will be damaged by this. No one will want the pound, because you will not need it to operate in the UK. Everyone with a Sterling account will see that thier savings have lost value. They will be furious.
The UK will either have to join the Euro and take the loss, or outlaw the use of the Euro in the UK to try and bolster the value of the pound. I have been in countries where there are two currencies running side by side; the local currency always looses becuase the stronger, foreign currency, is, for many reasons, stronger.
Its astonishing that no one has spotted this....or maybe they have. Either way, the pound and the value of the savings in millions of Sterlings accounts is doomed unless something is done to protect the integrity of the pound.
Lets see what happens.
Either way, for the record, we are NOT going along with it, DO NOT support it, and refuse to co-operate with it. Period.
We will NOT accept the Euro in exchange for our goods while the pound is the legal tender of the UK.
We ALREADY encrypt our mail so that it cant be read.
We ENCOURAGE you to do the same.
totally amazing cnn poll:
Do you agree that governments should be able to detain
terror suspects indefinitely without trial?
Yes 80%
No 20%
"hey you, suspect......."
claus, just bitching and ranting. i'm just confused
anymore. is there a brain sucking machine somewhere
up in space taking all of our precious bodily fluids? i think
that there must be as i just don't get how anyone could buy a
kid rock album. the arts need artists not 'stars'. bah bah.....
Wednesday, December 19, 2001
natalie d served me coffee this morning! yes, yes
as i awoke to drive my lovely wife to work, we stopped for coffee
and snacks to find natalie as cheerful as you would imagine
for someone who has "lost/misplaced" their id card. she spoke in
kind of a manly voice and spit a lot. as she ran around behind the
counter pouring steamy coffee she shouted gwb quotes, saying
"we will get them", "kill the educated", "zeke hile" and other
memorable snipets from our 'leader of the FREE world'
& friends. it was quite a morning....
"The reason we start a war is to fight a war, win a war, thereby
causing no more war!"
--from the first pres debate
but who is to blame? are YOU wearing nikes? am i? do we care?
should i keep laughing?
Shouted down by ingnorant sheeple mob!
Tuesday, December 18, 2001
Ive been programming since the early '80s, first in Assembly, then in BASIC and most recently Perl. You simply have to suspend belief when you are trying to learn a new language. If you try and understand it all at once, you will fail, and feel stupid. Programming is a tool that you use to perform discreet tasks. If your task does not require that you write files to disc, then you dont need to know how to do that. You need to know just enough to do the job at hand, and no more. The incremental approach is best, and its also cool to have a good book by an author that you can get along with.
My entry into modern languages was very lucky. Im interested in operating systems, and installed early versions of Red Hat. This was a great way to learn about Linux/UNIX, and the different shells and command line tools. Then, I got a book on UNIX, and learned even more. Then I got "Learning Perl" and by then, most of the ideas were familiar, and picking Perl up has been a breeze. Its very important to be open to failing when you are a programmer; its the only way to learn how to fix things. Total knowledge is not necessary for this in any way. You have to trust that the pieces will suddenly fall into place, a light will suddenly illuminate your head and it will all coalesce into a coherent single package that you can RuLe with.
Then of course, you will be unable to communicate with anyone that does not programme. I am convinced that the act of learning a programming language changes the way that you think. I find that when people use gramatically incorrect english, I have to think to myself "You didnt mean to say that, but I know what you are trying to say". Your need for linguistic accuracy and correctness is very strong; forget watching the TV news, it will drive you iNsAnE! (especially Sky News).
As for working for other people, all I can say is that dealing with computer illiterates who want programming done is the shortest path to the insane asylum. Trying to explain the most simple concepts, and watching peoples eyes glaze over is something that "Mr. Irdial" has had to put up with for literally decades. Get used to it. Unless everyone is sprayed with Geek Gas and is transformed into a real person, you will have to put up with this aspect of your existence FOREVER.
Monday, December 17, 2001
Try in the passwords section; logins compromised!!!!!
Utterly and completely unreal.
also compromised: (99 results) [and this is supposed to be read by and run by computer literate people. They had THE MOST episodes of compromised passwords of all the domains that I tried!]
Please try out the form and see what compromised domains you can find, and post them~
In particular, began receiving emails at 3:23 PM on November 24. Triggering software automatically disabled the account after it exceeded quotas, and began saving messages as they arrived. The following day, MonkeyBrains' mail server was sluggish. Upon examination of the mail server's logs, it quickly became apparent that 100 emails per minute to the "suck_my_prick" alias were the source of the problem. The mails delivered the logged keystrokes from over 100,000 compromised computers in the first day alone.
One of the most basic tenets of an authoritarian state is one that claims rights for itself that it denies its citizens. Surveillance is perhaps one of the most glaring examples of this in our society. Accordingly, rather than hand over the entire database to the FBI, MonkeyBrains has decided to open the database to the public. Now everyone (including the FBI) will be able query which accounts have been compromised and search for their hostnames. Password and keylogged data will not be made available, for obvious legal reasons.
The database is available at
Sunday, December 16, 2001
From: "Erich M"
To: Declan McCullagh
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 14:33:48 +0100
Subject: Bin Laden's communications system
Hash: SHA1
Here is the gist of three stories in German linked below
If Bin Ladens Voice really could be identified on intercepted radio
communications as some US Media report, he most likley used used a
Handset of the "High Power HF SSB System" by the Australian manufacturer
These Shortwave SSB [Single Side Band modulation] radio systems [voice and
data] are used by most of the UN and many NGO relief orgs [UNHCR, UNICEF,
Omar, Red cross]
The Codan Marketing Manager confirmed that they had to ship over one
thousand additional units to resupply the losses of those organisations in
Afghanistan. Taliban/Al Quaeda systematically robbed those Codan Systems
and used them to hide their communications.
Can you imagine how difficult it was for the US to identify a communications
station as a target when it was active with a hardware id and a callsign
belonging to a UN organization?
In many of the cases when relief orgs were hit by US missiles a Codan station
was also destroyed.
Codan System typically consists of automobile transceivers, a powerful base
station [up to 1 KW covering the whole shortwave spectrum] plus a number of
handsets. Each base station can handle up to 400 [!] radio telephony channels,
Codan also delievers radio modems
Shortwave, being the dirtiest of all spectra of course does not allow reliable on-
the-air voice encryption - way too much noise around. Data transmissions are
very slow [1Kbit/sec is "fast"] because of high data transmission error rates.
Strong encryption systems are difficult to apply - if one character ist corrupt,
the whole message remains unreadable - so even embassies around the world
use some kind of Baudot-like numerical Code: Information is coded in groups of
five numbers.
All an easy prey to ECHELON I'd say. Al Kaida did not communicate via PGP
or Steganography in pornographic images - God forbid! They used stolen two
way radio hardware from relief organizations with stolen callsigns. The
challenge to US surveillance was to identify whether a voice speaking in Pashtu
[or some other dialect] belonged to the enemy. Or not: four Afghan engineers of
a UN technical aid unit were killed by a cruise missile beginning October, the
building contained a Codan base station.
Full text
Abridged version
first story
Version: PGP 6.5.8 -- QDPGP 2.61c
that is truly something. if we could flash forward a couple
decades i wonder what we'd see. facism all over with
the press numbing the minions with mcrib and 'survivor'.
apathy mixed with brainwashing as the mini mall slips
into thewhitehouse. well at least the whitehouse front
office....but down in the basement hitler and the duke
boys will be plotting the next in' sync tour. oh, i'm sorry
that was last week....
Saturday, December 15, 2001
Friday, December 14, 2001
How Lies Are Spread
The BBC said this: "The US Customs Service believes the Warez community is responsible for almost 90% of the pirated software sold over the web." But the US Customs Service ACTUALLY said this: Source: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 U.S. Customs Dismantles One of the World's Most Sophisticated Internet Piracy Networks 'Operation Buccaneer' Targets 'Warez' Cyberspace Gangs And Their Multi-Billion-Dollar Software Piracy Scheme WASHINGTON, DC-The U.S. Customs Service today executed 37 search warrants in 27 U.S. cities in connection with Operation Buccaneer, an unprecedented investigation into a global network of cyberspace gangs responsible for pirating billions of dollars worth of software over the Internet. Law enforcement authorities in four foreign nations simultaneously executed an additional 19 search warrants and arrested five individuals in connection with the case. The software pirated by these groups included expensive business software, firewall and other security software, and copyrighted games, music and digital videos. Operation Buccaneer is the first federal investigation of Internet software piracy to reach across international borders. Beginning at 10:30 Eastern Standard Time today, U.S. Customs agents executed search warrants on major universities, businesses and residences around the country, seizing computers and computer hard drives used to store and distribute pirated software. Today's enforcement actions were closely coordinated with authorities in Australia, England, Finland, and Norway. "Operation Buccaneer is the largest and most extensive investigation of its kind," said U.S. Customs Commissioner Robert C. Bonner. "This investigation underscores the severity and scope of a multi-billion-dollar software swindle over the Internet, as well as the vulnerabilities of this technology to outside attack." The enforcement actions today mark the first overt phase of a fifteen-month undercover investigation by the U.S. Customs Special Agent-in-Charge Office in Baltimore, Maryland; the U.S. Customs CyberSmuggling Center (C3) in Virginia; and the Justice Department's Computer Crimes and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) in Washington, D.C. Operation Buccaneer targeted the WAREZ community, a loosely affiliated network of software piracy gangs that engage in the duplication and reproduction of copyrighted software over the Internet. It is estimated that the WAREZ community is responsible for nearly 90% of the Internet sites that offer pirated software. Now, how did " responsible for nearly 90% of the Internet sites that offer pirated software" turn into "90% of the pirated software sold over the web"??? This is an important distinction, and the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the US customs stated about the Warez groups: "What is the motivation of these groups? Do they do it for money? DrinkOrDie and other Warez groups steal software for the mere challenge and fun of it. Reputation is everything to them. Earning an online reputation as the fastest to steal, "crack," and release high-quality, pirated software over the Internet is most important to them. Groups compete against each other in these efforts. Some even have web sites celebrating their greatest pirating feats. They also view themselves as Robin Hood figures -- pirating new software so it can be distributed freely over the Internet. They seek an Internet devoid of rules or law." Wether the stated losses due to warez are lies (12 Billion lost sales is being claimed, which is clearly bullshit) most of the facts presented by the FBI about how and why warez groups exist have been stated correctly; these people do it for fun, and not for profit. They are of course, not "Pirates". Pirates sell other peoples software, wheras Warez d00dz are interested in how fast they can move Warez, how fast they can crack Warez and how quickly they can get the latest Warez. Selling Warez is despicable to them. Anyone that can use Google can understand this, but aparently, the BBC cant even READ.
Any of you subscribing with AOL, HOTMAIL or YAHOO accounts be aware, that we are no longer accepting new subscribers from those domains. If you unsubscribe an email address with one of those domains, you will not be able to re-subscribe with it. If you need to subscribe with disposable email address, you now have to supply us with a reason why IN WRITING.
Thursday, December 13, 2001
Many moons ago, Irdial-Discs mirrored a German magazine called "Radikal", because its publication in Germany was forbidden. Now, thanks to the European arrest warrant, people in the UK can be arrested for publishing something that is illegal in Germany, even if its legal to publish it in the UK. We can now be arrested for mirroring files, and publishing in this free country, by authorities from less free countries.
This is totally unacceptable.
I couldn't give a FUCK about how anybody, anywhere wants to live, that's not my business. No one outside of the jurisdiction where someone lives has the right to arrest a person via an externally generated arrest warrant. This is one of the most basic ideas of sovereignty. Everyone that I know says that the line has now been crossed, and that they will under no circumstances, comply with this totally insane legislation.
I for one, am totally fed up with these people invading and eroding the UK. They all need to FUCK OFF back across the channel. Now, having said that, I could be ARRESTED for XENOPHOBIA, according to the European arrest warrant treaty!!!!!
Among the other "Crimes" listed in this abominable treaty are:
CYBER CRIME you what?
FALSIFICATION OF MEANS OF PAYMENT bullshit nothing to do with terrorism
COUNTERFEITING AND FORGERY OF THE EURO bullshit nothing to do with terrorism
CORRUPTION bullshit nothing to do with terrorism
AIDING AND ABETTING ILLEGAL ADMISSION bullshit nothing to do with terrorism
TRAFFICKING OF STOLEN VEHICLES bullshit nothing to do with terrorism
VOLUNTARY HOMICIDE bullshit nothing to do with terrorism
EU CRIME what the fuck is THAT?
LAUNDERING OF MONEY FROM CRIME bullshit nothing to do with terrorism
RACISM AND XENOPHOBIA bullshit nothing to do with terrorism
FALSIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTS bullshit nothing to do with terrorism
ARSON bullshit nothing to do with terrorism
and some other bullshit. All of this is being brought in because of TERRORISM. WHAT THE FUCK DOES PIRATING HANDBAGS HAVE TO DO WITH TERRORISM you idiots???
They are simply shovelling all this bullshit into the treaty as a power grab. The European bill of human rights is a piece of toilet paper. Just ask the poor suckers who just spent a MONTH in a Greek jail because they like looking at jets. The British simply will not put up with this. It might take some outrageous cases to get everyone here VERY VERY ANGRY, but in the end, the UK will finally have to leave Europe, because it is run by a load of power crazed, craven abusers of human rights, and we have no business dealing with them on ANY level, much less allowing their vile, irrational legal systems to invade and corrupt this island.
Wednesday, December 12, 2001
"They seek an Internet devoid of rules or law."
where are you in canada? i'm in vancouver.
desert island tops:
monk and coltrane at the five spot
monk genius of modern music 1
cybotron enter
an arp 2600!!!!
ramones rocket to russia
beatles magical mystery
polygon window everything.....
..........this is realy hard.......
i need stuff and you are making me realize it.grrrrr
Russia and many U.S. allies have warned Bush that
withdrawing from the pact might trigger a nuclear arms
race. Critics of the plan also question whether an effective
system can be developed without enormous expense.
Conservative Republicans have urged Bush to scuttle the
ABM, rejecting proposals to amend the pact or find loopholes
allowing for tests.
frankie say:
Tuesday, December 11, 2001
that's great as i want to travel anyway. who's deciding?
i'm for the uk but sonar would be a good choice as well.
then we can all go back to london for free drinks right??
anyway....that hat is like something you'd wear to
the blue oyster.
I am 67.5% British, just like
Sir Elton John
Roots in the UK, the rest of your hair is in the US.
I am 67.5% British, just like
Sir Elton John
Roots in the UK, the rest of your hair is in the US.
Monday, December 10, 2001
If I were a work of art, I would be M. C. Escher's Lizards. I am a bizarre juxtaposition of the real and the unreal. Based in the realm of mathematics, my two-dimensional appearance belies a complex and free-willed behaviour which both delights and confuses people. Which work of art would you be? The Art Test |
Saturday, December 08, 2001
yo no installo language packs......yo. detroit , la , pittsburg,
queens,'s automatik. i'm wasted on friday
night. yeah for me. fucking sh*t man i'm sick. the flu. i deserve
a break today!!! i'm going to go and put on energy flash.
oki!!!, may i dare suggest a blogdial get together. a face to
face interact as apposed to our tried but true post method.
we all get together some night some wherever. we can afford
it if we want it enough; you know what i mean right??? is anyone
game. fu*k i'll fly international for the conference of web geeks
such as ouselves.
please don't blame me for such an up front suggestion but i've
had a bit much of the e.t. sauce and i'm ready for the haps.
whatever they might be blogdialians. you name the country
and the date and let's all do our best to get there.
wasted and deserving it!!!-john
ok now this you'll love!!!
E.T. has that drunk 'vibe' about him. wouldn't
you say? mac....was he more like bender? all of these
cute harmless drunk aliens. alf, mac, et...the list goes on.
troublemakes...orshould i say....oh yes, dare i say....
....moneymakers. hey kids, it's cute to be drunk out of context
to your home world. is this telling our kids to go to alien planets
and get shit faced?? what would jerry falwell say to this
blasphemy? i emplore you jerry. denounce e.t. too before we have
all of our white children flying their spaceships to get drunk on venus.
venus, the female planet!!!! oh, no!!!!
Friday, December 07, 2001
et was a drunk alien that had lost his way. i'll bet he
even stole from that family he lived with. who were they?
the barrymore's right?
d. For maximum satisfaction, E.T. should
(1) buy less candy, more beer
(2) buy more candy, less beer
(3) remain in his present position, since that position
is the best attainable one(very zen choice)
(4) phone home
e. In equilibrium, how many packages of Reese's Pieces (including
fractions, if necessary) would E.T. be willing to trade for one bottle
of Coors?
bring back any memories???
Aibo custom code pulled from website
Imagine this. You're selling a product which is one of the first of its kind. It's very expensive. Your main audience at the moment is going to be early adopters until you can get the price down some. Fans of the product tend to be enthusiastic folks who form communities based on your product.
One day you discover that someone has managed to take your product and modify it so it does more than it could do originally. This person puts up a Web site and gives away the modifications for free.
What do you do? Do you A) welcome the innovations the early adopter is creating for your product, with an eye to leveraging them into product enhancements for the future? Or do you B) Send a lawyer after them and claim copyright infringement?
In my ideal world, I'd choose A. Sony, recently, chose B. When an intrepid Aibo owner figured out how to make his dog do new tricks, Sony's lawyers asked him to stop.
(You can get more information on this controversy at as well as links to other sites and movies of Aibos doing tricks no longer available.)
I'm really surprised about this. I don't know what Sony hoped to accomplish but I don't think it worked; I'm going to think about this every time I need to buy an electronics item.
nice. and thanks..
"jangling observation", is that a possitive?
Paintings Too Perfect?
Paragone You need to put a user name and password to get into NYT. If it asks you to log in, use "cypherpunks/cypherpunks"
Paragone You need to put a user name and password to get into NYT. If it asks you to log in, use "cypherpunks/cypherpunks"
Thursday, December 06, 2001
Thanks to you Anthony for that post. To whom it may concern, this is part of why Anthony is "one of the great ones". A looser would have deleted the post the next day in embarrasement. But in this case, there is nothing to be embarrased about, its a great post, a pure post, a pleasing post. And a pissed post. BRAVO Anthony, we love you, respect you and are glad to know you.
Words that are thier own opposite:
)>>aught = all, nothing
)>>bill = invoice, money
)>>comprise = contain, compose
)>>custom = usual, special
)>>dust = to remove, add fine particles
)>>literally = actually, figuratively
)>>model = archetype, copy
)>>moot = debatable, academic
)>>note = promise to pay, money
)>>peer = noble, person of equal rank
)>>put = lay, throw
)>>puzzle = pose problem, solve problem
)>>quantum = very small, very large (quantum leap)
)>>ravel = entangle, disentangle
)>>resign = to quit, to sign up again
)>>sanguine = murderous, optimistic
)>>scan = to examine closely, to glance at quickly
)>>set = fix, flow
)>>skin = to cover with, remove outer covering
)>>strike = miss (baseball), hit
)>>table = propose [British], set aside
)>>temper = calmness, passion
)>>trim = cut things off, put things on
Honestly, I will not buy another music CD until the RIAA pulls their head out of their ass! Which seems like it will be a long time...I think they should sue Microsoft. Without their operating system, 90% of these "infringers" would not be able to trade "infringing items". And why stop there? The computer makers are just as much at fault! And the phone companies - they provide the most of the lines that all of this "illegal" trading goes on over! And the doctors for delivering the babies who grew up to be "infringers". Etc...
Wednesday, December 05, 2001
The worm arrives in a message with the subject "Hi" and the following text in the body of the e-mail:
How are you?
When I saw this screensaver, I immediately thought about you.
I am in a harry, I promise you will love it!
Attached to the message is what appears to be a screensaver file, Gone.scr, a compressed copy of the worm.
When the file is opened, Pentagone will infect the victim's PC, attempt to stop a variety of antivirus and security applications and then, if successful, delete all the files in the folders containing those applications. AtGuard's Personal Firewall, ConSeal's PC Firewall, Kaspersky Lab's AVP, Network Associates' McAfee VirusScan, Symantec's Norton Antivirus and Zone Labs' ZoneAlarm are among the programs that the worm attempts to deactivate.
Irony: heh...I had my dumbass hat on today. It fits tight. I wear T-Shirts over jumpers cause I dont like Irony. Not even with a steam Irony. I walked through Hyde Park at 11PM. Its lit by Victorian gas lamps; a very beautiful type of light. There seems to be a move afoot in London to replace the hideous orange sodium street lights with bulbs that generate white light. This is good for telescope more sodium filters.....
Tuesday, December 04, 2001
"Semplicemente perch� queste trasmissioni
sembrano non esistere. Quanto ho scoperto
per la prima volta l'esistenza delle number
station ho iniziato una ricerca disperata alla
caccia di ogni tipo di informazione..."
-yo no understando!!
Registrant: Oveercomer Ministry (OVERCOMERMINISTRY-DOM) Highway 15 north Walterboro, SC 29488 US Domain Name: OVERCOMERMINISTRY.COM Administrative Contact, Billing Contact: Stair, Brother R. G (BRS38) rgstair@OVERCOMERMINISTRY.COM Overcomer Ministry 12680 Augusta Hwy Walterboro, SC 29488 843 538 3892 (FAX) 843 538 4202 Technical Contact: Steeby, Geoff (GS11569) webmaster@OVERCOMERMINISTRY.COM OVERCOMER MINISTRY PO BOX 691 WALTERBORO , SC 29488 843-538-3892 (FAX) 843-538-4202 Record last updated on 15-May-2001. Record expires on 25-Apr-2003. Record created on 25-Apr-1998. Database last updated on 3-Dec-2001 23:13:00 EST. Domain servers in listed order: AUTH10.NS.WCOM.COM AUTH20.NS.WCOM.COM
If you have ever been on a bicycle in Oxford Street you will know why the C5 was an impossibility for UK roads.
Look at that promo shot. A sad man sitting in the rain. What the marketing people were trying to tell us with this pathetic picture we can only guess. They should have been horsewhipped for letting this picture be taken, let alone released to promote a new vehicle. Would YOU want to be the man in that picture?
Monday, December 03, 2001
"I've just fucked myself up the ass."
-egad! did you get it on video?
Sunday, December 02, 2001
Saturday, December 01, 2001
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