Thursday, February 26, 2004

"Childbirth is no more a miracle then eating food and a turd coming out of your ass." - Instead of being tied up in language the thrust of any argumenmt is what should be paramount. One eye must be kep on the future, and the other one firmly fixed on today. If something is failing today, and we want to make sure that future generations are not going to suffer similar or worse treatement, we have to face the problem now and make sure that the negative trend doesnt get worse. Right now, medicalized birth is the norm in the USA. In Canada (according to one of my trusted sources) you cannot have a home birth unless you are within a certain distance to a hospital. If this trend follows all the other ones, it will not be long before the same absurd rules are brought in here. A fundamental principle is what I am talking about; are you in command of your own body, or not. Can the state madate that you give birth in a certain way, or not. Anyone that is for state control over the human body is for my money, insane. If the state controls your body, you are a slave. There are no two ways about it. After thousands of years of slavery, indentured servitude, virtual slavery, second class citenship, glass ceilings and discrimination, only the greatest fool would sit still and allow the systematic abuse of people go on without so much as a word. WRONG My concern, once again is for the future. The suffragettes took matters into their own hands, and won the vote through brave acts of outrage. If the march of medicalized bith does not abate, who is going to come to the aid of women in this area? Surely you cannot expect the male dominated medical establishment to come to its senses and impliment the right policies? If the suffragettes took that route, women would still be without the vote. Its clear that unless people organize, educate themselvs and take their rights no one is going to sympathise and relent out of the goodness of their hearts. People make money out of medicalized birth; that means the pressures to spread it are even greater than the ones that kept the vote from women, especially today, where money is everything. If the solution is not to make the cost of c-sections the issue that reduces their over application in hospitals, then we need to have another solution presented; one that works in reversing the trend of medicalized birth in the west. RIGHT Medical treatment should always be freely available, and that means any needed proceedure, regardless of the cost. The level of service should also be identical to the service that you get if you pay for private health care. That goes without saying. What I am talking about is the routine perfomance of unneeded and humiliating proceedures, done for the most part because fear has been been drilled into the patient and I mean FEAR, as in False Evidence Appearing Real; "the baby's head is too big", "you cannot deliver twins naturally", "you cannot deliver a posterior baby naturally", "you are a week late, we HAVE to induce you" - and so on. This is the sort of nonsense that gets trotted out so that professionals can keep a job. The reality is, most of the time, there is nothing to do right up to the time of the birth, and even then the labouring woman does it all by herself. After the baby is born, mother and child go to bed, and then thats it. There is literally nothing else to be done in the majority of cases. Unless there is a campaign to educate the educated women of the west, medicalized birth will take over everywhere, and then the third world will follow and not a natural birth will take place on this planet. The same goes for the replacing of breastfeeding with formula all over the world, a prure money motivated phenomina, women being told that they have to give birth on their backs in bed (a trend which started by a European king who wanted to see his child emerge) and every other fleecing scam whose target is the womsn. Yes womsn. In the not so far future, after its all over and midwifery is lost to us, THEN try and complain, and see how far your daughters get. If their eyes dont glaze over and yawns dont erupt from their mouths before you finish speaking.
"I'm gonna share with you a vision that I had, cause I love you... And you feel it. You know all that money we spend on nuclear weapons and defense each year, trillions of dollars, correct? Instead -- just play with this -- if we spent that money feeding and clothing the poor of the world -- and it would pay for it many times over, not one human being excluded ...not one -- we could explore space together, both inner and outer, forever peace." Today is the 10th anniversary of the death of the world's greatest 'comedian', Bill Hicks. And as such, I plan on enjoying this masterwork again tonight: Exquisite Blog Corpse thing last post related tie-in: "Childbirth is no more a miracle then eating food and a turd coming out of your ass." - Bill Hicks
If I wasn't already using !@?*s product I certainly wouldn't start to now.�I sympathise, meau, exactly what was running through my head after reading Irdial's last post. What brand of crap was that? Women can't defend themselves? Hardly. I would argue that women are habitually not listened to. And not just by men. I can't believe that you would cast the issue of hospitalized births as solely a woman's responsibility, when clearly, it is an issue that the whole of society must address. Together. And do you really think that an economic solution is a good idea? In Canada, our doctors are paid percentages of the tests and referals they give, which translates very quickly into a lot of unnecessary procedures. And then on the flip side, now that our dear government has clipped the health budget, a lot of people not getting the treatment they need. Don't you think that the same economic focus in your country would result in similar problems? And I would also argue that women are united in this, the women I know who help give birth, both inside the medical institution and out, are quick to educate and share their knowledge. Its only for someone to listen.
May the gluttonous aristocrat choke on the flesh of the common man. Or better yet, let him choke on the sour grapes of wrath instead of having to kill and cannibalize a peasant; after all, both parties will die, and then, the struggle will be over, and so will our endless fun. When you choke, there is a method of forcibly expelling the gunk that is blocking the airway. You can take a course on how to do this at any NHS hospital, for free. The NHS is an amazing organ. Did you know that the accountants in the NHS cannot tell you how much, for example, an appendectomy costs? Normally you can count up every drug, the time of each medical professional...everything, so that you can arrive at an accurate costing for every operation or proceedure in the hospital. The NHS doesnt do this. They dont know what ANYTHING costs. That my friends, is totally absurd. If lets say for example, the NHS could count the cost of each operation or proceedure, they would be able to apply some form of economics to which operations and proceedures are performed, and the whole thing would become much more cost efficient, while giving the same standard (or higher) levels of care. When women are brought to hospital in the UK, there is a 30% chance that they will be given a cesarean section. Most of these proceedures are absolutely unnessesary, as are the many epidurals that are administered. Now, no one knows the cost of giving an epidural to a wonman in labour, and neither do they know how much it costs to perform a cesarean section. If they were made to account properly, the number of cesarean sections performed on the NHS would plummet down to only those that were actually done for a medical reason; in other words rarely. The same for epidurals; they are rarely needed during childbirth, analgesia is despensed like candy to women in labour, and in the case of epidurals, the labouring mother's temperature rises artificially, birth is made more difficult, and the probability of cesarian birth increases drastically. Since women cannot defend themselvs, and almost always give in to medicalized birth, it appears that they will have to be saved from it by economics. It has been demonstrated statistically that home birth is safer than hospital birth, and also it is less expensive. Birthing at home, as it has been done for thousands of years, as it is done today all over the world except in the "civilized" countries, is perfectly normal and costs close to nothing. On the other hand, a cesarian section, if we are going by the other health institutions that have responsible accounting procedures, costs at least $8,000. You do the math. Or let someone else do the math.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

It even duplicates the microminiature electric currents that soften your broken bones to create mending of them and then create stress either compressing the bones thereby shortening them or stress to make the bones grow longer. It knows your face. This monster computer, this beast...THE BEAST. This is how it will know you. And I quote: - everyone wanting a passport will have to "enrol" and have a digitised picture taken which is then stored on a microchip in the passport - a centralised, biometric-based, "European Passport Register" will be set up and then it will become compulsory for everyone to give their fingerprints too - all EU citizens holding passports, every resident third country national and everyone visiting the EU with a visa will have their personal biometric "identifiers" plus personal data stored on the new generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) - all ID cards should also contain biometric data - this will enable the wholesale surveillance of all movement not just into the EU but within the EU too [...] I am not bullshitting. This is for real. An appalling nightmare made real. There is no need for this, it is being done soley to fleece the eitire european population one face at a time, and then to control all europeans with this massive database. They will use this for absolutely everything, and it will control you from the day you are born to the day you die...if you consent to it. Even if "enrolment" is mandatory, the word mandatory is only real if the majority of people accept the new regulations. If they do not, the system will become "unworkable" which is doublespeak for "they wont buy it", which is market speak for "that dog wont hunt" which is southern speak for "back to the drawing board boys". I will not enroll for this. No one that I know personally will enroll for this. This time the EU has gone too far.
Animal control officers spent almost an hour trying to pull a pup from a storm drain pipe in Syracuse this week. Kids walking down a sidewalk spotted the golden retriever in the storm drain, and rushed home to tell their parents who called police. Three Davis County Animal Care and Control officers responded and tried to get to the dog, but he got spooked and crawled into the drain's pipe. It took the officers about 45 minutes to rescue the lucky pup, and when they did, they were all covered in mud. The dog had no collar or tags and police think the dog's owner abandoned it. The dog is doing fine and is staying at an animal shelter in Fruit Heights. TETHL (There ends the hard link). A DRUG addict who repeatedly pleaded to be committed to hospital because demons ordered him to do ?bad things? pushed a commuter under a Tube train, the Old Bailey was told yesterday. Christophe Duclos was left slumped on the tracks with a severed left arm and broken bones after he was sent flying into the path of a fast-moving Underground train during rush hour. A Frenchman who had worked in Britain for six years, he died in hospital three days later. Just hours before Stephen Soans-Wade, 36, pushed M Duclos on to the tracks he had told police he was hearing voices in his head, the court was told. He was taken to hospital but left before doctors were able to assess him. He had a history of trying to get himself sectioned under the Mental Health Act and was known for becoming violent when discharged because doctors found that he was not mad, it was alleged. [...],,4484-974456,00.html A man down a big drain pushes a man onto the tracks. In New York during the late 70s 80s street wisdom dictated that you never stood close to the platform edge, because of "pushers". I loved the bizarre criminals that you used to get in the Big Apple; for example, "Dart Man" who used to stalk women and fire hand crafted darts into their asses with a blowpipe. Only in America, and especially only in New York. How we laughed at the continual parade of bizarre criminals dunderheads and pranksters lined up by WABC night after night, people who seemingly had not a single brain-cell between their ears. Dart Man was all over the papers; every time he struck another victim the news went wild. What a life; so tranquil that a single prankster could take over the entire city's imagination for weeks. Not so now of course.... As for Mr. Soans-Wade, the demon obeying underground pusher - he will certainly get what he wanted, and be "Sectioned".

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Either way, anyone who cannot put his own interests aside for the good of his country should not be president. Ever. Which reminds me of a photocopy my yoga teacher gave me, oh so long ago: Why Leaders Fail. A synopsis for you: Inability to organize details: Efficient leadership calls for ability to organize and master details. No genuine leader is ever "too busy" to do anything which may be required in the capacity as a leader. When a person admits that they are "too busy", they admit inefficiency. Unwillingness to render humble service Truly great leaders are willing, when occasion demands, to perform any sort of labour which they would ask another to perform. Expectation of pay for what they "know" instead of what they do with what they know The world pays people for what they do, or induce others to do. Fear of competition from followers The able leader trains their understudies to delegate, at will, any of the details of their positon. Only in this way may a leader multiply themselves and prepare to be at many places, and give attention to many things at one time. Lack of imagination Without imagination, the leader is incapable of meeting emergencies, and of creating plans by which to guide followers efficiently. Selfishness The leader who claims all the honor for the work of the followers is sure to be met by resentment. The really great leader claims none of the honors. Intemperance Followers do not respect an intemperant leader. Moreover, intemperance, in any of its various forms, destroys the endurance and the virtality of all who indulge in it. Disloyalty Disloyalty marks one as being less than the dust of the earth, and brings down on one's head the contempt one deserves. Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk of life. Emphasis on the "authority" of leadership The efficient leader leads by encouraging, not trying to instill fear in the hearts of followers. If a leader is a real leader, they will have no need to advertise that fact except by conduct - sympathy, understanding, fairness, and a demonstration that they know the job. Emphasis of title The person who makes too much over their title generally has little else to emphasize. The doors to the office of the real leader are open to all who wish to enter, and their working quarters are free from formality or ostentation.
Silk tie around the neck, a stupid look in his face, no hope of winning, and every chance of giving a monster a second chance at initiating armageddon. Who on earth could I possibly be talking about? "Sooner or later youre gonna listen to" Ralph Nader. This imbecile, this edge to edge ego monster, this selfish ignorant and useless FOOL is going to make sure that the next election (not that they really matter, its the principle of selfishness that I am talking about) goes to The Enemy™. There is no reason, no excuse, no logic that can explain, tidy up or justify why the vote should be split. The next election is so important, so crucial to the peace of this planet that all other concerns need to be put aside. Rather like the Roman Empire under an insane man, even though the emperor rules by divine right, it became necessary for moral and honourable men, sometimes friends, to murder him in order that people can be free. In his case, all everyone has to do is simply put aside their differences, which are small when weighed against the destruction of the country itself, so that the nearest polar opposite candidate (one with a brain) can be elected. Democracy is broken. The incoming president and cabinet might do bad things, like Dean would certainly have done had he been elected. This is largely irrelevant. When you are getting rid of the worst president in American history, literally, anyone is a better choice. This must be the overriding concern; how to get rid of the current administration, and by extension, all the pure evil advisors, hangers on, special interst leeches and sheep shear weilding corporations that have totally corrupted the USA. Anyone who understands this, and who has a love for that country would NEVER run for president, knowing that it could make the difference between the end of the country as we have loved it, and a change of direction back to the true America. Ralph Nader is insane. Or selfish. Or stupid. Or all three. Either way, anyone who cannot put his own interests aside for the good of his country should not be president. Ever.

Monday, February 23, 2004

I feel that the proposed work permits for the citizens of the EU accession countries who wish to work in the UK will not be effective for those who wish to circumvent them, especially as the government still wishes - in a self contradiction - to have an open labour market. There is also the problem of increased attackes on people like the Romas, who come to the UK trying to find some prosperity. This is the face that gets the tabloids in a frenzy, but what will drive them even more mad is the day that will inevitably come, where you cannot do anything ordinary in the English language. Already, in places like California, 50% of the population list Spanish as their mother tounge. You need to know some Spanish to be able to live. That isnt a bad thing - if you are not a foam mouthed Sun reader - but if you are, it represents a fundamental destruction of your way of life. Get used to it, because every european language is coming here, everything British is going to be owned by rich capable Europeans, like Chelski Football club, and Harrods. Its almost as if the previous governments didnt think the whole European integration process through to its logical conclusion; and in particular, this government, at the 11th hour, is trying to put a bandaid over the self inflicted shotgun wound of the EU. Its insane, stupid, ill concieved and totally nutz. The only way out of this problem is to leave the EU while it is still possible; before the pound is given up for the Euro. This way, Shengen can be thrown out, and the UK will not have to follow EU regulations at all. The alternative is to stay in the EU, allow anyone in, and see the UK completely absorbed into Europe. I have no problem living next door to people, but i'll be damned if I let them tell me when I take a bath, and what soap I wah with. If any. Yes, "Wah!"
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 08:25:25 -0500 From: Bonnie Subject: Fighting Big Brother in VT (Round One goes to Bonnie) I won my case (pro se) in small claims court on Friday, February 13. I had sued Key Bank for failure to honor a valid, duly-indorsed paycheck from Gardener's Supply, a long-time VT company. The judge agreed with me that requiring a thumbprint on the face of the check went beyond 'reasonable' and 'ordinary' care in determining my identity. (Docket# S1630-03, Chittenden Small Claims Court --I didn't know where, and didn't have the money to start this anywhere else.) I've taken it this far successfully, but if they appeal, I WILL NEED HELP. I was too busy with my husband's campaign to put out the call and publicize my case before now, except for a brief description posted Friday morning to I will be doing more, looking for interviews on this, to try to encourage other folks to go win $31 from Key Bank as well. I met a VTCLU former board member in the courthouse, Gloria Gil, and she encouraged me to contact the *CLU, which I was going to do anyway. Also, the press. I have a letter prepared for VT legislators, who Key Bank said had discussed this, but never passed any bill. Key Bank said that the VT State Banking Dept 'approved' this thumbprint requirement somehow. (They wanted me to go there instead of taking them to court, obviously.) So, I think another next step is to FOIA the hell out of the VT State Banking Dept. I want everything they've got on the 'thumbprint security' program, and any correspondence any of them had with Key Bank. I may have the same problem with my next 'first paycheck,' because I've just started a new job. I'll be taking Bank North to court as well, if they try to pull the same thing. When asked who else in the area req'd thumbprints, their security officer said that Bank North was considering it. (March 5 will be my first paycheck--companies can't start up direct deposit until paycheck #2, which was the cause of this problem in the first place.)

Sunday, February 22, 2004

You're Canada!
People make fun of you a lot, but they're stupid because you've got a much better life than they do.  In fact, they're probably just jealous.  You believe in crazy things like human rights and health care and not dying in the streets, and you end up securing these rights for yourself and others.  If it weren't for your weird affection for ice hockey, you'd be the perfect person.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid

Alright, that was the second try. The first go was Brazil, but I lied about the soccer.
I don't want to live in a police state. Why not?
Scientists Discover Methane Ice Worms on Gulf of Mexico Sea Floor A team of university scientists using a mini research submarine on a NOAA-funded research cruise has discovered, photographed, and sampled what appears to be a new species of centipede-like worms living on and within mounds of methane ice on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico, about 150 miles south of New Orleans. Although scientists had hypothesized that bacteria might colonize methane ice mounds, called gas hydrates, this is the first time animals have been found living in the mounds. The discovery of dense colonies of these one-to-two-inch-long, flat, pinkish worms burrowing into a mushroom-shaped mound of methane seeping up from the sea floor raises speculation that the worms may be a new species with a pervasive and as yet unknown influence on these energy-rich gas deposits. [...]
First question: Who is Jane Fineman, the author of that piece? Then:
Is there any evidence the vaccine can harm a healthy child? There is no published evidence showing any increased risk or any explanation as to why a triple vaccine should be any more toxic than the same dose delivered singly.
Just because there is no publishe evidence, this doesnt mean that the effect isnt real. Later on in this Q&A the effects of the triple vaccination are outlined. Your child could get the mild symtpoms of Rubella Mumps and Measles ALL AT THE SAME TIME, instead of ONE AT A TIME, if they were given the single vaccinations. Even the lowest simpleton on the planet can see that to administer an injection where there are three possible simultaneous side effects layered on each other cannot possibly be a sensible thing to do
Why has the Government banned single vaccines? Children would have to have six injections instead of two, increasing the risk of non-compliance. They would also risk catching one of the diseases while they wait to complete the course. The ban has let private clinics flourish, charging up to ?300 for the three vaccines.
These vaccinations are not a legal requirement, and so the "risk of non compliance" is not a reason to "ban" single vaccines. They are just trying to be "efficient". Did Tony Bliar give his son the MMR injection; this is what we want to know. During the Mad Cow Disease scare, ministers went out and ate hamburgers in public. Do as I say and not as I do just doesnt cut it. To say that they would risk catching one of the three diseases is absurd; later in the same piece she talks about herd immunity protecting the population. As long as you take your three injections in a timely manner, this herd immunity should be preserved, and the danger of stacked side effects would be eliminated. Of course this means more WORK for the lazy people who are administering these injections, and of course, the leisuire of health workers is FAR more important than the health of the population. As for the ban letting private clinics flourish, this is just pathetic sour grapes bullshit that has nothing to do with the health of individuals. I do see however, that many of these clinics are using google adwords to sell their services - thanks Jane!
What is my child's risk of catching measles if he or she doesn't have the jab? Provided there is reasonable 'herd immunity', the risk of a non-vaccinated child catching measles is very low - that is why vaccination is regarded as a social responsibility. It is only where herd immunity breaks down that measles epidemics become more likely.
That last blockquote was FYI.
Are there any side-effects to the vaccine?Between a week and 10 days after the MMR immunisation, some children become feverish, develop a measles-like rash and go off their food. About three weeks after the injection a child might occasionally develop a mild form of mumps. A few children get a rash of small bruise-like spots due to the rubella part after about two weeks. About one in 1,000 will have a fit after becoming feverish - although there are no long-term consequences.
So you say, "woman with no past". Its abundantly clear. Any sensible person reading the above "facts" would instantly choose either single vaccinations or abstention because getting three separate doses is prohibitively expensive. Herd immunity can protect your child, and you dont take the risk of your precious offspring being turned into a sufferer of autistism, which is a much more horrible fate than catching a case of the Mumps or Measles, which untill vaccinations came along, the older people I know say were treated like chicken pox; you got it, and then got over it. Of course, there is now a chicken pox vaccine; how long berore that is dumped into this coctail so that we have MMRC? Maybe geeks will be coerced to take it if they put the influenza vaccine in instead of Mumps, giving us MIRC. Dr. Wakefield may or may not have been biased. He is unusual in that he is biased against the medical status quo, which probably was taken as his greatest crime. When these shepherds take money from Pharmaceutical companies (and there are plenty more that do that than the lone voices like Wakefield), where are the full page articles by "journalists" with no bacground to knock them down in public? By the stacked side effects alone, MMR doesnt make sense. Then there is the alledged autism side effect. If you have a child and you think this is a risk worth taking, even when Bliar himself wont give it to his son, then do so; its ultimately your personal business. What is completely wrong, is that only the rich have this choice, when it should be available to everyone. That is the core issue, who makes the decision to vaccinate the herd in a way that is designed to save money, in fact whose primary aim is to save money? You cannot say taht the health of the herd is the primary motivation, since the risk of side effects are tripled. Who is the woman that made this cost saving proposal, and even more importantly, which company offered it, what are they making out of it - these are the important facts, since everyone save the rich is being corralled into taking this poison.

You're Switzerland!
While most people think you're sort of stuck up, it's really just that people don't interest you that much.  That's why you'd rather just stay out of everything and be as neutral as possible.  Somewhere in there is an ability to be a psychiatrist because you're so objective, but you might just be too cold for that.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid

Bring on the Alpen Horns!!!!! Yoooooooooo Looooooooooo Looooooo Loooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

You're France!
Most people think you're snobby, but it's really just that you're better than everyone else.  At least you're more loyal to the real language, the fine arts, and the fine wines than anyone else.  You aren't worth beans in a fight, unless you're really short, but you're so good at other things that it usually doesn't matter.  Some of your finest works were intended to be short-term projects.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid

Saturday, February 21, 2004

eventually enter the dark beyond of its own sewer outlet not so here my old frend, for our writing starts in heaven, and after one week, it should, by your rule, only reach the edge of Andromeda.
hmmmm "who knows what will happen next?" Next week, its "Exquisite Blog Corpse" week at BLOGDIAL, where:
each post must follow on from the last lines of the previous post, each post must be at least 250 words long, each post must have a picture, no consecutive posts from the same poster.
Can you handle it?
Diggers. Wiggers. Irizzos. who knows what will happen?! Why dont you simply ASK?
actually, i don't have 500+ words of thought on that particular topic. i'll pick another to address soon. maybe i'll talk about diggers. who knows what will happen?!
Dear Friend, I don't usually forward email campaigns to my friends, but I think this one deserves our attention. As you probably know, Ralph Nader is considering running for president again in 2004. Like millions of Americans, I am disturbed that Nader may again cost the Democrats the election, and once again tip the balance in our closely divided nation to George Bush. Nader says he will make up his mind in the next few weeks. The link below will take you to a message about Nader's potential candidacy and a simple step you can take right now to oppose such a run. Come watch Ralph Don't Run: I hope you'll consider joining this effort, Sincerely, P.S. This is a grassroots campaign that depends entirely on recipients like us forwarding the message to supportive friends. Once you see the site, if you're so inclined, please pass this along as broadly as possible.
Planting a GM future As a geneticist-bioethicist with no links to the GM food industry, I am heartened that the commercial planting of GM maize is to be permitted (Letters, February 20). The alteration of genetic sequences has been carried out for millennia by agriculturalists using selective breeding. GM technology simply offers a more efficient means to alter genetic sequences, thus providing an enhanced means for improving food. Moreover, neither evidence nor logic supports the supposed health risks of GM food disingenuously alleged by opponents of the technology. Indeed, millions of consumers in the US and elsewhere have been eating GM food on a large scale for several years, with no negative health effects. Of course, some individuals are allergic to particular GM foods ? but food allergies are not restricted to GM foods, nor do allergies occur at a higher level with GM foods than with "natural" foods. Indeed, it is ironic that GM technology offers the means to remove known natural allergens from crop plants. Biotechnology is one of the few growth sectors within our beleaguered industrial economy. Had the government listened to the anti-GM propaganda and prohibited the commercial planting of GM crops, the country would not only have taken a step backwards in terms of scientific progress, but such prohibition it would also have jeopardised the UK's future as a hi-tech industrial economy. We ought to ignore the shrill voices of the anti- science Luddites and embrace GM technology. Kevin Smith Dundee *************************************************************** Thats from The Guardian's "Letters" section. Hmmmm. Where to start. How about at the beginning? As a geneticist-bioethicist with no links to the GM food industry It is irrelevant that you have no connections with the GM food industry. Your vested interest lies in your scandalous and poison releasing chosen career. If these plants are legalized, you might get the chance to practice your evil...and get PAID. That is the REAL reason you are "heartened" by this bad news. The alteration of genetic sequences has been carried out for millennia by agriculturalists using selective breeding. Selective breeding is a slow and NATURAL process; in other words, the genes combine through the force of nature, and not via manmade cutting and slicing at the molecular level. more efficient means to alter genetic sequences, thus providing an enhanced means for improving food. That is utter and complete bollocks. Do you know how a "more efficient means to alter genetic sequence" is done? They take genetic material, put it in a Petri dish, and then expose the contents to ionizing radiation, which damages the exposed material at the molecular level. The kook^H^H^H^H scientists then try and grow something from the results of this scattergun technique. When something grows, they try and find out what its characteristics are and what it?s good for, if anything. This is as far from genetic alteration through selective breeding as you can get. Selective breeding produces strains that are natural and that exhibit traits that are desirable (if that?s what you are breeding for; some selective breeding produces this kind of thing) and more or less predictable. It is not dangerous. There are no ill effects to the environment from cross pollination...its slow, and that?s what the companies cannot bear; to have to do the hard work of breeding many generations of plants to get a desired strain. They want profits NOW, and nature doesn?t work on a NOW basis. neither evidence nor logic supports the supposed health risks of GM food disingenuously alleged Of course, some individuals are allergic to particular GM foods You contradict yourself in the same paragraph. There is nothing wrong with being self contradictory, but there is everything wrong with it when your work is going to be released into the environment. The UK has the highest levels of Allergies in Europe. This has only been the case recently. Obviously something is terribly wrong with the modern environment (taking as given that the human population has not changed into ...something else in the intervening years. But I have already spoken about THAT have I not? :] ) To deliberately add these new, known allergens into the food chain is totally INSANE. offers the means to remove known natural allergens from crop plants. You can?t do that. You dont know how to do that. And more to the point, we have to find out WHY people are more allergic today than they were in the 1950's before we start releasing GM plants into the environment to solve a problem that is being caused by who knows what. industrial economy scientific progress hi-tech industrial economy Bullshit bullshit bullshit. Money is your God. Go back to university and re-train as a space engineer - that?s what the UK needs more of. Scientific Progress, and any kind of progress is not measured by a blinkered elite of salary addicts, and a "high-tech industrial economy" does not mean one that HAS to include the work of your particular specialty. This all boils down one thing; to whom does the environment belong? If I own a farm, should my neighbor be allowed to plant something that will poison and destroy the value of my crops? If this was in any way a fair country, anyone?s plants that were shown to be contaminated by cross pollination would be able to sue the manufacturers of GM plants, and their neighbors for the losses. If the Biotech garbage makers knew that they could be put out of business by a torrent of lawsuits resulting from proven contamination claims, they would never have released even the test plants into the environment, never mind full scale production. And of course, no farmer would take the risk of being sued if he knew that cross pollination was bound to happen. GM would be a non starter, at least in a country with a fair legal system. The Environment must belong to everyone collectively, otherwise, Mosanto and the other companies staffed with insane, 100% ego personality scientists would be able to alter all life forever, and we the chattel, will have no choice but to literally eat it. People like this ?Kevin Smith? if that is his real name, are, literally, the problem. Their blind belief in the God of money and science puts them on a pedestal above all other people and above all morality and responsibility. Only they are right, only their view of nature and the world is correct, and you will EAT what they give you to eat or you are a an anti science screeching Luddite. I am more than happy to break the following news to these people; the environment belongs to everyone equally, an no company, no single person has the right to permanently alter the environment for the sake of an experiment or the almighty dollar. If it is found later that you and your colleagues are in error, and that your work has damaged the environment, I guarantee you that you will, along with your corporate masters, be hauled into court in the Hague, where you will all face charges of crimes against humanity. You will not be able to claim that you were just following orders, or that you were doing what you thought was the right thing. You will be found guilty, and you will deserve your sentence, because you were warned not to release these organisms into the environment, but decided to do so anyway, to keep up with the joneses and to retain your salaries. Die you pigs DIE!
Yes yes Ken, but what do you THINK about those e-necking veil-dropping irizzos? No less than 500 words. : Iranian Youth Challenge Strict Islamic Code

Friday, February 20, 2004

Laumann, Edward O.: The Sexual Organization of the City
"the rightwing internet hooligan Matt Drudge",3604,1151093,00.html
Microsoft today released a critical update to remove "unacceptable symbols" from Bookshelf Symbol 7 font. Just 58-odd years after the Red Army hoisted its standard on the roof of the Reichstag on 30 April 1945, effectively ending the European war, MS has finally flushed the swastika from its last hiding place - an otherwise innocent font shipped with Office 2003. [...] ???!!!
TERMINATED. The great minds thinking alike!

Toward Universal Surveillance

Last month the Supreme Court let stand the Justice Department's right to secretly arrest non-citizen residents. Combined with the government's power to designate foreign prisoners of war as "enemy combatants" in order to ignore international treaties regulating their incarceration, and their power to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without charge or access to an attorney, the United States is looking more and more like a police state. Since 9/11, the Justice Department has asked for, and largely received, additional powers that allow it to perform an unprecedented amount of surveillance of American citizens and visitors. The USA PATRIOT Act, passed in haste after 9/11, started the ball rolling. In December, a provision slipped into an appropriations bill allowing the FBI to obtain personal financial information from banks, insurance companies, travel agencies, real estate agents, stockbrokers, the U.S. Postal Service, jewelry stores, casinos, and car dealerships without a warrant -- because they're all construed as financial institutions. Starting this year, the U.S. government is photographing and fingerprinting foreign visitors into this country from all but 27 other countries. The litany continues. CAPPS-II, the government's vast computerized system for probing the backgrounds of all passengers boarding flights, will be fielded this year. Total Information Awareness, a program that would link diverse databases and allow the FBI to collate information on all Americans, was halted at the federal level after a huge public outcry, but is continuing at a state level with federal funding. Over New Year's, the FBI collected the names of 260,000 people staying at Las Vegas hotels. More and more, at every level of society, the "Big Brother is Watching You" style of total surveillance is slowly becoming a reality. Security is a trade off. It makes no sense to ask whether a particular security system is effective or not -- otherwise you'd all be wearing bulletproof vests and staying immured in your home. The proper question to ask is whether the trade-off is worth it. Is the level of security gained worth the costs, whether in money, in liberties, in privacy, or in convenience? This is a personal decision, and one greatly influenced by the situation. For most of us, bulletproof vests are not worth the cost and inconvenience. For some of us, home burglar alarm systems are. And most of us lock our doors at night. Terrorism is no different. We need to weigh each security countermeasure. Is the additional security against the risks worth the costs? Are there smarter things we can be spending our money on? How does the risk of terrorism compare with the risks in other aspects of our lives: automobile accidents, domestic violence, industrial pollution, and so on? Are there costs that are just too expensive for us to bear? Unfortunately, it's rare to hear this level of informed debate. Few people remind us how minor the terrorist threat really is. Rarely do we discuss how little identification has to do with security, and how broad surveillance of everyone doesn't really prevent terrorism. And where's the debate about what's more important: the freedoms and liberties that have made America great or some temporary security? Instead, the DOJ (fueled by a strong police mentality inside the Administration) is directing our nation's political changes in response to 9/11. And it's making trade-offs from its own subjective perspective: trade-offs that benefit it even if they are to the detriment of others. From the point of view of the DOJ, judicial oversight is unnecessary and unwarranted; doing away with it is a better trade off. They think collecting information on everyone is a good idea, because they are less concerned with the loss of privacy and liberty. Expensive surveillance and data mining systems are a good trade-off for them because more budget means even more power. And from their perspective, secrecy is better than openness; if the police are absolutely trustworthy, then there's nothing to be gained from a public process. If you put the police in charge of security, the trade-offs they make result in measures that resemble a police state. This is wrong. The trade-offs are larger than the FBI or the DOJ. Just as a company would never put a single department in charge of its own budget, someone above the narrow perspective of the DOJ needs to be balancing the country's needs and making decisions about these security trade-offs. The laws limiting police power were put in place to protect us from police abuse. Privacy protects us from threats by government, corporations, and individuals. And the greatest strength of our nation comes from our freedoms, our openness, our liberties, and our system of justice. Ben Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Since 9/11 Americans have squandered an enormous amount of liberty, and we didn't even get any temporary safety in return. by Bruce Schneier This essay originally appeared on CNet:

H5N1 vaccine strain in a week

Using reverse genetics, WHO thinks a prototype bird flu strain likely to be ready in a week | By Robert Walgate GENEVA?A prototype vaccine strain of the H5N1 flu virus causing havoc in Asia will probably be ready next week, John Wood of the UK National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) told The Scientist today (January 29). However, months of other hurdles remain before it may be ready for public health use. As leaders of the countries worst hit by the avian flu met in Bangkok at an emergency summit on Wednesday (January 28), World Health Organization (WHO) labs were working to formulate a vaccine against the virus. The H5N1 virus kills chicken eggs, the normal medium for growing flu vaccine viruses, so the WHO laboratories are using reverse genetics to lower the pathogenicity of the virus to chickens and to get a high yield in the egg cultures, said Klaus St?hr, project leader of the influenza surveillance and scientific groups for the H5N1 outbreak team. Reverse genetics also cuts down the normal time required for flu vaccine production. [...]
Mr Skolnick is the second US national to be fined for "disrespecting police" since Brazil began photographing and fingerprinting US citizens in January. [...]
I tried to search for this with google.....This is the faked photo of Kerry and "Hanoi" Jane Fonda, created by a dirty tricks office somewhere.
Submission to the Citizenship & Immigration Committee of the Canadian Parliament National Identity Cards October 4, 2003

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Meet Dudley Hiibel. He's a 59 year old cowboy who owns a small ranch outside of Winnemucca, Nevada. He lives a simple life, but he's his own man. You probably never would have heard of Dudley Hiibel if it weren't for his belief in the U.S. Constitution. One balmy May evening back in 2000, Dudley was standing around minding his own business when all of a sudden, a policeman pulled-up and demanded that Dudley produce his ID. Dudley, having done nothing wrong, declined. He was arrested and charged with "failure to cooperate" for refusing to show ID on demand. And it's all on video. On the 22nd of March 2004, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether Dudley and the rest of us live in a free society, or in a country where we must show "the papers" whenever a cop demands them. [...] At last!
See / get it and others by Paul Griffiths here.
Well? What are you waiting for? HOWARD!!!!
Hi, We noticed you linked to a story about the Grey Album. It seems like copies of the Grey Album are definitely making their way to people who want them, but we thought it was vitally important that we *insist* on sample-based musicians' right to create, and on the public's right to hear the amazing music they make. EMI wasn't just trying to stop DJ DM from selling the album, they sent cease and desist letters to some websites that were making it available for free. EMI acted to stop people from hearing this piece of fun and inventive music, and that's just not right. So we're organizing an online-protest of sorts--called "Grey Tuesday"--to take a stand and pretend, even if only for 24 hours, that we don't live in a culture where the legal environment ensnares musicians. The idea is that this Tuesday, February 24th, as many sites as possible mirror the Grey Album and/or turn their page "grayscale" (i.e. no color) for the day. We're also calling for people connected to independent radio stations (college, commercial, internet) to get the entire Grey Album played at some point on Tuesday (possibly along with the Beatles and Jay-Z sources). We've been pretty successful so far with our attempts to provoke debate about sampling and copyright. Check out this article from Wired that we got going:,1412,62276,00.html?tw=wn_story_page_prev2 or have a look at our press page: We're pretty confident that, if there's a reasonable level of participation, we can translate this "online event" into some serious coverage in mainstream press that tons of regular people will read. And what regular people think about sampling and copyright matters, especially when the future of the music industry is almost entirely up for grabs. So please, check it out: and email us to join:
The Tragically Hip Replacements ouch
Kunsthaus Graz Has anyone been to this museum?
Barrie, I love The Hip too, many fond memories. They were amazing live, both for their performance, and for what they would do to the audience. It was incredible to see a mass of people dance and sing together. Every single lyric, in time, with passion.
INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.
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Conscious self
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ESFP - "Entertainer". Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous. 8.5% of the total population.
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Mastering Regular Expressions
However, the government is equally clear in its view that any ban on the crops would be "the easy way out" and would be "an irrational way for the government to proceed" in the light of its desire to back and encourage UK science. An easy way out of what exactly? Bad journalists dont ask this type of question. If they want to back UK science, they should pump money into getting bases on the Moon where they can try out all of these experiments in complete isolation. Yes I'm serious. What is irrational is to release something into the environment that cannot be later withdrawn. Like the problem of imported bees taking over hives in South America. Once you let something like this out, its impossible to recall it. That example is perfect for this situation btw, because it the bee that will be spreading genetically modified pollen to organic crops and spoling them forever, making this part of the article completely absurd:
The government's suggestion that it may offer a compromise of allowing GM-free zones will also be of interest to the more than 40 regions, including Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and the Lake District national parks authority, which have made moves to declare themselves GM free.
Pollen carrying insects make this idea unworkable. The only way you could ensure that an area was "GM Free" would be to put it in a hermitically sealed dome, cut off from the rest of the environment. That is "not going to happen". Only a very stupid person would sanction an irrevocable act like allowing the mass cultivation of GM crops. Ah yes, "the explanation". The leaked documents also reveal that the government has not yet given up hope of swinging the public round in favour of the crops. "Opposition might eventually be worn down by solid, authoritative scientific argument." Worn down. Not swung, but worn down. Anyone who supports these people is insane.
You are Bavarian
You are a Bavarian.

What's your Inner European?
brought to you by Quizilla
I have been reading about Teresa Kerry. Wow, she sounds fascinating. I can't help but draw lines between the image of Jane Fonda and the image of Teresa Kerry. How interesting.
Processing 1.0 _ALPHA_

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

McLUHAN: Before the invention of the phonetic alphabet, man lived in a world where all the senses were balanced and simultaneous, a closed world of tribal depth and resonance, an oral culture structured by a dominant auditory sense of life. The ear, as opposed to the cool and neutral eye, is sensitive, hyperaesthetic and all-inclusive, and contributes to the seamless web of tribal kinship and interdependence in which all members of the group existed in harmony. The primary medium of communication was speech, and thus no man knew appreciably more or less than any other -- which meant that there was little individualism and specialization, the hallmarks of "civilized" Western man. Tribal cultures even today simply cannot comprehend the concept of the individual or of the separate and independent citizen. Oral cultures act and react simultaneously, whereas the capacity to act without reacting, without involvement, is the special gift of "detached" literate man. Another basic characteristic distinguishing tribal man from his literate successors is that he lived in a world of acoustic space, which gave him a radically different concept of time-space relationships. PLAYBOY: What do you mean by "acoustic space"? McLUHAN: I mean space that has no center and no margin, unlike strictly visual space, which is an extension and intensification of the eye. Acoustic space is organic and integral, perceived through the simultaneous interplay of all the senses; whereas "rational" or pictorial space is uniform, sequential and continuous and creates a closed world with none of the rich resonance of the tribal echoland. Our own Western time-space concepts derive from the environment created by the discovery of phonetic writing, as does our entire concept of Western civilization. The man of the tribal world led a complex, kaleidoscopic life precisely because the ear, unlike the eye, cannot be focused and is synaesthetic rather than analytical and linear. Speech is an utterance, or more precisely, an outering, of all our senses at once; the auditory field is simultaneous, the visual successive. The models of life of nonliterate people were implicit, simultaneous and discontinuous, and also far richer than those of literate man. By their dependence on the spoken word for information, people were drawn together into a tribal mesh; and since the spoken word is more emotionally laden than the written -- conveying by intonation such rich emotions as anger, joy, sorrow, fear -- tribal man was more spontaneous and passionately volatile. Audile-tactile tribal man partook of the collective unconscious, lived in a magical integral world patterned by myth and ritual, its values divine and unchallenged, whereas literate or visual man creates an environment that is strongly fragmented, individualistic, explicit, logical, specialized and detached.
Gangsta Bitch!
You're Gangsta Bitch Barbie. You're tough and you
like it rough, and of course you like to pop a
cap in any wiggers ass.

If You Were A Barbie, Which Messed Up Version Would You Be?
brought to you by Quizilla You better not step to these, REAL motherfucking Gs! emoticon: / ={ }= \

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Robert Tinney; a great artist, with a wonderful ability to illustrate complex ideas:
Bad weather causes bad moods. Talk. Keep schtum. Type.
* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * !!!!!!!IF YOU CHANGE TABS TO SPACES, YOU WILL BE KILLED!!!!!!! * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!DOING SO FUCKS THE BUILD PROCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 16, 2004

meau meau, I found a background story for your post: Satellite Piracy: Government of Canada to Propose Legislative Amendments "Satellite piracy is an illegal activity that strikes directly at the integrity and competitiveness of the Canadian broadcasting system and the industry's ability to offer new, innovative services to Canadians," said Minister Rock. "The Radiocommunication Act must be strengthened to better deter pirate dealers who view current penalties as merely an acceptable cost of doing business. We are drafting these changes in order to protect the jobs supported and investments made by the broadcasting industry, which have evolved to provide more competition and choice for consumers." Lest we forget, the gov't has a vested interest here: CBC. "With this action, the government is simply moving to prevent the erosion of our broadcasting system," said Minister�Copps. "The illegal activities of satellite pirates take millions of dollars out of the broadcast industry each year, and that means less funding for Canadian producers, writers, artists, camerapersons, technicians and other tradespeople who work on sets. Satellite piracy is not a victimless crime. Jobs are at stake." Which i would understand if everyone was pirating Canadian broadcasts, but who is clamouring to do that? Instead of shutting it down, what if they studied what was being consumed, and made agreements with those providers to open up access? The quality of Canadian productions would probably improve as a result. But I think there is also a fear of the broadcasting industry being overwhelmed by american players, much like the independent film industry is being overwhelmed. But notice in the last paragraph, they speak all about choice, but nothing about quality. Your Legal Options In Canada, the two companies licensed by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission to provide direct-to-home services are Star�Choice, owned by Shaw Communications Inc., and Bell�ExpressVu, owned by Bell Canada Enterprises Inc. Consumers have hundreds of channels to choose from, including dozens of pay-per-view channels, local signals, Canadian news, weather and sports, and dozens of Canadian, American, and foreign pay television and specialty channels. Canadians have lots of choice without having to steal.
The Kingdom of Silence
sorry for the double-post.
Microsoft Internet Explorer Integer Overflow in Processing Bitmap Files Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code The author states that this flaw was found by reviewing the recently leaked Microsoft Windows source code. The flaw reportedly resides in 'win2k/private/inet/mshtml/src/site/download/imgbmp.cxx'. Astonishing, that was FAST. Of course, this is a flaw that someone was kind enough to point out to the public; who knows how many other sploits are being crafted and traded around right now?!
In fact, as long as your baby receives your milk, he will receive immunological protection against many different viruses and bacteria. I understand also that if your baby catches a cold while you are breastfeeding, your body will automatically start producing antibodies to fight the virus. I love this.
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Diamond star thrills astronomers
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | EMI blocks remix of Beatles album
I heard a very interesting thing today. Muslims who have just given birth do not allow a newborn baby to drink its mothers colostrum. They deny the baby colostrum because they believe it to be unclean. Instead, they give the newborn baby sugared water in a bottle instead of colostrum. Once the milk comes in, they then allow the baby to nurse. Sugared water. Vive la difference!
crude oil is an has living, active intelligence. its raison d'etre is tobe burnt in a combustion engine.crude oil humans as a means of facilitating this. the people who are best at getting them out of the ground and into cumbustion engines are rewarded with great riches. those who try and resist this process are restrained. anyone inventing an alternative means of propulsion, like a car tha runs on water is killed. oil is intelligent, living, thinking and scheming.
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "" Oven=350?F 1 teaspoon 2 1/2 cups Perfect HTML. CSS. Imperial weights and measures. Delicioius wares...... Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I keel you. Dont you wish that Spirit had a simple crowbar so that it could filp over some of these rocks? Thats where all the bugs live!

Sunday, February 15, 2004

The Recipe
------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have received this message from the "FIPR Alert" mailing list run by the Foundation for Information Policy Research ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civil rights campaigners have expressed concerns about the new smart travelcards introduced for London commuters. Under the new system, Transport for London will be able to track a commuter's movements and it plans to retain information on journeys made for "a number of years" Each card has a unique ID number linked to the registered owner's name, which is recorded together with the location and time of the exchange every time the card is used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have received this message from the "FIPR Alert" mailing list run by the Foundation for Information Policy Research

Saturday, February 14, 2004

The hearts you display, cookies Valentine feeling Now I must keel you poster A valentines haiku for "the pancake torturer". You know who you are!
On February 9, 2004, the Local 802 Chapter of the American Federation of Musicians announced what they described as an "historic joint agreement ... banning the use of the virtual orchestra machine (sic)" in all future productions of the Opera Company of Brooklyn" [...]
drexciya's lair
nka Essenhigh (American, born 1970). Deluge, 1998. Oil enamel on canvas, 72 x 72" (182.9 x 182.9 cm.). Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery. Sarah Norton Goodyear Fund, 1998. In an age of satellite TV, the Internet, and global positioning systems, even artistic media are increasingly giving way to the high-tech. In this epoch, what is the role of painting? [...] This site was found on following weblogs, on the given date: February 14, 2004 DJ Danger Mouse's Grey Album � track this weblog 7:14 AM Illegal Art � track this weblog 6:27 AM The Grey Album � track this weblog 6:27 AM here � track this weblog 5:47 AM look � track this weblog 5:38 AM � track this weblog 5:13 AM Illegal Art � track this weblog 4:59 AM Link � track this weblog 4:59 AM Link � track this weblog 4:27 AM grey album � track this weblog 4:22 AM Grey Album - DJ Danger Mouse � track this weblog 4:02 AM February 13, 2004 The Grey Album � track this weblog 11:32 PM Grey Album � track this weblog 10:32 PM Illegal Art � track this weblog 10:11 PM the whole darn album posted online in mp3 format � track this weblog 8:42 PM The Grey Album � track this weblog 5:32 PM gives it away for free � track this weblog 2:33 PM download a copy � track this weblog 2:06 PM Illegal Art � track this weblog 2:06 PM Grey Album � track this weblog 12:32 PM Link � track this weblog 11:57 AM Link � track this weblog 10:34 AM The Grey Album � track this weblog 10:32 AM DJ Danger Mouse: The Grey Album � track this weblog 8:41 AM Jay-Z + the Beatles = You decide � track this weblog 8:04 AM Illegal Art have Danger Mouse's already infamous Grey Album for download. � track this weblog 7:32 AM The Grey Album � track this weblog 6:44 AM The Grey Album � track this weblog 6:38 AM h to the iz-o, v to the iz-a � track this weblog 6:36 AM Illegal Art � track this weblog 5:24 AM [...] Now, when we say "We are the best��" we mean it. And we have the proof. Look at all the links pointing to The Grey Album; which one is the best, and where did it come from? It came from HERE and KEN posted it. BOOM!
Grimpoteuthis sp., PISCES V dive P5-253. Swimming with strong fin strokes.
h to the iz-o, v to the iz-a Utterly, absolutely, completely, to the last second, priceless. "99 Problems" is a classic. The audacity, the technique; this is true, pure hip-hop, as it was practiced, "cut up music", beyond the edge, flagrant, perfect, infectious, and astoundingly, the rap and cut up music balance each other to the milligram. Its rough, feels improvised, scratched, loose.... Dangermouse; "he has ears"!

Thursday, February 12, 2004



by Barry Chamish In the first week of February 2004, two related incidents occurred in Israel and America. Prime Minister Sharon announced his decision to evacuate the Jewish residents of Gaza and John Kerry won enough primaries to just about settle the issue of who will be the Democratic Party candidate in the upcoming American elections. Here are a few less than publicized facts about Kerry: - He is a graduate, like both President Bushes, of the occultic Yale University cabal, the Skull And Bones Society. So whoever Americans vote for, they get the same secret society determining their lives. - Kerry, like Howard Dean, Wesley Clark and Joe Leiberman are all members of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR). So whoever Americans choose to be the Democratic candidate, they will get the same CFR agenda. - The well publicized CFR agenda insists on Israel withdrawing from Gaza, Judea and Samaria and half of Jerusalem, making Israel unviable as a state. To that end, like Dean before him, Kerry has promised to appoint Jimmy Carter (CFR) or Bill Clinton (CFR) as his administration's Middle East advisor. - Not that Kerry will receive any new advice from either of them, since his campaign manager is Alan Solomant, an executive of Peace Now - America. - Kerry is being protected from exposure of the ugly crime of participating in a massacre in Viet Nam. - But as his prominence grew, so did the investigation of his past. And what did we recently discover; why Kerry is Jewish on his father's side. Somehow, he forgot the fact that his grandparents were prominent Jewish business people in Prague and that his father is 100% Jewish. Ask yourself, do you know anyone who doesn't know his father's religious background? As rare as it must be, that affliction runs rampant in CFR circles. Former CFR Secretary-of-State Madeleine Albright also forget that both her parents were Jews, even though she was raised in the Jewish home of her relatives in London. If you don't feel like voting Kerry, there is Wesley Clark waiting in the wings. Uncannily, he is also a CFR member who only discovered his father was Jewish while he was burning Bosnia to ashes. Now how come, no matter which Democrat you choose, you get a CFR half-Jew who forgot all about it? The answer is found in the Sabbatean (also Shabbataian and similar spellings) policy of having their Jewish apostate followers converting and hiding their roots and beliefs. Allow me to quickly summarize Sabbateanism/Frankism: In my previous article, The Deutsch Devils, I revealed the findings of Rabbi Antelman in his books To Eliminate The Opiate Volumes I and II. His focus is the false messiah Shabtai Zvi, and the continuation of his evil ministry through the Turkish sect called the Donmeh. In the eighteenth century, Jacob Frank brought the Donmeh ideology to Europe and joined a fateful alliance. This was described in the article as: Frankfurt at the time was the headquarters of the Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, as well as Rothschild Brothers' financial empire. This is worth repeating: Frankfurt was the birthplace of both the Illuminati and the Rothschild empire. When Jacob Frank entered the city, the alliance between the two had already begun. Weishaupt provided the conspiratorial resources of the Jesuit Order, while the Rothschilds contributed the money. What was missing was a means to spread the agenda of the Illuminati and that the Frankists added with their network of agents throughout the Christian and Islamic worlds. Jacob Frank became instantly wealthy because he was given a nice handout by the Rothschilds of Frankfurt. There is no other explanation. And from this starting point, Rabbi Antelman gave us a blueprint for the war against Judaism and all its good, and indeed against humanity and all its moral treasures. A movement of complete evil now took hold. The Jesuits' goal was the destruction of the Protestant Reformation leading to a return of one pope sitting in judgement on all mankind. The Rothschilds goal was to control the wealth of the planet. And the Frankist vision was the destruction of Jewish ethics to be replaced by a religion based on the exact opposite of God's intentions. When these factions blended, a bloody war against humanity, with the Jews on the front lines, erupted and it is reaching its very pinnacle at this moment. Rabbi Antelman traces the means of the worldwide reach of this ugliness. By the 1770s, the Illuminati was exposed and banned in Germany and then throughout Europe. Weishaupt made a strategic change that worked miracles for the international spread of his goals. He infiltrated agents into the Freemasonic lodges of England and Scotland, changing their highest tenets to his own, until every lodge in every nation accepted them. Thus, the Illuminati now had two centers of activity, Germany and Britain. ** A Visit To A Publisher Before diving into the proofs that Israel is being set up for another Sabbatean Holocaust, permit me the liberty of explaining the inspiration for this piece. On February 1/04 I visited Gefen Books in Jerusalem to pick up some copies of my Hebrew book, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin and David Morrison's book, Lies - The Rabin Assassination And Israel's Secret Service. Dr. Morrison's book has made a powerful case for a conspiracy behind the Rabin assassination. One of the favors he did for me was, as a psychiatric doctor, confirming that my analysis of Rabin's medical records was the correct one. Though I had met him just once, he has aided my cause enormously. That time I met him was in my home when he and Gefen publisher, Ilan Greenfield arrived to hear me out and decide whether to publish a Hebrew edition of my Rabin book, or not. Ilan told me something I didn't know. "If it wasn't for David, I would never have published your book. I left your place and told him you were coocoo. He answered that if I didn't publish your book, he'd never talk to me again. As a psychiatrist he watched you carefully and concluded you were totally sane. He told me, "He thinks differently than us, that's why he can see how the truth works. That's not called crazy, it's called gifted." I told Ilan that without knowing how much I owed him, I had repaid David many times over by reviewing Lies in my book, The Last Days Of Israel, and by selling lots of copies of the book in Hebrew and English at my lectures. Ilan's eyes lit up and he said, "Do you know we published two other books by him? Maybe you could promote them as well." He then showed me the books. He chose to display the newest book first. It is called, The Gush, and it is very relevant to today's impending withdrawal from Gush Katif. This book tells the human story of the Jewish residents of Gush Etzion, also secretly on the chopping block no matter what Sharon says. It was a nice book, I told Ilan, but my readers expect deep information from me. Then he showed me the other Morrison book, Heroes, Antiheroes And The Holocaust. I struck gold. David Morrison's book on the secrets of the Holocaust stands with Perfidy, The Transfer Agreement and The Scared And The Doomed as one of the great studies of how Labor Zionism prevented the rescue of European Jewry. Morrison doesn't see this as policy but you will with the knowledge we have gained together. Morrison doesn't realize that he is reporting a Sabbatean massacre, yet he instinctively writes about the Young Turks. We begin and end our overview with that subject. I will add my comments beginning and ending with two stars **. ** The First Sabbatean Holocaust - The Dry Run ** pp 48 - The Young Turks who led the 1908 revolution were Turkish nationalists and established secular institutions, overthrowing the religious Moslem order. They viewed Armenians as a direct threat to their revolutionary plans. The evidence is overwhelming that the massacre of the Armenians was a deliberate, planned genocide. The Young Turks allied themselves with Germany and used world War I as a cover for their slaughter of Armenians... As did the Nazis in World War II, the Turks used their intended victims as slave laborers building a trans-Turkish railway for German business interests. ** And who were these Young Turks who organized The Armenian genocide? We turn to Sabbatean Messianism as Proto-Secularism: M. Avrum Ehrlich for the answer. ** Brought to you via Shortwave. Wow!
another valentine's day gift xo ken
but it's never really been accomplished or finished right What what what??!! Can you say, "Hip House"? "Those who...history are doomed to repeat it" Ill leave you to list 10 bangin hip house tracks perfectly melding House with Hip Hop. Wow, and just after the "Tommy Hitler Youth" post! Hive mind in full effect....
i've known about this for awhile, but thought now was a good time to share: P. Diddy In The Hizzouse Music, Working On Electronic Dance LP 02.10.2004 9:05 PM EST For the past year, P. Diddy has been working on a electro-fueled dance-rap hybrid album, and he's hired some of the biggest names in independent electronic music to produce the disc. One of his main collaborators is Felix Da Housecat, who wrote 12 songs, four or five of which will make the final cut, Felix said. Other producers include Les Rythmes Digitales, Timo Maas, DJ Hell and Zoot Woman, each of whom color Diddy's world with clattering beats and delirious samples. "Puff likes that tech bangin' stuff," Felix said. "But it's not soulless and it really has a groove. It's definitely him, and it has a gangsta sound that he brings to it." While Diddy has never dabbled in European-flavored electronic dance music before, he came into the project with no lack of knowledge. He's listened to loads of underground records and has attended electronic music festivals, including the Winter Music Conference in Miami, where last year he studied up on the numerous hot DJs, noting what he liked and what he didn't. "He knows cheese from credible, which really shocked me," Felix said. "He wants straight, edgy music. The beats are really stripped-down and raw, and he's totally into it. We were in Ibiza together, and when I played, he jumped on the stage and there were like 5,000 people going crazy to this bangin' stuff I was playing. He's seeing that, and he's like, 'Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is where I want to take it.' " But while much of the still-untitled album will be upbeat and frantic, Felix said there'll also be some emotive, down-tempo numbers. Diddy likely will bring a number of guest singers into his studio in the coming weeks, but he's also doing vocals himself, and it's not what his fans are used to hearing from the rap Renaissance man. "It's sort of like rapping, but it's so hard to explain," Felix said. "It's definitely capturing his personality and his vibe in dance, so he's not changing himself. He says, 'I want something sexy and gangsta,' so that's what we did." Felix tested one of the songs, "Jack You," in front of 25,000 people at the Big Day Out festival in Australia. Diddy played it in a much smaller club, and both were pleased by the response. "I think 'cuz our worlds are so different, we're able to create some really great stuff," Felix said. "People have tried to merge dance music with hip-hop, but it's never really been accomplished or finished right. That was definitely the biggest test for me." ?Jon Wiederhorn

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Insect Fossil Is Declared World's Oldest
It was the aura of exclusivity Matter VS anti-matter. Blogdial excludes, it is not exclusive. We winnow. We reap. We eat deceit. "I wouldn't want to be a member of a club that didn't..." Its not the buscuts (yes buscuts) its the BEER. Data Mining...Someone put somones postcode into someones data miner. But its OK now, because he was keel(ed)[hauled] for good measure. "This will be a lesson for your life" "Its a bit too late for that Dr. Smith!" "If anybody in this, in the Security Council thinks...." "Thumb me five bucks will ya pal?" "What do you guys want?" "Not only have you never heard of Divine...." "First, you take the ones that are only fit for garbage detail, then you take the ones who can think, but who cant act, and then..." "We'll be listening." "*Click*" "I'm a victim of the shows that I watch!" "Its a paralell universe, where everything is the same, only different." "Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone! Simone!" "Simone..............Simone..............Simone..............Simone..............Simone..............Simone.............. Simone..............Simone..............Simone..............Simone.............." "I am Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire, I own a mansion and a yaht." "First, I am going to apply for a Wwrit of Hhabeas corpus, then a Writ of Execution, a Writ of Attachment, and finally a writ of diem clausit." "Boy, you must think that my case needs alot of work!" "No, I just like putting on the writs." "Your mileage may vary" "Subject to change without notice" "Your rigts (yes rigts) remain unnafected"
"If you've been thru the Orkut registration process, you know that it attempts to collect a ton of data about you. The kind of demographic data that marketing folks drool over. And right now there are lots of folks dying to get that special invite and begin the sign-up process," he wrote here last week. Orkut's cookie now nests cosily alongside Google's cookie, set to expire in 2038, which in itself suggests that Google plans to be in the data mining business for a very long time. However it's the cloning of the notorious MSN Passport conditions that strikes us as a fascinating comparison in trust.These days, you only have to tell people you'll do no evil and they'll believe you. Don't you love the way that Privacy Policy fades into view, just as your privacy fades out of sight? [...] Its a great strategy for getting people to sign up; tell them they cant. People are gagging to get in, (like the people queueing up to see the Egress) and as this happens, Google builds up the mot impressive six degrees of separation database ever, becaue only people who are in can invite new people. Eventually, everyone everywhere with a connection will sign up since everyone is connected to everyone...if you see what I mean. What is astonishing is that the wave of introductions and the aura of exclusivity guarantees a high level of uptake. Breathtakingly brilliant. Imagine the maps that they will be able to draw with this data; a genetic tree of who knows who on the entire internet. Then imagine if they can correlate your ip or other address with your Orkut membership. Lets not forget, Google gives data to the CIA.

Pundit O'Reilly Now Skeptical About Bush

By REUTERS Filed at 9:25 a.m. ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative television news anchor Bill O'Reilly said on Tuesday he was now skeptical about the Bush administration and apologized to viewers for supporting prewar claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The anchor of his own show on Fox News said he was sorry he gave the U.S. government the benefit of the doubt that former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's weapons program poised an imminent threat, the main reason cited for going to war. ``I was wrong. I am not pleased about it at all and I think all Americans should be concerned about this,'' O'Reilly said in an interview with ABC's ``Good Morning America.'' ``What do you want me to do, go over and kiss the camera?'' asked O'Reilly, who had promised rival ABC last year he would publicly apologize if weapons were not found. O'Reilly said he was ``much more skeptical about the Bush administration now'' since former weapons inspector David Kay said he did not think Saddam had any weapons of mass destruction. [...] New York Times Kiss the camera? A huge amount of responsibility goes with the job that he does, and the way he destroyed, lambasted and insulted anyone who thought that the illegal invasion of Iraq was wrong.....none of it can be undone. Iraq cannot be un-invaded. The unflinching, unquestioning, unthinking support for Uncle Sham from the media helped make this illegal violence take place, and Bill O.Reilly is personally and permanently responsible for shepherding American thought into this corall and morass of war. Sorry just isnt good enough. At the very least he should fire all of his researchers and get some people in his office that know how to use Google. By doing this, and finally reporting honestly, he can begin to redress the evil he helped unleash. This does not mean that he has to tone his show down, or stop insulting, destroying and humiliating his "guests". Far from it; it is possible to be morally correct and still be a brutish presenter. Morton Downey Junior is the mold from which that style of presenter was forged. Mort: what a man, what a programme!
SPACE crew spot own UFO News24 (subscription) - South Africa Moscow - The Russian-United States crew aboard the International Space Station (ISS) have noticed an unidentified object outside the orbiting craft, said space ... Google News Imagine.....theres nowhere to run!
Could you live with only 100-120 CDs? If you have a large hard drive, you can live with alot of music. Anyone that limits the amount of music they have in their home because of the form factor of a CD is insane. But you know this. You have alot of MP3s on your HD. You play them at random, and marvel at how you are pleasantly surprised hour after hour, when a piece you have not heard for years suddenly comes up, juxtaposed with something from a totally different sonic place. You also know that this experience is impossible with CDs, unless you have a CD jukebox that can hold 120 CDs. Obviously he didnt rip those 400 CDs before he got rid of them, otherwise, he would have mentioned that his experience is as the above.
The Photo that Kerry fears the most: What is most interesting to me is none of this irrelevant smear nonsense, but the fact that this image belongs to Corbis, the Bill Gates owned picture gobbling library. Do you see what I am talking about; there may come a time where every photo ever taken belongs to one company, consolidated out of the many that now control huge libraries that make up our photographic history. Im not even going start to talk about how deliberate and permanent witholding of images can be used to manipulate history, because you are all intelligent, exposed, and already know this.
I....guess "the internet"? I'm right!
What are the sources on those figures, Akin?
Dear BLOGDIALIANS, In an attempt to escape responsibility for the misleading statements that led the nation to war, President Bush has announced plans to form an independent inquiry to look into what went wrong. An inquiry would serve the Bush administration well: it would envelop the issue in a fog of uncertainty, deflect blame onto the intelligence services, and push any political damage into 2005, after the upcoming election. But the facts need no clarification. Despite repeated warnings from the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency, President Bush and his administration hyped and distorted the threat that Iraq posed. And now that reality is setting in, the President seeks to pin the blame on someone else. We can't let him. Congress has the power to censure the President -- to formally reprimand him for his betrayal of the nation's trust. If ever there was a time to use this function, it is now. Join the call for Congress to censure President Bush now at: Thanks, Ken
232 Number of American combat deaths in Iraq between May 2003 and January 2004 (from the "end of the war" until now). 88% Percentage of American citizens who will save less than $100 on their 2006 federal taxes as a result of 2003 cut in capital gains and dividends taxes. $42,000 Average savings members of Bush's cabinet are expected to enjoy this year as a result of the cuts in capital gains and dividends. 44% Percentage of Americans who believe the President's economic growth plan will mostly benefit the wealthy. $10.9 million Average wealth of the members of Bush's original 16-person cabinet. $116,000 Amount Vice-President Cheney is expected to save each year in taxes. $42,000 Median household income in the US in 2001. $100 billion Estimated cost of the war in Iraq to American citizens by the end of 2003. 1st This year's deficit is on course to be the biggest in United States history. 28 Number of days "holiday" (days off) that Bush took last August, the second longest holiday of any president in US history (Recordholder: Richard Nixon). 45% Percentage of Americans who believed in early March 2003 that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 11 Sept. attacks. 1983 The year that Donald Rumsfeld gave Saddam Hussein a pair of golden spurs. 9 Number of members of Bush's defense policy board who also sit on the corporate board of, or advise, at least one defense contractor. 1st George W. Bush became the first American president to ignore the Geneva Conventions by refusing to allow inspectors access to US-held prisoners of war. 35 Number of countries to which US has suspended military assistance after they failed to sign agreements giving Americans immunity from prosecution before the International Criminal Court. 54% Percentage of US citizens who believe Bush was legitimately elected. 80% Percentage of the Iraqi workforce that is currently unemployed. 55% Percentatge of the Iraqi workforce employed before the war. 0 Number of coffins of dead soldiers returning home from Iraq that the Bush admin. has allowed to be photographed 0 Number of funerals or memorials that president Bush has attended for soldiers killed in Iraq. 100 Number of fund-raisers attended by Bush or Vice-President Dick Cheney in 2003. 29,000 Number of American troops to have either been killed, wounded, injured or become so ill as to require evacuation from Iraq, according to the Pentagon. 501 Number of American servicemen to die in Iraq from the beginning of the war--so far. 16,000 Approximate number of Iraqis killed since the beginning of the war. 10 000 Approximate number of Iraqi civilians killed since start of war.