Tuesday, May 29, 2001

blocking icmp is no sweat but the host unknown is the trouble. i have the 12.-> but i cannot get my pings to resolve to that #(12.->). i just get "host unknown" unless i use www before the domain. netscan will not turn up the ip ethier. i'm not sure what he did there to get the host unknown sans www. all pings(forward) will usually resolve to the ip before you get any response timed out or otherwise but this one will not. as for the reverse that does not apply here. any ideas? try it if you have the chance.

Monday, May 28, 2001

does anyone know how to block viewable domain resoultion(hide the ip addy)? this cannot be done thru the domain port as then noone can get to the site if you block inbound tcp/udp dns connections. it's driving me fucking crazy. example of active site with hostunknown ping: mid-atlanticpkg.com thanks.

Sunday, May 27, 2001

I had my first play around with OSX yesterday, on a fast mac with the top of the range *unreal* cinema display; uh oh; suddenly, apple totaly rules!!!!!! Now if they release OSX for intel, then.....ugh, i dont know what, but I'll run it instead of linux or windoze for sure, because i will finally be able to get *all* my crucial appz in a UNIX environment! It was pretty amazing to type "perl -v" in a terminal on an out of the box mac....what can I say? its just the coolest move EVER by apple. i can develop my perl scripts, practice my regexps *and* use the most lush and idiot proof software "just because I can". Amazing; its easy enough for the ultimate LaMer, but as deep as UNIX...what an achievement, a single box that is literally for EVERYBODY simultaneously. Forget all of this bullshit about "Linux being ready / not being ready for the desktop" OSX is IT, NOW, no question, no doubt. It also comes with Apache and everything else thats totally cool. what we need now is for OSX to be ported to intel, so that developers flock to it, then there will be no looking back, except to laugh!!!
Smart Dust; cameras on the backs of ants/flys/bees how weird is it going to get??? Has anyone seen the trailer for AI? I amost threw up. One conclusion after a coupla days of thought; The Matrix is what AI should have been, only directed by Kubrick. No, we havent seen it yet, but go and see the trailer, and have a bucket ready for the inevitable PUKE that you will spew..

Friday, May 25, 2001

Discreet; in other words, clearly definable, self contained, separate. Main Entry: dis�creet Pronunciation: di-'skrEt Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French discret, from Medieval Latin discretus, from Latin, past participle of discernere to separate, distinguish between -- more at DISCERN Date: 14th century I could have used a more clear word/phrase...oh well, you posted.
???? i hear you.... but 'discreet' seems a little bit of a "privileged" stance to take if you get my meaning.
There is no "struggle" there are only discreet problems that need to be solved. -hmmmmm. 'discreet'????????? i'm not so sure the word discreet applies. but that's symantics or is it?
happy 75th Miles.

Wednesday, May 23, 2001

ATTENTION Blogdialians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! According to the International Society for the Advancement of All Things Astrological (ISAATA) there will be no more individual astrological reading per sign. The following configurations to 'all things astrological' will be implemented thru ISAATA(by force if necessary). 1. no 'predicting' of any kind(even with tip). 2. no and we mean NO incense burning! 3. all reading/chartings, no matter for which sign, are from now on as follows: "everythings coming up roses!" 4. no touching!!!!!!(strictly enforced) 5. no using of the phrases and/or words: "stay groovy" "keep on truckin" "granola" "pepsi" "porpoise"
uucp-path 117/tcp nntp 119/tcp usenet #Network News Transfer Protocol ntp 123/udp #Network Time Protocol epmap 135/tcp loc-srv #DCE endpoint resolution epmap 135/udp loc-srv #DCE endpoint resolution netbios-ns 137/tcp nbname #NETBIOS Name Service netbios-ns 137/udp nbname #NETBIOS Name Service netbios-dgm 138/udp nbdatagram #NETBIOS Datagram Service netbios-ssn 139/tcp nbsession #NETBIOS Session Service imap 143/tcp imap4 #Internet Message Access Protocol pcmail-srv 158/tcp #PCMail Server snmp 161/udp #SNMP snmptrap 162/udp snmp-trap norton personal firewall "2001" sucks eggs as it's defaults lock mostly everything off. how many home users are going to be able to open up the correct ports????? i guess it would be a good thing if they could though. where's mat cogger?
v2.0 Mahir gets nookie. fuckin' rock till ya puke man! oh, and "a seven-year period." ????? -who's going to fit that bill? fuck them..scumbags. magic juan ain't just jokin'...techno sound is smokin'

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

Protest!!!! and stick it to the electric companies, right in their wallet. a mass blackout could have financial impact on those bastards. and show us how dependant we are on that little buzzing wire... ROLL YOUR OWN BLACK OUT THE FIRST DAY OF SUMMER JUNE 21, 2001 THURS EVE, 7-10pm worldwide, all time zones --------------------------------------------------- In protest of George W. Bush's energy policies and lack of emphasis on efficiency, conservation and alternative fuels, there will be a voluntary rolling blackout on the first day of summer, June 21 at 7pm - 10pm in any time zone (this will roll it across the planet). It's a simple protest and a symbolic act. Turn out your lights from 7pm-10pm on June 21. Unplug whatever you can unplug in your house. Light a candle to the sungod, kiss and tell, make love, tell ghost stories, do something instead of watching television, have fun in the dark. Forward this email as widely as possible, to your government representatives and environmental contacts. Let them know we want global education, participation and funding in conservation, efficiency and alternative fuel efforts -- and an end to over exploitation and misuse of the earth's resources. ***************** MOMENTUM: for a cooler planet. Pick it up. MOMENTUM magazine CELEBRATE SUMMER SOLSTICE, THE LONGEST DAY OF THE YEAR!

Monday, May 21, 2001

Labour supports email spy policy

by Wendy Brewer Friday, 18 May 2001 The government is backing EU plans to extend the state's power to snoop at private emails. Under the proposals, all email communications will have to be retained by ISPs for a seven-year period. "Only people who have something to hide should be worried," said a spokesperson at the Department of Trade and Industry. "The government will only have cause to browse emails if they have their suspicions about a user. They simply don't have the time or money to check every email sent." The proposals were revealed in a leaked EU report earlier this week. But Human Rights groups are enraged by the proposals claiming they breach a fundamental right to privacy. Having already campaigned against RIPA (the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act), which gives government the right to demand encryption codes, protestors are now infuriated these powers may be extended. "This was meant to strike a balance," said a press officer for the EC. "Governments need maximum powers to catch cyber criminals, but there will always be people who are unhappy." The European Union's Justice and Home Affairs Committee will consider the proposals on 28 May.
"I'm going to take my lashes to the limit"

Sunday, May 20, 2001

stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2001

thanks for the visual route link!!!! from my experience so far netscan picks up the most open ports. finger too(but we know that isn't so realistic anymore). ipx can suck my dick....btw. i've been spending my entire sat. dumping that molasses.
Visual Route is a blast... VisualRoute is a visual, fast, and integrated ping, whois, and traceroute program that automatically analyzes Internet connectivity problems, displaying the results on a World map.
superG=freddy mercury? what are you tellin' me, supaG?

Friday, May 18, 2001

The Gnutella protocol does not scale; it is being changed so that it will scale. This involves making more powerful clients on fat pipes into supernodes that can handle indexing, while less powerful nodes are simply leech / storage nodes. "Legitimate" sources will never be as cool / popular as Gnutella, becaus they always have to have one eye over thier shoulders due to ambulance chasers trying to shut them down/make a buck. Napster is being abandoned because of this lawyer/RIAA pressure; check out the numbers: Napster is loosing users because so much is being filtered. Once the problems of the Gnutella scaling, structure and anonymity are solved, it will grow expontionally; nothing can compete with free access to EVERYTHING; no "legal" site can compete; its as simple as that. What will be interesting to see is what happens to those sites that provide www interfaces to Gnutella, and wether or not the RIAA BiaTcEs will try to shut them down. Journalists (who are mostly computer illiterates) do not have the necessary capacity to imagine what it would be like to have free access to everything in a way that is totally unstopabble and unrestricted. This is why they always say that it wont work, or that there is some fix over the horizon that will solve it all. They have no direct experience with Warez or Cracking, and so dont understand that there is NOTHING anyone can do to stop the free flow of files on a network. These dumbasses cant even find out this stuff from Google. Filesharing is here to stay; no matter how hard they try, the RIAA and thier pig bedfellows will always fail. HMG today said that it will back email snooping legislation being out forward by the EEC. These nimrods dont even understand that the next version of Sendmail (the program that is responsible for 99.99% of all emailsent in the world) will have unbreakable transparently inplimented end to end encryption build in by default,so that no ones email, in transit and when it sits on an ISPs server will be readable by the ISP, or anyone else. We are going to have our freedom; privacy online will be universal, the free exchange of files will be commonplace. What will have to change is how artists and labels are compensated. This will probably mean users taking personal responsibility for compensating the artists and labels that they enjoy by buying tshirts and maybe physical sound carriers & other stuff. This is the new reality, and its good. Its a shock, it takes getting used to, but once you sit and THINK about it, it makes sense, and takes your breath away with its simplicity. And as for this "virus" bullshit, well this just proves that the article was written by a total LamEr; these are the same l00sers that use outlook express and click on "nudehornyhousewife.jpg" the instant that it arrives in their inbox. These virus red herrings are boring at best, and will not do anything but discredit the lamers that write this sort of FUD/trash talk.
We are getting LOTS of submissions for blinks; keep them coming!!!!
Dav, http://www.limewire.com is the app fror Gnutella; it rulez
fosters, 151, and milk or 10$ cash to 'freddy' down the block. hmmmm. i just don't want to explode that's all.

Live it.

Tuesday, May 15, 2001

We've been sent the following email: oooooohhhhhhhh!! "I loved the cover of your Too Many Fools CD, and thougth that since you guys are into Sailor Moon, you would like some inside info on the forthcoming Sailor Moon Movie! Here is a partial listing of the Cast: Sailor Moon: Sarah Michelle Gellar Sailor Mars: Jessica Love Hewitt Sailor Mercury: Milla Jovovitch Sailor Jupiter: Carly Pope Sailor Venus: Undecided / Open Rini: Undecided / Open Darian: Keanu Reeves Beryl: Sigourney Weaver Voice of the Wise man: undecided Birdie: Undecided / Open Catsy: Undecided / Open Avery: Undecided / Open Its going to be a great feature: 100% digital production, with the latest effects. Although this a sino american venture, all of the cast and and production will be based in the us. Hope that that has whet your whistle! We are still dasting for many of the parts, including Diamond, Emerald, Rubius and the voice of Artemis."
"Loft Story," based on the exploits of a group of twentysomethings in a sealed compound jammed with television cameras, has attracted huge ratings since its launch a few weeks ago. In an emergency sitting called after fierce criticism of the programme led by French intelligentsia and clergy, the Paris-based CSA authority ruled that the constant TV scrutiny of the contestants harmed their human rights. "(The authority) requires daily breaks of significant and reasonable duration in which no audio or visual recording or broadcasting shall take place," it said in a statement. "Regardless of the aim of the programme or the fact that the contestants have given their consent, it is imperative from the point of human dignity that there are places and times in which they are not submitted to public observation," it added. When was the last time you heard the word intelligentsia used to describe a living person?!! And ummm, the human rights of the contestants demands that they have the right to be filmed in ANY WAY THAT THEY CONSENT TO BE FILMED. DUH!

Monday, May 14, 2001

i guess you know about absurd.org but this is cool: http://www.absurd.org/a-periodic/web_is_dead.html--
     ____ _______  _____
    / __ <  / __ \/__  /
   / /_/ / / / / /  / /
  / _, _/ / /_/ /  / /
 /_/ |_/_/\____/  /_/
here is what i want to talk about on the dial of blogs, but i will forget by tomorrow: my girlfriend just icq'd me this, she just got gnutella: someone is searching for:: "Melanie drinks cum from a straw inserted into the dick.avi" why does rankpeople.com, and possibly amihotornot if it would work, default to women. check out this site: www.memebank.org - from nevochka nezvanova there is an interesting, but slightly hard to read (hey "she" is so crazy with her shaolin sword style) meme at www.memebank.org/0002/0002.html also read the bit in the current new scientist about gender. i might type it all out and post it and also send a few links. maybe. also check out www.xrefer.com if you are writing essays. very cool. and they have a sherlock plugin (or a re working on it!) alex. --
     ____ _______  _____
    / __ <  / __ \/__  /
   / /_/ / / / / /  / /
  / _, _/ / /_/ /  / /
 /_/ |_/_/\____/  /_/

Friday, May 11, 2001

Miles Davis "Aura" Columbia/Legacy CK 63962 1989 Time: 67:01 Musicians: Miles Davis - Trumpet; John McLaughlin - Guitar; Vince Wilburn - Electronic Drums; Thomas Clausen>, Ole Koch-Hansen, Kenneth Knudsen - Keyboards; Bjarne Roupe - Guitar; Bo Stief - Fender & Fretless Bass; Niels-Henning Orsted Pedersen - Acoustic Bass; Lennart Gruvstedt - Drums; Marilyn Mazur, Ethan Weisgaard - Percussion; Niels Eje - Oboe/Cor Anglais; Lillian Toernqvist - Harp; Eva Thaysen - Vocals; Benny Rosenfeld, Palle Bolvig, Jens Winther, Perry Knudsen, Idrees Sulieman - Trumpet; Vincent Nilsson, Jens Engel, Ture Larsen - Trombone; Ole Kurt Jensen - Bass Trombone; Axel Windfeld - Bass Trombone & Tuba; Jesper Thilo, Per Carsten, Uffe Karskov, Bent Jaedig, Flemming Madsen - Woodwinds; Palle Mikkelborg - Trumpet & Flugelhorn
Xaio Xaio Kung Fu Part 1 & 2 One Two
Coming soon to an inbox right next to you....
 ___  __    __  _  _  _ _   ___ _________________________
(  ,)(  )  (  )( \( )( ) ) / __)                        .
 ) ,\ )(__  )(  )  (  )  \ \__ \                        .
(___/(____)(__)(_)\_)(_)\_)(___/                        .
*Irregular Cutz from Everywhere*                        .
The strangest one yet, courtesy of a closed mailing list:


Just when you think, "I've seen it all since the web"....
Tell a friend: http://www.recommend-it.com/l.z.e?s=857584
Subscribe: http://www.ibmpcug.co.uk/~irdial/lister.htm
Submit to BLINKS: mailto:irdial@irdialsys.win-uk.net
******* Now Forward This very short Email! *******

Wednesday, May 09, 2001

dam a, that was the best list yet!!!!!! great. funny but a friend told me that 'someone' (x-empolyee) just got thru on port 21 on one of his web servers. thanks superscan 206. ha.

Monday, May 07, 2001

perl -le '$_="6110>374086;2064208213:90<307;55";tr[0->][ LEOR!AUBGNSTY];print' cut, paste execute.

Friday, May 04, 2001

Monitor the USA v CHINA "war" defaced-l [web page defacement announce list] This is a public HIGH VOLUME (1) mail list to circulate news/info on defaced web sites. To subscribe to Defaced, send mail to defaced-l-subscribe@mailinglists.org with "subscribe defaced-l" in the BODY of the mail. There will be two types of posts to this list: 1. brief announcements as we learn of a web defacement. this will include the site, date, and who signed the hack. we will also include a URL of a mirror of the hack. 2. at the end of the day, a summary will be posted of all the hacks of the day. these can be found on the mirror site listed under 'relevant links'

Thursday, May 03, 2001

Just Like Candy! http://www.prosumer.tv/philosophy.html

Unbelievable: HMG adopts PGP!

"the UKGovernment is to implement encryption technology to enable secure e-mail communication between its departments, a move that could save taxpayer's money and increase efficiency. PGP Security last week said it was to supply government departments with a 128-bit version of its PGP for HMG encryption product. It said the product would provide encryption technology at the approved baseline/ restricted level which would enable government bodies and commercial partners to communicate securely. "Any government information that is sensitive is not sent electronically, instead it is saved on a disc and physically taken to the other department - at the taxpayer's expense," said Mark Tucker, sales manager for PGP. The company said version 6.0 of PGP for HMG will be fully inter-operable with its commercial counterpart. "The sheer volume of restricted information that governments need to transfer electronically means they need a solution they can trust," said John Doody, head of customer services at the government's National Technical Information Security Authority.
Gandhi's four steps to victory are as follows: 1. They ignore you. 2. They laugh at you. 3. They fight you. 4. You win.

Wednesday, May 02, 2001

still nothing like a speak and spell.....albeit for the big red handle. do they use 802.11b too? btw: it may be good by usa for me. i have formally applied for canadian citizenship in vancouver. let's hope all goes thru. keep your finger crossed for me.........it's been 2 years and we've decided to try it!